- i -r - i LwvAL IM W Q I i of interest to -ALL OF OUR READER'S. The Linn Mills6f Landis is preparing to erect a. 75,000 addition to Hiir present large mill tljHt. John E Jacobs, Will'am McSwain, Dr Whitehead' Mc Kenzie, and Colon rl (r M Van Poole are now in Franc-. Judge vJ 0 Pritubard of Abbeville will upeak in the ol'l f-ourt house 8undiy ai't- ino u. Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles. Freemont, O. "I was passing- through tho critical period of life, being forty-six ears of age and had all the symptoms incident to that chart re heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap peared." Mrs. M. Godden, 925 Kapoleoa St., Fremont, Ohio. North Haven, Conn. "Lydia E. P?nkTiam's Vegeta ble Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passing through change of life. There is nothing, like it to overcome the trying symptoms." Mrs. Flokekce Iselia,Bos 1973 North Haven, Conn. L " lyoi E P1NKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNM.MASSI ya -1 i-rraB the Depth the ueof it or s Vhi!e you are at home tonight, many American boys "over there" are out in the rain and mud dodging death from bomb and shrapnel. While you are enjoying your eyening cigar, some Am erican soldier may be smoking his last. The boys in the trenches are risking their lives for you; and you are not even asked to risk your money for them. But you are expected to loan your money loan it at four per cent, compound interest, the highest rate the Government has ever paid. Pledge yourself to buy War Savings Stamps on or before ation The more money you lend the Government the sooner the war will end and the less American blood will be shed. WS.S. V KITED TATKS This ipace ing 16 Uig U 8 avy from Nihi San 'Dies training Nation eient peverai hours in Saiir ; bury Friday eveirug They had .supper here and were he.JHfjfl fnv nn Atlnnr.irt nnrt w Among the Rowan boys now in France are W A Flem ing with the 71 h Anti-Aircraft Battery, Earle B Put nam with the Fame company, P-ite Shaver with the Avia tion Signal Corps, J H Hoop er .also with the 7th Auti Aircraft Battery. They a'l left Sa'dsbnry ' wiib the 4Ui Jo Co;;st "Artillery Corps. O' ow r rtotism th r avin N National War Savings contributed . for tbe Winning of the othiers, CI QOfin hominop nicrftfmfl were liberated at the express office here Saturday morning. rpiiatr TOra fi-nm Wtw Vnrk and were being tested for army service in France. The canvass for the sale of War Savings and Thrift Stamps is progressing eatis tactorily ana tthera 1 s no doubt old Rowan will go over the top and more. Workmen are digging a hole on the pat lie qaare pre paratory to the erectien of a pole on which Rowan Coun ty's American flag will be placed July 4th. Committee War by ay ? the body of Peter Daek4 wibk, a Russian soldierfrom Oalmp Wadsworth, Sparten-J burg, S 0, was interred in the federal cemetery here last Thuisday. The Machinery Supply Co, which has done business here for several years, managed by Frank E Lloyd, has been sold to a Wilmington party, where the stock is to be mov edi . iioiiis riiiton recently a sub -clerk in the post office left yesterday for Charlotte where he will join the navy Prof T Wingate Andrews has been re elected as super intendent of the Salisbury schools for the next term. I Sheriff K rider and Reven -ue Officer lalbortran across a small stili in Scotch Jrish township Monday afternoon wlreh they, destroyed. It was on the land of a negro who was arrested and require ed io give a $259 bond which he did. Two young white men of the same neighbor- hoed we?e given a hearing in it he county court this morning charged 'with run ning the still, but the evS dence was not sufficient, to conyict. Tfce Salisbury Chapter of the Ped Cross is preparing to erect a storehouse or head quarters between the expresp and passeijger station where they expect to render a great service to the soldiers and sailors -passing through Salis bury. The lumber and rca terial for this building has beii generously donated by patriotic Salisbury firms and individuals. i ' AW Watson a native ff Salisbury, died at Wilmintoi lasf. ;week at the age of 73 years. Bet Watson as ht was familiarly known was in the mercantile business here with DR Julian at one time, b) learned the printer's trade id'the. Watchman office when a boyaud worked with "Un cle" Johnny Collins, now liv ing bt SpeDcer. He was a brother of John Berry Watson- well remembered hare. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Davs ' Votir 4rn?gist tyill refund money if PAZC vjijn iMfc,jN l tans to cure any case oi Itching:, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The firfit application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. The Guernsey Cattle Sals. The Guernsey cattle sale held! here Friday was well J 'A ' ' ' 1 T 1 ' - aiteKoea ana gooa prices were paid. Among the pur- cliasers were W D Graham and soifr f Mi Ulla, bougl t 81000 worth, F H and J L Beal; of Linwood purchased o;ver $2000 worth, paying as h'gh as435 for one animal, and J iv Archie of Davidson N : C, bought over $1000 f wo?th. The sale netted 6,625 and the cattle sold n veragtd '265 pr head. : Thisought lo be noted by Rowan farmers. It indicates what can be done with stock ; and this money ought to be ! coming here instead of going to Uhio. The Celebration of the 4th. Committees have been ap pointed to make arrange merits for the celebration of the 4th of July in Salisbury and it is intended to have a flag Raising, a parade and sdma speech making. phis celebration is for the county and it is expected tliat a large number of people Will be here, .." f -. i. "Delves Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Mslaria.enriches the blood.and build upthe tya tern, A trot toaic. For adults a&d children. 60c Twea-Tto Men of -. Rawan Leave For Camp Jackson. Another contingen of Rowan men assembled here Tuesday morning and after tLe usual preleminaries assembled ou the steps of the Federal building where they were photographed in a group At 2.40 Lhis afternoon thes bovs entrainfd for Camp Jackson, Columbia, 8 0, to go into training for services overseas. The men and their officers were as follow-, James Calvin Klutlz. Cap. Robert Monroe Cline, !ieu . James CBarger. Thomas Lee Sidjs. Lester Woodfio Overcash. Ernest Leroy Z mmermai).. - Erwin Sinclair Erwin Morris Tnomas. Carl Q Wiiitley Junius M Fesoennan, Lieut Lewis James Ov-1! cash. John Calvin Beeker. Oscar Shirley Click Walter Alexander Brown. Arthur J Sechler. Clyde H Freez i. Gilbert L Barnh?idt, Lieut Rodell (iark Brown. James Edgar M Pnthul . Luther Adam Feprmin. Albert Grant Btck. Grover Cleveland Graham. Edgar Monroe Faurd. . The following i a list of- colored men entraining last week for Camp Taylor, Louis ville, Ky. James Gay Beatty, captain Theodore L Hargrave, lieut Major Craig. Frank Johuson. Coley Ferrabee. James Young. Andrew Siier. Nathaniel Cirr, liulenan" . Edd Vv illingham. Joe Williams. Jams Stitts. William Clarke. Soar Stomach. This is a mild form of indiges tion. It is usually brought on by eating- to rapidly or too much, or food not suited to your diges tive organs. If you will eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, eat but little meat and none at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stomach without taking any medicine whatever: When you have a sour stomach, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid digestion. Negro Doctors and Dentists Meet Here. The North Carolina Medi cal, Pharmaceutical and Dental Association held their twenty-ninth annual session in the chapei of Livinnstone College yesterday and Today. Quit1- an extensive and in terestin& program was car ried out. Tomorrow they will have an outing at Sonta river and in the evening there will be a reception and dance in Mowery!s Hall. MANY LIKE THIS !N SALISBURY. Similar Cases Being Published In Each hsue The following case is but one of many occurring daily in Sal isbury. It is an easy matter to verify it, You cannot ask for better proof . H S Walton, prop, of grocery, 52o E, Liberty St, Salisburv, says: "Several years ago I w:is taken with a dull, heavy ache across my back which took ihe life and ambition out of me. hen I bent over or tried to lift anything I had to take hold of a chair to set up. A sha rt twinge would snoot tnrougn iav back at such times. iV)y kid nevs were weak and the secretiosi were highly colored apd painful in passage I was vised to try Doan's Kidney PUls aud bo-j gan using them. Doan's re moved every sign of the trouble and I have never had a return of it " Price 6oc at all dealers. simply asir for a kidDey remedy get Doan's Kidnev Pills-the same that Mr Walton had. Pos ter-Milburn Co., fc'fgrs, Buffalo. The marriage of Miss Ortce Vogler of Charlotte and WUl N Earnhardt of Salisbury took place at tbe borne ot the brides; mot'hef , Mrs S C Vogler Thurs day afternoon. They wiT make their home in Salisbury resid ing at the home of Messrs Hanser on North Main Street Miss Cora Dunn of Lynchburg Va and W FDunn of - Spencer, were married ia Washington Tuesday, June 18th. They took a trip to Atlantic City and will reside in Spencer. . The marriage of Miss Ger trude Isabella, daughter of Mrs C VVHavs, and Wm Lewis Wal ton took pi sice in the Presbyter ian church last Wednesday eve- ping Rev W A Lambeth official ing. They left for Atlantic Guy. Buy War Savings Stamps. Rate of One Cent a Mile For Veterans' Deet- inj Tulsa, Okla, June 19Ass suraoce of a railroad rate of jue cent a mile with a 30day 'op over privilege for the re uiion of confederate veterans nptember.24, lias been given Ui lector General McAdoo cording to Gen. Nathan l.-idford Forrest, in charge of ie reunion anangements. t f-.neral Fcrrest stated that ir,ring privileges for sleep gears available here will iovid for at least 25,000 iiorsaLd 10,000 paiie of i ny Mat kets will beprornN (i for thd use of the veterans Buy War Stamps. v nsnever You Need a General Tonlo Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless kill Tonic is equally valuable as a ;eneral Tonic because it contains the ,?el! known tonic properties of QUININB d2.& IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Watch Repairing, Send your work by hand or by par cel post to R. L. BROWN, Route 6. Salisbury, N. C. 5-J5 lOt pd MoTUage Sale of aid. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a mortgage trust deed registered iu book No 40 at page 257, made By tf H Overca-h and wife H. J Overcash, lor tbe protection and benefit of the undersigned, on the 1st day of March, 1911, default having been made in the payment of fhis debt which said, mort gage was given to secure, the undareigntd will sell for cash; at the court house 5or, ia Salisbury, N. C.f on the i 20th Day of July, 1918. mx , Jie k;I!owiug property; i tnte in At well township, adjoining the lands of J. A. YViight et al Beginning at a flake N 9 de. E. 3.10 chains to a stake; tlipnre w. 2 3 chains It a stake; thence 8 87 Pi 16 70 diuin3 'o a piue knot ; thence N. 6 dejj fj 3"29 chains to a pine knot; thence St. (let E2S0 c-lntins to a post oak, thence Nvl deg E 27.92 chains to a stake; thence N 53 VV 12 chains to a st .ke; thence 8 24 deg K 975 chains lo a stakp; thence S 62E9 75 chains to a stak; thence N 39 W 663 chains to a stake; thence S 1 deg W 26 25 chains to the beginning, containing 48 and acres more or ices and known as the Riley place. A lo another tract of and, being tbedow er assigned to Sophia Overcash out -. of the iatvJ.s nf her deceased husband (Solomon Ov e-cash situated in Attvell towrship adjoin ,it:g tlie ij'nds of J A YV right et u contain jatg 54; -creH, deeded by H A Overoagh to ?I.-Jf Overcafli at a cominisfioner's sal, left rence h herely made 10 said ded for fieaeripiion by meies and bounds said deed i- recorded in the office of register of deeds I'Mf Kiw.in county. N O , in deed book Ko. 8 1 at nage 'o 437. On the above ragn- l tioapd two tract of land there is a prior j mortgage exceeding $600 to A. A . VVal. Iae, raortC'gee and trustee. Al anetber lot bought from H H. Leazer situated in the town of Enochville. Besitioiiig at a Atoe (.'ashions corner, run ning tlseuce witlj htircii lot 8 78 deg E ll i . - .:i. ( i.i. is l $ y,- ia Btafeeon old line: tdience 7S deyr V 14 noles t a take wde ftf xoad: theucc 10 dvg E 8 pUi.' the befflnnjng. (ml:iii;in 100 sj!iare f oUw oaore or jesfi. For luck title e deed teeotxied i cdeed book No 6Gp ige2l5 AIxo another trnct adjoining the lastsetv tinned trict of land. Beginning at a Hick ory, old corner of chuich lot; - hence El 80 chains o a stone; thence N 40 deg W 4J chains to a ptone; llienca N 87J W 81 chains to a Rta-.e; thence S 3 83 chains to the be ginning, con'alning 3 acres more or less i See dt-ed recorded in hook No 62 page 68, I boo No 82 pge 70, book 83 page 434 and Conreved by the said II H Overcash and I wife lJ Overcash to satisfy the debt prb- filed tor m said mortgage. This Jutfe the 17h 1918. DR HAWK WlTHZR. . 6 19 4i monjjset d tfoaiee.