4 " 7 ' . ;r" .ill ships u isnm hois. I'c - --v-:v. - -t: t . A : . , Written by sur gurBspondent Faith. Dec. 11. -Work started here an the new Reformed churcb llJth'Beveral teams and scra tiera moviDg the dirt from the , iQt making a basement where a"fitearo heater will be erected ieat the church. L. M. " Peeler has the honor of driv log ont with the firet load of dirt, December 10th. A large (Crowd was at work and Rev. Welker waa as busy as-any one. Venus receives -so maoy nice invitations to visit peo ple and entertainments and ,BO- forth. Here is the last one We jostj received. QYour own birthday party will be held in Bethany church, Crescent, for the benefit of Bethany Missionary Society, Saturday evening, December 21st, at 7:30 p. m. J. T. Wyatt this birthday party is given to yon, c'Tis something novel, Tia something new, We'll send to each this lit tie sack, Please send or bring it back, With as many cents as you are years old, ' - We promise the number will never be told. Should a generous spirit take hold of you, Ana you coniess to more years than you are really true, Lf be deed done for charity's own sake, To your conscience no last ing burden need make. You will be welcomed with greetings most hearty, Don't fail to come to your own birthday party. Box supper after entertain ment. We see that our Locust cor respondent has a neighbor that has roasting ears fresh from ber garden and calls on us to beat it. We'll give it up. Willie Cannp and Hoy Earnhardt passad through Faith today with their trac tion engine and corn sired ding outfit. They are doing some fine work shredding corn for the public. Don't forget when you want granite pillars to go under your new house or church you can get them from Venus. Miss Eula Bell Farmer, who has been attending school at the Salisbury Normal and In dustrial Institute, has come home to spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. H C. Farmer's moth er has returned to her home lu Rockwell after spending several weeks here with her. H. C. Farmer, who hns been working for the nursery in the eastern par,t cf the State, returned home Satui dy. Dec. 14. - Walter Gantt ar rived home Friday 13th from the army tostay, haviug'br43u mustered out. The boys were al1 glad to see him back safe and sound. Misses Pearl e and Iua May Peeler came home trom New-ton-where they have been at ' tending school to spend the hol;days. Lots of the soldier boys are writing to Venus and when w: answer them we always send them some nice pictures of bur millstones and of ihe pretty girls in Faith of which we have in' great abundance, and they send us little things in return. One horse drover spent Friday night in Faith 'with twenty horses, putting up in W. L, Ludwicks stables and with j Milas Stirewait's livery stable .. - Venus got a nice letter trom a ioldier boy in France, Roy Peeler who went from Faith. We will put his Jetter in the items as soon as we can get time. To Mti N)w Vor'( dnitim 23, Whore 'a .. Bis MiyBil?3iew WJI bs Held. - Washington, D-j.'l3.- Ev ery capital shii of t'e Amer ican navy iueLnijn.g - the dread naught squadron's, which have beeri op-rating with the British .jrnin fleet during the war now in Euro pean water?, will return to tbeir home v waters this month Secretary Daniels nounced- toiay. . They mf he. expected to reach New York about December 23, and a naval review will take place there to celebrate the home coming. Instructions have been cabled to Admiral Mayo. commander in chief of the Atlantic flet, and now at Brest, to bring back ev.ery naval vessel-that " can be spared. Many d eslro y e is c : i -vrted yachts and other crafts probably will come with the bigger shis The dreid naughts ordered to return are in division 6 commanded by Rear Admi ral Hugh Rodman, and all the battleships, New York Flagship Texats Wyoming, Florida, Alabama and Neva da division No. 9 commanded by Rear Admiral Thos, 8. Rogers includes the battle ships U ah. Flagships Okla homa and Ariz na. Mr. Marion Hokomb, of Nancy,; Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth. J If Late anything with butter, oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have regular sick headache." -I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would ibe constipated, it just seemed to tear my stomach, all iip. J found they were no good at all for my troubled TfhjearoV THEDFORD'S REJOICES OVER THE END OF THE TROUBLE. recommended very highly, so began to use it It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and5 poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. " Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. a- ONE CENT A DOSE (173) I HIT JOPA.Srm iOIMD to Attend Best College in the South . THOr.l AS VILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Thomas ville, N. C," or Hiss Thomas7 Commercial College, n Hight Point, N. Cv Rates and Board reasonable. . -' 9 4jl3t pd Terms Easy. Brs. fflcKenzie Tells Kow Sbs M Suffsred Since She Was a Chill Daclaras Mac . Has Restored Her "I am thirty tour pounds ho-av ier than-I was wheaJ began tak ing Tanlac and I just .can't ex press the joy I feel over my won derful recovery." said Mrs. Em ily AfcKenzie G04 East Second street. Fort Worth Texas. "Ever since I was a child, I had been afflicted with catarrh.'' she continued- ''About- two years ago my stomach began to get out of order and everything I ate would sour and form srns that burned and distressed me until I hardly got any sleep or rest day nor night. My kidneys worried me constantly and my back hurt until i c-uiihi straighten up without it hurting me until I would cry out. loud with pain, My feet and ankles were swollen and gave ir.e a lot of trouble and I was in a mighty bad shape every way. " 'y friends recommended Tanlac to me and I began to take it abd have improved since the very start. My stomach is en tirely relieved of all that gas soy upset condition and I can. eat anything I want without trouble Tne kidney disorders have dits appeared, the catarrh does not bother me like it did and I .a feeling so strong that I just want i to tell every oody abo i my re covery and how much TurUac has done for me." Tanlac is now sold exc-u'-ivelv in Salisbury by the Smit'i Druv Co., in devoid ud by J. A. Lvieiiy in Granite Qaa.vy by the Bnv;i Drug Co., and ir. Spencer by th-' Ruwan Drug Co. J. L Shuping has r 'nrisr.; to Kodiug, '-a., after Viritii. several relatives aLd iriinis here. J. T. Wyatt wants !u buy a oairof peblde -mjll ?tcvi i . (J i; any otVe tell where tu y ar-. made? ' Andy Casier F.?ie had a new roof put on hU rerdeiice lin e. Mr. Kofcergou aid his filter wno nave neen nviug- here, for several years, moved back to South Carolina today where he will run a farm. v'hi!e here he was a block rraer, so he makes a change. No one wants to work at one thiDg all the time V'.nds. RETURNED FROM F WITH TORY! , , - , T, AM STOPPING AT ALEEBY'S GQIRNER. "15-.---te'. TONS FRESM RBADE CANDY BOXES OF rm a r am p ZOO BARRELS OF APPLES :rTsp RAISINS ETC t&ye us your Orders, ve will save you - rnoney. TELEPII0Nfef,17. i ii "irL IflZS S8 " SALISBURY,. C. is Mrs Isely's Letter, In a recent letter Mrs D W Isley of Litchfield, III,, savs, 'I have used Chamberlain's Tablets for disorders of the storn ach and as a laxative, and have round them a quick, and sure re lief." If vou are troubled with indigestion or constipaticm these tablets will do you good. Jlti I w f 'tf- v m.St it ' ' 4""" &f4u.r,.. fj. r I i "JT m ' When y 6 burn the Midnight Oil Yon needn't fear eye'stj&un and consequent headaches if you. work iy the soft me1 row light of the Rayo LamK; It bU generous low without flicker cyrfglare can't hurt the eyes. t, Rayo Lamps are simplidesigned without embossing or cheap ornfSsentation made of brass, nickel-plated lastpi life time. Easy to light, clean and Wick. Inexpensive to buy and use. Aladdin Security Oil ii jeconomical burns without smell or smoke. I Ask to tee the Rayo at yr dealer's. STANDARD OlSj COMPANY ,(New Jeiy) : . Baltimorcid. Washintfton, D. C Norfolk, V, Riokmoad. Vs. 5 .1 Cbarlotte. N. C. Charleston. W. Va. Charleston. S. G. . i 7 I. Interest on investment is the source of surest income. Mone worKs 24 hours a day and seven days a weeK. More people are made inde pendent by siavihg than by slaving. England has invested to wonderful advantage. Ev ery year statistics, show that England buys more from other countries than , she sells to them. ;But inter est on investments cioes notv show in the statistical tables. That is why England isrich. Money placed in a savings bank Is an in vestment saib and.suro. . MaKe yourself independent One Dollar Starts an Account! SALISBURY BANK AND TRUST CO. ST NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N. C. Established 1803. i Savings Department Pays 4 Per C ent, Compounded Quarterly. OFFICERS H. N. Woedson,. Dr. R. V. Brawley President ..Vice Pres. W. B. Strachan Cashier E. H. Woodson, Asst Cashier Start Your Savings Aceount NOW for Next Christmas. Responsible Banking, Courteous Treatment and Coufiden- tial Serviee is Our Policy. We Cordially invite You to See Us On Any Banking Matter ' JYdu are Interested In. We are Authorized Agents for'Sale oLWar Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which 'give and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. It is the year-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, as you like. "Remember to Buy It Ycu'll Foret You Hare It On" Aak Your Dealer Sales Room: 350 Broadway, New York Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two doses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or & sent to any address postpaid, by the . U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Yv Carter's You Cannot be Constipated 1 and Haooy Small Pill "Small Dose Small Price UM liver A Remedy, That Makes Life Worth Living A.JCARTERi$l Genuine bears signature At&brr& (PARTER'S IRON PILLS c many colorless faces but wIJI greatly help most pale-faced people Tii III j i firr.f ttt ItT BrtWWCT8 t AT IT-I-j .l,L nr . T? . wwim. m. ikw i uunt tviut cw rtasurct, . " Blue Eonncti" meet Aa need of ihewoniaa rho wmnla a beautiful. tone t)mt weara without wrinklmg. repdt that mad UuDclefi perfocuy . AdmiraUr adapted for tp.3cr-mide arose, tport cead uxi skim, childret rannenfck petticoak, ete. AitodMp crie, furniture coveiiof etc Gnartntcfd dye fak and Aamue. "Widofriely cf e quiate pattern. I? iocs dJer doeaa't carry "Blua Boaneti" aend m tim ad wMb Ban of dealer and Ml vriB wd him aanplea and notify him of your laqaeat. 1 .91 tEK WHITMAN & CO, aWeSStl vftanrTptk V -I 'i 4 V.;- " 3- "IT ' C: -

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