mm 1.- AND- ROWAN COUMTY LOCALS Tli folio wiug Rowan com pauies have been chartered by the State: The Mr del Laundry Company now do ing business on West Bauk street. Capital stock $10, 000, incorporators, C L Bark ley, Fay Barktey and A E Reynolds of Salisbury. The Bear Poplar Garage Company of Bear Popiar, capital S10 OCR). $60u piui ia. Incorpora tors. C L Bearer, S F Honck W E -Aiidersu-a, 0 A Good man, W H Anderson, and D H Thompson; Rev J J Lohr of Organ church, has esigued to lake effect about, the middle of Aprii, wheu he will return to Liucolut n, where be has been recalled with ail iucrea? ed salary Rev, ML Rid en hour, wall kuown hwre, wJU take the Organ church pae torate. A campaign will be started throughout the county on Monday, March 24h, for th purpose of gathering used clothes for the relief of the millions of needy ones in Europe, '.the Red Cross hap been oae j t lie most worthy and helpful institutions dur ing the war and whatever aid i; extrndnd them, cannot -possibly go amis. Be ready J do what you can when tailed udc n. ' Rowan (5ut of ithn 100 coun tiesjof the State, stands sec ond iu the drive for fund for Armeniai? relief. Wher all reports are in it is ex pected the conniy will go over the top as usual. . William H Albright, form rly a citizen ot Spencer, was recently tried iu Atlanta for the murder of Carlisle H Christy.. Albright claimed the murder was committed in self defence and the jury after 4 hours' deliberation, acquitted him. There will be a big rally or the Baraca-Philatheas in Sal isbury Sunday afternoon, April 6th. Thn speaker of the occasion will be Dr Jac son of the government hos pital at Azalea, said to be a "very interesting talker. A 60-gallon home-made still was located and destroy ed along with the outfit and five barrels of beer in the Bethpage ue'gbborhood be tween Laudis and Kannapo lis, by Sheriff Krider and Deputy Sheriff Rankin. No arrest were made ia connect tion with the raid. The city primaries to be lieid for the purpose of select ing a candidate for mayor and ialderraen will be held some time next month. CM Henderlite who recently be came a citizen of Salisbury d, is an avowed canaiaaie, W B Stracban, cashier of the Pirst National Batik, expects to be in the runuiug, and II A Rouzer is also, considering the urging of his friends for the place. . it i J . ; The report last week of a lock being thrown into a pas senger train between Salis ttoury and Spencer, -resulted 5n the arrest, by J Frank 'Miller, special railway officer, of two negro boys, who were iven a hearing'in the county -court Thursday " They con ieseed their guilt and were Abound over to the Superior : -Pi .f:-..,V-' - :- Miss Carrie Brown of Bear Poplar and J R Rice of-Lah dis, were united in, marriage in Washington city last week These are popular people in their neighborhoods . " - . The marriage of Mrs Lela Dean of Salisbury, and G H Jacobs of Wbodleaf , took place - at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs Jas. Park, Salisbury, Saturday after noon, Rev C A Owens of the Baptist church officiating. Mis Rnnie Parks an -rt;urge w vrooamau were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage on Chest nut Hill Saturday evening. Rev Kirk officiating. Mr (xoodraan, who has been in the government hospit il in Washington city being treat ed for a wound received st the Soipsous front, was hero on a furlough. Unknown Dead Baby Fished From Weil. Between IX) and 11 o'clock Monday morning ' an object was discovered by some ner gro boys ina well on E Fishei street near Lee. The find was reported to, the police who succeeded in bringing it o the surface and learned that it was a well-developed white girl baby. It was left lying on the well frame for some time and was later tak en in chargn by the county coroner, D L Sides. Around the child's neck was a cord drawn tight and the body was nudd and decay . had not gone far enough to hide its identify as a white child. TheNegroes in that neigh borhood use water from this tvell-and it is not known just how Jong the remains had been in it, in fact nothing is known more than is stated above. The supposition, which is probably correct, is that it was strangled to death and thrown in the well for the purpose of hiding its birth, Who its mother is and who committed the crime is yet to be learned. It is believed the chilof . was wrapped in something, paper or cloth and the well was dragged with the hope of ob turning something that may give a clue that will lead to tho discovery of the criminals. The body of a blue bathing suit trimmed in white and a half yard ot white silk hem med on one edge was found. The water will be pumped out of the well in an effort to discover other articles. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. A meeting ot the public school teachers of the county 'is to be 'held in the Ellis street school here during the afternoon on Saturday, March 29th, beginning at 1 o'clock - Senator Overman and fam ily are at home from Wash ington and will probably spend much of their time here during the "recess of Con gress. The Chero Cola Company of Charlottee, of which Obae. Arey of Salisbury, is manag er, is having the old garage and carriage factory on East Council street remodeled for the purpose of conducting a branch house and bottling plant of the company here. t The C'llnlno That Does N3t Affect taossd "Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAX.A : TIVE BROMO QUININE iSbfeiter than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor nnginjf m Head. Rp member toe lull name took for tbft itguHHie f BW. CSOVB Henry L Rusher, aged about 61' years, - died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Cornejisou on East Horah btree, Salisbury last Thurs day afternoon from the ef fects of stomach trouble. The funeral was held at St Paul's church, five miles southeast of Salisbury, Fri day afternoon aud the intern ment was in the cemetery here Four children sur vive It is with much regret the many friends of James H Fleming a resident of Mt. Zion church neighborhood, near China Grove, will learn of his death which took place in the State hospital in Morganton, Monday after a brief illness. His remains were brought to Salisbury yesterday, thence to his home and the funeral t was held from Lutheran Chapel this morning his castor, Rev J H Keller officiating. MrFlem ing was 31 years old and leaves a wife and four child- ren, four brothers, A L, W F and J L Fleming of Salis bury, and R J Fleming of Sumner, and four sisters Mesdames Chas. Simpson, H K Finger, W A Anthony and Mrs C B Sechler. Mr Flem ing suffered an attack of in fiueuza which effected his mind and on March 9th he was notice! to be wrong. Next day he became violent- ly insane, was sent to the State hospital and . grew worse until Monday when he died. He was a member of the council of the Mt. Zion Reformed church and since its destruction by fire he has been exerting every effort in assisting in its re building. He gave liberally of his means, time and labor and was the first to propose the rebuilding. He was a very agreeable young man, capaable-and sincere, was an active, earnest christian and number his friends by the hundreds The Best Laxative. 4 My sedentary habits have necessitated the use of an occas sional laxative. I have tried many but found nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets" writes George P Daniels, Hard wick, Vt. Mr Daniel's is pro- fprietorof the Hardwick Inn, one of the model hotels of New En gland. Sparks Shows April 1st. As will be observed by our advertising columns, the Spark's shows, after having wintered here, refurnieh?d, overhauled and repainted wagons, charriots, dens and fixtures in general, will open" the season here, Tuesday, April 1st. This is one of the ibest, cleanest- an1 cleverest shows on the road and The Watchman is hoping the sea son will be a most successful one from every viewpoint. Of course a larga attendance will greet the opening per formance here. The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Qrip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not ,rcte poperly. , Parkert thig u tQ notir- mh pong your system is unable to withstand the . hitving cUims agingt the laid dee d Winter cold. , t en t to file an itemize, rerifled itate- GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC ment a gam? with the undersigned on Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip "or before the 15th day of March, 1920, and Influenza by Purifying and EnrfcMng r this notice will be pleaded in bar of the Blood. . , ' their recovery. Persons indebted to It contains the well-known tonic prop- aaid estate are notified to make prompt ertie3. of Quinine and Iron in a form settlements acceptable to the most delicate stomach. This March 16th, 101ft - . rf and is pleasant to take. Youcansooafeel litsSueiifiUieiung.InvigotingFJrfirt. t&J SIARY1H3K IN RUSSIA Cits StttJtr SiQOittfc M M Enoutii llfjfeploKkile conditions ex isting in Ru&sia are set forth in a pispath f rom London, sent out by the Bri ti sh Wireless Service. Starvation prevail throughout Bo-sheviki Russia and is killiog bff the population by thousands days dispatch due to under riour ishment, diseases are rampant. Food is so scarce in Petrdgrad and Moscow that cats sell read ily for three dollars each. The undertakers cannot cope with conditions. as there is not enough Wood for coffins. These reports have been brought to the attention of the British government within the last week by British subjects recently returned from Russia, Several of the Britishers have lived nearly all of their lives' in "Russia and left Russia because ot intolerable conditions. Their evidence is unanimous that the food situation is inde scribably terrible and if means are not found to alleviate it the inhabitants of bolsheviki Russia may starve to death. The Brit ish say the plight of Russia is a direct result of the reign of anarchy aud terror instituted by iienine and Trotsky. They de clare the -Russian pioblem ha ceased to be a political question and has become a question of common humanity. : Thousands are dying daily in the great centers of population! like i Petrograd, Moscow, Kiev and Odessa. In Petrograd alone the deaths from famine tbre. weeks ago numbered 2oo dailj Typhoid or "hunger typhus,' is carrying off young and old everywhere and in Moscow glanders is epidemic. There is no fuel for lighting and millions live irf pitch dark ness after night fall. The trouble of the Russians are further ag gravated by lack of coal and wood, which can be obtained only by the very rich or by the favorites and parasites ot the bolsheviki government. The famous - Kremlin in Mos cow, according to reports, - is now used as a hoarding place for wood, fuel and lighting ma terials for the bslsheviki govern meat. The bolsheviki food distri buting system has fallen down. and works only to the advantage of the 'government and its sup porters. Meat, milk and vegetables all command enormous prices when they can be obtained. Horse meat 'sells for the normal equiva lent of flo a pound and dog flesh can'be had at from $2.5o to $3.5o a pound There is-a great lack of medicines and doctors. The bolsheviki paper money has no value in the country ; dis dricts and the peasants refuse to exchange it for food. The only country produce which reaches the towns is that requis tioned by the armed Red Guards. In Petrograd three weeks ago milk was selling for five dollars a pint, pork 3o.oo a pound, butter 45.00 a pound, tea 125.oo a pound and potatoes 3.75 a pound. For the ordinary quivalent of 1.75 at the public kitchen in Petrograd a meal of very weak sonp a piece of salt fish and a piece of dried fruit could be purchased. iBlicele Crete Having qualified ;m administratrix of the estate of John H. Holt, this is to notify aUpersofca having claime against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersign ed on or before the 17th day of March 1920, ot this notice will bs pleaded in bar of their recov ery. Persons indebted to -said estate are notified to mske prompt settle ment. This March 17 1919. Julia F, Holt, ; Administratrix. Bendleman it Bendleman, Attys. Bailee Is Creiitsrs, . Havicg qualified as administrator that aaiofa a Via Ilia n Tntifiann w Auuummui PiRixr. Bendfoffag jJUtsdAt. - r a big sjtofe io be- known as the Harrington's T and C - Bargain1 store. A big line of- fresh gro- ceriesljjry goods and feed 'stujf kept in stock. Also a large line of-all 'ktndsof sewing machine n e e d 1 e s a n d : supplfes C all and see me and I will treat you right. I will pay mgheslpnees for country pro duce. C W.' II a k KINGTON", 'phone 35, Rockwell, N C, rlODr- me make you some : Old Time French Burr, Water Mill Process Flour Open Wed nesday and Thursday. John C Julian, Rural No. 8, Salisbury, NU 2 19 6t pd. Gasoline Endue for Sale H horse pow er upright Jtfew Era gasoline engine can be bought at a reason able price. In good condition and a bargain .for a quick buyer. Write, 'phone or call on Chas. F Stewart rural 3Salisbury, N.C. Mortiage Sals ot Hiuse Aad Lnt. By virtue cf the terms contained in s certain mortgage truat deed executed by tisley Gill to Q. C. Lingle on the 6th ay of August 1908 and registered in Book of mortgages No 33 page 132 in the register's office of Rowan county under and pursuant to the terms and , conditions therein set forth, default having been made in the piyment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, ;he undersigned trustee and raort- ifage willed! at public aucion to the high m. bidder for cash at ih - court house dooi m Salisbury, N C, on Saturday, 29ifi Day of Mrcfi, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon the following described real e8tat - One lot on Union Hill beginning at take orl the northwest corner of the church iot on Monroe street and rnns thence with. treet nor' h west 58 feet; thence sotithwesi 24 feet to a stake on Haynes line; thenc outheast 56 fet to a stake on Hayne line; thence northeast 124 feet to the be ' - ginning. Upon the above described lot is a dwell ing house. This 24th, day of February 1919. D. C. Lin qle, Mortgage and Trustee. P. 8. Carlton, attorney. Certificate of Dissolution. ro All To Whom These May Come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the pro ceding8 for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Machinery Supply Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the city of Salisbury, Oounty of Rowan. State of North ( arohna, Frank . Lloyd being the agent therein nd in charge thereof upon whom process maybe served has complied ' with the reqirements oChapter 21. Revisal of 1905 entitled "Corporations" preliminary to the the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina,' do heeby certify that the said corporation did, on the 28th day of Feb ruary 1919, file in my office a duly execut ed and atested consent in writting to the. dis solution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, -which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 23th diy of February, A. D 1919. J. B. Gbime8, 812 4tpd- Secretary of State. Cortif icata of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting : Whereas, it appers to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution tnereoi oy the unanimous consent of all the stockholder?, de posited in my "office, that the R. W. Norman Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situate 1 at No. 121 North Main Street in tbe City of Salisbury,- County of Rowan , I3tate of North . Carolina, R. W. Norman being the agent therein and in charge therof, upon whom pr C6ss may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chanter 21 Revis al of 1905, entitled ''Corporations" preliminary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina , do hereby oertify that the said corporation did, on the 26th day of February 1919, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writting to the' die solution of said corporation executed by all the-stork-holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office its provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affxrd my official seal t Kaieigh. his 26'.h "day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1919. . r J. B .Grimes, pfr 8weVJ 8te. urn varmina x I '5 yt- " Ro v an Oounfy J In the Saperior fyourt D, A. Rendlemanyadminia-V " trator of J A Rendleman, ; : . ::-"s;:. NOTlCE Jrs. I4trra O Bendleman; j - lire Garrrie A.Tailor et al J . To Robert Bendleman and Margaret Bendleman: " The defendants above will take no tice .that a speeiaV proceeding entitled as above has been' commence! in the Superior court ot Rowan county for the purpose of selling lands to make assetp, iri which action they are neces sary and proper parties, .and that they are required to appear before J. Frank; McOutbins clejrk of the Superior court, at his office in Salisbury, N. 0., on the 10 h day of April, 1919, and an swer or demur to the petition which has been filed in sail cause, or the re lief therein prayed for will be granted. This March 18, 1919. J. Fkank MoCubbins, Olerk Superior Court. JohnL. Rendlemen, attorney. Mortgage Sale o! House LU Lot is Cbina Grove. Pursuant to the terms and provisions of a certain Mortgage -Deed executed by W. L Lcmax and wife Ethel Lomax to J . W. Lomax and wife Mrs. M. J. Lomax on the 27th day of February, 1918, andjregis- tered in the Register's Office of Rowatf county in book of mortgages No. 55 page 153, default having been made in the pay ment of the note secured thereby, the un dersigned mortgagees and trustees will sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Salis bury, . C, on Monday, the 31st. day of March, 1919, at 12 o'clock M. the follow ing described real estate: Lying and being in the town of China G vt- and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on the west side of Ketchie street in the town of China Grove, N". C.v on Eli Safr it's line; thence S.57 o W. 207 feet to a stone on Mr , Kimball's line; thence with L, A . Lent's line N. .33 fo W. 80 feet to a stone, at Patterson Mfg Co corner; thence with v Patterson Mfg. ( o line 57i oE. 208 feet to a stone: thence with Ketchie Street 8 32 oE 8o 80 feet to the beginning, containing 38-100 of an acre more or less. Upon this lot is a dwelling bouseJbrmer ly owned and occupied by Leo Lomax. This. I he 1st day ot March, 1919- J, M. Lomax And M. J. Lomax, Mortgagees and Trustees. North Carolina, In the Superior Court Kowan county May Term, 1919 Louise Peterson ) vs V NOTICE William Peterson J Tbe defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Howan county, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce on the grounds of infi delity; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of Rowan county, N C. to be held on the 9th Mon day alter the 1st Monday of March, the same being the 5th day of May, 1919, at court house of said county., in the city of Salisbury. 14. L and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This 5th da? of March, 1919. J. F. McCubbins, x Clerk of Superior Court. Commissioner's Sale ol Valuable Land in lit Ulla TowosMp. By virtue of a judgment in a special pro ceeding entitled R N West, and wife Mary L West against Mrs Elizabeth Hart, and husband, Spencer M Hart, Mary West, W G Watson and wife, Hattie Watson, Mrs Martha Seaford and husband, John I Sea ford, Mrs Mary West and her husband, N if West, Samuel L. West and wife. Delia West, rendered on the 25th day of Janu ary 1919 in the above entitled action, the undersigned commissioner being author ized so to do, wilt expose to public auction at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C. on Monday, March 24, 1919. at 12 o'clock M. the following described real estate in Mt Ulla township. Beginning at a stake, S M Hart's corner in P C Lefler's line; thence with Harf 8 line south 28.50 chains to a stake near a pine S M Hart's and J W McNeeleyV corner; thence south 3 deg. East 17.65 chains to a stump, McNeelev's corner thence North 85 1-2 deg. East 5 chains crossing Sills Creek to two birches, Wilk inson's corner; thence North 13 deg. East 3 38 chains to a stone C J Wilkinson's corner; thence North 27 deg. East 4.87 chains to a stone; thence North 47 deg. Esl 5.75 chains to a stone; thence North 48 1-2 East 200chains to a stone North 8 deg. East 150 chains to a stake in tbe Pub. Road, C J Wilkinson's corner; "thence with the center of said road North 48 deg. West 25 links to a point in said road; thence ttoith 60 deg. East 7.50 chains to a stake, Wilkinson's corner; thence South 52 deg. East 35 links to a stake; thence North 29 deg. East 9 25 ehains to a black gnm, J I Seaford's corner; thence North 86 deg West 12 chains to a maple, Seaford's corner thence North 19.40 chains to a stake P C Leefler's corner ; thence West 16.00 chains to the beffinninsr 73 3-10 acreo more nr Imi - " " " by a recent survey made by N A Trex r. - This land is located in one of the best farming sections of Rowan county and is a very valuable farm. Terms of sale- -CASH. Dated this February 22, 1919. R N WEST, Com., Ml Ulla, N Q WALTER H.WOOD60N AUt,