1 a 1 t A Home Newapap9r Published iu the interest ctrtfie 'People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs VOL. XV. 3. 47. ? 3 T I SERIES S ALISBURY IT. G. NOVEMBER 12TH, 1919. ESTABLISHED 1832 : uj k V W : ' kr W M 7 REDS PLAN TO WIFE CUT tL . . '' . . - 'mill I day nights and made public to- night by assistant Attorney Gen eral Gar van. With the government over- thro wn and everything Mwiped from the earth that is a remind- er of the rierht to Drivate owner LOOHn? FSrwara IS LJIISSSi Mlia- described as "known internation QQt 9 Gfj, VYitbSQt a USStSr. ally as a pbvsiciati writer, " has Washington, Nov- 9, Plans published what is referred to as of the union 61 Russian- workers a prescription tor keeping old to bring about an overthrow of age at bay. The secret is no the Amor It a h 'government secret. It is diet. The human through a general strike is re body, rightly nourished he con vealed in docUmeintH" seized in aiders should live from 90 to 105 tbe nation-wide raids of federal years. Old age being largely authorities Friday and Satur caused by deposit in the blood ship of proper ty,' the Russian dandelion leaves, fowl's eggs, workers, according to their mani grapes, lettuce, uncooked salads, festo looked forward to Jthe cow's milk, water cress and h on magnificent beautiful form of ey. man without a God, without a master and free of authority. to an eliminative diet, if it may The documents and puhlica- be properly called that might tions obtained in the raids, offi or might not add some years, or cials said today, are of the most decades to the span of his life r inflamatory nature and make no Whether he didpr not, be would effort to concet! the union's pro in cei tain wholesome senses live gram of destruction and death while he did live, which is per to achieve its ends. Much of haps much the more important, the material made public tonight These things are well known is of such a nature as to cause to scientists, and notunguessed any newspaper ! reprinting ordi- by laymen. Future generations nariiy to be debarred from the may decide to live their knowl mails. edge. With the crowding of the Included among the documents earth's surface a few decades seized, all of which are printed hence it j will be necessary to live in'fcRussian, is Novomirsky much more simply which is to manifesto of .anarchists com say, much better. Greensboro munists. This publication, the I most recent put out by the un- ion, was said by Mr Gar van to be the most dangerous piece of propaganda ever disseminated by any radical organization in $ba Huiteji States. The manifesto outlines the purpose of the movement inaug urated by the usion as "com plete destruction of power of rule and the institutions invest ed with power to enforce rule of one man over another. Under the caption of what should be our means of carrying on the fight, the manifesto says. "What must we do, the van guard of the proletaria? We must consdicuously hasten the elementary movement of the struggles of the working class, we must convert small strikes into general ones, and convert the latter into armed revolt of tbe laboring masses against capi tal a,nd state. "At the time of this revolt, we must at the first favorable op portunity proceed to an immedi ate seizure of all means of produc tions and all articles of consump tion and make the working class es the masters in fact of all gen eral wealth. At the same time, we must mercilessly destroy all remains of governmental .author ity and class domination, liberat 1X32 the prisoners, demolish pris r ons and police officers, destroy all legal papers pertaining to private ownership of property, all field fences and boundaries, and burn all certificates of indebt edness in a word, we must take care that everything is wiped from the earth that is a reminder of the right to priv ate ownership of property, to slow up barracks, gendarme and police administration, and shoot the most prominent military and police officers, must be tbe Important concern of the revolt ing working people. After 1 capital and state" are destroyed the manifesto says, the first duty of the union is to start production on a new found a tion. Existing labor organiza tions 0 should be extended and production should be given over entirely to them, it argues. Then each "village commune" should unify with all other coiaraunes j Th3 Sscrct tf Yeath Is no Secret. Dr Josenh Oldfield. Britisher vessels and cells of waste matter by the adoption of a park fruit iarian diet, a man however old, may become young- again, be- (cause every cell. in the body will be replaced by new young cells. (The diet prescription includes The human by changing over Daily News. No Worms in a Healthy Child' All children troubled with worms kavt an un- bealUty color, which IsdicatM poor blood, and as a role, taere is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC giron regularly far two or throa weeks win enrich the blood, im pxtbdi&est?4D, and act as a General Strength-rfggfftisrttt4a't-ifrd throw off or dispel the worms, and sh&Phild will b w ymm pmmum rieasant to t e wc per ootue. and "the one grand federation" follow the manifesto advocates as its program. Recognizing no religion, no authority, no power other than its own, the manifesto says,. alter nately, its members are atheists, communists, anarchists, it contin ues. "Religion covers everthing with fog, real evil becomes vis ionary, and visionary good, a reality. It has always sancitified slavery, grief and tears. And we declare war upon all gods and religious fables. We are atheists." The government's attempts to put down riots were attacks noth mg short of murder when such attempts to end troubles had re sulted in death for anybody. In its decision of war, the mani festo indicts the American peo ple for honoring General Persh ing as commander-in chief of the American expeditionary forces in Europe. Lt. the man who kills is always a murderer," the manifesto as- serts 'The only service of this man has been tbe fact that, being a professional in his craft, he came to be, by simple chance, at the head of the American armies which fought in Europe. There obedience to the commands of those who sent him, he, with ability and brains led the work of. murder of men by men. For this they raise him to the skies and honor him in every way. All of this is done only because we are in an age of progress and civilization in an age of altruism and humanitarian ideas." Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days -LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup TonicLaxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly " but should bs taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action.- It Stimulates ana Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c pet bottle. DENOUNCE IHJUCTlOff AS AUTOCRATIC. ' . '-if. '- ' ' . ' :-'$ . - . : . .". Declares their Walloat Justified and . Indorsement ef PoWic. 3 ""-"-s-". that the action of the goverr A . . . 3 ment in induction : proceeding against striking bituminou .. . '-: . -. :jn rikine bituminoas cof ) miners to be "so autocratic as stagger the human mind." t exec u tive cou ncil of th e Am can Federation of Labor declar ed tonight in a stateraftnt after a four-bour meeting tbS the miner's walkout was just ficd, promised for tbe strike t entire support of organized lajf, bor and asked aid and inderr, ment for it from the generm public The Lever act, the government under which acted-in trie court proceedings t never wats enacted to apply to workers, tie council asserted, and its u$ej against the miners was classed as an injustice not only to w orfe- ers but to all liberty loving V V Americans. The action was i taken without any participation of William Green, general secre tary of the mine workers, who is a member, but the remaining I principal officers of the Amejri can Federation of Labor were present. ; The council began its session at 3 o'clock after its members had been hastily summoned to gether and the statement which formulated its action was care fully revised and rewritten by Samuel Gomoers and Frank Morrison, president and secre tary, respectively of the federa tion. The council in its statement presented at length tbeifisfcoVjf of the negotiations which led up to and precipitated the strike declaring almost in the first sen tence that the officers of the United Mine Workers did every thing in their power to avert this great industrial struggle. It reserved its bitterest words for latter comment on govern mental action thereafter. There were 2,200 delegates, representing 500,000 miners, seated in the convention which called the strike the statement said, after briefly sketching in complaints of working conditions in the industry, which it is as serted the miners seek to reme dy by striking. The instructions of the convention were taken through the usual committees into conference with the ODera tors, and then the statement puts in, our government inter jectsd itself and applied for an induction. The statement characterized the action as "invasion of rights of miners, intended to starve the miners into submission by cutting off .their strike benefits and demanded the withdrawn. of the induction secured Satur day at Indianapolis to restore confidence in the institutions of our country and resDect to w x courts. 5-' 'By all the facts in the case the miner's strike is justified, it concluded. "We indorse it. We are convinced of the- justice of the miners' cause, we pledge to the miners full support of the American Federation of Labor and appeal to the workers aud CltlZensnip Of our Country to ori rc lilro inHniaamani am) iJl . I fho mon onrrorrorl i tous struggle. . The Rowan County Cotton association was organized! Monday in the old court house following a short ad dress by E S Miisap,0f States villa ,u-v.s '"1V' uiouiucieuip CamrjaiflrQ IA on thin wlr t "flntnlAM Cfatt TaubmI fffiumS Ctmlra u vuum owjia ubuoioi niiouii ouuo -jllami, Fla . Nov 9. The pres ,.Je of antagonistic public opin ion is credited with, putting an to ire propo&ea general istrlke which 27 branches cf labor f mu' a u a : affiliated with the American t . er , , euerauon or uaDor naacaii ior - tombrrow morning. The people openly declared themselves in the issue and many tiffiion men asserted that it was unjust that the public should ne maae to suiter because one firm. Knight and Thorpe, insisted in employing- laborers on the open shop basis. - -t, ; A Good Ccuuli Oedicine For Children. Mrs J W Phillips, Kedon, Ga, pponea to i m moya, tne mer- chant there, for a bottle of wiamberlairi s Cough Kemedy and said she bad bought a bottle of t at his store recently and that it was doing her children so much good that she wanted 10 keep up the treatment. You I will find nothing better for coughs and colds in children and for yourself. It keeps tbe cough loose, expectoration easy and soon -frcs the system from the cold. Weather Forecast For November. From 1 to 7 fair, clear and some cool with slight threaten ing frost. From 7 to 14 fair, threatening stormy west and sonth mostly with slight stormy nar east. blustery. From 14 to 22, changeable with rain, stormy mostly south west, threatening cooler. From 22 to 30, fair and cold, with cold rain, near ice threaten ing slight snow, but heavy north November appearingly shows not so much rain, but hard cold along, some local storms, warm, changeable, disagreeable weath er all along. By moon change times, from 20th out some eolder This October 27th. Henry Reid, R 3, Salisbury, N C. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protrudiag Piles. nstantiy relieves itenmg rues, ana you can get esuui sieep arter tne nrst appneaaon. rnoe Ex-Kaiser Safe In Netherlands. The Hague, Saturdaay, Nov. 8. Former emperor , William came to Holland a year aero next Monday. Since that time there has been no demand officially or unofficially, for his extradition or delivery jto the allies, nor has Holland changed its view point toward him. This Means You. When you get up with a bad iaste in your mouth, a dull tired feeling, no relish for food and are constipated, you may know that you need a dose of Chamber Iain's Tablets. They not only cause an agreeable movement of the bowels, but cleanse and in vigorate the stomach and im prove the digestion. You can't tell a mao by his jlothes every time, because we saw a little man common ly dressed at the land sale at th nonrt. hnnnn in Snliahnrv lUUUUttV aUU UD U1U U4i IUO big tract of land for two thousand three hundred and seventy five dollars. They said his name was Duk Mor gan, Venus. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purilying and en richina the blood. Yon canooon feel it Stren&th- tiUntIavi4rattoEfict FtkeCQo. ROPER DETERMINED TO FORCE DRY LAW. Will have Charge of Enforcement in this State for a time. Washington, Oct 28, Action rf tVia eonata lata tnrl a tt In -xr" riftfntr t.ha Pl.oairlorif'o vafft. r the prohibition enforcement bill, which followed similar house action, means the early establish ment in North Carolina of feder al machinery for the enforce ment of the new law. It is un derstood here that the bureau of international revenue will name a federal prohibition com missioner in each state. This official will have charge of the federal ' government's part against illicit distilling, brewing, and boot legging. The commis sione, of course will have a num ber of assistants and special agents. For the present it is indicated that enforcement of the law in North Carolina will rest princi pally in the hands of T H Van derford, formerly collector at Greensboro It is also probable that Mr Vanderford will be made1 the permanent prohibition com missioner for the state. In the recent re-adjustment of the fed eral tax collection agencies in tbe state. Mr Vanderfor was assigned to revenue duties' relat ed to the liquor traffic, while J W Bailey and A , D Watts were made; respectively collector and supervisor of internal revenue, The action of the senate late 3 today made it possible for Com-r missioner Roper to make an ini tial statement regarding his plans for enforcing the law, Mr Roper emphasized the importf ance of -the co-operation of local 6fficersof the law :amd 'fays ff they are derelict in their duty he will call attention to ' such dereliction. Senator Simmons and Senator Overman both voted for the mo tion to override the President's veto and contributed to the ma jority of 65 to 20, which was comfortably above the required two-thirds. The law became im mediately operative and it is now up to the internal revenue bureau to build upitsanti liquor machine. A TWICE TOLD TALE. One of Interest to Our Readers. Good 'news bear repeating, and when it is confirmed after a long lapse of time, even if we hesitated to believe it at first hearing, we feel secure in accept ing its truth. The following experience of a Salisbury wo man is confirmed after four years Mrs T Robinson, 602 N Main St., says; "I was subject to rheumatic pains in - my limbs and back and knowing the value of Doan's Kidney Pills, through the fexerience of friends and other members ojt the family, I used them. I found Doan's to be all that is claimed for them. When I notice my kidneys are the least out of order now and my pack feels week land lame I take a few doses of Doan's Kid ney Pills, and they never fail to give me quick relief. On May, 11,1918 Mrs Robin son said; "I am a firm be liever in Doan's Kidney Pills to oay as wnen l endorsed tnem in 19 15. I have had no occasion to use Doan's since I gave in my former statement, so I believe they cured me. I advise other kidney sufferer's to use Doan's and I gladly recommend them. Price 60, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills, the same Mrs Robinson had. Fos- ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Organized Bible Classes A meeting that was largely attended was held in the old cout house Sunday after noon in the interest of orga nized Bible.classesof the Sua - f I aay schools. It war the fifth meeting that has been ad dressed by A B Saleeby and C W Andrews, president and secretary of the eighth dis trict, who have been organiz ing and boosting up the work in their district for several weefcs. Mrs. N Buckner of Asheville, general secretary of the Baraca and Phiiafhea work in the state, was pres ent and made an address in which she told of the great work that is being done by the organized Bible classes. Besides this address Mr Sa leeby audMr Andrews wero heard and there were recita ius by George Jarvis and Theresa Meroney and several .elections by a quartet of lo- ai talent. A roll call of jhurches showed a number f them represented and a few of them had large classes present, p E Lewis presided and w F Snider conducted the devotional exercises. Such clashes are vt ry desir able if there is any intention of putting into practice what is learned In fact we would find conditions very much improved it all into practise already know. were to put what they SHE WOULDN'T TAKE A FORTUNE FOR IT. fold Nut Operation Was her inly Hope. uains iweniy fonnns Dy Tailing Tanlac. "I wouldn't take a fortune for the good Tanlac has done me" said Mrs Grace E Trinder, of ohl W 83 St., Kansas City, Mo. My troubles began about four years ago," she icontinued, "And although I have been under the best of treatments and have tak en many different kinds of medi cines, I grew worse all the time. My food disagreed with me and I suffered terribly from indiges tion. I was very nervous and never got a good night's sleep, and became so weak and rundown I was unable to do any house work and felt miserable all the time. Thev said was an operation and I prepared to go to a hospital and have it done. ;,The day before I was to leave home I saw a statement in iho paper where a person who had suffered exactly as I did had been benefited through taking Tanlac so I persuaded my family to let me ry it before having the oper ation. 1 beg-an takino- Tnlar w o w that very day and by the time I had finished my second botlU I felt much better. I kept it up and it finally overcame my troubles completely. . I have ac tually gained twenty pounds and am so well and strong I can do all my housework without any trouble at all. I sleepfine and am never troubled the least bit with indigestion or stomach troubles of any kind. ' Tanlac is sold by all druggists" Advertisement. ConstlpatioD. Most laxatives and cathartics afford ouly temporary relief and should be used only for that pur pose. When you want perma nent relief take Chamberlain's Tabletsxand be careful toobserve the directions with each pack age. These tablets not only move the bowels, but improve the appetite and strengthen tne digestion. -v.