i , ... .... i i 'T- f .-K 'V :cEER01NY,S"CffrACtYSia - - EKka f-tay years. v -- x aai question is and an swered in the affirm ativenia'aTl atl iiiterestmartipfr fiETlt 1 York Sun; yrfitby'ne kut, and feproducecl m'vgPJ this week's ierkattfcwo-f mist, he facts - presented ine conclusions urawn aic ui vu al interest to the busmes's merfdf the United Stated Gefthaiiy'ls facing an industrial cata'clystii.' Her only chance for escaping? that condition is the winning-" "'of the war, and levying- upon the defeated nations money indemni ties to pay her enormous- in deb edness. The increase of Gar many ?s debt, during- fouryers of war, is 'from $5,200)o6;OOGU' August, 1, 1918. The present debt amounts to one-half of the entire value of all of Germany farms, factories, ships and mines stated by Germany herself., as $75,000,000,000. On this capitoj wealth the annual income is giv en as $10,000,000,000. "One sixth of Germany's gross income is.no sufficient for the interest on. her debt. Another sixth would. " not provide a sinking fund to .wipe, out the principal. Germany is borrowing money with which to. pay interest, She is pyramiding her debt. Her interest, charges are aireaoy greater tnan her. say ings, and her national debt is al . most 50 per cent, of her entire. population's ownership. These stunning .figures, in creasing at the rate of $10,000 000 every day that the war goes qn, tells the story of Germany's fitian cial ruin. That result, as we have said, can only be averted by the complete victory of Germany and by the indemnities paid by the losing nations. No such 6,ut- come is conceivable. hGernfany cannot possibly win the war. Th4 Catclysm must come, and wiftj' it and impoverished nation. Recti peration is sure to be a long, i slow process. It can only be ao complished through production. For that production, is the 'excess of the greatly decreased po-werof the German people kta "bay and consume, world raaEketa must furnish an outlet. The biggest of all .world, markets the market capable of absorbing as much of Germany's surplus production 'as nearly all the rest of world mark ets put together is - the Uni ted States. Upon this great market with the present low Tariff and no Tariff ot the Underwood Free Trade schedules, Germany 'w&l dump immense quantities of , her industrial surplus. ( That is what Germany after the war ends, will do, unless the United States is prepared to prevent it by a com plete adequate Protective Tariff? American Enconomist. ; The above is from the Ameri can Economist which seems to be well informed and reliable on most any subject except the ' tar iff. A maze of tariff figures and J J A ueuucnons nave grown over its eyes and practically obscures, its vision and, as a. consequence, it talks protectiion m season and very muc.a. out of season. It will make little difference whether xe. have protection or free trade. our peoplcare. not apt to pur chase many German made goods for many years after the war. Airmea Drop Blaiine Oil On Imj Bridges. . Dropping barrels of blading- oil from- aeroplanes is. one' of the" latest exploits of Italian airmen: A realistic illustfation' of this styla of bombing is shown in the September Popular Mechanits Magazine.' During their last drive, the Austrian s had .'.thrown bridges across the Piave river, preparatory to an attack. Twelve of them were destroyed in this daring way, with a great loss of. enemy troops who were, caught on the structures. . ..." Tin Quinlna That Does Hot Affect the Head Because of Its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- ; AlVlSiJKUAlUUUINlNBi8etterikan.oAianr Qnimne. and does not cause nervousness nor Jinarinilnhead. Reniember the full nameand. look for the signature of B. W- GKOVB 2uc- op Snake Kills DIlgViEatawSa Tfie Hicb)ry tteCof d Jf iiftatliti TOtowrqg 'story: "V ? r: - ;Oscar nnd .HCkHoner' Sat-: ayafternoon ?kilfe3 " a M'fooV -sfuaists aiter iu uau KUTea a smayi ;(ifog'a-nd struck tw hounds witli Hor'n and :tfsid ?tVemnjuc1i feiTi'Og5Sufiday afternoon 13car Hefner went to the pldce nefe tb'e ftoqp snake had ' VeVti "lulled and there found a blacfe: flftakS'iitri half of the dead rer.-- swallowed, " ' : !" 'Heriry 'AbernetHy related thijs srraKe-taie ana Jater it was COllr "hrmed'by Oscar He;'ftierv .sen of PTerce HefneV, who 'hves near Gatawba 'Springs. v ' . "'sjthe young in en wore work i.Qg in the li'eld Saturday af te r rrton three dj)gs struck a rabbit'?, tfail and "were running t . o OSS ' the corn-tield t.lipv van and info the hoop or horn snake? The reptile coiled into a roil ilh'Hs two - inch horn project ing from its head and struck out after the doers It hit, a. stria dog in the chest and the wound ed animal ran -about 25 stops be- .fcrje v falling dead. : The "snake struck two . other dos bnt, poison was emitted with the first stroke. , . .9 he horn is located in the tail as the snike runs it wind itself 'into a ball with the horn pfOtr-uding, and. strikes with much velocity. ' 1 Mf- Hefner said he went to view the dead snake Sunday afj5 Wnobri and there aw the black snaKe swallowing- it." H killed th Mack reptUe. Horn snakes are not supposed to he in this part of the country,1 but have ben seen many , timea in he moujitiins. A tine .Cald--welllady, seeing in a Northern paper a denial of the existence of J sjich 'reptile, offered to send one i-.the paper would furnish, oral- 4 loh of 'alcohol . ? yf, . ... iThife. paper declared she .wanted to get a gallon of liquor and her 'interest in' horn snakes has wan ed since that time. W. Z. P. Smith is Promoted to Major, r ; The promotion of Capt-Z P Smith, for tnyrly of. (irexy bbro, to his majority at Camp Hancock. Ga, is good nws.to his hnudreds of warm i riends in North Carolina, Minor Smith ouce was editor :cf th'e' Djiiy Industrial News, Yre meceesor of tl e Daily News-.H He was an iud astri ul agest of th Southern railA?av IntAr ii and. in both: caoamfciHs hri made and held, friends close . i to. him, . w r The Caisson, the offlpia' paper of Camp. Hancock, an abnuces he elevation thus: ? ,. "A gold leaf has taken.thfj place of the two silver bars on the shirt collar of the ord nance camp . supply officer now Maj Z P Smith. The same; change probably has been made on the major's i coat, although he has. not worn it since last Friday acid so the. Caisson is unable to say whether or not he actn ally has two sets of new-.in)r signia. ; v "The major was passing the ordnance casnp heard quarters Saturday moriiing, the spring y step' a Jbit. sprfDgier, and the riding:;crop cuttir.g a bit wider arc. He was to all ap pearanceBjStill only a captaini But-he rjau i n t o an ,:a mb ii3h. Several of his friends" pontic ed on aim, took off the cap tain's ."bars aud put on the gold lent v Maj, 'Smith is well known in Salisbury, especially among members of the Junior Ordec. a' No Worms in a Healthy Child -All children trrmhltw tiHf y urnima T a tra on ItTI. liealthv color. Which inrlli-atAa nr ' n 4 rnlertheije isroore or less ' stomachs distarbanceV', "w1 iAoi.ui5S caui TUNIC given regularly; for two or. three weeks will enrich the-blood; im-1 Ptoveihe digestion, and act as a General Strsngth eningTooic to the whole system. Nature willthen; throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in pexfect healtbv Pleasant to t Veit 60c pe bottle. Textile DiBpartmintNdrtbtarofiaa State IftV ;. rcita mj; l iuu iuauuia c l urers ihriMuca, Has "a Ward ed t h e ridts7 Medal td lhtrtextfle 3pf f&et of the "Stateol- if iik 1 &h d'th st ud en f b a-v i Lfg theiiigtiest profieienpy in hi s work (is given' ihb fhedal; t 'B l)VGlehn ; of rVensHoro,- Nc rtbJlJarolttra, was the sue cesf ufl gra d uat? : he ha vi u the1 highest proficiency' iii his W6rkiorf our y edrs. Tbii s fe tlfer;6uiy? textile school in' the Sbfttito ' he awarded the ineSali1- In order to get this standard with a course of ii least tUree years, magt have atieast?flfty students, a good equtpittient for instruction in cott'on-mauTif acturing, ihel ud "ing designing, and at least four competitors for the m'oN al. TLfese conditions havelill i been trSBt by the textile de- parr m e n t. -7 During the past year there has bean a large demand for textile graduates, but owing to many of the graduates-en teriug military service,,it has b.en impossible to nil all the M . tt- - " positions. . -I wr. 0. Cashion Electrocuted 'at Norwood . W.OJCashion, head of -the mehanfal eepartment of the Nof wo6S" " Manufacturing Com- pany, met instant death on the afternoon of Thursday, Augus 8th- He was engaged in ' uiak ing some wire connections at th plant in order to get light and in doing, so came in contact with hig-hlv charged electric wire. M Cashion was a popular young man and had many friends who were shocked over hts "sudden death. . KS5S5S: For Weak :- Women e In usefoi'oter-lOyarst Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell- fe. Thisdeartment is the feitiWe'BooIeof North' (5iib- pe Best Plaster. : ' "'A piece-of flannel dampened with : Chamberlaih s Cintmen t and "bound on .-over 5 the seat of pin is often- more effectual for a - " C 4 4 lmerDa.cK t tnan a piaster ana do.e.s not cost anything like as -The Peoples NatiOQa! Bank SALISBURY, N. C- 6e8 a eerietal liaiafkinff business ad cor diatly invites vooj? account. 1ME PAY lOtTR PFR PFMT intenat efe'rj. three mvliis in our savings depart ment. -"FOnipt. cate(. and confidential atten tioa giyen q uA ousiness entrusted tons. B. MeLan.. . A.l.Busb, . if ' llwuaMU. ' Cashier. o. Norwocx v JQhn McCanless, llatch Repairing. '.Send your work by hand or by par cel post to R. L. BROWN, -Rbute 6. Salisbury, NC. I' ' 5-15 lClt pd I F emale n u rso or-a tendan t for a sanitarium for Nervous and IVTeritaL diseases. Salary $24. oo a month with : board and laundry . : Address, S Lord, Stamford, nn, 7 17 t pd. k' - ; Executor's Notice. iThe undersigned having qualified as ex-, "editor of the last will and . leslament of Jruliu.s A. Parker, deceased, this is to notify. all persons havi g claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the sa&ie to the undersigned, duly verified, on ot b.efbre" the 15 h day of July, 1919 or this Bi&tiee'will be plead in bar of their recov iifi' All persons indebted to said estate witM please makeiramediate payment. , iJuly , 1918 Silas McLaughlin, ' ;'rf- - Executor. . Mooresville, F. F D. 3, N.C. Littleton College. VtHot water." electric lights and other mod ern improvenienls. The 37th annual ses sion. wiUbegin September 25th. write for new illustrated catalogue, also for particulars concerning our special offer tpia few girls who can not pay our cata logue rate." Address J. M. Rhodes, Little ton, N. C. N "Notice to Creditors j-Having qualified as administrator of the sl?ite of (George W. Bringle, this is to no.i fy all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified afsttehient of same with the undersigned on ifee-lore t!e 12th day of July 1919. or this notice wiil be pleaded in har of iljtir e- cdyry." Persons indebted to said estate are nlified to make prompt settlement. jpiia July 12th 1918. . ,tf ' " H. D, Farrington, Adrar, Jpbn L. Rendleman, Atty. 7-17 6t pd LAND FOR SALE. 2i24-acre farm situated in No. 9 Township Qjbarrus County, 9 miles from Concord, 5 nyjes from Midland; 80 acres cleared, gooi Stjtie i of 'cultivation, well watered, 4 dwell injgs on place in good condition, barns anc otihou88 also in good condition. Willou u farm to suit purchaser or swap for de sirable location. This land will tu ikebaJt of cotton per acre. Schools and churches close, jo'ung orclnrd Much salable tim brn farm. For information applv to W W. Auten, Bost Mill. N. G. 7 St pd North Carolina, I , ' Kowan County. In the SPerlo- Court Edward A. Cauble ) Eria Christian Cauble - Th6 defendant above named will fafce notiee that an action entitled as above has 'been cbmtnenced in the Superior Court of Rowan, count j. North Carolina" for an ab 80 lute divorce rrom the bonds of niatrimo nvand the said defendant will further take not ice' that she is reaiiired to annear at fernj:of the superior court of Baid'couniy !o beheld on the yth day o4 rsoptember. same being ,the second Monday in September 918, at the court house of said county in Salisbury, N. C, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action,. or the plain tiff'jvill apply to the court for the relief de marrdd in said complaint. Xhis'the 22nd day of Ju y, 1918. $y J F. Mc( UBBINP, Cledieht & Clement, Attys. 7 24 At '4" Trade with; .SHUPIND ITHE GROCER, iHelcarries a full liDe of Higl Grade Uroceiies at X' ery low pricep. fin y s all kind? of Prod no. Cliickeiip, KgRF, Haron. aLf) ; vegetables. bee bim ' ... IJead quarters for Walkh r I ; , Mediciue Co. .'Phone 57. II 11 W. InnieeSt 1 P.SI!UPIi!G -j( The first savings banK , WM in the United States 'ijmj- V was opened in 1816. l iX J There were then 24 J : f 1 banRs in the United W States. Today this 1 M country is served by til j 27,062, banKs whose ( I combined resources ji J1 are nearly 28 billion ;V 8 dollars. Jj Thrift has done that fO Jj much in one century Avl Jj but there is much ! The first savii in the Unite was opened t There were t banKs in th States. Toe country is se 27,062, ban? combined re are nearly 2 dollars. Thrift has done that much in one century but there is much greater worft for thrift to do. Help yourself by becoming inde pendent. Help the country by helping yourself. 1 One Dollar Starts an Account! SALISBURY BANK AND TRUST CO. I FIRST SALISBURY, N. C. Established 1883. Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent, Compounded Quarterly, - OFFICERS H. N. Woodson, President Dr. R.'V. Brawley Vice Pres. StaTt Your Savings Aceount NOW for Next Christmas. Responsible Banking, Courteous Treat ment and Coufiden- tial Seryiee is Our Policy. We Cordially Invite You to See Us On Any Banking Matter You are Interested in. - i i We are Authorized Agents for and Thrift SPRING TEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which "give and take" with every movement f the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It is the year-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like. "Remember to Buy It You'll Forget You Have It On" Ask Your Dealer UTICA KNITTING CO., Makers Sales Room: 350 Broadway, New York BLUE BONNETS" ll Blue Bonnet meett die need of die woman who want m beautiful, chmbla bfcris Uiat wear without wrinkling. lepds dust and laimderi perfectly. Adminbir adapted for tiukr-tnade dretses. tport coatsand ikirh. childrent carmen b. petticoate,etc. Abodtsp. cnev furniture covering etc. Guaranteed dye fast and durable. Wide variety of ex- cjuiate patterns. If y r detJer dcem't carry "Blue Bonnets' send os this ad with Bam of dealer and fj 'yiuneDd faimtnplet andnottfy him of your reouert. v I JEW tFM WHITMAN Carter's Little liver Pills You Cannot be' A Remedy That Constipated and Happy Small Pill Small Dose Small Ptic ICARTFR'Sl "Ami ASPSSfe, (BARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces. Dut Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! & m. . r . ' . tm 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or . sent to any address postpaid, by the , U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y. TIONAL BANK W. B. Strachanl Cashier E. H. Woodson, Asst Cashier Sale of War Savings Stamps Stamps 'UN Ji New Fabric with New Features. Sk CO. bc 681 Broadway. N-wYock Makes Life Worth Living Genuine beara signature 9 wm grcauy neip most paie-iaced I people OcRCfWEAR A Niuiiiiiiiii "fiiiiitiiniimiiimiiimminmiiiHiHumm, wnc w iwo aoses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. - t t " It T ..I-: - v . .' I