-I 2Wf - 1 r, ! ..A s A Home Newapaper Published' in the Interest of ,thfcp?eopl& and :f or Honesty in Governmental Affaire SK-ii i 4 - I 4 t f,oiiiftaai VOL. XIV N ). 36. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 1918. 1 imp A V7 mmw v v i. I - : 4: THE PRAYER BELL. We Need SloraPractics and Less Talk. , Pray er is the indhiduai's Sacrsd RleSit. Years ago I saw a tine piece of art called,The "Angelus Bells' I did not bear the bells' butthe pea sants in the field, stood with bow ed heads the attitude was very impressive, but I was not im pressed. A few months ayo tL e Catholic church in Salisbury put in the belfry- some, "Angelus Bells," an$ three times each day they call the devout Catholic to pri.yer. But at 7 a. m. some of the neighbors Suddenly awaken ecLfrom the'r slumbers felt like saying "darn the hell," (Yes, Mr Editoi , I f it like something else rather than praying.) Then cur god K pi.-c'palian Goyert or. fol lowed by several mayors have adopted various and sundry calls to prayer. Town bells, church bells, electriclight flash es and others, have been dr.ifid to call the people and now the Internationa' Association of Ro tary Clubs have adopted the call for "a one minute prayer at 11 o'clock every morning for the success of American arms and the triumph of American cause." This is about the tiniest limit ever set for prayer in the cata logue of calls. Not a word about the ijiory of Gud or the spread of his kingdom. Not a work about- praising His great name, This whole business smacks of Romanism and the rankest of ritualism. It looks like some body wants to sell out every thing in the line of religion to Rme or her tirst born, and - the pope ( never honor him nor the devil ; '"'with a capita!) is laughing: ' at those in authority who jump at the tempting bait of bells. The Jesuit tricks are far more wide spread and dangerous than the 44 Alien enemy" whom we rightly watch, - The prayer bell business, als smacks of the Union of church and state, The Governor has no right to call anybody to pray er by " virtu re of his office. The call to prayer is the call of every individual need. Every life has its nriUicns of calls more appealing than any appointment of state. In this matter of pray er the soul has been made free and the state has no right to dic tate to anybody 'when and what to pray for. Under the pretext of war the state is meddling too much with the individual and the church. The slate has absolute ly nothing to do with calling the people to prayer. T he war gives no right to violate the f uudamen tal rights of soul liberty. The Great Kings of kings has made t'ne matter of almsgiving, prayer and fasting the essential of the individual's religion and none of tiae authorities of the state have a right to interfere. These many calls are making prayer a mere Jorm without the ppwer thereof. If servants of the people would ke p hands off the sacred rights of the individual, the country Aould be better off , there would ho less uurtt in the hearts of t .e people, and a, vastly, deeper i .terest in the affairs of the s'.ate. As for myself I will look up to my master when 1 please 1 T I . , i ;a i aon t? proposo to suit my f ;ayers to the calls of politicians Fvery Christiau shou!d,strive to 1 ay always and not be discourg i the doing. About, a year ago a preacher a Ued me Way I did not preach hi re patriotism . I replied that l iad beon preaching virtue, l?b cm y and patriotic ni for a quarter ! a century.und in about a. m:!- fd towns and cities of our t uatry ; that I did not netu to Ivhi now, but should keep on as I had been doing. But God bad called me to preach the gos pel. Thut was my tirst and su preme duty and I did not pro pose to be sidetracked from that great duty because the country was at war. My own view is that this fact makes the preach ing of the gospel more impera tive. There was noanswer frora my friend-, I have trieri to preach the gospel in its fullness. Tne war has no eppeal to me to set aside the atonement for its substitute salvation by heroism. The preaching of the gospel will make men real men, who will be good citizens and true patriots. Some of our pulpits have propa gated much pritriotism and little go-pel, so traveling men tell me. Business and professional men have told me thai they are tired of the war talk they hear in the churches and want to hear the Gospel of Christ in the church. Bitterness and hatred has been and is propagated in some pa pers and public places in almost every community and millions of souls are weary of it all, and want food for their souls. Thero are hungry hearts in every place, longing for the word of love and life and man y preachers are fail ing to supply the need. Some of the preachers who have preached the most patriotism have excus ed themselves when the call eame to serve their government preaching patriotism, but slackers in practice. Much of patriotism now preached is merey lip-service for popular applause for newspaper puffs for the pur pose of getting a political pull. 'Talk is cheap" but it costs something; to. served Lip service is one thing but life service is quile a different matter. The one is easy, but the other is very haid. If everyone would quit talking so much and! get down to praying and practicing without b!owinj a horn about it. the war would soon be won and'peace prevail. The Gospel is the only solution of the war problem and the further we depart from it. the longer the war wtll last. "Not one jot or little shall pass until all shall be fulfilled" is ever lastinglv true. The war will pass the kingdoms of the world will pass but the Old Book will stand forever. And only by the atonement shall men be saved God's Sail is supreme in this hour of world war, C, A. G. T. StirewaU-PIess and Yost He-Union Program. Following is the joint program of the Stirewalt Pless and Yost re-union to be held to be held at Mt Hope Reformed church, sev en miles south of Salisbury on the new Concord road, on Thurs day, August 22ndf beginning at 10 a. m. . . Devotional service by Rev C R Pless. 1UUJ1VI I Welcome address, J N MaxwelN Song of Welcome, Male Quartette Response, Rev C P Fisher Duet, Mrs Roy Kimball and Miss Ada Stirewalt. Cause of War, Hon A H Price Music, Quartette Education, Rev W A Lambeth Solo, , NUss Ada Stirewalt Noon Music. Business session, including handing in old records, short talks by representatives of there spective families and election of officers. Everybody cordially invited to come and brint.' well filled bas- ats. Refreshments will be rved on .the. grounds. Rev. (). R Pless Pres A. Stirewalt, Sec . mm Buy War Stamps. A HELPFUL INSTITUTE. Teacher's Pass Resolutions Praisurc Those Who Helpd8 Make Institute a Success, . Whereas, -a Teachers' Insti tute has been conducted, in the city of Salisbury, Rowan county, N C, during the last two weeks, by Prof. A T Allen and Mrs T E Johnston of the State board of Examiners, for the benefit of the public school teachers of Rowan, and whereas, the said Institute is now coming- to a close; There fore: Resolved 1: That we, the teachers of IJowan, o0 hereby ex press our hiffh appreciation of the earnest and faithful -efforts put forth, of the valuable instruc tion imparted, and of the kind ness and courtesy manifested , to the teachers, during the session pf the Institute by the conduct ors thereof. Resolved 2: That we also ex press the fond hope that this will not be the last time we shall have of sitting before them, of listening to, and receiving their able instruction. Resolved 3: That we hereby extend'to Prof. Allen and Mrs Johnston our sincerest thanks for the deep interest which they have taken in us, as teaehers. Resolved 4: That we hereby give expression to our high es teem for Professor R G Kizer, Superintendent of the Rowan public schools, and that we do hereby extend to him our thanks for the profound interest which he has taken in us during the Institute, and which he'manifests towards us at ail other times -liJPi?a..wcieeJ : jery . grateful to the Local School Administration 'for the good will shown, for the hearty wel come given, for the use of the school building granted, and for all the comforts and pleasures afforded us during the term of this Institute. Resolved 6: That six type written copies of these resolu tions be made and distributed as follows: one presented to Prof Allen, one to Mrs Johnston, one to Prof. R G Kizer, and one to the representative of the Local School Administration, of the remaining copies, one to be handed to the "Evening Post" and the other to the 'Carolina Watchman" with the request to publish the same. P M. Trexler. Nell B. Johnston Bessie Wright Bessie Bost W A. Nicholson A Billious Attack, When you have a bilious at tack your liver fails to- perform . c . -T . us iunctions. iou oecome coxlu stipated. The food vou eat fer ments in your stomach, instead of digesting. .This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomi f inrr a ti rl o torriKla 1 t n A n V Pake three of Chamberlain's Tab lets. . iney win tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. A Ffp.8 DriYQway in Prospect. , The work of widening the big fill on North Main Street and Salisbury avenue within the Spencer limits, is nearing com pletion, the biggest part of this work, was filling in on either sioeoi tne long aeep nil near Spencer. The widening of this street. adds to its appearance and when it is permanently paved will make one of the best drive ways in the State, alsq one of the longest making a fine wide street from Spencer to Salisbury and Fulton Heights, about four miles or more. C.S. Y. REUNION RATES. 4n. Veterans Attending Tulsa RlseUns Hust Have Certificates tir Get Tickets. . ' general James I Meets of Wil mington, .commander of the Nofrth Carolina division, United Confederate veterans, has receiv ejdUthe following letterfrom Gen eral Nathan B Forrest,' grand secretary, in regard to the mat ter of reduced rates : -Director General McAdoo. Under order No 28,. has instruct eyf'all railroads in the United States to make a special rate of one cent per mile each way; to thf Confederate reunion at Tulsa, Okla., on September 24-37, inclu s'ive. , VTickets will be on sale in am pletime to. reach Tulsa by the 24th of September and 'will be gqgd for return trip until Octb be? 31. The rate applies to the following parties: 'Members of the United Con federate Veterans. y'A member of the family of a member of the United Confeder nig Veterans. J4 Member of the Sons, of Con federate vVeterans. UA member ot the family of a member of the Sons of Confeder ate Veterans. "A member of the Confederat l .'V : ii- ed f Southern Memorial associa tion.. - " " A member of the family , of a mTember of the Confederated Southern Memorial association. 'These parties are entitled to horchase one round-trip ticket ulsa. Okla., and return at the rduce4 and under the regu IatoiauthorizGd for.v the 6ct?a Hon . t VldentiBcation certificates will $e forwarded to all officers, of he aTDOve named organizations. tp- be countersigned and issued by. them to their members and families All camp officers are requested to advise immediately the number of certificates they will probabiy require for their sections," A Salisbury Woman's Experience. Can you doubt the evidence of this Salisbury woman? You can verify Salisbury en dorsement. Read this: . Mfs R W Elmer. 428 E Coun- pdjSt, says: 'Some time ago I buffered from kidney trouble. I was tired and run down and my back ached almost continually. I felt as if a heavy load was bear ing down on my back arid I had pzzy spells and black specks ap peared before my eyes. My ankles and hands swelled and my kidnays acted irregularly. I used Down's Kidney Pills and fhfey soon regulated my kidneys, strengthened my back and made me feel like a different person." :? Prj'ce 60c at all dealers. Don't pimply ask for a kidney remedy 4-get Doan's Kidney Pills the id me that Mrs Elmer had. Foster-Miiburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffa lo, NJY. ' At I Just American. Just to day we chance to meet Down upon the crowded street; And I wondered whence he came What was once his nation's name So I asked him, "Tell me true, Are you Pole or Russian Jew, English, Scotch, Italian, Russian, Belgian, Spanish, Swis, Moravian Dutch or Greek or Scandinavian.' Then he raised his head on high, As he gave me this reply: $ What I was is 'naugnt to me, tn thi land of Libert In myr soul as man t- mm 4ilTn just Arret u ;.n ' J:- AU rHOK U.NZQWN! ROWIN'S SOLDIER BOTS. flow Ttey ara Mm Mm Alizt id Abroad. Prissnsrs, Vto(I:jt:iC23t l SpriiikN rpcfivd word August 16t h of the death' of hisain, Uetiryi who . was re ported .pvral ?day ago as having bn pounded fh air " . 1 S- - - -fas tie in France. Henry Sprint kle will, probably be officially reportei u th casualty . list as! being from lud.iaua, as tie enlisted irora that state, and nis wue is toere. nwas a member of the regular army for fori r years and for several years was statioued at Paoa mk.- ilie term expired and he left 1 h service, but when the United States ebtered thn war.' h was among the first to go to Frauce. He. waq in active service twelve times before receiriug; a wound. Henry was a uative of Saliss biiry, although he has been away frprn ho.nefor years, he had - many boyhood friend who will regret to learn of his deah, but will know he ha given. Iiis life for his country, and more no man ca;n do. . It is now definitely known that Walter Neel, eon of J M Neel, is a prisoner of war Last week a rer ort came stat4 ng he was missing and-it was supposed he had lost his! ife in baMle. Mr Neel-Iras received a letter from the war department saying that Wal IMvaii i n tuenaaaior toe Huns It is not known just where he is located, but this will beestablishd and the Bed Cross will lose no opportunity to look after him and the-otii ersin the same posi'iou. The first report stating the ab sence of Walter kept hie parr eats and fneudsvery anxious about him and this later res port has relieved the tension to some extent. J R Goodman has received a letter dated Julv 31st from a nurse in a FrenchEugiish hospital, telling of the injury and condition of his son, George, who was injured sev eral days before thai date: Mr Good man was shot tbrougir the lung and it will be some time before the seriousness of thn hurt cau be determined Mr Goodman has been in Ihe service for a number of years and was a member of thd erg ular army A Salisbury boy and a member of the regular army, Geo Good man was severely wounded sev eral days ago, according - to i an official telegram received by his parents, August 14th. Mr. lioodman has been in tne army for years and was on the Mexican border before going over seas His relatives were not surprised at the news of his injury, for his reeriment was in the thick of the recent fighting. He Was Convinced. An othodox churchman ob jected to wiping thedislies after each meal. He insisted that it was not a man's j b. His wife quoted the following Scripture: "I will wipe Jerhsa lem as a. man wipeth a dish; wip ing it, and turning it upstde down." The man is-stdi viping dishes. Grove's Tastoleis chill Tonic restores Vitality and energy by purifying and riching the blood. Ypft can soon feel H StreniaK The thiftybird conTCtitwn the VVbuen's , Missionary Society of'the North Catiolina SynWwIl ' be ; held -iil - atg Tutheran churchy August 24-7 liejegates expecting:; td attend. ; will bp met, at Orattite . ttarjry, ; . ana should notify ;pev & O Ritchie, Saliabuty-,; Route 3, ' Saturday 10 $0 'A KjUnV irigf of cone&Hion by5fieiUes4- 1 dent, Mrs J M Cbokl EnMA : m'eht of eleta1e3.Aptntfeen of ; j committees Presidents re :" poits from irearerixecutivet. colhit tee xorresjctodirjgr) secret ; tary, historian and departmental secretaries, 1 30 M. Devotional service Children business session Report of . children's secretary ana treksiirer. ! Reports of com mif tee on- attiiilariei. ' Lectiire on' 1 methods. Mrs IS C Cfonk. 8 P M.-bevdttonall service by f r Pastor Rifchie: Children's, ptd' ram. Pageant, 'Latknes$iao45i Uih" S:lo, ; Fred- Eidhomy . rajk to children, by Miss Annie t Powlasy missionary f to Japan. Presentation of Banner. Sunday, U A. M. Morning service, Rev C L Brown, p, D . Sermon, Rev J Luther sieber 130 P M Devotionat serviced AdbressV Mi4s Vrf tii BoWej1 returned missionary from Jatfatt 8 ?! MiVesperslfe J li-LuiP ? er iSieber. Address. Rev" C L ' Brdwn,5 D O. . ' ' Monday, 9 A M.Decfliottal' i service tsnstness, ;cnnmttee t rrts.MeJtbpd&andUJ views, Mrs E C Crouk... 1 30 P VI. Devotional service. Busif riess continued. Round table, Vtiss Constance Cline. f fa f.' : Vespers, Rev M L Stirewalt-' Addresses, Rev ADR Hancber'' 5 and Mrs CE Cronk. ;Tuesdayf g A i M.rDevotidtiito' seryice. .Unnnisned business r Talk by Mrs nronk. Closing-of convention. The devotional services. wiiT " be conducted or arranered by Miss Annie Powlas. OfJoeHngsf will be taken for missions. ' V rs Cronk 's presence is bontfi- tional. fori Fir Uysiintry; "While I was in Ashland,: Kansas, a gentleman overheard"1 me speaking of Cbamberfaihs'1 Colicand Diarrhoea Remedy j writes William Whitelaw of Des? v' bines, Iowa "He told me t in' detail what it Had done ' for his v family, but more specially his , daughter who was lying at the poini oi aeaia wun a violent at tack of dyscntary, and had been giyen up by the family pbjs., cian. dome oi nis neisrnoors an- vised him to J give Cbambe!rtains ' Culic and Diarrhoea Remedy which he did, and fully .belieres that by doing so saved the life of his child. He stated that'ie iad" ! ' also" USed this remedy 5 himsfelf jn wtih equally gratifying results.- Salisbury Officer Finds i Ctrtf) ii Vitebsk ' In searching the twirl-city for a deserter, Captain of Police o John W Kesler, entered a hoase-.-iu a negro settlement feeling'-, sure he had his army deserter,; but was very much surprised when he found the corpse of a negro man, who lived alone, or . was alone the night before,1 arid , had died during the night, but ' no one knew of it until" CapltLr Kesler found the' corpse; No Worm In a Healthy Chi W All children trooibbd with; worm iha en f balthy color, which Silicates poor bleed, aud a luie. there Uiracre or lest ttotaah di?tnrtnee,i GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given r ularly . for two 6- three weekawfll enrich -thefcli oO, '. J prore the digestion, and act aa a General Stream- , ning Topic to the whole eysteto Kattrteld?. tafti i ! throw off cr dispel the worms. &d tk Child wlU be , & petfect health. PksaiVt- ftJcfeefUtO!- 1 1 1

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