tBWWM,MWMWMMMWi , ."-g Vifyjj.m 11111 i w iinwiiiingiiiniijiiiiiiiiiiiiinw.. ij, iiuuiiiuuiir'"triiwMi,)iiiiiWi()iiiii,, piMwumim irnnnpwiiiiH wwynirm,. .J1" m 00ri -vwBmr,hrMl ' 'V'vyV,'rrV:"y''' ''' - : i '''iit'vi.'' r 1, -tl I. A Home Newapapsr Published la the Interest. ot the People aad for Honesty, in Governmental Affairs' m -: " y. , , -; ;y.-- .' t . : ' - - v, . -' : . - . - .. SALISBTTRT. 0!rEBSiAt. 1PEIL 23ED.-M19. VOL. XV: NJ. 18. EOIfaTH SERIES ESTABUSHES 1803 MANY PROMINEw MEN COME 1IIY0RS, J0D5ES, HIG9 OFFICIALS. JANK ENDORSE IT. FELT It THIFR DUTY TO - GIVE TESTIMONY. IMesitaMy Tells Suffering Humanity W&at Celebrated M&dieins has Don? For Tfiein. It is seldom, indeed, that men of prominence, especially - men holding- high public office, will ingly express their indebtedness publicly to a proprietary medi cine. Many protninetit men how ever, including- supreme court judg-es, mayors of our leading cities prominent state and coun ty officials,, bankers, lawyers doctors, leading-educators.govern ment officials, and even ministers ol the Gospel have deemed- it their duty 6 cone forward and tell the people what Tanlac has done for them. These well known men of af- fairs have recognized in this medicine a new discovery and a scientific triomph in the medical world It is a well known fact that th?se splendid endorse ments have been given Tanlac time , and time again and they will continue to be given just as often as new tests of its power are, made: and it also explains why numbers of the big drug firms of the country are order ing it exclusively in carload lots, Dcctors Prescribe It Dr J T Edwards of Payette Ville, Ga, one of the best-known members of the medical profes sion in the state of Georgia, makes a.statement that will un doubtedly produce a profound impression throughout the South. "In my thirty years of actual -practise as 'a licensed physician in- the-State of Georgia, says Dr Edwards, "I have never seen anvthing to equal Tanlac as a medicine to produce results I have no hesitancy in recommend ing this medicine and I am pre scribing it for my patients every day." Prof. ,C T Clotfelter, promi nent educator and principal of the High School at Ben Hill, Ga, says: . ''I was in such bad physical condition that I feared I would have to give up my duties. I suffered from rheumatism, slug gish liver, nausea and terrible billious headaches. I have taken 3 bottles of Tanlac and I feel better than I have felt in years " Noted Texan Hon. Archie R Anderson, ex aberifF of Harris county, Texas, is unquestionably not only one of the best known, but one of the most popular men that ever held office in Texas. He served the people in this office for 15 consec titive years. "I had the vorst form of indi gestion, suffered all the timefrom gfas on mj stomach and was con tinually belch .ng up undigested food," said Mr Anderson. 'I Suffered with neuralgic pains of -the worst sort and nothing seed ed to help me except in a tempo -j rary way. "I began to feel better after taking my first bottle' of Tanlac and have just now started on my third. I'm a different, man al ready.'. ' H W Hill, president of one of the leading banking institutions of Souttr-Pittsburg, Tenn,, and one of the most successful bank ers and business men in Tennes see, said: . OUT FOR TANLAC - 1 NOTED EX-MftYOR REC0B1MEKDS IT. Former Mayor Frank V. Evans, of Birming ham, Ala., Makes a Strong Statement. One of the latest additions to the large and rapidly growing list of prominent men who have publicly endorseoVTanlac for the erood it has done them, is the name of Hon Ptank V Evans, former Mayor of Birmingham. Mr Evans, is one of the best known men in public life in Ala bama today, b.efng atone time editor of one of the South's greati est news papers, the Birmingham Age- Herald. He was also exam iner of public accounts of Ala bama. In telling of the benefits he had derived from Tanlac, Mr Evans saidr tkPor years I suffered with gral tritis and indigestion in the worst forms. I- was habitually constipated and had pains in my shoulders and my head acbed continually. My appetite failed me almost entirely and every .J thing ! would eat would hurt me. Finallv I got to having awful attacks of acute indigestion, pal pitation of the heart and smother ing spells. For a long time I would have one or more of these spells every: night and I. would wake out of my restless sleep gasping for breath. "I bought a bottle of Tanlac and to my surprise and gratifica tion I began to feel relief after the first few dose? . I kept tak ing the medicine and now my re covery is simply the talk of Birm ingham. I suffered from rheumatism and other ailments for many years and Tanlac has done me more good than anything I ever tried. I now wake up in the morning feeling fine. "I'm telling all my friends about Tanlac and am recommend ing it to them regardless of their age and trouble." Dr G W De LaPerriere of Win der, Ga., is not only one of the best known physicians and drug gists in the State of Georgia, but is also a man of extensive-property and wide influence, ranking as one of the leading citizens of that entire section He lias been in the-drug business in Winder for 25 years. Recently Dr De LaPerriere wrote: ... 1 'Our people are much enthus ed over the beneficial effects of Tanlac and I desire to say that it is the most wonderful seller, I have ever had in this store." Other prominent men who have endorsed Tanlac are: Professor Elmer Morris of Dover,. Tenn; Professor W A Wood of the Central Graded Schools, Winder, Ga; C C Coop ed president of the Georgia Home Cotton Oil Co., Lawrenee ville, Ga, Hon S S Shepherd, member of the Atlanta, city council; Hon George Samuel RilejT, Chief of Police in Macon, Ga.; Hon C G Lavender, register of Williamson county, Tennes see, Dr'W H Brown, .4822 Char lotte Ave, Nashville, Tenn , founder of and and president of the Tennessee Protestant Home for girls and John F Carroll, cotton mill superintendent of Chattahoochee and Atlanta. Tanlac is now sold in Salis bury by the Smith Drug- Co., S M Purcellr the Empire Drug Co, and by leading druggists every where. Buy War Savings Stamps Priest Wanted, , : - Has any body around seen Sheehan Sheebao here with the Roman, collar-and the Catho lic connteoance? He7 is warjfed at Oregon, Illinois so earnestly wanted that a reward of fifty dollars is offered for his arrest and detention. Daniel J Sheehan is his name, Roman Catholic priest is his pro fession, and George D Banning, sheriff, Oregon, Illinois, offers reward because bheehan is charged with an unmentionable crime. csneritt banning puts out a cardwhich bears a likeness of the long Jsought Sheehan; and detectives who ara looking foi employment, as well as all others who would Jlike to pos sess.a picture so striking in its portrayal of priestly piety ar 1 masculine viginity, might obtain one on request. -1 George D Banning, sheriff of Ogle county, with office at Ore gon, Upholds a warrant" for Shee ban's arrest, and requests any one who knows his whereabouts to wire at his expense. How is Your Complexion? , A woman should grows more beautiful as she grow older and she will with due regard to baths diet and exercise, and by keep- ng her liver and bowels in good working order. If you are haz- zard and yellow, your eyes los ing their lustre and white be coming yellowish, .-your flesh flabby, it may be due to indiges- tion or to a slugerish liver. ' Chamberlain's Tablets correct these disorders. L Decrease in Expenditures. Marcli as the first month in which a decided decrease ei army expeud,'tures occurr ed, an official statement issued shows. In that month expenditures were $49, 000, 0C0 or just 58 per cent, of the privious monthly average. Of that total the quarter master corps spent 71 per cent. Contracts suspended and cancelled by the war de partrnent since the armistice now total 24,P00 000. The value of ordinance items ivhich is proposed to com plete on war ordera has been reduced to 1103,000,000, Three Year-Old Cbiid Knows Operas. A dispatch from New Orleans, La., says that Octavius Roy Co hen, Jr., three-year-old. son of Octavius Cohen, author and play- wright of Birmingham Ala., proved before .a jury of edu cators and musical critics that he knows ;200 operas by heart. The baby in a formal test identi fied and lisped-the names of op era, alter opera unernngly as phonographic selections by the jury were played. Nicholas'Bauer, Acting Super intendent of the New Orleans public school, headed the exam ining body and pronounced the exhibition the most phenomeal in his experience. The three-year-" old child capped his operatic test by identifying a score of operatic selections begining with the Peer Gynt Suite, when his father tapped the rythym of the music with a coin on a table Are You Happy? -To be bappy you must bo well. If you are frequently troubled with constipation and indigestion you cannot be altogether happy. Take Chamberlain's Tablets to correct these disorders. They are prompt and effectual, easy acd pleasant to take. ROWAN'S LOSS IN THE WORLD WAR; Out of 1300 Soldierond Sailors tie : County Loses Only Reports so far. received and compiled ask caref oily and fully to date as possible show that thirty height Rowan men; were either kill ect in action, died of disease in France or died in can tonments in the United States. Sixteen of these were killed, in action, two died of wounds, one was lost at sea. seven died of disease in France and twelve died in camps in the . United States. A .carefully prepared list has been made of these and if there are any others known to relatives or friends it is desired that their. names and Othor in formation be reported to E. H. Bean. The list, of Rowan men as com plied to date from data are as follows : Killed in Action: Marvin Trexler - , Carl Hooker Earnest M Erwin Samuel C Hart. Samuel Walter Smith C J Lauth Wm C Davidson Isidore D.uscliKin Carl W Smith Jesse L Barkley Elmer Spencer. Roy Garwood Will Weathers Geo. Espy Plyler Henry L Sugggs. Died of Wounds: - Samuel P Forrest Wm. Hugh Beaver Lost at Sea: H T Sprinkle Joseph L Kesler. Died of Disease in France: CarlBradshaw. John W Leazer Bud I Yates . Albert Yates Viucent Fleming John Cro well " Died in Camp: ' Hayes Collett David Reid Poole John Henry Elliott Wm. O Barnes. Lester Smith Clarence H Sloop Marlow M Everhardt. Gaither Lawson Ritchie Earnest L Freeze Ed Cox Jay Bruce Godby Buford J Corl Witha-population of one-half Rowan sent out about 23,00 soldiers to the civil war and probably lost 1000 Bank Has a Good Year. There was a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of China Grove In the office of the banff Tuesday, April 15th. The affairs of the bank were careful ly gone over and everything was found to be in excellent con dition. The old officers were re elected and a nice dividend declared. Discuss Attitude Toward Hungary. London via Montreal- -April 19 During the visit to Budapest recently of General Dan Christian muts,who was sent by the Paris conference to investigate the Hungarian situation,4he obtained from Bela Kun, the communist foreign minister, assurances re garding the protection of foreign interests in Hungary, the Press Bureau announces Nevertheless it is declared, the Hungarian government is still endeavoring to confiscate foreign property. In the circumstances Foreign Secretary Balfour has addressed a note to Bela Kun warning the soviet government that it will be held responsible for the fulfil ment of this undertaking regard ing foreign interests. Sharp Challenge Issued. "Match Ashfivillft N. f ' !" - Such is the challenge that Asheviile has sent out through the Fifth Federal Rnsprvfi Dis i,1.u...-J-1u:i.I. nautjviiiB uas maue buis srate ment that it wiU subscribe its entire Victor Lioerty Loan allot ment in two hours. One hundred and twenty min utes and the allotment is taken and Asheviile is over the top tj - , T . ... Bang!-Just like that! . , Asheviile says it is going to do. it, and it wants to. know, if any other j)lace in North Caro Una or in the Fifth Federal Re- serve District or in the United States for that matter can match it. ' a u ' -ii j 1 1 Asheviile is inclined to doubt it, and consequently Asheviile is already laying claim to the Victory Liberty Loan champion. 1 . x 1 ' 1 ship. Its claim is based upon uromi&e, it is true, but Ashe viile says it's going to turn tht trick in just tw hours. In the Old North State th people have a way of- doing things. In the first, second and thirrl anr fnnyfh Inane tlmir ok ... .v.o scribed more than one hundred andten million dollars. They a"f ettTread l "gothelim- it" for the Victory Loan. But watch Asheviile! Let US RejOlCe. General Pershing's staff reports offimallv thA.t, if tuo wqt. hoJ -j w v 11 un uu;u lasted six months longer, one hundred thousand more Ameri- can soldiers would have been killed. " One hundred thousand of those boys coming back to us every day now, would have been lying in Ithe mud of Frarjce if the armistice Shad been signed last Thursday instead of last November. Are we grateful to those who died? Are we grateful to those who were maimed for life in our fight? A - .Ml. m Are we gratetui to have so many boys co me back to us safe and sound? , Is there enough gratitude in the world to express the thank fulness m our hearts because victory came so soon. The money, that you are put ting into the Victory Liberty Loan is the money that was spent to end the war six month, perhaps twelve months.' to save the lives of a hundred thousand or maybe four hundred thousand American boys, to bring your boy safely home for he might have been one of that four hun dred thousand saved from the French mud. Well is he not worth it? Is not each one of that four hun dred thousand worth it to his loved ones. Was it not cheap at that? Dol lars can not measure the value of American life! We have, a lot to be thankful for we might ull have wearing those httie black arm bands with the gold star Put your joy into action, not words. Help pay for your bov's life with a Victory Liberty Loan bond. Chamberlain's Cousli Remedy. The great benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been grate fully acknowledged by manv. Mrs. Benjamin" F. Blakeney. J-V . Tl. .. - " xecaiur, xu. writes, Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is by far ' i. cW" troubled with worms have an un the best medicine fnr. aA nJtolriWbknlandiB wljva COUghs we have ever USed in Our c i.x . . f family, i gave it to mv child ren when small for; croup, and have taken it myself J THE "HOLY OTAKIRCOS" HUitocfacy in America Still Defiant and WeeniM TrOUDie. - All vz-acuu uoina tn - ,Q. . - remover the - 7 coming "holv" Pm u when ih r of that papal province will be elevated to the thma u; rir' ucw arcnoisnop trapy and rerPi tu w I his clere-v - The "NW v,u m-it: 1 Aoune Maera- zine. of MAmh 5p i-..5 s.- will be a celehr, " whose n c . dom been seen in J! East The h,,u of the orient is to be oSt don and no prince of India was ever incioTi cvcr r Wii" more pomp than will attend th ,n.,..SJ H Pope Ben'e!iVtQ uf . ' . . hisMAnr v,u tt The "holv" m,n I uiai, UlcSSes the "holy" oil on th i.u,-,. Thursday, marches in oroceSSm with priests and acolytes to the portals of holy" St Pflfr,V0 Oa.heTJrai, kisses the crucifir ;1 saluted Wtth smntfl tm, num me ensor-pots of the atteHio. . priests, then th formance Win .-u T hQ antinhoa7 J: " :n01s royal paen "Sacerdos et P0nti fex and "Er,fl r. " uTTi1. f J Llir U IIJT Anl Then led by a cross Heor,, a Cyrenian, the procession proceed to the high alter and ttience to his throne wiV, a. uit it c 015 .his ead th at marks his minis teral authority derived from Pae triJ le-crpwned monarch of iter's and the Vatican. Seated on his throne -he will recelve the formaf homage of the clergy who will henceforth ac. sist him in administering the canon law of popery. -Vicars and members of the late archbish op's council will kneel and kiss his hands or feet according to instructions. .Having- thereby brought all the lesser clergy of the province under his sway, he will then lay aside gloves and mitre and hum bly kneel before the pope's per sonal repiesentative from Rome and renew his oaths to support his sovereign, the pope, in all his claims and pretense to the papal pontificate, including his claim to the very "place of Almighty God on earth. Instead of an oath renouncing allegiance to foreign . thrones, princes, potentates and powers, such as is reasonably required from all other aliens seeking citizenship, he will renew . his. allegiance to-the autocrat who claims to rule the earth by di vine.right from his throne in Rome. . And this is in a. country where democratic simplicity is the mark of honest leadership among a people whose religious Hope was born in a manger and lived a simple life of service in behalf of' humanity. The "holy Roman circus is in deed a show in more senses than one for it not only affords the opportunity for the pope's aristocracy to parade themselves before the gaping mob, but shows the true nature nf 4V, a thing which calls itself religous but wears this regalia, adopts ceremonies, assumes the privi leges, and conducts itself in every particular like the aristocratic court of a heathen ootentate The Menace. No Worms in a Healthy Child cro ia more or jess stomach disturbance. S TASTELEScW1 TONIC given regularly far twn trr thn vnut. .ti t- li i . lor two Or three week will mnsfv TA prorothe digestion, and act a a General Strength ening Ionic to the whole system, Nature wttlthen. t&row off or ciLspelthe worao, and th Child will ba la peifctt health, Pkasaat to t UcseshgcU . ?

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