w .-. . ;..e- !K -;...; vjt-i-. .t--.-Ti-V"-- i ( THE FLOWERS COUiOWH A HomeNevrapapeR Pnbliaiiediin tbe;Intr6ftpf the Pecple andor Governmental Affairs. m 3 S t'A -,. .. . ; VOL. XIV HO. 3). FOUafH SERIES.. SALISBURY, t, CT BSDAY. JULY WTH, 1918. ESTABUDHEl) 18S2 jinn 1 ' r i.j - PLOTTED TO DESTROY SHIPS AND PORTS Olwry - Indfctod Apin With Six Mm Platting Against American Troops, Shipping The Menace. ' When President Wilson told Jeremiah CVLearv during his catnpaig-n for election to tell the traitors to whom he Ijad access that he did not wish their sup port O'Lenry made a mistake in not leaving- the country then. He is now indicted again, which Makes the third case against him With iiim this time, are six oth ers, live of whom profess Ameri can citizenship. J trcst we be charged with being to hard upon these papists and be reprimanded for the persecu tion of the Roman Catholic relig ion, we let the St Louis Post Dispatch for June 9th. tell this story of treasonable .-political ac tivitv. Here it is. The indicments alleged conspi racy to commit espionage. The assembling and transmission of infonnaiion relative to Ameri ca's prosecution of the war. the destruction of American piers, jdock and troop transports with fire bombs: destruction of quick silver mines in this country to hamper the manufacture of rau nitions, assisting Germany in landing- an arrested expedition in Ireland, foraientation of a re volt against British rule in Ire land, raising of funds in thk country with which to finance these operations, and destruction of munition factories and mines in . Great Britain, are charged as ramifications of the intrigue. The wording- of the indict ments comprising 30 pages, inti mates that the conspiracy .may b2 even of broader scope. This is sugg-ested by a paragraph in the treason indictmeut which al leges that in July, last year one of the defendants sent a cable gram to Oiten, Switzerland, The principals named in the. alleg-ed plots are: Jeramiah "O'Leary prominent American Sinn Feiner now a fugi tive from justice on charges of the espionage act violation for distribution of alleged anti draft literature in the magazine Bull of which he was formed , editor. "Madame K. de Victoria, alias Baroness von Kretschman a bljnde haired German woman of striking appearance and who is about 4o years o d. Odrl Rodiger, who- claims Swiss citizenship, but is alleg-ed to have come to this country rom Germany under a fraudulent passport Willard J. Robinson of New "Ycrk, 30, and under suspended jsen'ences for seditious "soap box" oratory herein behalf of Sinn Fein interests. Albert Paul Frick a ount Vernon (N. Y.) toy manufactur-! r, 'vhose affairs are now beit3g ' administered by Alien Property Custodian Palmer. . J hn T Ryan, a Buffalo, (N Y) attrnev, alleged to have been active in spreading Sinn Fein proiganda in this country. L ail Kipper, prominently id-en tifiVd with Sinn Fein activities in-New Y6rk;ity. Kudolf Binder and Hugo Sch veitzer, both of whom died last year, are the other two ' cit zen defendants" named in "the indictments. T'.iegseven individuals listen are barged with complicity in hot!, conspiracies "' danieM de- Victoria Rodi ger Si ibinson, Fricke and Kinnc r pleaded ,4not guilty" to b.jth in- "dic'mjnts before Federal Judar ttand and were remanded to the yooib$ to await trial. O'Leary MORE HEN BEING CALLED. A Batch of Neeroes to Camp Meade, - and Some Whites to. Ciera. The fohowing is a list of the; names of colored men ordered to; report to the local board fr Rowan county for entrainment to Can. Meade, Md under call N 829 during the five day period bginnhig July 16th, 1918. .Ex aoi ilateto be announced later: John Neal Thomas Cicero Mills Joiin S Leuzer Fred Douglas Carsou William Cuibertson Robert Cowan Tonsil Alexander Litaker William Johnson Charles Heilig , F.red William Kilpatrjck Henry Luther Neal Paul Sturdivant Anderson Mobley Chas C Cisco Floyd A Kerr Charles Bates Levi Savage Cotilous Harris Sam Johnson Bane Archie Archie Blake William J W.ird Richard White Charles Johnson Cieaty Roberts Ed Waters Rubert Gibson Thomas Wilson niff Griffin Daniel Summer Alternates: Isaac Lower, Clyde Good, Sam Smith, James E Litaker, WiMiarn Jones, Albert Stewart, John Culp and John Fis.ier. The following list of regist-rants-to be sent toClemson, Ag ricultural College, S C, by local board for Rowan county for special' 'training under call No 8oi, Sunday July 14: Robert E Lee Dtizo Wm McLaughlin Carl Wiley Karriker George Fred Koontz Frederick H Young James Elmer Beeker Alternate: Clyde Coleman Cor riher. The Strong Withstand the Heat 6t Summer. Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to gc through the depressing heat of summer by tak ing GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It purines and enriches the blood and builds up the whole sys tem You can soon feel its Strengthening Invigor ating Effect. 60c. novwautedon three charges aid Ryan have not been appre hended. The Post Dispatch then goes on to tell how the five Americans among these Sinn Fein papists have assisted in obtaining chemi cars for the making of bombs and explosives "with the inten tion that such bombs would be placed on the docks and piers in the United States and on ships sailing from the ports of the United States, to cause their in jury and destruction." These docks ports and ships be it re me nbered are those which are used by the United States for the transportation of troops and military supplies. No wonder Jeremiah O.Leary disappeared on the eve of his trail under the first indictment found against him. No wonder John Ryant can't be found. No wonder John O'Leary, Jeremiah's brother is under arrest with his bail fixed at $190,099 charged with aiding Jeremiah to make good his escape. Watch this bur;-Ji. They seem to be in dbcur. tbf same position as . the negro who made the mistake of sittiiisr out on the end of a limb I he was sawing off, I gwine to happen." "somethin's FRENCH LAUNCH ATTACK.. Id Advance Over a Frontcf Two miles Taking' Jtaiajr Farm. ' ' -r July 9. Continuing their agfe gtessive defense-in; 'the impend! ing German ofifensive. along the? western battle front, the BrencH have once more attacked tne eja; etny southwest of Sioissotis Launching their blow .from - tC eastern side-of the Retz forrest't north of Longport, the French, have advanced over a lront2,ol approximately two miles; taking Chavigny farm and the slopes, to the north and south of it. oev. eral hundred prisoners were cap-Taale nurses, but there were no tured by the French in their? oundd aboard, sudden attack. ' I Up to the latest reports only The assault maybe linked tip J-l of those on board,- including closely with the recent offensive he captain, survived the treach operations at St Pierre Aigle and oas attack, which came with gives the French a new front Ut warning, line from Longport north as fai lhe submarine commander, as the. southern limits of A m-iho ordered the captain -of the bleny, a distance of almost eightSjandovery Castle, several of his miles. ' t(.3?fficers- and Maj Lyon, of the . A 1 : A . 1 . -2.' . f 1 -' Australian troops noiaing po-s sitions astride the Somme rivfir east of Aimens and north of Ha-1 mel have swept the Germans back over a front of more than aN1li the fighting service of the al- mile and straightened out an awkward angle held by the Ger mans since the Australians and Americans carried their lyies forward in their spirited attack July 4th. Berlin mentionsiocal .attacks in the Clignon sector which is.hefi3 by Americans between Marue and Rheims. Italian forces operating on the extreme left wing of the allied line in Albania, having struck hard at Austrian positions along the Voyusa, Vojutza, river, which flows into the Adriatic about 20s miles north of the town of JU vona, one of the most im portant places in Southern Alba nia. Yienn a admits that the Aus Irian advanced posts have been withdrawn to their main posi tions. This report from Aus trian headquarters probably re fers to the action mentioned in the French official statement on Sunday night. Ij was said by the war office at Paris that French and Italian forces have seized the heights in western AIm bania and theld them against. counter attacks. Although the movement is ae yet not rully developed, it may be that a serious offensive oper ation has been initiated there? Italian naval vessels "would be able to co-operate with the lan forces and if the line is pushed back a great distance, a re-loca tion of the enemy lines running?, over the mountains into Mace donia might be necessary. Th& fighting north of Alyona HaS been going on for at least three days which indicates that it may, be more than a local action. .; Act Quickly. Do the right thiner at theW right time. Act quickly in the time of danger. In time of kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Mrs W..A. Jones, 521 E Lib-, erty St., Salisbury, says: "Sev eral years ago my kidneys were in poor condition, being weak and irregular in action. My back ached nearly ail the time and hurt me every( time I tried to stoop over or lift anything. Sometimes dizzy spells, would come over me and cause specks to float before, mv eyes, blur ? ring my sight My hands and feet were swollen too. I had heard a great . deal of Doan's Kidney Pills and how good they v ere for such troubles so I det cided to try them. The first box of Doan's helped me wonder fully and two boxes cured me " 60c, at all dealers. Foster Milburn Oo , Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y, SUNK A HOSPITAL SHIP. nate Exhibition of ths Brutality of the Han. i A German submarine 70 miles "om the Irish coast on the night June 27 tornedned thfl 1'1.nim; Sew- . IT ' " 4 jgn s hospital ship Llandovery astle, which had been charter by; the Canadian government I ighd had been in the service car rying wounded and sick from ngland , to Canada for many onths past. The ship was fiien on her way to England, ghe had on board 258 persons, including 80 men of the Canadian uiouivcn auu i"x AO. .oedlcal corps aboard, declared 'fb&at.he had sunk the ship be l&use she was carrying Ameri Oin aviation officers and others -esr Me aaaea to to is later oy Asserting that the vessel was VArr.ymg' munitions -stores, be- - - i&insfi of an oynlnsinn whmh bar! K -3 curea aic. ovAll lights were burning when ige Llandovery Castle was tor 'edoed. These included a huge thAfJl&jtric cross over the bridge and jStri hgs of wliite and green lights $ either side. The Red Cross on the sides of the vessel also er o. illuminated by eletric --According to Red Cross infor- fetation, "many men were killed the engme rooms. As the en- linemen were either killed, or jjft posts, there was no one to i'aut off the power and the ship apt on her way, notwithstand ing the great holes torn by the rpedo. not beginning to slow 1fe)V! hntil the water rushed into ie boiler room, extinguishing fee fires. 1 This added to the confusion launching the life boats. uere was no panic, however. gid by the time the Llandovery sjjCastle lost her momentum most $ the boats were over the side. 'JHiose above decks began climb ing into them in good order. Qui many were unable to reach Xhe boats and the ship was sink ing rapidly. They jumped into tne sea, ana a iew oi tnem were picked up. ", According to information re reived by the Canadian Red Cross in. London, Major Lyon, irom the Llandovery Castle was forced zo stana in ine conning j tower, despfte an injured .foot, cyvhile the German submarine of ficers questioned him The fee r mans instslel that Major Ly on was an aviation officer,, not withstanding the officer's de nials. The Germans even threatened to shoot Major Lyon, contending that he was an officer -of the fighting unit, not a .medi cal officer. j The; admiralty report on the .sjnKing aescrioes tne cruel treatment of Major Lyon and declares that the pbmarine af- ,ter sinking the vessel, shelled an unknown target, which the Reports indicate might have Fbeen . t-h e missing boat. The tpaptains boat containing the survivors, was picked up by the destroyer Lysander, the com- fmander of which has reported that he had found trap. nf th Iremaiuing five boats. p -A later report says that,one jmio uuaw sweu vauaiztt auu he 12 nursing sifters werl where, 13 'SYNOD TO BEET AT SPENCER. Wiil Open Mniy fimlte, Jsly 25t& and Continufi in Sassion Through Ssaday. x ' Thn, 8outhurn 'oufrtne of the North Caroliua Luth eran Synod will b held it- Calvary church, Spencer, be ginning Thursday , July 20 ; and will continue tlirougb Sunday. The following off 3ial program has ben i-siiwl; by the secretary , O. A. Cook Thursday 11 a, m Con ferential sermon bv the. president, followed by the holy communion. 2 o. roM the opening of conference discus sion, "How can we save ih Lutherau - People to th church?" h "ThH OhTId ren," Rev M L Kidenhour b "A mdng our fauiilies,' Rev C A Brown c "At Jamp wreene, n-v w a i. ft It T tT . Lutz, 8 3r) p m. seirrou Rev V 0 Ridenhf.ur. Friday 9 30 a. in, Devo tional service?" Re? fl li'Day 11 a m "What t-hould be our attithde towards all -Lu theran bodies in America.1' Rev E P Respis., Ph D and Rev Ct O Rithie, 2 p m. buai nes aiscusion, "Kiolical Doctrine of Regeneration" RevsC M Fox aud C R Pless. 8 30 p ra sermon by Rev . Geo H Cox, D.J) . Saturday 9 30, a m Devo ional services by Mr ller man Cooper, busines, discus- sionSt "ine iamuy Alter in our Lutheran Homes." Rev J A L Miller and Rev J A Groodman, 2 p m, business Sunday 10 a mSunday school hour, ll am coiiferen tial sermon by Rev Charles R Pless, 2 pm devo ional services "ine uonquenug Cross," Address by Rev G O Ritchie. drowned.. The hospital ship is a terrible case of attempted e purlos ver senkt1 says a London dispatch The sinking of the Llandovery Castle was a delibertely planned outrage carried tn rough with typical German callousness'; To murder was added evidence supports this charge attempt to destroy all traces of the crime- It is believed a considerable soc tion of the medical staff got away in boats from the torpe doed ship, but to c in pi etc her work the submarine, after the Llandovery, Castle had gone down, after an interview be tween her captain and the Ger man commander had shattered the flimsy pretex for the attack began a smashing up cruise among the wreckage and any boats aft, with the exception of one, which by a miracle escaped: were rammed and sun. There is also "ground lor, say ing the boats were actually fixed on. Th only survivor are the captain and 23 others who were picked up by destroyer at 9 o'clock Saturday "morning.1 It is tne opinion of the survi vors of the ship, continues the dispatch, that after they left the submarine the -euaiiuy tried to destroy all traee of t&e AiUrago committed. The siafcaiar.irie, darted to and f ro " among the' wreckage : scattering every tia&Qg and the captain's boat had a mr row escape from being ratnooai and sunk; in addition, nre was opened from the submarine, al though there was apparently no 0 f-rat ovpont. rmcihli7 .fl. hnat. from the hospital ship. It is ex- f traordinary that although t n a t aitnougn a ithnpAJiarh sparnh hart hp An m;iflt of ihp.Arpfi where ihe Uandov- Eery Qastle was -attacked, thei i-was no sign ot wrec k age any Standing at ItzM Vaslrjta Vfca SetsTsrtt Wjflrcslf fininitr, Washiiigtofi, July 4 From the shadow -of Vyashiqgton's tomb Prepident Wilson today offered America's Declara- tion of Independence to the peoples of the world, with a pledge that ihe United Stated aud its alliei will uot sheathe th sword fij the war against i)e cent ral powers until there is fettled "once for all" for, (he world what was settled for, Ameiica in 1776. ? Foreigu b6rn citizens o f the United States of 83 na tionalitiea who liad placed wreathes of palms on the 'omb in token of fealty to the priuciplerf laid down by the Vither of thi-j country, cried heir approval of his words 1 11. any languages and then o d with reverently bared rta?s wIhIh t liH voice of John c( t'l uiack soared over thn lilowea ground in the notes f the "Shir-Spaugho! Ban er " ? Thene are t11 for which the associated peoples . of the world are fighting and which mutit be couct ded thein before there ?an bis peacef aid the President: , "I Tli8 destruction of every arbitrary power 'any where that can separat&if, secretly, and of its single choice disturb the peace- o the world, or, if it cannot bel presently destroyed, at tht) least its reduction to, virtual;- , impotence. ;. II The setllement of ev ery question, whether of ter- ritf)ry,. of sovereignty, of economic arrangement, or of political relationship, upoii the basis of the free accept tance of that settlefment by the people immediately ecu--cerned, and not upon the tasis of the material interest or advantage of any other na tion or people which may de sire aiffieut settlement for the 8 ike of its own infiaenca or mastery. "III. The consent of all nations to be governed in thir coi duct towards each other by the same principles of honor aud of respect for the common law of civilized Fociety that govern the indN vidual citizens of all modern static in their relations with oue auother, to the end that ail . romises and covenants may l e sacredly observed no private plots or conspiracies hatched, no ee'fieh ' ii juries wiought with impnnity, and a mutual trnct established op on the handsome foundation of n ' utual respect for right. IV. The establishment of a-n organization o f peace, which frball make it certain that the combined power-of free nations will check every iuvapiou of right and serve to make peace and justice the more secure by affording defiuate tribunal ot opinion to which all must submit and by which every international readjustment that can uot b V amicably agieed upon by th" peoples directly concerned shall be sanctioned. ' "Theee great objects can t e put into a ingle seutence What we seek is .the reign of law, based upon the consent e of the g?erued and sngtsta - . cum. vuir"u. uiuu ;ot43Mia&md . -as. . -vr . , i -. if : mm I

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