3m '-is " fife'. '.-St A Home Newapapar Published in the Interest of $ae People, and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs- . - VOL. XV. NO. 7. FOUETH SERIES SALISBURY, N. Cm WEDNESSlf . RXTASY 5TH, 1919. ESTAPUSHEP 1832 v.- J" t .. . ... V '-"' . 7 ? 3 s :4 POLITICAL UNREST DUE TO ROMANISM. Chaotic Conditious Prevailing in Forelsa Lanes Dae to Church's Attempt to Control. 'Political unrest seems to be , rampant throughout all portions of the earth where "governments are not yet sufficiently able to cope with all forms of intrigue. The blame for this unsettled con dition would have been laid at the door oGerman propagandist six months ago Today many wonder what is keeping it alive In the first place it is not Ger man propaganda- Nearly all of it is designed, somewhere along tlie line, to end in victory tor the papal church. In Portugal the old church has not ceai ed her intrigues since the republic came into being. Papal followers are taking advantage of the recent assassination of the "self inducted" president of the republic and using it as a pre text jail and persecute innocent Freemasons. It is jailing not only the Freemasons but all liber als upon the flimsiest pretexts. Freemasons as individuals in all countries are known to be un swevering supporters of republic an fornis of government. Popery is desirous of over throwing and nullifying such tendencies toward democracy, particularly when it is real de-. mocracy and separates church and state . The latest from Por tugal tells of an uprising seeking- to restore the former king to the throne. In Poland popery is playing a master hana in her effort to make dominant those forces which will bring about a union of the church. Internal strife even to bloodshed is the order of the day and th allied governments seem to be waiting to see whether the church unionists or the real de mocrats will win. In Spain opposition to the as pirations of the Catalonians threatens to bring on similar trouble. The Catalonians want freedom from the old church's sway. The crown seems to favor the other side because to allow the Catalonians the reforms they seek would plunge the empire in to discussion and agitation over the question that would augur ill for continued dominance from the Vatican. In Mexico, we are informed by the press, a hand bill is being circulated urging death to Car ranza and other Mexican liberals It is signed the "Mexican Bol shevists." Yet t&e world knows that no set of people alive today desire Carranza's death more than do the ardent papists deter-, mined to restore the papal church to the ascendency over civil authority. Ever since Car ranza was recognized by this gov ernment popery has used every anifice at her command in an at tempt to embroil the two repub lic i in war. Not the least of her arguments has been a campaign of fake press reports on brutal treatment of nuns. What part papists played in cri es that recently resulted in the assassination of Carl Lieb kuetch, of Germany, can not be staled with exactnes at this time, It is certain that only by poj ery's connivance- could the old church be dethroned, as she has been by the socialists govern me t in Bavaria audit remains to be seen just what capital she exp cts to make out of it and how she mil use and urge extreme me; ures against Jher to over throw existing order to her own adv .ntage. It is certain that po gin 's desire is to. form a new erman state with Bavaria as the pivot upon which shall re HOUSE PASSES THE STATE DOG LAW. Senate Kills Tho Capital Punishment Ac Reducing the Crimes Punishable by Death. Raleigh, Feb, 4. The house passed Frank Rav's statewide dog law by an overwhelming ma jority, but the senate, which had been expected to promptly en act into law a bill providing for reduction of the number of of fense's punishable in this state by death, after a lengthy discus sion, defeated the measure, 26 to 17. The house liquor traffic com mittee reported the bill for the creation of a state prohibition marshalship favoiably and its advocates are sanguine. None, however, have been found who is committed to Superintendent R. L. Davis of the Anti-Saloon League, as a candidate for the job. Opposition is promised by tbose who contend that prohibi tionias -now become a federal measure. New legislation comes in slowly and deals largely with such things as the abolition or re-establishment of the office of county treasurer in the various couuties, according to permis sion for bond issues by school districts and the like. The White Star line Cel tic arrived in New York last Sunday fiom Brest, bring ing 3 114 American officers and men from overseas, and consisted of the entire person nel of the first gas regiment, the only offensive gas troops employed by the American ert Yancey, of this city was a member of this gas regiment and is expected home soon. Robert is one of the best known Salisbury boys in the service and is the son of R B Yancey. volve the destinies of 95,000,000 people who will cling faithfully to the old church and be part and parcel of the new German state regardless of how the new map of Europe maybe planned. This scheme includes the aban donmentof Prussia, leaving it to stand out side the new papal alliance until such" time as poo erv can use ana control it to her own advantage. , Midst all the chaos popery keeps in the background, work j ing in the dark with one end in , view of turning the world s trouble into papal profits and j j making trouble where i tranquil j ity doth not bear papal. The! Menace. NOT THE ONLY ONE There Are Other Salisbury People Similarly Situated. Can there be any stronger proof offered than the evidence of j Salisbury residents? After you j iiO r0!,ri h foiio7io- nniati i answer the question. j Kerr St., j M. B. Seal, 402 E Salisbury, gave the tOllOWinff statement March 10, 1915: "I all have always found Doan's Kid ney Pills just the thing for back ache and lumbago. I have had i several attacks of lumbago when I could hardly move for a min ute on account of the sharp catches in the small of my back. When I feel any sign of kidney trouble now I take a few doses of Doan's and they never fail tojJo me good " On May 11, 1918 Mr. Seal said: 'I certainly have no reason to go back on my former statement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I use them when I feel any kidney trouble coming on and they fix me up in fine shape. I gladly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills." 60c, at all dealers. Foster Milburn Co , Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. The Cotton mill Men Grant an 8-Hoor Day, New York, Feb. 3. New Eng land advices indicating that most of the manufacturers haye srranted the demand for a 48 o - , . hour week, and that there was no danger of any general la bor disturbance, except for possibly of a strike at St Law rence where the workers are in sisting on 48 hours week with 54 hours pay, made favorable im pression on sentiment in the cot ton market here today. Buyers also found encourage ment in comparatively firm show ing of tLiverpool, while Selling was hold in check by reports of widespread campaigns for re duced acreage, - and determined holding of the old crop in the :South. The opening was firm .t an advance of 35 to 46 points, tad the market sold about 45 tv 55 points net higher right after the ?call with March touching 23. 17, May 22.03, and July 21.15, Cotton 'futures opened firm: March 23 15, Vay 21.08, October 19.75, December 19.55. v. Ground Hogs Won't Wait For Candlemas Day. Hazelton, Pa., Jan. 31.- Groundhogs have declined to wait for Candlemas Day next month, the official time set for them to peer out from their cozy banks in the wood and deter mine what the weather will be for six weeks after their nap has been disturbed. Instead, the little animals' are already prowling in the woods around this city, 'their period of hihfirnat.inn 'n.rnH.ront.lTT ha.trinor. citizens are claiming tms is a sure sign of the cessation of winter, but the skeptical ones are keeping" their coal bins fill ed. Abolition of Submarines. May Be Decided Upon. London, Feb 3 The abolition of submarines as warships may be decided upon ' by tbe league of nations committee during the coming week, according to the Paris correspondent of the Mail. It is said this was one of the several understandings which were reached during conferences Friday, between President Wii- i 1 I TT son ana uoionei tiouse, and Colonel House. Gen. Smuts and Lord Robert' Cecil an(i probably will propose among fa ftrst planks of the 'platform . , . ,. r , a the sesslon thls weeff-during which it is hoped the leaugue's constitution may be definitely ! formed. Dollars and Cents. Counting it only in dollars and cents how much did that last cold cost you? A man may not always stop work when he has ld but erh it would be bet , .e, K., K , ... ter if he did. It takes .about ten cays to get completely ria or a cold under the usual treatment. rphflt t:mp ran v. mirh by taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and proper care of your- self, in fact, a bottle of this rem- edy in the house,' is a mighty Lgood investment during the win ter and spring months. . President and the Pope. Old Dr Benedict of the Vatican gave the President a present worth $40,000 for pay ing him a visit. The recog aitiou given the Catholic church by the President will be worth many times $4,000 to that political religious organization. Charity a a d Ghildrea. l& Me of Durhain is Dead. Purham. IFeb. l.-4-Brodie L Juke, .raillionare tobacconist Who lived with hi a father, the late i Washington Duke, founded tjge tobacco -manufacturing busi liss in uurnam wnico Mater ae vtsippea into -toe American to bacco company and allied inter ests, died at 7;40 o'clock tonight his handsome residence tyere. He was about 73 years of Although many ti mes on the vrge of financial bankruptcy, Puke died a, millionaire.! irJDuke suffered a general breakdown several months ago arid his life has been despaired of for someltime. He had been unconscious for three weeks pf ior. to his death . Hjs many . marriage ventures ajid heavy stock manipulations wfcre the talk of the social and fisaucial world for some years. fter the death of his father &Duke sold a larsre part of hi 'tobbacco holdings, though hHayes and estate estimated atrdprethan SliOOOOO. 4 t Tbrgs Deaths In one Family. iWoodleaf, Jan. 27. L M Hart, wio was seriousiy hurt by a freight train and who has been invthe hospital ever since,, came home last week. AS.'.- . 4 , A telegram received Friday, o K. 'Culberston, from his son, Ensign. R G Culberston, states that feevhas; arrived at his post bftttihrSattle,. Washington . kanflueozari .regarded as mother, sonand daughter in this community have died of this disease.- The mother died about six, weeks ago. the daughter died au4was buried Friday, and the sotr died Sunday and was buried &opday. ; . . . j i, . - - For Children ' Too much care cannot be exer cised iti selecting a cough medi cine for children. It should be pleasant to rake, contain no harm ftifkdrug and most effectual in cu,fing jftheir coughs and colds Long-experience, has shown that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these conditions. It is a favorite with many mothers. - it Chronic Constipation. vTfiere are people who never haa movement of the bowels without it is produced by a car thartic. Most of them have brp.ught that condition on them selves by the use of mineral wat ers and strong cathartics that take too much water out of the system and aggravate the dis ease: they are meant to relieve. A mild laxative tonic like Chamber Iain's, Tablets affords a geotle triov$menfof the bowels that you hardly realize has been produced by a nedicine, and their use is noto likely, to be followed by costipation. Children Buried Alive. Mat, aged 11 years, and Jack!crumbs that tall from the table. aged 9 years, sons of MrsL P McAuJilTe, of Atlanta, Ga., were fourd, yesterday morning, bur ieS jin a trench under their home The children had been missing about a. wask and it was thought that! they were victims of kid nappers, However, it turned 6utM(jhat they had been playing u rider the house, dug a. trench and H had caved in on them. Mr( Ralph Sloan, of Siatesville, a fJjSter Ot Mrs McAuillie, Was s.4vfcpH' uPsstPrHav nf tho frMO-arlu aa.VlseO yesteraay OI tne trageay fldwljl leave this morning for Atlanta. ENGLAND'S DOGS RENDERED AID War Does Did Much to Aid in the Fight Against the Huns. London, January, 23. Eng land's dog armyTendered gallant service in the war. Many a sold ier owes his life to some poor un cared for, stray dog For nearly two years dogs were employed by the British as messenger sentries and-as guards. Early in 19 17 a war dog school of instruction was- established 7 by the British . War office, " and lieutentnt Colonel Richardson, who has devoted his life in 1 rain ing dogs for military and police purposes, was called up from the army camp to assist in the work of instruction. After a thdrougt training in England, the dogs were sent tt France, and on the battlefields their skill, courage ana-tenacity amazed the army. Often wound ed in the performances of ttat r duties, they never fa' tered while strength remained to carry or. The official record of their heroic work tells of successful message- carrying through Sajrkness, mist rain and shell-fire over the moS' difficult ground. In a few min utes' time dogs have brought messages over ground that would take a soldier runner hours to cross. During the great German aJ vance last spr-ing part- of the British line itrfront of a camous French town was cut off by a severe enemy barrage. A mes senger dog was released with, an urgent; appeal for reinforce ments.-slt,r an -two miles in ten Hhinutes - - The result: was thatrf sent up and prevented a disaster. The messenger was a Highland sheep dog. Another dog with, a message rannaarly four miles in twenty minutes and still another in the same time carried back from the ront a map of an important cap ured position, when a man would have taken an hour and a half to bring it in The dogs which haye been found most successful in war work are collies, sheep dogs., burchers and airedales, and cross es of these varieties, while in a number of cases Welsh andxIrish terriers have given excellents re sults. The work of sentry dogs has been valuable, especially in the Balkans, one gave warning of an enemy scout 300 yards away. On many occassiOns dogs have given warning of enemy patrols long before the soldier sentries were aware of theirpresence. Large numbers 6f dogs have been used tor guai d duty , many on the Italian tront Dispatch. Notwithstanding " the dog proves loyalty and worth un dcr ho most trying conditions when given a chance, there still re. lain dog haters who never have any better name for him thru 'worthless cur." Such ap pel d Hons generally cpme from worthless curs of the genus hoi le tight wads, poachers and ethers who would begrudge the Son:e one states that if we had less " worthless enrs," meaning all dogs of course, we would have more sheep, poultry eggs etc which may be true, but we would likely also hav more mur der, fires and crime because the 'worthless cur" was not at hand j to give the timely alarm. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly lortwoor tnree weeis will enrtch tne Diooa. im . pr0Ve the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be ia perfect health. Pleasant to 60c pet bottle. WORK OF LEGISLATURE. Nsw-Bills Introduced In General Assembly, Some Wise And Dtherwisd. : Nw fbills introduced in the houser To amend the-1911 law and revisal relative to salaries of judges, to provide funds for in mates of the. Soldiers, Home to regulate charges for legal adver tising; to abolish the office of commissioner of labor and print ing, to provide State system of highways, to make it a misde meanor for a corporation not to use .the word "incorporated" after the firm name, to regulate and restrict the employment of childen in cotton mills, to make assault with deadly weapon, with intent to kill, a felony, to egulate cotton seed buyers, to create the uffice of State marshal.. Bills were defeated in the Sent ate: To establish estates held by entirety; to authorize judges of i he superior Court' to receive ma verity verdicts. ' Bilk introduced in the Senate: To create juvenille courts in "forth Carolina, to regulate treat nent and handling of State pns cers,vto provide for emergency j ldges, to provide for juries to qualif y verdicts in 'capital cases, . to call constitutional conventions for people of North Carolina,to fix salaries of certain officers of North Carolina: to provide for construction and maintenance Tof State system of"highways, to in corporate Monogram special,, school tax district at Monbo, Ca . tawba county: in regard to ap- pe als from the corporation , com mission, to prohibit manuf actuVf . ana sale ot ciqer. wmetw grape ities in Nash 'county; to f provide' uniform system of recorders courts for North Carolina, "to- amend laws relating to "distribu tion of estates intestacy, to ;.prd4?; tect renters, io provide for t:WQ4 emergency judges. :i Periodic Billious Attacks. Persons subject to a periodHc billious attacks will observe that ' their appetite fails them just be-" fore an attack, That is, they f6".t not crave food but eat because itf is meal time If they will eat t: only a light meal and no meat, j then take two of Chamberlain's -Tablets the attack. may be avoids :, ed. . , Still Believes Ex-Czar of Russia to bo Alive.' Paris, Feb. 3. he Dowager" Empress of Russia has clung so firmly to her belief that her -sons, the former Russian Em peror and Grand Duke Michael are no dead, that many of her friends h ive been won over to . that view in rumors in the Eu ropean press concerning Nicho las Romanoff's alleged where-: abouts are attracting much at-;" tention. '' : '':) n The aged Empress resolutely i 3 a i r ami 'tJt'''. reiuseu io leave Russia nil sne learned positively of the f ate of her sons. She continues to live simply at Yalta, Crimea, declin ing to visit the King and Queen of Roumania, and even hes sisT ter, Queen Alexandria of Great Britian. The Strong N Withstand, the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health. Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. "When your blood Is not to'a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, ' your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. - GROVE'S TASTELESS CMU TONIC Fortifies the Systein Against Colds. Grip and Inflpza by Purifying and Enriching It contains the weD-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel luStrejagthwlcgtmYitin Effect. CQs, 4- 1 Ifc. .

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