- ; ; "- - - : -x i . --5 -jrT--- - ... . , . .--. - - . - , - - - .im"m T . . -. . '' - - ' . . " ' ; - r rigs -- ; ' ' ' ' - ' - .- " - -. -r .. ' . . . " ij ' . -. . . . :-"JJ hoc Km-in-nr. a. n aw itiirtmnniip.. - in n unit uiht t - 11 ; J.uno v,Jl?3"v " - " - j .AL ' WB-SSiBS8 solQ u,s otQ one sTa ",uui : 1 - zWritteh by. I , Earnhardt and Webb are out shredding corn for the public. They were at RL Bangle's and Burges Cauble's. They got a fine dinner at Mr Cauble s. Prank Jackson - has sold two . He has a good 5U8 60RRESPOHDENT I Salisbaiy Reader Will Eeel Gnttfel rWra32SS5 ror mis iQisrniauon. give of si denes will bteak any case, end fSiaken then as ft tonic the Fever w5U not , : E'AITH. J R Kuvkendall has bought An antnmobile and he goes to his bales of cotton work for many miles instead of cook and houselieeper and he oing on the train. He is one is getting along fine, of-the' best stone masens in our A brother and sister in afam town; ' . - . ily here have their birthday on E P Kuykendall and wife have the same day. What family can gone to Asheville to visit Mrs beat that? Kdykendall's parents for three We took a. trip . with George or f out months. ' Park in his automobile. He is a E P Kuykendall has just fine young man and knows how Wffftt -what is known ,,as the to run his automobile to save it If your back gives out; - Becomes lame, weak or ach ing, .. : . -.v . If bladder troubles set in, Pprhftns vnnr Iri'dnor'a - a.i o "m v -i.-fi . ... j . . . ' r had ehnrfo " Jt-fiivunt to a accrue uw Doans Kidney Pills are for l hour.,; in a-special' pudmjr, N- 819, weak kidneys. old Daniel Prick farm from Pete. irintttt sirir! will buila a resi- dence out of granite on it as he can do so cheaper than wood, since he is a . stone mason and has his own granite. His bro thers are stone masons and will help him to do the stone Work free of cost. That is the way for brothers to be kind and good to each other and lend each a helping hand. Sli,.i ' ' T Jm nn.thi Kvetf better- than Ckloinel and does not gase or sjesen. k "' - . . : r Ealg Prepsny. ; yffwtu Oar m.A t s Cousvy, J S J . ' 'g f I " i:l n I 'T; five! catnr.Q'hanK l,-:Msl Local merit, MrsD evidence proves their A Holbrooks, 213 S St W. J.m-14-artt wife, Jenme ; or.es nl . va Peftrte irtuip Peeler, e up f4fre 'ir-d i om'nisiont-i 'll expose ffr in t Hu":'door, in Salisbury N, Q., Lee St., Salisburv. savs: some, taUi$y W 4 i tu Udjf oi. .hmwiibw, years ago I 4iad attacks of ium-5- bao that neartv nut me down C O Wyatt of Badin, spent Saturday night in Paith with his family. The matron with the children from, the Nazareth Orphan's Home at Crescent, were at the Beformed church here in Faith Slnndav nisrht where thev held their exercises before one of the largest aud iences. that we. have seen for a Jong time. The church was crowded to overflow and out. My back ached stantly.. Doan's Kidney were recommended to me the nour or :iwive, rifm, tuo I : knrtwa as 'the P- lor pj'Otlsers saw Pills .(...mnlra; thft srxih u-kc. be- "J7-a P -f '..,,:,. of -r- ?u brick con frien I and I bean takinsr 'them-, i t iv. Vu: t.hpr.w wi h G rnf treet They helped me at once. When j J. ce o-i5 d .e -ray back. causes me any misery ! ,-n.- . t. a s.,one ! -u. rwait'j nows luse .wiars waflejr. ? gains t a ,t v. 1 n,nd et tiromnt relmf." . sumth 1 d-'si-r-r's east- 3 cu I and iret prompt releif." Price 60c at all dealers. 2 08 eai-34fcCcita?iis' -t 1 40 chains lo ith 15 Simply ask for a kidney remedy la tor.-oM 'n.-; ihence soath io '(Jn T - .. iy. ieset 190 chains t. tn-. brgin- get Doan s Kidney Pillsthe 5 ;o;ua;? iog 1 15 -cre. Uv-vtfci8 KJ 1 i t-its mill. -ft.'Kine. asm J W Jones, wife and children, The exercises were fine and they Mrs Settie Peeler and daughter, draw great crowds wherever Pearl, and Dr and Mrs JH they go Collections were taken Peeler motored down to Char- up f or the benefit of the Orphan lotte Wednesday to see the camp home. Every body was pleased and other things. with the entertainment. W S Barsrer. wife and little t T VVvatt shiDDed a Dair of C? ' I . " U X. M. I daughter, Willette, will leave miHstones to, Georgia, Friday Sunday morning for Newton that weighed sixteen hundred where they will spend the week pounds. with Mrs Barger's sister, Mrs One of the company houses at H A Pesperman. They will Granite Quarry has been remod- make the. trip in their car and eled ftnd it is now a beautiful will visit Blowing I&ock and a residence. It is occupied by number of other places while 0ne of the boss men. there. ' Venus just received a card John Wilkorson lias a position from one little girl on route 9 out vjth thA Southern as night I from Salisburv-. She said that watchman on the yar,d in -SalU- she was 13 years old. October bury. . - 31st,' 1917. We are going to J C McGleamery raised ninety send her a little present next busheia of buck wheat from two week iust because her birthday and thre? quarter acres of land is on the same day of ours. Foster-Mil burn Buffalo, N. Y. io r, tvo c Itoii gins, ceriuln 'blo- jiill amaTatu, cJvsi?tiH ii wiww hsidlinti will bosrio ai ,$G32 e0 U This. th 29i.t h day of Oib, 1917. JOHN L. RENDLEM.vN, Ccinmifrioner . Co., Mfgrs.5; a'l;-ys, ete, aud cv pair wngo.- scales t Tiia alf ii bv reason .:f an Hvarc Hl 'plapd on sr. in proof t-v, ana, uiw SOUTH ROCKWELL. The farmers in tnis section j, are about through so wing; wheat & and oats and some have hegunjwv. tv,P ppnnsvlvama' Lumber jto plow for their spring crops. If 0j G-reerisboro; N. C , for cash G E Bost and Wife -Went to I trices forinrxedoak cross ties, in . 1: . 7 . ,- StiLtesvilie Saturdav to visit 1 eluding beech, birch and mapie, ar mA auk lumber. 10-17 4t - -r . in the United States was opened in 181(3. There were then 246 bah&s In the United S t a t e s. To d a y t h i s country is served by 27,062, banKs whose combined resources ere nearly 28 billion dollars. Thrift lias done that much in? one century . but ther e - is much greater worK for thrift to do. Help yourself by becoming inde pendent. Help the country by helping yourself One . Dollar Starts an Account I I If v 1)0.. - .. -.Mo,...wraM .. . , , , . ' - m, . 'txv v aUn ' huv white, post .or I SmmmaK - . J S . : vIf tneir sou ana aaugnter, -mom- ,v w . .- our -a nnnilft n(- ni ii t i i; u days. Vrs Ivey Hoffner visited Ja cob Beaver and wife near Or gan church.a few days last week. H E Huffman -and wife will leave today for Watauga coun ty where they were called .on Who ever can beat that trot out your farmer, Venus wants to buy about 50 pine knots. Will pay the high .$3t cash price for them. If you have only one or two bring them to Faith. Little children can mike soma money by bringing them to Venus. Willie Canup's boys have some niie fine opossums and Charley Earnhardt has some fattening, S D Davis went to Morgdnfon last Friday to see Mrs Davis. He reports her unimproved. Ths fret. -school starts here Monday. Venus wants to buy ' one thousand ; spoiled envelopes to his items in. Who . has any? " We wani to buy one big Ind ian pot for our collection. , "Who has ona? ;SW wDl buy some clear arrow points and pay a big price fo them, we are the only ones' in the United States that buys all the broken Indian arrow points. Wa bvy n'l we can get and have pVeri--bushel now. we have found a us for them and will teli any one what wo do with them if they send us six ceuts in post age stamps. Venus. Does any one else have the same birthday as ours? Mrs E.. P Gantt is some bet ter at this writing. Mrs Tom Hess is ill at this Vfnus. Tb-Tfae Farmer We will give you 461bs cf Su fnif flnur and lzlbs or bran - . fnr vnnr hnshpl of yood wheat. account of the illness of Mrsf;j HoiTman's mother, Mrs Walker, U: 3uwick ilillSns 0oif St vrrl-u-.' i o nnifo oil oiroH fr nnf h-S Wily' luiuv ttii cvu. wj.. T We carry io' gtn-k or makn t oidr auv kind of m r?d. at-v'-v-gs lithe very iati -tyks in-polid g-i.l aui vmi tee our pi -chs. W also do i he -fit . w!t: ?mk! j-wlryv repairing th.t.can bo aou uid A very j b fuily fcuaraji- V -parrv the larcepflin'e- (f -V hiehe, DuimoniiP, im J ' VV !rvi! Sn th t.,'a' roll r:.i writing- POOLTOWN. 15. About all Nov. 15.- About all of the farmers are through scwinsr ybeat for this season. As a rule very good crops were raised by the farmers: The school at Pooltown began November "5th Miss Annie Ribelin, teacher. . Theschool at the Pond school house, began November 12th. Miss Oddessa Morgan teacher. ,iary Margaret the infant daughter of George Casper, who has been threatend with an attack of pneumonia, is improv ing at this writing. (JPhbtra-137. SJ-t Salisburv, N C o io tf. U i A ExiGiiior's Ko Ice. 1 l!r':i! 1''!' ..rti.r ,.f iKj l-i1 inj; ell LLiio viiuiu. I fig the Lj .'l Wilt ana i tniwnrfiiyi .'n- l a.-i , j c .s There will be a box!- supper ! afc. C wicegood, d. ceaa, th'is io nuuh. J s' i j p 1 1 J? J p. p JH Ot ? C D I at - Milo, Overcash's n Tbanlis. Is haying elai.rs sd.en. to pre. fi 1 lOOMlT 0 U U UCWLllfi . jj r i , irtii the' arae. dulv verified, to the und&-. II giving night near Rock . UroveJn , f iuLranrhpr-- M . i T I .... . . . "T L o Uiiti church ti-V l nr IwffirH tiie 15ih dav o? October .' i, fjivcu " "u' ""f-sjQKi or this uotice will .be pieacieti in o-r or Spicies of the Ladies'Aid Societ,r rerorery. Ail persons indebted to Paid of Rock Grove Church. Comb pftate ro requeafed to call aud settle with A 1 Line of G W Harrington visited at 1$, E Hoffman's Sunday, we are expecting to hear wedding bells ring in tiou at an early date. S B Harrington of Concord, is, br 15, ID 17. Thomas L aviceoood. executor, .Cooleeuiee- N. G. Koilcs to (Miter ll tin tniS SeG": XTtt- MP.r.A J,;,iiJir,lif imnn JU estate cf VV A Rarusev dve;i'd. Liu1' . . i i i-'ftt fierebv fciven to ail persons navnii la ii uo'.mat fid estate to nrt. ;.t tne Visiting his brother, C W Har to the undersigned on or before fc.-pi . . t . ? A 1 9 US. or mi n 'lice will be pleaded in rmgton, for a lews days. r ofV-'el, recovery.. . Pl .Tira wnc- nrQ rTlfric rtJhj a t "r-:nn inpfiteil ic ihtr estate Will working at Petersburg, Va., has j Ro,k c Q church Iast 'snntWW1 smh w5,h the nnde"Mned at Harvey Morgan who has been Nov, 19. Sunday the ; 18th being Mrs J I Barger's birth day, she was surprised by a vis it fjom her father and' mother J ti fLefler and' wife of Mt Pleas ant, her sister and family of "Wmston-Salem, and Mrs N:P Boesel. She received several nice presents. A big dinner was served at two o'clock and a pleasant day was had. " Law son Kluttz and wife took dinner Sunday witli their daughl erV family, Mr and Mrs Cha$;, Barger. . Albert Lyerly and wife 'Trere also there - for dinner They all had a fine dinner. ' ' : jtfti'N;M Barger is visiting her sBn .LeeBargier, for a few days;- ' " ' : Lnm Miiler of . Faith has bought a uew automobile and Gf.org.Pc ler is learning him h'S? "to run it. J ohri- Jac kson of near . Ftith bis bought a new automobile. returned home. Mrs Harvey Morgan is on the sick list at this writing. Albert E Lingle is all smiles. It is a girl. Miss Annie Ribelin is boarding! at Duke Morgan's this winter. V 1 id! account Of tllO pastor, ReV rThisSepttn-be:-, 21,1917. i , ' . -j. ti n,'vr r r X" ?f Mrs Weston Capps Raul i ference which met at Ashevill SayJ Venus, ir ' you '. haven's. Y vrtfim frv all mnr r.nll oftirvne rt T 0s ' i UU 111 XVJ. lii J 1J"- vviiv. .... I'Cismrk Cappp, Atty. ey, Adm'r. relics I saw a turnip iii Rimet 12 inches across, perhaps yo Visp.s Annif-Garrnl atirl Tnln ,4- r-f.v wo r-f f fl-rVi ' " " " - OOJLI .Cl IB. IU OIIU1 O JCL 1 U UL jit-' Surratt, visited at High Rock 'in. if you can beat that trot out Sunday. jyour turnip. , .Clipper. iJiQ Benn Uarroll of near High j Rock visits at Love Surratt's! .m '1 2- SB. quite often of late. Mrs Mary Reid died November 10th., and jwas buried Sunday eve ning at St'. Matthews E L church She had been failing iti health for some time and took pneumonia. She was a member of Lick Creek Baptist church ever since youth. She was a little over forty three years cf age. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Mrs Jessie Nunnell of Richardson Va., ttfo grand children,- father ; and mother, and two sisters and , a bost of other relatives and ; friends. -.''Unclt'Josh.-'- .JT ; ioi a 41 Ban uiuniawi. . m i As a general rule all you need rto do is to adopt a diet suited to your age ; arid occupation and to keep your bo wels regular. When r you feel that you have eaten too much and when constipated take one of Chambetlains Tablets To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quiaiae. "It stops tire Cough and Headacbe and works off the ColOj Urngsists refund money if it fails tc cure. E. W. GROVE'S signatnre on each bos. SQC 3i Wi- WH! cure Kheunjatisin, Ncufe f ye-KinY-Tis Sorains. Bruises. Cuta - Burns. Old' no Sores. T etter. Rin-Worm. Ef zeiha. etc. Anizseintia 'Aodvzsel-I ed Internally or externally 25X,Jw ROB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment.. That's the surest wav to srmv them. carrie? a full line of Higl Grade Groceriti3 at . vry low prict. ?: buys all kinds of ProdiVCf-. t ' It ",, L un a 'iTfyc RaAnri at H vegytableB. Hee him H es aqua iters for Waiki n Medici tie Co. Thone 57. 119 W. Iiiniss St. n Tne best rubbing liniment is J -K Salisbury, N C mi 5 S ii o r i ii w 1r il'nw Fnf Sate:- A veiy fine fresh Wantsd.-rsix girl for dining room, work. Call or write, Empire Chas B&rger of near Faith Hotel, Salisbury, N C, .11-7 2wb. i i Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qooclfar your own Aches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. Orr?sfan-Mv .'On" aiVu FOOT REST HOSIERY ' wbH hermit V ;ri vb-.i'wart iu-hogierv or v heather it war yai w. ' ir- if If vou "Foot Rest' And th s too init io vr;c6t of ye. You'll AVE MONKr Fall IV) r !: OVr'r , ..i ;id winter goods;" heaxj weight yn.. -1 . : V Hair. Notioi. ('rockrv; 'Tinware. -k-Xc 'O Of I haV'. a well selected-. tocl 'ororevies. coiinti v Droduce, ieed lufK ' etc need oome to g-e me. - ' - Farmers ar invited to tnaka.my r'-'- li adqu Very truly. ters while in the city. W. 'Phone 39. Y 108 S. Maii St Salisbury, N. C. i --i-''J t 'An Ambition' 1 s .f a Kecora rfH- ree J?cf the South ; re identicai with the needs the f rowth ar.i success of one means ; :e Southern R?i'-V.jv ins or the c-.Lv.-r. ., 1 f lis Peoples Katioeal Bank K? -V SALISBURY. 'N. C U ' . . . pioes -genera inking business and cor -Tialiy invites yewr account.. . ... - ... i ''.-.' WF PAY I IJUS Pin Utri I .mierfgt three msths in our siyinpH dtparl- jprornjp, oai.i, and corvfivler.tial attf n kn3inta ptitriittd In i.-s " v" 7 " . ., 13 D. iSviwoo. jonn wc ani-ss, ' tVice-PiweBt..' Wt.t.asLier. .L. Gaskill ito I J Th- roathcr.: Rallwty asls no faross no special privilesre not it accorded to othors. .' 1 i i5 TsXfHMt.-n rf fh r-onth-r-. PI-xav Comwny is-to see tbst ! unity ori"nicc-t 12. . is bora of co-rfcratrca between the public and s A- railrcvds? to see prfen.cJ tLatf ' and f ink policy in the manage- ; t' aieD'. of raiirond? v. i.i-.a iuit's ae ct;iiiience cf tovenimeut3l ' S fcrer.cks; to rE-iiizr that KberaU;':- of treatment which v-ill enable it j ! to ohtr.; -. the sd.Vu.'o.ial c?.?iiai ncc ki for the acquisition cf better and fi c.ua.-;fd fsdii.:? .iciii-jut to tLc iensad for iaereascd ad better service; i.L..i, au:j 5" a rr:?:e its r.i'he lr the bcf1- Vr'' ,JC c? th Snuth alnisrsrde of other er. at industries, v "t'u no tic-c, but v;Uh ojuj liberaes, equal tithts at I equal cjpoTtoniiic3. The Southern Serves the South .11 1 1 -- I T'--V "3 n- ' V.t "TT"