iTHE CAROLINA WATCHMAN Win. H. 8TKWART, Editor and Owner Published Every Wednesday At Salisbury, N. C. Cubteriptlen Price: TTUAmxmm, 1 year $ .75 Reeati, 1 year 75 Tkt Tngnaatf Farmer, 1 year.. 1.00 AH t tar a year each, only $1.50 Entered as seoomd-olaas matter Jan uary lttX IMS, at tbe postoffice at r. If. C vnder tb act of Cou rt Marck Jrd, 1S7I. Salisbury, N. C. May 29, 1918 Enough has been said relative to the congressional contest in this district between Walter Murphy and Hon R L Dough ton. It is now time to vote" and, just how to vote is a very important matter. Mr Dough ton has been loyal to the people of this district, has been loyal to his party and to his country. While the boys were making a fight tor the im imgratioh bill, putting flags over the schools and bibles in them Mr Doughton was giving his as sistance and voting right on the aubjact. Mr Murphy was lend ing no assistance whatever, but since patriotism has become popular he has slipped on a pa triotic veneer and is trying to slide into congress thereby. We feel sure such pretense, and his speeches for the Red Cross, which merely to advertise him self, will not induce our people to vote for him, but rather for Mr x Doughton who has been Steadfast, true and is now much more capable of rendering the country a service, when service is really needed, than it is pos sible for any new man to do. This is not the time to play poli tics or swap horses. Let's give Doughton every vote possible on Saturday. It is the best thing that can be done at this time. A vote for Doughton will help win the war, a vote for Murphy mean doubt and delay. Republican County Ticket. The republicans of Rowan have selected a full county ticket to put in the field this coming -November, they having decided not to hold a. primary. The ticket as arranged is as follows State SenateT J Roseman, Spencer. House of Representatives A E Myers, : Fraklin Township; John n Fnck, Providence Town ship. Clerk of Court Orlin Crtre Rockwell, Gold Hill township. Register of Deeds Lester L smith, Atwell township. Auditor Forrest J EUer, Salisbury. Treasurer R M Leonard, Salisbury. Solicitor Major E H Bean, Salisbury. Sheriff M L Gantt, Salis bury, Coroner Julius Miller, Salis bury. County commissioners: G Wil Wright, Atwell township, Geo & WRatledge, Unity township, P U Foster, Salisbury, Levi Trex ler, Morgan township, Harris tfost, Gold Hill. four Men Killed in ao Explosion Near Wil mington. Wilmington, May 28. Four men were killed and several oth ers badly scalded late yesterday at the Little River plant of the Hammer Lumber Company, 55 miles from here, when a boiler exploded, wrecking the building in which it was housed, accord ing to meager information re ceived here by officials of the company today. The boilers of the mammoth plant are housed in separate buildings and the explosion did not necessitate the closing down the plant, Letting cold water into a steam filled boiler was said to have caused the explo sion. Because of the plant's iso lation, details are yet lacking, Buy War Savings Stamps, ROWAN'S LARGEST CONTINGENT LEFT TODAY Men Reported to Local Board. After Listen ins trfalks and Eating Dinner Leave. The local exemption board has compiled the list of one hundred and forty-one men called for en trapment today, Wednesday, March 29th, for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S C. These men will complete Rowan's second quota, provided credit i given for vol untary enlistments, but if this is not credied to the county then there will be necessity for call ing a small number of additional men later.- The men listed below reported to the local board at the Federal building this morning and left on No 45 this afternoon at 2:40 o'clock. Henry B Kimball E P Ratledge Vestle Garrett Lewis Feldman Leon H Watson ' Chas Allen Harrison Thomas Lee Sides John W Meacimer Jesse Leander Beaver James Lawrance Alexander James Herman Bean Joseph Wm Henry Poole Curtis Black John Arthur Hatley Henry P Flint Charles W Holshouser John A Barnes Claude M Ingold Jesse C Knight Douglas L Roseman Walter S McSwain Alexander Legrand Clark Myer Kaplan Lester Fisher Chas P Poole Brooks J Weisner J Clyde Jenkins Norman Brown Wagoner John Kerr Graves Z Franklin Smith Wm Raymond Swicegood Edgar Rosenberry Mowery f loyd L Wagouer Lee Atwell Henry Calvin Pence Ira Henry Barringer Lewis Monroe Lyerly Wm Aaron Overcash James Sheets George Bishop Albright Carter Lee Micheal Charley Morgan Benjamin H Cornelison Jesse A Honbarger Daniel Marshall Beaver Thomas T Penrirk Fred James Trexler Charles Oscar Dulin Lewis B R Eller Marcus Odell Lyerly Wm H Lyerly Boyden Lee Hclshouser Gilbert M Holshouser Charles F Brown Edgar S Montgomery Richard Lee Smith William Henry Crawford Shuford Henry Bost Cowan Ray Sloop Frederick Monroe Trice Eddie M Allen Reuben L Troutman Gaither B Weaver Virgil Homer Lippard Franklin O Dob by Luther Lafayette Gobble James WileyFeperman Arie Farrington Joseph Franklin Blalock Ottis William Leach John Lee Same Richard weir Holeraan waiter Sidney Clark John wesley Robinette R P Thompson Homer Lefler John T Goodman Luther Franklin ilson Ira Lester Littons Arthur Alexander Lentz Baxter wyatt Arthur Adderson Parks william Frederick Hamilton Council Graham Hampton A Siirewalt D L Basingrer .Henry B Nicholas Robert Guy Ritchie Joseph Henry Peeler James Patrick Cawley Clarence B Shulenberger George william Philips william A Butner Bennet Sheek Quincy Davidson Cashion Hurley Russell Luther Adam Fesperman Rich Simpson Preston L Finger Sidney Adolphus Fink Clarence C Sloop Everett Eugene Harrison Martin L Trexler Cletus Sapp John Henry Cope william Carl Bradshaw Bee Smith william McKinley Everhardt Norman Davis , t Jackson Monroe Wisham Frank S Eddleman David T Kincaid William Lee Lippard. Karl Augustus Eddleman Leo F Morefield Eccles Welch Benjamin A Barringer Preston Baford, Jr John Raymond McCanless Sidney Alderman Blackmer Harvey Trexler Charles Woolley Earle Wise Robert Lee Steele, Jr Charlie w Hill Milo Johnson Joseph Alexander Suther Paul Parks waiter M Kluttz Archie Scott waiter Mitchell Rodgers Guy Preston Karriker Berly Davis Shoe wm T Goodman Earnest Linwood Deal Archie Karriker David Alexander Agner Luther Carpenter Wilson William Luther Cline Lewis Goodman ALTERNATES: Claude Gipson Smith wm H watt James Vernon Smith Espey Gilbert Overcash Thomas Leazer Robert Lee Trexler William waiter Artz Joe.Blount Rex Percy R Williams Robert Monroe Cline 141 Rowan Boys Off. Early this morning 141 of the Rowan boys, the second quota, congregated at the city post of tice ready to entrain for Camp Jackson a t Columbia S C. Chairman M C Quinn called the roll and made a short talk, which was followed by a talk by Capt Frank Brown. After a recess and a march up to the square and back, headed by a band, the boys were served a splendid dinner by the ladies on they Crego lawn. Dinner over the marched to the depot and left on train No 45. The boys bad been furnished comfort kits filled with needful articles and left in high spirits. They will hardly reach France, if needed, before next January. THAT GHANGE IN I'S LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. Fremont, O. "I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty- . six years or acre and had all the symp- bums laciaemiouiat change heat flash es, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Gom- DOUnd Was rernm. mended to me as the best remedy for my troubles, whfoh it surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared. " Mrs. M. Godden, 925 Na poleon St. , Fremont, Ohio. Such annoying symptons as heat flashes, nervousness, backache, head ache, irritability and "the blues," may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If any complications present them selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to overcome them. The result of forty years experience is at your service and your letter held in strict confidence. WOMAN mmmmm ifi.hliVij 6 NEW DISCOVER t imsh SScp That Cass Joe H Mingus, at or? time a member of the Salisbury police force, but was fleeted chief of the Lexington force last November, has beW re elected to that D-eitibu foi another term. Juedid peme fine work there during the winter aud h;s many Salie Hnry friends will be glad to know that he is making good. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. - Report4bf the condition of THE BANK OF SPENCER, at Spencer, in the Stats of North Caro lina, at the close ot business May 10th, 1918. ',-. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $133 387 90 Overdrafts secured 5 26 Furniture and fixtures .... 3 100 00 Due from National Bunks. . $18 898 19 Due from State Banks and Bankers 11 886 43 Cash items held 24 hs 432 77 Silver coia, including all minor coin curren'y 1 082 30 National bank notes and gather U. S.,note 9 489 00 $41 78969 Total $178281 85 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $25 000 00 Surplus fund 2 500 00 Undivided profits les cur- reat expenses and taxes pd 8 722 71 Deposit. tubject to heck $73 842 60 Tim certificates of deposit 2 680 00 Savings deposits 69 779 19 Caship'a "hecks out standing 1 967 35 147 059 14 Total $178 281 85 State of N. O . County of Rowan, May 10th. 1918 I, J K Dorsett, presdent of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . J. K. Dorsett, president Correct Attest : H P. Brandis, ) H L Monk, Directors. J. W- Carlton, j Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of May. 1918 W. A. Goodman, notary public. North Carolina, Rowan County. In The Scpsrior Court EXECUTION SALE. Marietta Paint & Color Company, J F Lentz. and Samuel L, Davis & Company. -V8- Gray Veneer & Panel Company. By vir ure of ile four several executions directed to the undersigned from the Sup erior Court of Rowan County, in the above entitled actions, I will on Monday, the First day of July, 1918. at twelve o'clock, at the (. ourt House door of said country, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, all the rieht title and interest which the said Gray Vinee: & Panel t ompany has in the fol lowing described re j 1 estate - BEGINNING at a atone 200 feet from Liber iy -Street, in the Town of China Grove, on the line .of the righ of way of the Southern Railroad Company; thence north 33 deg west 208 feet to a stake, 200 feet from said street; thence North 69 deg. E 208J feet to a stone; thence South 33 dee. C i . nnn r . . - uuum ieei io a sione, on rint-ol-wav of said railroad; thence with line of right-of-way to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less AIro all engines. uouen, macninery located thereon. This, May 28. 1918 J. H. K RIDER, Sheriff. John L. Bendleman. attorney. Sale of Valuable Farm Laofls. Pursuant to the powers contained in a certain mortgage trust deed executed on the 14th day of April, 1917, by Mary Anne Miller, Jas Douglass Miller and w?fe,Araie Miller, Wm R Miller and wife, Zolia Mil ler, Richmond A Miller and wife, Lockey Miller. Geo Frank White and wife, Flor ence A White, W G Crawford and wife, Ida L Crawford, Spencer Miller and wife, Etta Miller, Thos E Miller and wife, Beu lah Miller, John Neely and wife Margaret E Neely. and Hattie Miller, to E B Walton, trustee and mortgagee, which is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Pow an county, in book of mortgages No 65, page 64; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secur ed. I will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Salisbury, N C, on Saturday, the 22nd dav of Juno. 191. at the hour of 12 M, the following describ- ea iana suuaiea m oteeie township, Row an COUntV. State of North Cnrnlin. a A more particularly described n follows: Beginning at a stone in the Cnnmrd bid Neely mill road, corner of FlirjhutK R Henderson's, and runs ttence to said road about 50 deg W 18 00 chains to a stone; thence to the said road aeain in 19 W R 19;50 chains to a stone, Petrea's corner, thence in 87J deg W with Barrier's line 9 00 chains to a stone; thence south to west with Barrier's line 3 25 ehai thence with Barrier's line again in 87$ deg W 13 55 chains to Second creek? thonro n 8ecoud creek and Sills creek, in a south westerly direction to a stone, corner of Eliz abeth B Henderson's land: tnenno with KAr land and line of Grace Adeline Miller, 8 87 deg E 47.10 chains to the beginning, containing 120 acres, more or less. xms, me zist day of Mav, iyi8. e.b. Walton, I r , r-,, r.T- , " g'- ,1 Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't JlfesA X 58 and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the o V. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y V. Special Wallace 50 Dozen Fine $1 50 Value Shirts on Sale at $.00 Your opportunity to replenish your wardaobe at a wonder ful saving. See our windows Home of KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES $20t.$30 m Also we have a new and complete stock of excellent quality finely tailored VICTOR BRAND CLOTHES $15, $18.50, $20 1, $22.50 Palm Beach and Cool Clothes Suits, all styles and colors. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, STRAW HATS, PANAMA, SLITS, ETC. We save you money. V. Wallace & Sons SUisburv, N. C. For $78,666.00 At Auction! At this Sale we sold for Mr Frank l pn, r . ; co Co., at dJLVca, Mjm Tbac -j -ny j-uis; ior 55, 666.1 j We Subdivide and Sell City, Suburban and Farm Progeny at Acstmn At Sales conducted by us we wri'e all rWr -n i .j, pay.en.on purchase obtain ib4cdl Before you even consider the sale of your property write us f-r i-r our Auction methods. It will conviie yJu tk need u f Form Saks Our Specialty. Territory Unlimited, ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. THE NAME THAT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE " OFFICES: PETERSBURG, VA., and GREENVILLE, N. CAROLINA References: Any Bank in Petersburg, Va. or Greenville N. C even digest what little you do eat! ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best' known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach & Sons this week LdDfts S(Q)Hd John L Rndleman, attorney 6-22

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