r. 7 ( 1 A. Home Newapaper Published in the Interest, of 8 the People and for Honesty in Grovernmental Affairs fttmm collect SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24TH, 1918. HtfB VOL. XIV. NO. 32. FOURTH SERIES .; . The BBIC32 ALLIES DRIVE ENEMY BEFORE THEN. Germans Retreating Under Heavy Pressure From Allied Armies. With the French Army in France, July 21 Chateau Thi erry, the cornerstone of the line of the.farthest German advance fell early this morning- when the French occupied the citj, driving- the Germans before them. The enemy has begun his re treat northward under heavy pressure from all sides, French American and British all participating- in the thrust which is pushing- the Germans back. Where the retreat will end can not be conjectured, as evcij thing now depends on the will of the allied commander-in-chief. The German, position in the vicinity of Chateau Thierry was doomed from the moment their divisions re-crossed the Marne, Franco-American troops carried out an encircling- movement from the northwest at the same time, which made it absolutely neces sary for the enemy to with draw. In the course of the night re connaissainces were effected by the French to test the strength of the Germans" still in the city and shortly after dawn the allied re-occupation became an accom plished fact. Victories for the allied arms in France continue to multiply. Over the entire 60 mile front running from Soissons to Rbeims the allied troops .are fighting with a determination that brook uu denial in there efforts. And the Germans are steadily giving ground thougn stubborn resistance is being" offered on 'some sectors. m Furtiier goodly sized indenta tions have ubeen made in the lerman line between Soissons and Chateau O Thierry .by the A aerican and French troops aud almost all the gains made by the Germans in their recent drive south of the Marne and toward the vicinity of 'Rbeims btve been blotted out under the caunter attacks of the Ameri cans, French, British, and Ital ians. Chateau Thierry which repre sents the point in battle Hue wheie the Germans had driven their wedge nearest to Paris, has been recaptured by the French troops, and almost simul- taneously the village of Brasles, two miles eastward, and the heights to the north of the vil lage fell into their hands. Acting in harmony with the movement on Chateau Thierry, American and French troops northwest of the city struck theiment. But hnre and there Oer uans another hard tblow, j some of them emi'e when broke through the Geiui .in lines 1 fhv happily respond to the i-'l.,4T...GH aid drove through at some '6 ' points more than three miles. Lare numbers of- priMnrs ?er '. taken and the machine gun s of the allied-troop iitera1 v mo.veddowu the Germans V s.) endvavoreU. to stay iheir png- ress. To the north, along the Ourceque valley, the French are making good progre&s toward the i.nportant junction town of Nan ueli Notre Dame while . o operitions south and scuthe 1 of boissons are keepinir time with those along the oilier part of the front. T';o entire southern bank of the Aiarne having been cleared of en j my forces. Froruli. P.riiish and Italian troops now are hurd in:-ihose s mtiivw t -di' RlnMrn 8ud i:ey h.ivj b-on f.)rc:d t. 1 ji. baci itl 'the Oburion wood, th. Adrc .'aiit-y and nj-ir Si iiu; ; . taise noi-viit)st mditi- tueir h h para 2 resi-iiaiiue. nuan-c Of 1 iritish opjratin with tiu tllici t ifwca in this tcgua U u" known. The first announcement that they were in the action was made Saturday night and doubt less they represent a portion of the great reserves that every wnere are being brought up along the battleline in an ende av or to make sure the victories al ready won and enlarge them. Wih the capture of Chateau and the fast progress of the Fiench and Americans eastward from the northern sectors, the plight of the Germans in the south western portion of the Sois sons-Rheims salient becomes in creasingly hazardous, and it is not improbable that when stock s finally taken large numbers of prisoucto and quantities of guns and war stores .will be found to. have been taken by allied troops. Aviators continue to lend assist ance to the troops of General Fotch, scouting the back areas and harassing the retreating Germans with their machine guns. Notable work has been done by American Indians for General Pershing's men, the Ab origines takinga prominent part in characteristic wester fashion, in scouting in the Marne region In none of the other theatres except the Soissons-Rheims sal ient is ? there any fighting of great moment in progress, The British in northern France and Flanders are continuing their daily patrol encounters and tak ing prisoners, while the guns of both the Germans and British are keeping up their reciprocal borabardmenr. A,,::i;i2 Mies. Pass Rag3 Piles German DaaJ. Avlt hHTIeT Am erica n Army on the Aisne Marne front, July 21. Germany has aK nady paid a terrible price in -he fighting that is going on between Soissons and Cha teau Thierry, the ad vane ing allied forces haved passed great piles of dead and manj' wound -?1. These sufferer are well card for and the allied forces a iv displaying a fine r pi ri of co-operation. Among the j risoners cap tur ( were a German cc71on elnndhi taff. 1 hey had taen rt-fnge in a quar rj aud refused to obey a sum nions o come out. After efforts to induce them to sur- render appeared to be was'ei lHnfi grenades were dropped down a chimney 'eadiug into th quarry. Those unhurt, including the colonel, quick ly emerged In tlie long lines of prison- era along the mads there are many expressn g bewilder Q s -' trO'rg to raries L) .itii late o 1 v tif r M i . SI ; l 10 I'TlUg tu t.Hr 'in ' ! 1 othnr prswtiv eninv .h!.H rsata r reucii MX. 1 td A m' ioan i.fhc-'is appefi to iiion? tluin pleaded Wit ii 4 he suucHfJs h it e:dy aUaint-d FmII .(vd'.' i givn the ol;in f Ci neral Fch which al : H(iy has nett-d mgtuficent re-nits and which ironipeti o coMVer t'ljH h m bilious p;;m!-- f the Germans into a .. . v. na.-C' 1 iiM number of prisoner5 taki is hei'-g iucivas-d an fr la e-e til it ts acer m - - r i : z i - 5 V ! V U ! O Ml r . m ;i : i ' . 5 -III 'n V il - s t ih ;: 'UWcii lo MORE MEN TO GO TO CAMP. Number of Rowan Men are to so to Camp Hannock on the 25th. List of the names of men call - ed to report to Local Board for Rowan county, July 25, 1918, Wijng 0ff Fire I.and, New entrapment to Camp Hancock, Ga., under Call No 866: Clyde Mitchell Gillespie Abraham Saleeby James R Myers Robert Le Patterson Charlie Adam Mc Bride Edwin M Lawrance Ernest L Hardin Wesley Reitze' Painter Zeb Waller John Ray Goodnight Fred Lee Karri ke'r ILirvey M Goodman Marlow M Everhart Wm Thomas McClamrock Carson W O Lingle -Thomas M Stridor Ernest Leo Freeze Luther Lafayette Gobbel Carl Julian Smith Frank D Freeze Clark Roland Overcash -Luke Oscar Cavin Clyde Coleman Corriber Luther Monroe Earnhardt Jesse C Shoaf Theodore Floyd Corriher Erwin Alexander Hill Jacob Franklin Wilson Burton Monroe Bogle Charles Sain Henry Roseman Benjamin F Kluttz William Thos Campbell Alonzo Sapp Bur well McLellan Davis William Webster Belk ' Walter Lee Kluttz Augustus C Beeker Mack Wm Upright -Omet F Dudical Garland Grey Swicegood Larry Murl Beaver David Calvin Agner ALTERNATES: William M Headinger Joseph H. Fesperman Bernard Whary Gurriher John S lack welder Fred Stephenson Waller WUIiam R Walton Charles Lee Gulp John Joseph Heilig. Mrs Barns' Letter. Here is a letter that is certain to prove of interest to people in this vicinity, as cases of this sort occur in almost every neighbor hood, and people should know, what to do in like circumstances: Savannah, Mo.: Oct. 12, 1916. 'I used a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy about nine years ago and it cured me .of flux, dysentary I' had another attack of the same complaint some three or four years ago aud a few doses of this remedy cured me, . 1 have recom mended Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy to dozens of people since I first used it. Kinmpiih Fafts Fill Trarih in Statssvais, Ptiisce ofhoers a?urday night captured an jiutomobile and ibout ten gallons of whiskey and the men along with it, H C Mor ris, Arthur Gregon .Ino L Steel tnan and Ben Sides, all white, ind all from Kannnpolis. All gave bond for their appearance here next Monday for a hearing. The tiivrn talked .very little, but it is assumed that, they got their liquor hi w r' li tr,e mountains and , ,;?!e! for home. Thev it i r.-'s? suraiU at, the nd n ; i.- .-Ij;-, were in -open 5 1: C ! ' h IH or - '! : 1 1 e i r !::.. . u iide. : , j : .! . ! -:i :k d . a'nd . ! . j) Ml t ; j ' ' ' ' , V bv)UU ; . . - . , . .1 i i;i . : stamps -3 ;': V 72 LOSE LIVES WITH SAN DIEGO. j Belief Grows That the Crusier was Victim of 1 a Lj - f Washington., July 20 The loss of life in the sink fYork vesterdav of the Unit-d IBtates armored crusier San : - it Diego and the oaust? of the ship's de?truct;on still we1( Undetermined tonight at the navy iepartmeut. Announce- Jrhent was made that 1,183 men from the alup had been fli'jfaiiHtaH f I nrflFi ..i q 1 runnrf a fl 1H1 (lint ( iuku nrapa 1 Wkh aboard, aud-ii they are ' bjpot exceed 72 Liczr Adnrral Palmer, act ;ing secretary of the navy, to riiight made a rublic detailed Aacqount of the destruction of Mil : j . ivud uiuBier aiiu iuu rescue ui 'the crew, but it added noth jng to previoas 'reports from CJapt. H H Christy .and other Survivors as to the cause of the sinking . Belief that the San Diego as the victim of a mine, however, grew among naval Officials after the commander pf the American patrol ijboats operating off;Fire island Reported that his craft had picked tup severaL mines of foreign design. -Among the survivors, opin ion seemed to be equally di vided as to whether a sul taariheor a miue wxs re; . trjible for the los of lii t: - ier. Many held liiit au t-ae-my I torpedo struck the war pi i i I , w b i I e as m a n y s u bsc r i b r!Vt the tiieory t hat vj$sel hi a miip3. No rt--fer-eiice.to the causa of the ex pjo'io . which was Jn-ard -aboard the crusier was cdii uMned in the accouut of the winking made public tonight by Arl miral Palmer. M The ship listed to oil heavily so that tbe water en tered 'the gun ports on the grfdeck. Tue vessel listed eg lit degrees quickly, then hng for seven minutes: tlfn . gradunliy li-ted, the spjfied hicrasing until 35 de griees was reached. I'he slxip was J ibout five minute? in turn1 u over after tdie had- rea.hed 35 degr heel.; !Np wake or torpedo win seen. Have Taken 17.000 Prison er Washington, July 2i Prison ersicaptured by American troops in hV offensive on the Aisne Marie front up to an early hour Saturday totaled ' by actual a cJc,o u n t 17,00(). General Pushing reported in his com mujitque for yesterday received totTgbt by the war deparment. .Respite counter attacks and reajr guard actions of a despa rat; nature, the Americans advanced steadily early yester day, :;says the communique. The toW.rjs of Courmelles, Rozet St. Albin, and Vauhry ;had been en tercd by the Americans before 1 o'clock Saturday mornintf. sTh Strong Withstand -the Heat of Summer Better Tln the Weak Out, people v V ;. tue feeble and younger people ' '' w-t-X wtil be strenlUiened and enabled to ' li the depressing heat of summer by tak- o ROVE'S TASTELESS chiU TONIC. It Dunnes and Enriches the blood and builds up the whole sys tem. You can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect: 60c ITJV7 ,WaT Savkg S-zi Submarine Sunk three Barges off Cape - Cod. Orleans, Ma-s. July 21. An enemy submarine attacked a tow off the easternmost point of Cape Cod today, set a fourth and their tug on fire and d topped four shells on the mainland, The action lasted an hour and was unchallenged except for two hydroplanes from the Chatham aviation station, which circled over the U Boat causing her to submerge, only for a moment, to reappear and resume firing. The crews of the tow, number ing 11 and including three worn- en ana nve cnudreu, escaoed amid the shell fire iu life boats. Several were wounded, but ouly one seriously. This haooened to be John B o t o v i c h, an Austrian of the crew of the tutr His right arm nes.ir th shou'ider was torn away by a fragment ol shell. The minor injuries of thr others were from shell splinters. The attack was without war , - mg and only the poor markman ship of the German gunners j er mitted the escaped of the crow:,. The fight took place ihr e miles south of the Orleans co at guard station which is lcrted midway between C- t"i -i " ; nd the elbow, and Highland bght at the extreme tip of the cas 'I be firing was heard for m;L htid brought thousands to li.e beach from which the fiasco of Jie guns and the ontliue of the U boat were plainly vi-dhle. Pos sible danger to the odook rs was not thought of uolii a shell whizzed over their heads and "Un in a pond a mile inland . rhro. olIi-t shells buried ibetn ves in the ndeFtifBeach D-own the Tradden Pari. Man tint is born of his par onis is of fow days and full of microbes. He goeth to school A hen a youngster and gets the scat of his pauts paddled for something he didn't do until he is sick ml l)eart. He groweth up ike a weed in the back yard and soon reaches the age when he is composed largely of feet, freckles a-id an appetite for pie. About the time he gets too long enough for short trousers and not long enough for long ones he goeth aw y to college, learneth how to moiiKey with a three-dollar man dolin and play whiskey poker. He cometb home a bigar fool than ever and marrieth a sweet young thing whose pa is suppos ed to be wealthy, but whom he subsequently as c e r t a i n e t h, couldn't buy the prize rooster at a county fair. He worrieth along from year to year, gradu ally acquiring offsprings, until his house resembles a Suuday school class just before Christ mas, He fretteth through the day and lieth awake nights try ing to figure how to keep him self and his dependent popula tion out of the poor house, Ef forts are rewarded by his daugh ters who run off and get married and bring him home a nice son in law every few days to feast at nis ooar.a. ms sons grow up and call him governor and set him back a five-spot every day or two. About the time he has acquired enough lucre to make it worth while for hi heirs to quarrel over he contracts a cold and is hurried away befoie he has time to have a talk with his family. His sons blow in his es tate on bad whiskey nd plug hats and his wife pu:s t rie finish ishing touches en hi ( arcer by marrying the hired mau. P'tzz Cored in 6 to 14 Days Drtukts refund money. If PAZO OlNnODfTCriSt to curs Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Pxutrudlng rUea. Instantly relieves Itchh Piles, and yon can et l&Sf&S GERDAN RESISTIVE STEI3 Foch's Trtops Pesstritr ferrgr &3r t Distance tf Twi Cs, With the American army on the Aisne-Marne Front, July 2tf The fighting continued throughout today north and northeast of Ohateua , Thierry. The Germans by no means were slack in accepting the allied challenges and struck back w.itli great vigor The fighting im mediately north of Chateau Thierry was so fierce as almost to rob it of the suggestions that it was a rear guard action. Nevertheless it was known that while the intense struggle was progressing the work of moving stores was under way. At least at one point the fighting- was more nearly in open or ler than has been usual. Wit ' minimum of artillery fire b th sides the Americans advan 1 their skirmish .tine Ovier !!o whe-tt fields, dotted' whH :u-s n 1 -iirouh : lumps of l. - -A-i Indian fightings ,!'rHi2i! l machine gun workf i ne icrsn ms IMl on the fielu xre..t oJlor ;f maQhini gun - :s in n-. s, any- of - these j s were ctfptuCedv and t5ie tn e p. r s. iti v 1 of a, tii achiqi gun npany i spelling the already 4" list of prisopers taken by i t Americans. The entente alljed troops, QUy the Soissons Rheims salient" con tinue to gain ground, both on the western side of the battle front and on the south on tkT vtarne apd toward" Kheims, no wihstaoding' the increasing iv sUtanceotthe Germaaii f n4the bad weather that is prevailing on the southern part of the line While the latest gains reepjd ed are not great, on the, woje. as those of the previous dats. tliey nevertheless have adde'd tK-, si t ions of strategetic vlue to tbe allied line for the further rbsi" ecution of the efforts to clear the line of the euem-ri In i the fighting more prisoners, guns and war stores, have- f)leti : i nto th e h ands of the - AnericftU French and British troops As a diversion the FrencJ,;o,j tbe northeast, midwayf betveen Soissons and Amiens, hate; de livered a blow against, the Ger man line which has been r prgdv tiveof excellent results: Strife : Ins. on a front of. about foufr miles, (general Foch'... troops penetrated the enemy lines .tor a distance of about two miles and gained the heights domination: the valley of the Avrer riyir iffl . the plains beyond. Fif teen hun dred Germans were captnred1 by. the French. The offiisrl ;com munication issued by the' French war office refers to this fightfog as a local operation. Charab3rl2inrs Tablits. These tablets are intendfc! pecially for stomach trmtblest biliousness and constipation If you have any trouble df tMsSort; ive them a trial and realize for' yourself what a first class-medt- cine will do for you. They only cost a quarter. Products cf Oli-rics Wilkesboro Patriot, B P Call, who is ezeeutor of the estate of his ttoflif;Vtlie: 1 ate M rs Emily Call, hasfile 1 an inventory of th&pttiXMP ty belonjging. to , the !esiste a'nd; -among-: he articles nanii .iBj-. list are 707,' vardsV ol-. do&Vlw' Htas of lace, '7 pOiOjfp aud 4 i piurils .ot t l'vV Utas Call was -' n- ormMi thrifty iwu!seeftpfr an 1 alwars kept a qHntit'.-' of ' useful ijstijz plies on hanJ.

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