' . . ;-s.. - . ' " ' - ' ir . ..." - "" rmmi m 1 it 'y A L NEW; Of interest to . ALL OF OUR -READERS 4k A quiet marriage took p'aee at the pareorge ' of Faith .Reformed church, SSdlibn'rv, SatuidayGevening the con tracting parties being Mi ss Sadie Pe1er, of . Hickory and Lieut lter Lee Litaker of Kannapolip, but who at irwa ent stationed is at Camp Fun 8ton, Kansas. The ceremony was performed by G O Wag oner and was witnessed by a few friends and relative. The bride is a neiceof Mm C4qrg-. O Fishr i f thfd city. I be couple will go to Camp t 'instou upu the expiration of Lieutenant lj'taker's fur lough and will be located at that place for the present.. Petty thieves have been getting in work in the busi ness section. It was discover ed Monday that since closing time Saturday some out broke open te display stand hi f'xjnt of FeMtnaii'ci aud the Beehive aud stole therefrom fancy articles amounting to several -dollars in valun. Prof. 1) 0 frexler and wife are visit iug iunthe city Prof. Trexler will this fall take up a new positiou as teacher in mathematics and physical ti lining at Lenior college,, fti.ickc.ry. He has' for six years beeu teaching in Flori - da and Mississippi. lie is the sou of Rev H A Trexler of H M Armistead, and son Brandon, wtio have been to St Louis, spent yesterday here With rtlativep. Mr Armistead was for twelve years manager of the local otSriH of Ch- Wo&tt&n Uoieo Telegraph Company, but for pat six years has been mana ger of the offic at Raleigh. E F Eaton of Garland, N C, was a pleasant caller at The Watchman office Mons day Mr Eaton has- just dis posed of his fine home place at Cleveland;, but still has a liking for old Rowan and will return if he can get a small farm to euit hs purpose. The P O S of A and W O W will hold tbeir annual pic nic at Morgan's Grove, near Mill Bridge, August 15th. Everybody is invited. Rer freshments will be served for the benefit of the Red Cross. No illuminating sighs or similar lights will be permit tnd to burn ou Monday and 'J uesday nights. This is in ohedience to an order of the rational fuel administrator. 'J his order 4will be effective until further notice. Wiley Dodge, colored, a pioneer shoe maker of this c !y was 90 years old Satur day, August 10. However hrt still follows his trad -j as cbbler, doing soma work at hi little shop at his home ou V est Iuns Street. The soldiers from the long tnop train delayed here Sun day, on account of the wreck south of thejcity, 'wera dis tr ined aud given a long hike ai.d after considerable walk, several of the men were over come with heat and bad'to dr n out of liuft. Thv wre ! giv-n medical attention by an army medica1 doctor who whs with the party, and re - tin ned to their train in auto- nioifilesL Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic" ' Wi4tht Wood.- You can soon feel its Streuath JjtoS. lavliorilMoct, frlQ Train 35 Kills Boy. Triti n No 35 is reported to have killed Avery Lythe, age 13,' and injured Wesly Suekner, age, 12, Sunday afternoon. The'se boys were inmates of the Thorn asville Orphanage. It is suppos ed they Tode a freight down near Linwojd. There were a half dozen or more boys in tne party and in leaving the freight were attempting to3 make tbeir way back to the orphanage, and get ting nn the opposite track; when No 35 rushed by and struck them. 1 he uninjured boys were taken in charge arid the orphan age authorities notified. The body o f the dead boy was brought to. Salisbury and taken to v -right's undertaking ' estab lishment, prepared for. burial nnd was sent to Thomasville ! fj0 m which place it will be sent to his mother, V5rs Woodard of It semary N- C. The injured were also brought to Salisbury and taken to the hospital for treatment. ' 25 to Camp Jacksoo Saturday. The following is a list of men wlio left vat 2 40 on Saturday afternoon, for Camp Jackson Columbia, SC. Joseph E Blalock, captain Paul A'Kestler, lieutenant John Lentz Joseph P Cline Roy A Caubie Horace L Cook Lonnie RfEller Joseph P Cress George L McNeill James H Steele, lieutenant Ciedy J Blackwell William C Bost David T Fes per man James HPesperman Bernard WCorriher Richard A Ludwick Joseph S Black welder Joseph G Barber, lieutenant Fred S Waller . William R Walton , Lewis E God bey Charles Lee Culp J h o. W Yar bo ro u gh rohtrt Heitig: "V---. - - Marvin B Weddington A contingent of 44 colored men will leave in the three day period beginning August "22nd, for Camp Greene, Charlotte. Will Johnsoa Caught and Escapes. Nearly a year ago Will John son escaped from, the chain gang after haying served only a few days. Last w,eek ne was caught at Hopewell, Virginia, and given three extra months for escaping which was to begin at the expir ation of hi$ orginal sentence But Will w ill have to be caught again, for although he was taken to the gang' the first of last week he stayed there four days and unceretnonously took'leave again Thursday afternoon. Although several bullets went whizzing after him he only increased hU speed and so far has not yet been found. Rev. Way and Family to Leave tat 22nd. Rnv vv W Way, who for pome years has been rector of St Luke's Episcopal church iu this city, is having his household effects shipped to Raleigh.'Dr Way was recent ly elected and accepted the presidency of St Mary's Col lege in Raleigh. Rev and Mrs Way are guests at the home cf Mrs J D McNeely,226 South Jackflon street, until their departure on August 22nd All who know these excellent people, regret to have them leave. On Au gust 21st, 6 to 11 pm, MisMc Neely extends a cordial mvi- totinn t.o all the members of j st Lukn's parish ' and all f rieuds of Dr and Mrs Way, J who would like to wish their, , Go Ispeed. 1 Qrove's Tasteless chBl Tonic destroys the maltrtoUerms which re tiansinitttd' At about six , o'clock Friday. August 9tu there ' was a bad freight wreck in ;the yards ' at China Grove, when t one "of the giant " locomotiye? of k north; bound, freight rammed - into the rear of a local freight, also north bound. The local ; freight was shifting when the ttfrdugk freigh t came speeding up and before it could be stopped. jam med into the cab of the local: The caboose was knocked clear across to the south bound track; blocking itf and several freight xars were wrecked between the two tracks, while one par was thrown to theeast side of the north bound traclc. The big lo comotive of the through freight was thrown over on its side; A wreck crew from Spencer hurried down to clear the tracks and re- move the wreckage, aftej delay ing otbertrains for sometime. No one was hurt on either train. - v Freight Wreck Here Sacday Alttrctia. The freight wreck near Taylor's "Vnattress factory Sunday .afternoon had all passenger and troop trains going via Charlotte and Bar her while the wracking crew were repairing the dam age. The cause of the wreck was a hot box which: caused one truck near Jthe middle of the train to jump the track. There were fourteen heavily loaded tears wrecked and several of them badly demoN isbed. Car wheels, trucks and other debris were scat tered some distance, The freight carB were left in all manner of positions, some partly overturned, others on their sides and sev eral stripped of thir trucks. Wreck at Hud Cat. " The Southern had another wreck Monday afternoon This one was near Mudr0u It is said one of the largest engines ta the Bervice of the Southern was overturned and a number of cars derail ed and torn up. A wrecking crew from Spencer went up to clear up the .wreckage. It is said that one man supposed to have-been a t train hobo, was killed. The Ashaville train due here at 7 45 & mjcjp a tlj a. i -air" weni via, apiriauourg anov reached Salisbury about mid midnight . Salisbury Firemen ge to Ceaveatiaa by lits mobile. Salisbury's delegates to the state firemen's convention which meets at Wrightsville Beach this week went through the country in an automobile leaving 'here Saturday noon. The local dele gates include Chief Brown, As sistant Chief Paysoux, Secretrry Kelset and Murry Smith and. Tom Casey. A Salisbury Wopa's Experience. Can you doubt the evidence of this Salisbury woman? You can verify Salisbury en dorsement. Read this: Mrs R W Elmer. 428 E Conn c.l St.. savs : "Some time aero I suffered from kidney trouble. I was tired and run down and my back ached almost continually. I felt as if a heavy load was bear ing down on my back and I bad dizzy spells and black specks ap peared before my eyes. My ankles andhands swelled and my kidneys acted irregularly. used Down's Kidney Pills and they soon regulated my kidneys, me feel like a different person."! Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy) get Doans Kidney Pills the same that Mrs Elmer had. FosA ter-v ilbnrn Qo . iifgrs., BuffaH iot N; y fH'he negro Far mer of Ro w aiicounty met AQefast Iptb mlflhe office of Aha " local de mgnstratiou aent ioj Ncprtb Mrtiiirn of Bowan J cuanty ifipd tormed" aa bmitatloti Wlbe r kno wn as taS vNtstrb jfarnjers.; urganizam i roz Bawain counj Ti otect is to bring about better ccm ditlons agricultaraUy -ral1-Jy iind religiously among ithe negro farmers, V : V ph offieera are not unmtnd tx?ot the great reponsibit it ji up3n them in hinftf to this great war, therefore plfdge themselves to encour ag) thrift and ecqmmyi at hcvne that Qthose Qverthere,' -.iE be sustained wtifle fiht inIf for the democracy oftthe wjle: world.- m sjhe officers elected Jto pilot th organization thcpUgb Bthe fir year are men who stand higl) ia their districts, and areas follows: .: -'-R.Locke,Loeal No 1 Prei f f Reld, " No V Pjres, J Rederick. " Jo 5 &ec . tjenry Reid , No 6 Chap lail. ! Rev B P Murray, Local NIO, Treasurer, t it may be interesting to tie that W M Lodce, ithe president of theCfiriti lo cwj .president of the j&nt ndro credit anion of North C&blina and now Ithe fisst president of the fiot negro county Agricultural Assocla tio a of Rowan county, r 7 Tl3 4irswtlt-FLa-Tpt Ei-Osiifl. iThe StirewalU Pless Tost reunion " will be 'held od Thursday, August 22nd, at Mt Hope Reformed" church, on the Concord road, seven, miles from Salisbury. All relatives of these families are xpected to -be present ann. the public generally is invito d An interesting program is i)eing prepared and some speakers of State-wide repu tations to make addresses. hi ".his .is the eighth ro-uaicD of heStirewsait Plcsafcs;!'; an 1 ihs tixtesnth of tha? Vcat hRrf eration. Re? C MKess m Untoa church, ipzdetit a.ifV M v ourewau or 4Jinna Ypi secretary, ox tne so ft !)llCeahto0s3CaII:1. 8 The .Kowan draft Boardbasi receive uncial ihstracntis from Wasbipgton to call foritl ,; ifeiry service at once all me iu class one,,incladin'g those otlthe 1918 registration. It is prenn ed tha tnis sa ne order wnj to all draft boards throuhoutth country, liiis order will bVpu t one. There are only a few man: in class one of the 1917 registrants but there are 1 06, in class on ot the men registering on done 19 18, Known as the 19l8.class The last call issiied by the: lo cal board for colored registrants cleared up class one of these Just what effect this caltfrill have on the menin classJwo three and four ia not statd. Tjfiese fire the qnly men left to be cailetf should atiother call be madVibe;. fore the registration of theuaen from 18 to 21 and from 31 tor 45, even if the proposed bill should pass. In addition to the variety and thoroughness of the training of-j fered in the marine corp& a strong appeal is made to th&eni ergetic and ambitious you ngtnan by the fact that fh' corps U ipov in need of l,8oo com missioned u- ficers, 7,5ob non-com misstojielay. to take care of the increase-; strength. As every ffice: n the marine I corps must cpm from the ranks, it will be seet there Is no?y a splendid ogir ; tunity for rapid promotiovjoiq the man who has the ability needed to rie among the vglisa. tile soldiers of the sea. Tho j wishing to join should calVajth;. Salisbury post office Strong efforts are being made to swell the marine corps to authorized! strenth. ,76,ooo. before the new draft in fades the field, and ft re cruiting -office has been opened nere ior mis purpose. The soldiers of the sea are do ing valiant work on the battle fields in France. They are tcqn tinuing their advance against-the Germans, but 25,ooo more 4 so dlers of the sea are needed Vai once. All men enlisting In the marine corp canst be American ciens, wHte, ixA bet wee n the tgjes 18 and 4p. l ; A train load of men from New Yoik en route to a Sou thern Gamy embarked at S fencer yesterday and march led over to Salisbury wien pome eight or (en of them mr aVercome with the beat, the ioemometor fn, the street pro- jaoiy registerea over luo t is a very severe trial torihe Ln and thft lading of flirt Rd Oross asked ptrmisiion to ere ior them and let tUein follow later hut the officers oild not consent to tbia Tbre were a number of tiufavora ble remarks in reference to the officer's judgmeut and eon dnct. BcMoilU toale b4 Uxathrt tft. TIVBBKO jouq qvmufM a better uum oratmtr and 4oc set mctvoee-por QUXVIKS tB better Uwa Huwinilm lieftd. XeaMfaber the rn Mae sad look lor the iavatort el B. Wf CKOVfl. c HDo6tto8b Qpy s For building no weak, nervous, jscrlbe iron. lb is the greatest known and, tajen in proper quantities, it builds up the body like nothing else can. But many of the iron preparations before the public contain oo little ironttnanjof them contain from 10 to 25 per Acid Iron is free from ike presence of alcoho. It is obtained from the only natural mediclpal iron mineral world: pure, jaatiirai iron prod net, rree xrom tne drug or the nhamitt and' the ''doDe' of the ill maker. I In aclditioii to three forms of natural iron Acid Iron Mineral con tains magnesium, potassium, sodium and calciom, medicinal prop laH whiett viiur ' doctor Dr6cribea for indifireation dvAnAnaia. yww --7- j constipation and nanv Hilmenfc AS a general tonic it comes ci- blood and toning up tne system Bp pure yun gei n.ciairon xaiufciur. asK ror it oy name. Lioor fc A-l-Sfttrade xaark, It ia your guarantee of a pure, cone n trated, Qcieni, econoaical irci prednct At all reliable d t uggi ts or to PTto4tGhtC 0rpHll5HefVa,$l per bottle prepaid 1 - - ra Tttere was an intereatitLVti at the passenger station rFridd. morning when a pullman " car. 4oade4 with French sailors Vear : ing: the regulation Preach, sailor .uniforiiis'wltn the names of their ship across the back of their odd ;little sailor cps. These, healthy Irobust men were bound f 0r!v8px contrast to these French sailors were a number of American Isold iera in their khaki uniform these being aboard the same train and mingling with their French Allies during the stay here. For ladisestion, Coastipatioa cr Bttiousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH VSPSStL A . liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Co manufacturers of Laxative Brorno -Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic & 'isa Strscl fef lIxStElsi. . Private Glosson, a student at Clemson college, became " ill on -the train Sunday and was taken to the Sanatorium by the Red. Cros Canteen unit on duty at .the depot that day. He was well enough to join his company it Clemson College in a few days however. Several weeks ago .vlr Glosson was struck by light a tung ana was very ill tor some When able to travel he as givensick leave and went 0 his home in Saxaphaw, N C, for a few days and was on his vay back to the college when iricken with illness that requir ed medical attention. I Eta Attack. . When yon have a bilious at tack jour lives fails to pert or m its functions. Ifon become con' stipated. The food you cat fer ments in your stomach, instead of digesting. This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomi tingand a terrible headache. Talce three of Chamberlain's Tab lets; They will tone up" your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon.be as well asv ever. They only cost aiter. - OS Sunset Magazine increases its rates to 20c per copy on news stands and $2. per yearly subscription, beginning with September Issue, 1916. ZS Loott honoe to subscribe to Qqnoot Maga zine at the old price of $1.50 per year and receive a Large Liberty War Map of tl e Western Battle Front, Froo. Ttiis remarkable offer is open to all whose subscriptions will be receixed at this office up to August 15tfa, 1918. Subscribe before this date and save the price, of Two Thrift O tamps "Kill two birds with one stone'' Help th Government and Yourself. Sunset Magazine, Oan Fracoisao, OcIIfornla. TdhO Droti" run-down people, doctors pre- blood purifier and strengthener deposit of Its kind known to the r I 1 arising from a disordered stomach. Hsr. io tne iaeai. mamng ncn. pure and weak vital organs to normal ' Mineral 8

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