J'' I P Hi I V JO V - Y' NUSSMAN SCHOOL. QApril 2. The schpol ai Nuss man is progressing nicely with Hiss Leva J Peck and Miss Ruth Beaver as teachers, There will be; an entertain merit at Nussman school soon, the date will be announced later. ; The 'communion services held at St Stephen's church Easter Sunday was largely, attended. Ten of the young peopleof St Stephen's congregation were coo firmed last Sunday. We are glad to-have these young folks lointhe Miss Nora Lentz from China Grove Farm-Life school, is sperid- - ing Easter at homcS-lS?fe- Sheffie L Lentz whlldrae on a furlough from the U SS Vermont, will return Saturday Ralph Cline, Hoy Barringer aild Miss Ola Cline took a flying trip to Salisbury Sunday eve- aing. I J Lentz spent Sunday night and Monday with home folks. Nussman school has purchased an orsran for the benefit of the school. The pupils and young people of Nussman school gave the tea chers a surprise party on last Wednesday night. All enjoyed it very much. Come on boys and give us the news from all parts of the county Best wishes to the paper and its readers. Brown Eyes. FAITH. April 2. Rev O F Black wel der .of the Lutheran Seminary Columbia, S. C, preached at the Lutheran church here Easter Sunday and at night to a large congregation. He is a fine young minister and draws large crowns Sergeant D L Ritchie of De troit, Michigan, and family have returned home after visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs James Rit chie. , Miss Pearl Fisher of the Mt, Pleasant school spent Easter at her home in Faith. The exercises Easter Monday night at the Lutheran church by the children was very fine. A large crowd was present and Rev. C V Fisher of China Grove made an address, the- finest we ever heard him make. He seems to be getting better and better every year. Venus was present at the mu sical Cantata at Faith E L m.i it i 1 i , , . k - Tp rf? ' ' "" & - "' rs.- W rt ;- ' . AC f he co.' heuS s .- i I f I 1 I jj " , ' ' ' ; ' b J&S-& Ls mother Q . . : l f U ,An 8 r P Mgi li II , ' . : '- 1 - - - 3- - - -g - n- - . . . " - . - . li . - . .w v ' ' 2 pi ' ' - -Jfi- church ;:Easter Sunday night. ckwelder made- an ad dress that was very much en joyed;-. : -v.; . :, J T Wyatt has just received an Order for a v pair millstones four feet in diameter, ; The J E Holler residence and 4 acres of Land was bid off for $935. oo and is left open for an other bid. v G C Miller and family. Mrs P A Peeler and Hellen Jones, spent Easter . wiH) Rev and Mrs H A Fespertnan at New ton. Mrs Leo Peeler who under went ah operation at the White head Stoker Sanatorium is doing nicely,. The teachers at the Faith free school this year are: James E Becker principal. Miss Sophia Moose, Addie Weaver and Mrs Mary Linn Gardner. Young granite cutter at David Vagoner's March 22nd. Wesley Frick of Craven is 1 visiting his sister Mrs Caroline Eagle and other relatives here. J Sifferd of Kaunapolis is visit his sister, Mrs B C Eagle. Rufus Stirewalt of Ebenezar 13 visiting his son, W A Stire walt near Mt. Hope. Harvey Kluttz of Camp Sevier b. C, is at home on a iurlougrh. We met Thomas Koontz in Salis bury with his new automobile. He lives some twenty miles west of Salisbury. Venus understands that Albert Miller has zn did time walnut table that George Washington ate off of one time. If any one can beat that trot out your old time table or other furniture. Mrs James Ritchie is isuffering a great deal from her eyes. Venus took dinner with Mr and Mrs Adam Fultz. Their two sons and their wives and child- ren were all at home Easter to see the old folks. It was a kind of a family reunion. Another Ritchie has returned home to Asheville after visiting i his parents, Mr and Mrs James Ritchie. j Saturday, April 6th is the sale ; at the home place in Faith of the j late Mrs Solomon Yost. The house and lot was willed to the' little girl that they raised. Miss C)ma and ;Maggie Shup ing are visiting their sister, Mrs. F A Nance in Faith. J T Wyatt will let someone take his corn mill, old time style ; top runner, spindle, and balance ' HOW WOULD YOU " - - - . . . -.- . mrt . r "imi w and d river and ink and ink box, and-run them for -a - part of the toll to grind the corn. -. Anotheryoung man from Faith h as just been called to the war . He is the oldest son of Mon roe Fespertnan.- . y Venus .wants all the little, girls and boy sto send him nice clip pings from papers and magazines to have; printed in his circular of 3000 short good articles. " Venus. :. Weather Forecast For April 1918. From, 4 to 10. some istormy by thunder and cool local rains south, some serious,' will? slight changeable. ' From 10 to 17 fair, cool by showers west mostly threatning east. From 17 to 26 fair, slightly changeable and cool, thunder storms northwest and souh, I threatening some east. From 26 to May 3rd, some changeable by heavy storms west and north, threatening snow northeast. April cool and frosty along hails around, short storms, heavy west north and south, some snow threatening north east mostly, tots of Cool threat ningdry for April. Fruity will stand slim chances. April 3rd. Henry Reid, R '3, Salisbury, N. C. FIRST MAT I Mr SALISBURY N. C. Establishe Savings Departiiient Compounded OFFIC H. N. Woodson, President Dr. R. V. Brawley Vice Pres. Start Your Savings Account f$W for Next Christmas. Responsible Banking, Courteous Jrpatmrit and Confiden tial Servicers Ojr Policy. We Cordially Invite You to You are We are Authorized Agents for and Ihnte fcgtmps Tiie Ssns and Dasg!t!eis of Llbsrlj 11 hair to the i Sons ' and Baught- er ' ' - I iThe noblest order of ou f land , pf e have raised the flag HlOf Liberty in our band;- Ppw the war is on and ; Ifrhe Kaiser must be whipped, t us each one do nis part nd buy 4 war certificate. others and sisters each lend IpVrray your self aright, jyou love your native land ffiWe will helpodr boys to fight Many Furnishes tha Proof. pjvery development since, our iary into the war has. justified atffcl proved the wisdom, the im--aiive necessity of America's ijticipation. Every German iffeess and every German fail uS have shown how necessary to l own welfare and peace, how ifeacessary to the safety and ce of the world the defeat of many is. Every foot of ground many has been forced to give every foot of land she has ed have demonstrated the ah&olute necessity of defeating- tjbit sinister, intolerable thing ced Germanism Til" Oulnlne That Does Not Affect ths Heaa Bscftuse of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Qunine and does not ause nervousness uor rfcgng in head. Remember the full name and 1qo1 for the sigrnatuse of E. W. GROVE. 20c. m&3. fays 4 Per Cent, ipuarterly. 1' " .K-SStTTT T" 1 y v' d. oiracniin. Cashier .Asst Cashier E H. Woodson Si See p On Any Banking Matter- Intercttd In. Sje of War Savings Stamps LIKE TO II m St St 1 ' ' k .;- cTgyGooke got his start to wealth and honor by investing his own sav ings and practicing thrift During , the Civil war he raised one billion dollars for the federal government. Oxke was a great financier in his timeT You will need an accumulation of money sooner or later. You may want to buy a home, or make a profitable investment, or go to college, save the life of a loved one stricken with disease. Start an account with us with a part of your earnings this week. Add something to the de posit every week. Know the courage of prosperiiy and the independence of ready funds. Multiply your money LISBURV - BANK MEDALS, CLASS 7 We carry in stock or make to order any kind of medal or rings of the very latest styles in solid gold and guarn tee our prices. We also do the finest watch and jewelry repairing that can be done and every job is fully guaran teed. - We carry the largest line of Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry in North sCaroliria,. See us for reliable goods, no MISREPRESENTATIONS. W. H. LEONARD, Jeweriy & Diamond merchant. Wallace Bldg , Salisbury, N ' -ill, liVjttvt euppoi ting muscles IRB-AN UQ BE JOHN While a popr clerk in a Phila delphia bank he "1 m our care. - AND TRU CO. PINS AND f Beautiful Bust and Shoulders are possible if you will wear a scientifically constructed Bien Jolie Brassiere. i The dragging: weight of an unconfined bust so stretches the that the contour of the figure is spoiled. put the bust back where it be longs, prevent the full bust from having the appearance of flab biness, eliminate the danger of dragging muscles and confine the flesh of the shoulder giving a - LKE graceful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and most serviceable garments imagi nable come in all materials and styles : Cross Back, Hook Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. -Boned with " Walohn," the rustless boning permitting washing without removal. Have your dealer shdw you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren' Street, Newark, N. J. V ft