u 3? -t -j- r- - 1 - 4f,,;-7""--'-.f. .-f'.V'"' mm A Home Newapaper Pablished in the Intereli!of thasPeope and for; Governmental Affairs? VOL. XIV. NJ: 18. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, K. C, WEDlSDAY, APEIL 17TH.1918. ESTABLISHED 1832 'C'l,it' , '.-1 4fv 1. s WOMEN'S LIBERTY LOAN COMSHITEE. County is nflw Tharoualily Organized and Systematic Efforts Will bsMada Today, this government of our;i must have money. " We must buy bonds, and they Want a Liberty Bond in every home in Rowan County. A third Liberty bond is the direct obligation of , the United States bearing interest at per payable semi-annually, is free from th local taxes and manures in ten years. It is the safest in vestment in the ' worl, and as sores our soldiers the 'comforts We want them to have. The county organization of the Women's Third Liberty. . Loan Committee, consits of the follow ing; Mrs J D Norwood, county chairman, Mrs J D Heilig, vice chairman, Viss-ary -Henderson, chairman for the city of Salis bury . The women of Rowan have perfected an organization for the thiid Liberty Loan campaign that will assure the quota alloted to the county In all our preceding wars sue css has been due largely to the heroic efforts and sacrifice of our women. Today they ate willing to put forth the same efforts and make the same sacrifices which our mothers did. - They want their sons and brothers to go across tne ses? with every comfort that warm clothes and bl.mkets' could . rivt them, they want them protected from disease by every art known ,to modern science. Tbey want them supplied with necessary guns -'and amunition. Thty Wan trJhita, ejquied 7: fed . and CJotnea in a manner tnat is wor- thy of our great nation. Mrs J K Dorsett, Spencer, do W J Swink, China Grove. doJWPeeler, Rockwell. Liilie;Shaver,Gold Hill. R B Edwards, Landis. do John Lyerly, Granite Quar ry. do J H Peeler, Faith, do Clarence Roseboro," Cleve land. do 1 T Bailey, Wobdleaf. Miss Annie Fowler, South Kiver. MrsFrank Thomson, Frankln. do Z A Kiuttz, Kluttz, school. d(.,E J Roseman, Barber. MissFannie Goodman, Mt. Ulla. Mrs Whitt Graham.' . Ccnstiption and Indigestion. These are twin evils. Persons suffering from indigestion are of ten troubled with, constipation, Mrs Robison Allison, Matoon, 111, writes that she was a great suf ferer from indigestion and consti pation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well . at night, and felt worn out part of the time. One bottle of Cham berlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has ' since felt like a different person. Weather Forecast For April 1918. From 10 to 17 fair, cool by sh nvers west mostly threat niug east. Fromvl7 to 26 fair, slightly changeable and cool, thunder storms northwest and souuh, threatening some east. From2btovay dra, some chtogeable by heavy storais west and north, threatening sn w northeast- April cool and frosty along hails around, short storms, heavy west north and south, some snow threatening north east mostly. Lots of cool threat nhiirdrvvfor April. Fruit wili stand slim chances. April 3rd. Henry Reid, R 3, JOHN M, SOREHEAD TODf POSE SIMMONS. W. P. Bynnm, Indorsed for Chief Justice. Others Selected For Places on Ticket - "(Greensboro News-) Circumscribed by the primary. law, North Carolina Republicans-lthat m convention here yesterday; could not nominate, they merelr could- indorse and recommend. Despite the removal of power trom the convention, significant party history was made. A plat form accepted by the delegates as solid and sound was adopted unanimously and men were named as the delegates' choice for the important places on the ticket. . - The recommendations of the convention to the primary tol low: For fhe Senate, John Motely Morehead, of Charlotte. For chief justice of North Carolina, William P Bynum of Greensboro. For Associated justices, 1 Judge H li Starbuck of Winston-Salem, md H F Sewall, of Carthage. For corporation commissioner, J J Jenkins of Silver City. The convention reccommended careful selection ot" candidates for Congress in each district; and gave the same advice in re spect to thechoosing of. men to run for the judgeships in the state judicial system open this year afld for the solicitorship of all the 20 districts. The indorse ment of the districts conventions' choice in each case is to receive the seal of the State executive committee. The executive committee was elected and men were named for the party club in eastern., and western NorthCarblinaT lfy ac ciamation Frank A Linney, of Jioone, Watauga county, was re elected state chairman, and the convention wanted to show sirai lar approval of Gilliam Grissom, of-Greensboro, secretary, but it was pointed out that the com mittee must name its own secre tary. A H Price was named as a member of the Republican club from Salisbury. SerMa Yielded Wilhout Avail. bpeaking in Washington the other day, Minister' Michailov- itch of Serbia declared that his nation made every effort, suffer ed everj- humiliation in order to avoid the present war "When on the 23rd of July, 1914,' said the minister, "Aus tria addressed to Serbia the well known ultimatum My country knew that a powerful neighbor- desired war. Bu' she also knew that this war would set fire to the whole of Europe. She there fore, decided to make every con cession in order to avoid this tre mendous conflict. "Cseroia consented to imprison innocent people: to discharg-e from the army, officers who had committed no crime; to suppress patriotic societies; to offer apolp gies for deeds of which no one in Serbiawas guilty, to revise the program of her schools and even to change the paragraphs of the constitution, in order to bev able to suppress liberty of speech and of the press demanded by Aus tria." And all these concessions Availed not because the German t influence, which controlled Aus tria, was determined to have war believing that the hour had struck to put' into execution her long cherished programme of world domination. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard genera! strengthening tonic, GROVS S TASTELESS rhili TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds up the sys tem. A true tonic For adults and children. 60o HOTEL KEEPERS JO TOE THE LINE. ; Some NewRiHings by the Food Administrator. Chicken Order Resiled. . - ; R? leigh, Aprit 15; TKeFoodip!lie Democratic .Co uvea Aflministration ioaay announceua maliuTacturing confection ers, soft drink establishments bakers or other users of sugar or flour or other manufacturers of the less essential sugr and flour products which haVe started in business since January 1 will be. cutoff from any further supplies of flouror sugar unless their go-. operations are approved by the food Administration at Washing ton. ': The hotel an'd restaurant men of North Carolina who have not been observing the conservation program of the Food Administra tion, will be required to walk the chalk line from now on. A number of North Carolina hotel men, with several hundred other important hotel men of the country, have pledged themselves to banish wheat products from their bills of fare uutil next har vest. The Food Administration does not think that it is fair to the hotels and restaurants that are co-operating, to thi house holds that are co-operaiing, and least of all fair to our soldiers and the soldiers of our Allies in Europe, to allow any unpatriotic, self interested, establishments to disregard the program, and the State Food Administra-tor Henry A Page has addressed a frank, vigorous letter to the hotels and restaurauts in the State which is designed to secure their immedi ate and rigid observance of the; entire conservation program. In his letter to theu.hotel -and aTndrestriurant men. Mr'Page de clares: "You are required to- rigidly observe jwheatless Mondays and Wednesdays, and at least one wheatless meal each day. On hese wheatless days' and at wheatless meals no wheat prod ucts of any sort should be served, not even Vic- ory bread, because . Victory bread contains up to 75 per cent of wheat flour. At every meal, corn meal or other cereal products should be served in preference to other wheat products, and bis cuits or wheat bread should be served only when they are specifi cally requested. As above stated the utmost caution in the use of fats and sugar is also re quired. The far famed 4 Hen and pull et" - order of ?the Food Admini stration which he came effective February 1st and which was de signed to prevent the slaughter of laying stock during the heavy laying and breeding season has accomplished its purpose so well that the Food Administration has amended the order to -make it expire Friday night the 19ih in stead of the 30ih instant. The order has resulted in an increase of several million dozen to the egg supply of the country. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the Fee. f There is an old saying-."That Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee,'' but as everyone knows you can help Nature very m,uch ana thereby enable it to etrect a cure in much less time thairis usually required. This is partic ularly true of colds. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy relieves the lunsrs. liquifies "the tousrh mu- cus and aids in its expectoration, allays the cough anda ids nature in restoring the system to a heal thy condition Buy a Liberty Bond and help win the war, every little help. THE JURPHIT ENDORSEMENT, If 3s Has Decided to Take the Joh of Xongress- i-ssl)iacts Taw Notice. life- mod took a departure f r o m pembcrayc principles at its feent convention when it ;PoceeLed to indorse candid ate8 before the citizens had a jejiance to express their wuh- sfsD and then it went farther ipeu it attempted to resolute fgaltsr Marphy into the IJitnary's choice betore such primary has been held. This ay be politics but it wont oduce a strong party. ny way the resolutions as ssed are not correct, poli- ally of otherwise, and we 11 take the liberty to give em their proper rin. to t: liResoived, by me, Walter Ipirphy, the perpetual can gp3ate and would-be perma?' nt occupant of the public being in convention asv nbled,, that, i- w w . j . w a r-v i u . geatest di dapper that ever f pped iuto Bull Frog Lake, ilrd expecting to hold a pubv office air my lite rearard-. sof the rights and merit others, have decided td Mce the congress manship of 9' the eighth'districtT and ijherea, howinaoever, con ff rt en tlyav lug; lived ex Slid jngiy well a&sib e -p ublic g- for twenty-five ierj? rpre or lesr;, ha vi ng grown IjggjkB'per day for a period of ye biannually, having tirefore earned the right to lie auy job at any time aud $mr it as long a I wish re- fidless of the fact that oth tfp'juBt as deserving have illyer been recognized in any tpnner, and being the fittest rbon I know of to draw the ary: I will give my sub jts fair notice of my inten .tlous that they may have tj;fhe to repent, that I will lsgjw tell them of such things may assist me in deceiving Mm and; wheu I get next to tli pay counter I will do as 1 ase as my previous record, tjf only guide that they A v e, indicates, knowing trat actions speak louder tLn words: of course every bfly knows of my "extin- argued" ability and that w. misrepresented the dai rld-couuty of Rowan on rmerous occaious, tnat 2iW ... afn. going to do something no o;fe else in the district ever djj, which is to be loyal to country ai,d the Demo ci'atic party (I have a patent rfght on that) as interpreted bfme: you may look at my countenance, re- ffet on my numerous guccess fill business and professional ifmiertakings and, remember Ilain telling you these things fr! your own good, that J am nt askiDg for lh job because Qiperitjt or that I care to s.ve you, but because I have th desire to satisfy my pers seahambitions and need the pqney, the job therefore be ing mine by divine -right , or breause the lipuor interest need my vote i;J o w, therefore, having told ye subjects of ray very QVpti county, these Urngs and lejt untold a lot of others,-be DEIFOCRSTS ELECT NEW CHAIRMAN. I'onnty Convention Held April 6ft in Court Hoose. .Smaii Attendance. The Rowan -County Demo ratic Converition was held in the court house April 6th, with Chairman , W "H Woodson, who has" ably served the party for ten years, presiding. After the meeting was regularly opened Mr Woodson asked that J D Norwood, vice president of the People's National Sank, " be elect ed by - acclamation . This was done and Mr Norwood then took charge and the business of the convention was proceeded with. It seemed to have .been agreed 1 j t n oy tne iew present, rnac one delegate, one alternate, and any other democrat in "good stand ing," be named to attend the State, Congressional and judi cial conventions. Hayden' Clement, Esq., the present solicitor of this judicial district was endorsed for renom ination and , election, aud Wal ter Murphy, Esq., was en dors jed for Congress. Murphy, it is. said, was called for. and inflict ed upon the audience one" of ? his usual in-effectual, unwise, nn democratic and egotistical ha rangues. ' A set of resolutions prooably dictated if not written by Mur phy, were offered and adopted. 1 hey are as follows: ..AdinLiistraSon's War Policy Endorsed. '-Whereas our nation has been fofeed into tue sreatestworld viterhhistotfx -b t-7bver:bi?iStiCttx"bl us free government . and murdering our citizens whereas, the United States in and has for been compelled to fight world peace, and our great and wise President has dedicated our lives and our fortunes and everything we are and every thing that we have for the prin ciples that gave this nation birth and happiness and the peace which we have treasured; Now therefore, be it resolved that we hereby unanimously ap prove of trre course our govern ment has taken in a determina tion to fight for the principles of freedom and libtrty until Prus sianism is crushed and conquer ed and is no longer a menace to our civilization-. Be it further resotved that we heartiiv indorse the attitude of our National Government and our btate u-overnment in its tight for the principles of de mocracy and liberty anda per petuation of this republican form of government. We indorse our County, State ana JNationai Lrovernment as wise, capable and efficient and pSedgaour unanimous support there to. Wo are proud of the fact that many of our Rowan county boys are now fighting in the battlefields of Prance, and we hereby enthusiastically pledge them our full co-operation, aid and assistance. Wb denounce as unpatriotic and undemocratic any effort made at this time to stir up strife or forment discord among our people. And whereas the affairs of Rowan county have al- it Resolved, That I endorse ray candidacy and invite al1 the soreheads, Bolshevikis, disgruntled lainbow chasers aud muckral rs to loin me m game of -wl Jippm.ir the dev n arouna inesuimp ana i win uow you uua j.ol tu -iu I promise to do should 1 get attached to-your Uocle Sain- uqVq feed trough, all neaWi ioJISI't-: : the CHINA GROVE SCHOOL COEIOEKCEZENT. Dr W. A. Lamtaft tit 0. Hax: , Earissr Anions: tfee Sjeakers. , " -..w- ' The China Grove Graded' school and - High school com-' mencement begins Friday eve ning. April 19th, at 8:30 "with a recital given by Miss Ada Stir wait. ' : -. . Sa ttirday evening at 8:15 there will be a debate, by pupils of the High school and music by Miss Ada Stir want's pupils. There will be an admission of 5c and loc to this entertainment-- to proceeds are to be given i;' the local Red Cross Chapter. Sunday at 80 p m, the baca-! laiierate sermon will be preached by Rev W A Lambeth of Salisbury. j Monday at 8:30, a play entitled -"Diamonds and Hearts," will be iven. by High school pupils. Tuesday evening at 2 p. . m. a atriotic program . given, by the rimary and junior grades.? Tues i jy evening, .at 8:15, Hon. O lax Gardner, will deliver the principal address in the High school auditorium.. ... r . V Wednesday a m at 10:30 cbm meircement exercises. . Ways'been wisely and economi cally handled by.competent Bern oe ratic - offi cials in such . a way as to make Roan county one of the foreciost; counties in ' North Carolina, beit Resolved by . this Convention assembled tha th& democratic ad iiiinigtration of Rowan county. Vie&iheTsam'e - "piereby heartily indorsed and aeontinu atfbn recommended - ' 5 especial demands and the n'ee$s of the farmers of North Caro ina in the conviction that "all that serves them serves pll the people. We recommend that the State follow up its ; increas ; ingly useful work of inspection, eoucaiiou, ana mstruciion, wim aid to a system of rural credits, designed to enable the produc ers of this kind of wealth, to manage their enterprises at .the lowest possible rate of interost and to market their products to the best advantage. We 7 urge our Representatives in Congress to up hold . the the President iu his plan to aid our farmers in the matter of rural credits. We recommend the encourage ment of studies in practical agriculture in our free schools. We urge the building of good roads throughout the State .'and the encouragement of our farm ers in the splendid progress which they are making in the im proved conditions of country life.. We demand every possible safeguard for the health of the people of the State, arid that the Government of the State shall be at all times" responsive to the needs', demands, and hap piness of our people. Murphy Endorsed For Whereas, Our fellow county TTT . MT . man, waiter Murpny, present speaker of the State House of Representatives, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 8th Congres sional District, and, Whereas, His twenty five years of unselfish service th vhis State and bis party and his pre eminent fitness for the office . to which he aspires entitles him to consideration; and knowing that he will represent' the - District faithfully and with . the same, credit and distinguished ability with which he has represented our good Couuty of Rowan in the past, in our own legislature, and will be loyal to his country, and the Democratic Adminlstra tion; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolv ! figd endorse his cadida6F and iag the l6 x Deraocrat8 the i t 8th District id do the, same and 4tnd their energies and efforts to secure his nomination and election. i.-r s y