- .J -.7- ' - -. ' --. -.. -of 1 - - me 1 ifi ml mmmm A Home NewapapaP Published in: the Interest of the People and for Hones inpvernmental Affairs lf(i;a; Fourth series saiisbury, n. c. Wednesday janiwley isT,a9j. ESTABLISHED 1832 : 1 r - '. ,m : : ' . .'. : 4 rV- ..f P.:: DOG. S92D9thin Fiirt!i8,8!a8ards to think of Beforfikins tta Murders I do"ijot waat any office in - the government of the coun ty bf G-ailford, the state of Nprth. "Carolina, nor the Uartedk States of America. 41 am simply an humble friend ; of the humble dbg. The ex tinction of his rasa is threat vvened.,t. a te cannot reaii, write nor epeak, I have been re-, ; quested by him in a thous ; and kindly signs and acts covering a? period, of fifty years to plead his cause. I do "sgA gladly charging, him nc; tee, but rather considering nyself, everlastingly in. hit debt, for his faithful serviset already- rendered unto me . I'd be thus honored by tbi? noble- aaimal is indeed a , causformiich gratitude and deyglifcvlf My associations with "him have been of the ' most intimate sort since the . dav I was born. When treat A FRIEND OF IBilfifs species if ail to re JS? -fnlrithvlave most trae. ;-i Wntted ilp;:K" ma.u'd with Y f baedhT&Ki . i f ' i i t ti t a i 1 . : ad esvut: smiiing face, llgl'lhaseder JKditcr, to liirWiyMri fihrrt" ana htk tin nn rli "Speak ci kind, if allowed. to live. I will consider it a great joy to have only that portion of crumbs for substince which fall wasted from my Master's table. Have I not haen "my master's friend from the foundation of -the world. I have never asked nor de manried freedom, I have only 8pked to be bound closer by the ties of friendship and lovf. Am I not this . very moment going "into the mouths of roaring cannon and coming back like wind before the rattling machine guns, bearing messages for my blessed master only ask ing for the risk, that I may be Taught to serve him better "It is true that sometimes the food given me is so poor that 1 am iforced to take a juicy lamb for a change, but ,doInot in return for the pweet morsel run'my legs oil to kill a dozen foxes whose principal diet is lamb, pig, bird and chicken? It is also true that occasionally lack of good food and kindly treats ment run me mad and uncon Bciously I do injury to my best friend. Likewise, my master often goes crazy and doesgreat violence to his fellow men. In the one case the master is sent to a lux urious home prepared by the government, attended by BKilled physicians and train ed uurses In my case only the contents of a -well loaded shotgun are administered. This is alright; but just now Titter destruction is looking me and my family square in the face, and if I have friends they are needed now. Let 'me live and let me ser?8 my master by forking out with kee-i nose the crooked trail Colds Cause Grip and Influenza lAXATTVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the Caose. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." Germans talt Flag. London, Dec. 29. Firing by German officers on s all al lied . automobiles carrying the American flag was the cause of the street . fighting in Posen last Friday says a dispatch jto , the Exchange Telegraph from Copenhagen; The Germans were defeated in the fighting. About 138 persons, including a number of women and children were killed during the rioting. iPhe dispatch says "There was severe fighting between the poles and Ger mans in Posen Friday which resulted in 38 women and 'children-and about one hun dred Germans and Polanders being killed. The affray originated as 'the result of a German officer faring on an allied automobile which was proceeding to Warsaw bear vug the American flag. "Th e Germans insulted the flag aud the Polish guard was called out. The, fight ing lasted several hours jand the GermanB were defeated. Cured at a Costof 25 Cents. ; . : -Eight jears ago when we first moved to '.attoon, 1 was a great ulferer frooi indig-eation and constipation," writes NJrs Rob ert .Allison, Mattoon, Iil. "1 hud frequent headaches and feehag' like a heavy" weight pressing on my stomach -and chest all the time. " One bottle of Ohambelain's Tablets cured trie and have since felt - like a different person. ct destructive varmirjts and with mellow tongue make music to please his senses. Then, if from any cause, dis ease should weaken my frame dull my instict for service, give me my usual dose, leave my carcass on the barren plains or in the tangled thick 3t, for the vultures to pick out my eyes and not a word of complaint will ever escape the lips of a member of my race. "You may not believe it friends, but even in times like these life is sweet to me, as long as I am in the service of my precious master, no matter who he may be, let me live to enjoy it, for quick ly enough' ebbs out life's little day. "My friends!' Give me help now, I humbly pray, but if you forsake me and 1 am doomed to extiction and death, may I - find joy and peace in that heaven prepar ed for all goo I dogs, which this cold earth refuses , and bitterness against you will not be allowed to enter my heart as I write this last good-bye." J, F Jordan, in Greensboro News, Tao Strops Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, yovr system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip end Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic' prop- acceptable to the most delicate stomach, sti-d is pleasant to take. Von can soon feel icabueithenm4,IaYiuratin Effect. 60c if x Rome is responsible for the name appended to her schools Sne;cails them 4 'parochial" schools. We instinctively thinks of Roman Catholic school when we hear the word; parochial. -- What does parochial mean, Webster says: "Of or pertain ing to a parish, as parochial duties, a parochial school or parochial pastors." Then he says: "Henee, limited, nar row, provincial." Webster defines parochialism as 4,nar rowness or pettiness of inter est or opinions." Webster surely was think ing of the parochial schools conducted by the Roman Catholic church when he wrote those definitions. In hisday people would , not allow parochial Schools to take the pJace cf public schools even though popery did demand it. His kind of men wanted -no "narrowness or pettiness of opinions or in terests." They were interest ed in a school system that is fouuded on broad lines, tha works to the interest of the whole nation instead of juft trying to build up the Roman Catholib church to the point whee it can force narrow ness and pettiness on the whole people. LBIlagiag laGermany, juonaon, i;pc. .JU. n iiag ing on a large ,cale is beipg carried out by mobs in Frank fort, Geimauy, and the au thorities ?ne powerless to prevent it. according to a Central News dispatch from AmW'dam. Troops in the city refused to fire on the rioters. CASE ATTRACTED WIDE ATTENTION. Galsei Thirty Pounds onlaniac and ?83is Liks a Brand Nsw Man SH Over Now lis Declares. "I feel like a brand' new tfaan.! all over and have gained thuty puuus iu wcijul uesiues since x started taking- Tanlac," said Le vi Thomas, an employe of I the! Chattanooga Furniture Ccmpjany ! hntf atinno-ri. I ntifi , "I was frail and puny loot rom years of suffering: ' stomach trouble. I had weight and strength until I weak as a kitten, . Everythi aie g-ave me hours of misery T.. . . i 1 ' i iriea so many .medicines w out getting- relief that J had gun to think I would never 11 T wen again. l was so nervl and run down that the least ertion would tire me out pletely. .'It may seem wonderful, but before 1 had finished my sec bottle, of Tanlac I was feel )nd ma: like mj old time self again and I beg-an to build up. I now weigh a hundred and eighty five pounds and can eat like a farm hand, and feel strong- and fit for any Mud of work and am gaining eery day. My' improvement is the talk of everybody that knows me. . Tanlac is'now sold exclusively in Salisbury by the Smif.h Drug Co., in Cleveland by J. A. Lyerly in Granite Quarry by the Brown Drug Co., and in Spencer by -the Rowan Drug Co. No Worm? in a MealtSiv Child All children troubled with wo-i ris have aa un healthy color, which indicates poei blood, Jindl as a .rule, there is mere or less stomach dist crbmce, . Webster Defines Parochial uKuvti, lAbiLLEss chili tonic given -eguiany . , several occasions when I for two or three weeks will enrich the bl cod, im- ! eQ " n 5:eV?iai "f-""- vvuen x provethedigesdon, andactasaG neralEtrengLh- ! was SUTJerinff With COld Upon the SSS,Sit8yUaMTaiSS'cbst aad it has always, brought tnrowon or dispel the worms, and t he Chil d will be . Q in perfect health. Pleasant to t 60c p; bottle. aDQtlt, a CUTS, FGrmer.Czar Said to be Living. :: Warsaw, Tuesday, Dec. 24. "Thereis no doubt that the Czar and his entire family is alivef I am positive of this. 7 was the declaration made to the. correspondent to day by a-tieph; ; ew ofC General Scroipadski who has j list escaped - from, Ukrane, j after k recent trip to PetogTad. I Dviask, Vilna and Reveno. M Cannot recall whjere the Czar (s becuase he, does not wish it. .lie does not care to be both- ered aiiid -wants to be left alone. His wjbere abouts are known to an allied government- It is a neutral country. Accounts of his mftrder .were -manufactured by Trotsky and Ienine for pro paganda purposes; continued the cdfrespondent , , Why That Lame Thai- morning lamenes---those sharp.jpains when . bending or lifting make work a burden and rest inj'possible. Don',t be handi-; capped by a bad, back loote to your Sidneys. You will make no -'mistake by following this Salisbury resident's example.' 1 M. E James,- proprietor of grocery store, 512 E Lafayette St., says: I have used Doan's Kidney 'Pills off and on for sever al years' and they have always proveto be wliat my kidneys needejfl.. , Occassionally when cold settles on my kidneys I' ha've-Jruble with" them. M y it backjgets lame' and weak and k.;i dJ e y s e c r e t i o n s eon t a ilJjp-- serliment. -,ahii . pass rrarix5mmsaes oi my back hesrin to ache and sharp pains catch me in my back- when I try to stoop or do any heavy lifting When I get an attack like this I use Doan's Kidney Pills and they always fix me up in short order, putting my kid neys in ofood shape. 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil-burnCo., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N.Y. Zmm Da'Iyer Forty Fiys Million Iflarks to Amsiioans at Coblcnz. .Oobhvjz, Friday, Dec. 27. Nine million marks arrived hertt to fi"y from Berlin to h tt irAVrxA( WAr fn fhft AmftpU can array, autDoritiec? as part of Germany's pay ment toward the expenses of the army occupation, The Germans? now have given the Americans in accordance with the terms of the armis tice, '45,000,000 marks.1 The moDy has b3en tranO ported by American 1 motor truck and by train. In sev eral instances some of the " B " 11 1 millions were shipped, from Berlin by train under guard of German soldiers and trans ported to the neutral zone where it was turned over fco the Americans, who carried the money to Cobienz. The money has been placed in vaults near American head quarters, where American soldiers guard it continually. rChamberlaln's-Cough Remedy. Before using" this preparation for a cough or a cold you may wish to know what it has done for others. Mrs O Cook, Macon, 111, writes, .''I have, found it gives the quickest relief of any cough remedy I have ever used." Mrs" James A Knott. Chilieothe, Mo., says, Chamb berlain's Coug-h Hemedy cannot be beat for coughs and colds. H J Moore Oval, Pi. says, I have nsed Chamberlain's Cough Rem- Lfates For Wamsn Breakinrua Homes. ONever marry a woman Whoillers from you politi cally is the ad vi ceof William Aue? of the Kansas side. ?;lWiHiatn is a staunch Dera ocr.t. His wife is a strong Repub' icau. lliam persists n voting Democrat ticket and support ing t he Presid entr-ou all oe cassions. Mr Aue filed suit fordjvorce in Reno, Nev. In it he alleges: "The defend ant constantly told plaintiff! she wbuld: not have married bin iiihe had known he wat a Democrat. Gluing To8lriieaifir. OhicaOa Dric. 30 George Lyttonyo?('bieago, one oi the largesrjjfetail dealers in " A - rneiiffihMgand furnish- that" a re fin pric. from thetlarRiimum is ai ready undprtvy . Mriyttfe Stestifi-d to- day a8;audtnen the pack ing he.arbiiion. Job bers ieflie aid, art nowv?ma1ra;Sitontary re duction Mpri, v?and in at etaterl-prxpes -bqt not yet ki'AU ATJ Jlk'Jj. m -A'ff Vf shoes worth $4 in 1917 now bring 17,50. Chamberlain's Tablets. . When you are troubled with in uigesuon or constipation, taKe Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stomach and en- able it to perform its functions naturally. Indigestion is usual- ly. accompanied by constipation and aggravated by it. Chamber Iain's Tablets cause a gentle movement of the bowels, reliev- ing the constipated condition. The Independent Paper. i The Raleigh Times brings infor mation that with the New Year Mr Thomas Bost will be attach- so m e caes aref -eanped tht-: prices 'oi gobds aTOad y un der ed to its staff as associate editor Watch for the first symtonS and as head of a department that hoarseness and give Chamber has been especially created for iains Cough Remedy. It is him. This department will deal with "State Politics and State AaminiStratlOn.' Mr UOSt IS known to newspaper readers as has a wide acquaintance with the public men of the state and by ,the same token, the puplic tnen have a wide acquaintance with Bost. The Times is an in- dependent paper, and there is. a the Federal Court here in great'fieid of opportunity for it behalf of Henry Ford, who with Bost and Coffin keeping the accordiug to the official can scales adjusted to a dead level Vass of the v0t, was deieat- b al aUCe N. G. Automobile Laws. All motor vehicles to be registered in the office of Secretary of State. Certificates of Registration expires on the 30th of June; not transferable on sale o f Car. Display numbers all motor vehicles. No person under j v hir.le uonn theoublic his-hwavs of N C. In approaching- or passing-a street railway car which .has been stopped to allow passengers to alight or embark, the motor vehicle operator shall slow down, and bring said vehicle to a full stop when going in the same direction as the streetcar' Rights of pedes- , . , tnansuiust be respected, Turn out when meeting other vetticles, give ' half the road. A -rate of spaed not in excess of tO miles an hour in the busi ness section of cities must be observ ed Buy War Stamps. RENEWfiES ir BELI0U5I GET TREATMENT Belgian Women Who Were leo Friendly With invaders Shernr Hair. Bruges, Nov. 30. An an cient form of punishment in favor in the middle ages has been adopted in Belgium for Belgian women who were too friendly toward the Ger- man invaders or who listened to their love . making. They have peen shorn of their hair In Bruges several woV mem have suffered this form of retribution" and; either must remain indoors or pat ronize the wig makers It isknown that this method has been applied in at leasts one other place. The scene attending the application of this punishment has . been rather boisterous. Corcoral puriishmnet is visit d upon the pro-Germaps i-nong th4 Belgian menV but 'w of Uitse awaited the vrath of the Belgian avenge -rs They decamped before he 'Belgian troops reoccu jied the cities aud towns vhich had been held under , German domination. - Such cases as these have been remarkably few. The wonder is that there- have not been, more; The propor ttejt of rengadQS is so small iuvrtfUttCi greaier giory-on . ta MoBrBeJiam "re raai wondei By their system . of . Qdmmrins al administration, they 'Were i. AT zJl- TIT while the Germans was de- hudirig himself that he , was, ruling. It enabled them to ' C F "TT Suffer .death and f818t tbe insidious propaganda of the German governor von Bis- g3 and his BUCCeSBOi, VOli Hissing and his succeseor, von Falkenhausen, who atv temjted to separatethc) Wal loons from the Flemish and to poison the wells of BeU gium's patriotism. Quick Relief FOf to. prompt and effectual. UA Uinf. Dannnnt idiu noaw o ivuuuuih, " 0 ., ... u Dec. 30. -A petition to restrain city clerks from destroying ballots cast in the senatorial election in Michigan last November has been filed , in I J 4-' r . .lnnim lniT rrm m n r A er Truman H Newberry; re? publican. iuo yoiiuun u mou, it wao stated, because Mr Ford in- tends to ak the Senate , to . , l c j. ' A lOHlC Laxative that win remove the bile from the liver and : cleanse theSymTHOROUY wiOmiping . egtotorl tosttmadi to truly a Perfect Lax- -. a wtth ncnciM ' LAX-FUS WHIl to the name of a Reliable and Perfect Laxative wMch soon relief StekH digestion. Stomach Trouble. Gas and Piles caused KToidLeTMid Constipation. Alwaveuse Reliable laxative in the treatment of Colda. GWd j imd Influenzae LAX-FOS WTTH PEPSIN to a Lkraid Digestive Tonic Laxative excellent in its effect oath9 System, both as a tonic and as a laxative. It is just as good for Children as far Adults. Pleasant to take. Children like it. 50c, , . v Made and recoamesded to the public by Paris MedicmetstLoeis. Mow, Tnanufratmeia t

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