v": ' ' ' o ' ' A .V- I . "V--. p COUfCflO A Home Newapapar I'uOiisned m the Interest ot tae Feopieanci tor nonesiy m auvemuitsuiar uuaiie T 27; N ). 43 v Tl Tl S3RIES 8AII33nRYMC.. WEDNESBAY, NOVEMBER 19TH, 1919. ESTABLISHED 1832 mm COUNTY SCHOOL NEWS. Compired In the Gfficeof County Superintend- ent. . i The editors of the local papers have kindly given us on column each Friday to keep in touch with each other whicn is greatly j appreciated. ! Last vear there was a request from many of the county schools for a school news column, but on account of universal conditions and irregularity of the school affairs caused by influenza, it was thought best not to attempt it. This fall in planning the work for the.year it. vas included in the general program for the schools. As outlined at the conference tho items will be published in Groap Q nter Groups and each group b ii'g responsible for the colu nn three times during the six months' school term. That mean? every school in ihe group should feel responsible for the success or-failure of the column on its' Friday 'and be sure, that they have atttempted -to contri bate to it. As requested please try to have your work letter com position, or general items which ever ihe case may be into Miss Eborn on Tuesday beiore Jhe Friday your grou : is responsi ble fos the column hot forget ting to .have the name of the wri'.er on thv back of the envel opo. it will be ;ibso!utely imps sibl.i to include every item at ear:h time .o if yours does not get in o i'y wor k the harder for the nesi time as only the "best materia1 vi-l ob included, and re member we a' re not paly work- the best- i uteres o and develop ment of .education in Rowan county. Tbe following are the- Group Centers and the dates when their groups will be responsible for ti.-- column: Rookweii Nov 7, Jan 9, Feb. 27. China Grove -Nov 14, Jan 16, March 5. Wood leaf Nov 21, Jan 23, March 12. , Prosperity Nov 28, Jan 30, March 19. Mt Ulia Dec 5, Feb 6, March 26. Central H S Dec 12, Feb 13 April 2. Enoehvi'lle Dec 19. Feb 20, Aprils The schools in each group are as follows. Rockwell jGroup Rockwell, Kluttz, Fisber. Lower Stone, Gold Hill, Hethany Academy. Biltmore, Crescent, Faith, Gold Knob, Christiana, Yadkin, Smith, Park. China Grove group China Grove, Harris Chapel, U&ndi?, Bostian, Fink & Yost, KluttZy & Menius, Sloop. Deaton, Sulmner, Yost and Sloop, Wood leaf Group Woodleaf, Barber, Morrison, Harts, South River, Fisher, Ellis, Zeb Hall, Enon, Kepley, Gheen, South River, Teague, Mt Vernon. Prosperity Groupe Prosperi ty, Liberty, Pond,. Hamilton, Union, toole, Dunn's Mountain, Trading Ford. Kesler, Flint Hill, Jackson College. Parker's Friendship, Rowan Academy. Mt Ulla Group Mt Ulla, Cen tenary Pine Grove Knox Brown Miranda, Bear, Poplar, Green wood, Piney Grove, Cleveland. Central High School Central H S, Cress Salem, Mill Bridge, .Dent, Mt Ebenezer, Patterson, Mulbe-ry. . Enoch ville Groupe Enoch ville Concordia, Comber Saw .Fleming, Lipe. The board of education is offer 4n this year four prizes $5 each JOSE GREER GOT TWENTY-FIVE 1EARS. Superior Court Sends New Soldier Who Shot and Killed Cell Brown to Pen. The November term of Rowan Superior court opened here j Monday morning with Judge W J Adams oi uarmage, on toe bencn ana solicitor tiayaen Clement conducting the prose- the cu turns for the state The term is for two weeks. This will be devoted to the criminal docket and next week the civil cases will he heard. There are quite a number of ccses on the crimi nal docket, but none of any gen eral interest. The first session convened Mon day morning and immediately after the grand jury- delivered his charge and the court then got down to business trying cri minal cases. When the criminal docket was taken up several youthful defend ants who had " previously been placed on probation and showed good behavior and their cases were continued under the form er order Mose Greer a negro soldier who several months : go shot and killed Cell Brown, whilts the at u r was going down East Ku-her street one night with several no gro women, plead guilty thrrough his a ttorneys to murder in ihe second degree and the Solicitor accepted this pi a After hear ing evidence Jufge Adams sen tenced the negro, who is now 23 years old, to a, term of 25 years in the peninteniiarj'. Greer was inSahsbury on a furlough an .! immediately after the killing' tied and returned to his camp at Rerftd'Illhere lie was ar rested on orders from theRow an officers and was b rough' back to Salisbury without a pr.. test, Deputy Sheriff Rankin ro ing after him. He asserted that Brown threw his hands in lis hip pocket on the nght of the killing and be was in danger of being shot and drew his pis - tol and fired, killing Brown A number of cases were con in ued to the next term of court and in other cases of a minor nature coming up on' appeal from the county court the judge memts of the Jlower court were affirmed while several defend ants were called. and capsiase were issued against them. The following compose" the grand jury, C S Morrison, fore man. Ray Koontz, Chas McCan less, A W Harry, S L Canup, D E Beaver. J Robert Freeze M L Early, C E Fesperman, C H Gray, C E Hall W A BlackweH J A Misenheimer W F Glover S F Baker J P Carvin S J Flo we H S Daggett. to the one, two; three, four and more teacher schools for the one in its respective group which raises the most money for equip ment. In order to, get credit for the amounts raised it will be necessary to report same to office of county superintendent with a list of things purchased. A list of schools competing with each other was given out at the conference, if you did not get yours call at the office for it. But the important thing is to get busy and don't let the others get ahead of you. If the schools show an interest who can tell what the board might do another year? Habitual Constspaf ion Cured in 14 to 21 Da s "LAX-FOS WITH PEPS" h a fj - il. CciAtipation. It relieve- p.oa.-: buv should be taken reiularlv foi t4 ro ,L 6? ;f to induce regular action It Stlmaltes aud Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take., 60c bottle. 0. C SEAKONE KILLED BY UNKNOWN PERSON Found Sitting up inCar With three Bullet Wounds iyiead and Neck. er of this city was found deadleve of a T h u r sd'ay n l g h t on tbe,reaty, President Wilson gave Charlotte-Concord road about j' he senate to jinderstartd today three miles from this city. ' . V f Mr Seamone was first discover ed by a party of people on their. way to Charlotte, who noticed his car standing in the middle of the road of the Charlotte road about 15 steps ; from the spring on the Brown .farrrf", The party of people met Messrs Fred Shep- hard, Charlie Fields and Carl Spears who had been 'opossum hunting just , after they passed Mr Seamone !s car, and they noti fied the men to s.top and see what was wrong with' the Ford. The men stopped, and they found Mr Seamone siting straight up in his car under the steering wheel, with three bulletN holes in his body. One bullet pierced the right cheek bone, another enter ed the right side of the neck just at the bottom of the man's collar! and the third entered the right side of the neck about an inch be i i j rs d the second wound The man was de d when found. Mr Spears, who is county coro eor. immediately came to" town ..inCgot Sheriff Howard Caldwell md Va. "olmen Fisher and Cocb- ran and ihey returned to the scene of the shooting. r Seamone's hit was under his car and his flash light was ly ing-on the right hand side of the c.-r. ihe ear being headed toward U : d-y. His hinds were folded m his o and he was . sitting r iafwiivriri g'h rr kirad er t he - er eg wheel Blood' was( f url on the right running board d'Ki his clothing was very bloody Thc Ford was standing right in the middle of the road, the o-akes on and the ignition had h o i turned off.- 'j he dead man was found at ieU'e o'clock and it is not known how long he had been dead A colored man who lives within fitty yards of the spring s.id that he heard the three shots, the police say, but did not think about it at the time. Mr Seamone was last seen at the Southern depot at 10 10 p m Tuurshay and it is not known what pas-engers he had in the car alter that time. . It is known vthat the deceased usually carried a pistol in his car but no weapon of any kind was discovered and there was no evidence of a scuffle in or around where the car was standing. No real motive is given for the murdcr of the man. One purse containing $19 was found on his body together with his watch and other valuables, and while one pocket book is gone it is not thought that the man was rob bed. Two young white men of the Brown mill section were arrested Friday in connection with the myerious shooting of O C Sea mone a "jitney'' driver Thursday nigirt on the Charlotte-Concord road about three miles from the city. The two men who are still in jail are Walter Gray and George Hunsucker, both of the Brown mill section. They were subjected to a gruelling examination and are being held in Ijail at the re quest of the coroner who has not held an inquest into to the kill ing. The evidence against the two me., is' purely circumstantial, but i is of each a nature as to make ; 1 :" au- -oruics br-iv ' know -no re aoout tut that 1 'iiey aildir tuan '. t-l(lV r,3.Tfa- tuev revealed. Hunsucker, one of 'the men ar- PRESIDENT THREATENS TO CALL TREATY. Democrats Say President Need Not Act, i they Will Defeat Reservations. Washington Nov. 17. On the final vote on tbe peace n ihat'unless it modified the reser vations already adopted, he .Would take the treaty back to jthe White House and lock it up his desk. The first eifect of the warning s?as to stiffen the lines on both slides of the treaty fight. Then elbtn promise proposals of many i$tods were thrown out by the emocrats ip final effort to break the majority program. 3Jiey found the treaty's republi can friends, ail of whom had vot ed for the reservations, disposed t listen, but to promise nothing afad tonight the life of the treaty seemed to hang upon a slender thread. JjL decision one way or the aher is planned for Wednesdayj and under the cloture rule the leaders say it cannot be delayed beyond Thursday or Friday. To morrow the senate will remain in.session until it has cleared away all proposed reservations, leaving nothing to do but to act ufon the ratification resolution itself. Four reservations two of thm proposed by the foreign re lations committee, were voted down today and none was adopt ed. The President's determination was made 'known at the White Flouse conference with Democrat ic leader ; Hitchcock, who after- t wards declared that Mr Wilson vrotftd nevei have the opportuni ty to Ipocket the treaty because his supporters in the senate would vote down any ratification resolution that contained the un acceptable reservations The senate leader reiterated his be belief that once such a resolution is defeated there will be a com promise that will keep ihe treaty alive. A Good Cough Medicine For Children. Mrs J W Phillips, Redon. Ga, phoned to J M Floyd, the mer chant there, for a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and said she had bought a bottle of it at his store recently and that it was doing her children so much good that she wanted to keep up the treatment. You will find nothing better for coughs and colds in children and for yourself. It keeps tbe cough loose, expectoration easy and soon frees the system from the cold. Ginner's Report for Rowan Couoty. The ginners report for Rowan county shows that November 1st 4,086 bales had been gined in the county. rested, is the last man seen with Seamone before he was found dead. He testifies that he hired Seamone to take him to his home at the Brown mill, and when he reached the Brown mill, he got out of the car and saw Seamone. start back to Concord. Concord Times. . This Means You. When you get up with a bad iaste in your mouth, a dull tired feel ing, no relish for food and are constipated, you may know that jyou need a dose of Chamber lain' Tab ets. They not only c.iusfen agreeable movement of Trie towels, out cleanse and in vigorate the stomach and im provathe digestion. NAMING A FEW REASONS FOR DELAY. And Captain Bailey Moved Wtih Compassion Will not Press Claim For Money Due. Captain fJaraes T Bailey, the well known Chesapeake and Ohio cbuduclcr recently wrote to a man who owed him money requesting prompt settlemeni, and following it- the reply he received. "Ifor the following reasons I am unable to send yon the check asked for: I have beerj held up, held down, sand bagged, walked on, sat on, flattened out and squeezed out. "First by the United States government for federal in come tax, the excess profit tax, the Liberty J oan Bonds, tor thrift stamps, for State city and county tax and ever Known tax such as tax o merchant, auto tax?iud ever known society and organiza tion that iuventive mind cai devise, .to extract what J may cr may not poss-ss from the Society of St John th Baptist, the G A R, the Won. an's Relief, the Navy League, the Red Croes, Thn Black Cross, the Double Cross, the Red Circle, the K of C, the B C Game, the Children's Home Society, the Dorcas Society, the Jewish Relief, the Arneri can Relief and every hospital in town. "The government has so governed my business that I don't know who I;am . where I am, or why I am anywhere. All I know is that my work gets harder all the time and that I am supposed lo be an inexhaustible supply of mon ey for every human need, de sire or hope of the human nice, and because I will not sell all I have and go out and beg, borrow, or steal money to give away, I am cussed and discussed, boycotted, talked to, talked about, lied to, lied about, held up, huug up, rob bed and nearly ruined, and the only reason I am clinging to life is to see what the hell, is coming off next." Captain Bailey says the man's experiences are eo near ly like his own that he was moved with compassion and will not press his claim until fhs campaign pressure eases up. Copied from Rishmond paper. People Paying Taxes to Keep up a Foot Ba! School. Chapel Hill, N C. Nov. 18 preparations are being made at Chapel Hill to handle for the Carolina Virginia game Thanks giving day the largest crowd tha ever saw a foot ball game in this State. Bleacher seats to hold 2,500 persons in addition to the regular seating space in the concrete stands have arrived and are being put up, and Graduate Manager Charles T Woolen has sent to the alumini this week ap plication forms for seats. Other arrangements are begining to asume definite form and from the point of view of numbers and gen eral interest, as well as in the play itself, tho- game is fexpected to .be the greatest foot ball game ever staged in Nort Carolina, Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund ir.onev if PaZO OINTMENT tail" to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, end you can get estful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. Buy War Stamps. TEN RESERVATIONS AOOPrED WITH EASE. In Every Case Except one the Republicans Voted Solidly for Committee Proposals. Washington, Nov 15 - At last clamping down the lid on its peace treaty debate, the senate substituted action for discussion today with a vigor 'hat quickly advanced the ratification fight into its final stages. Working under cloture for thefirst time in history, the senate adopted in five hours, 10 more of the . Preservations written by tbe foreign relai tions committee and with only two committee proposals remaining, set the fparliamen tary'stage for a decision of a deadlock on the treaty early hext weeek. Republican and Democrats leaders worked together to in oke cloture, piling up a ma j rity which far exceeded the vo thirds necessary for adop iou. Iu the count of 76 to 16 wo parties contributed about -ivnnly. The roll call over, however ind cloture) a fact, the Repub lican managers took complete cuarge ana sweat Hvervtnmc ' r U before thnm. Reservation after reser7atiou went through just as it came from the committees until the Dam ocats abandoned hoDes of making modification and re signei themselves to a pas' sive resistance. JVlaj britiesjjuging from -1 1 to 23 marked adoption of the ten reservations. They re lated to domestic questions, the Monroe doctriqe, man dates, Shantung, internation al commissions, expenses of the league of nations, arma ments, j,rje economic boycott and alien property rights. lu every case except one the Republicans voted solid ly for the cemmitte proposals. They were j Dined on every roil call by from four to nine Democrats. In all, an even dozen senators of the admini stration party bioke away during the day to vote for reservations. The sole de -fection from the Republican ranks was on ttfe Shantung reservations. Senator McCum ber of North Dakota, swing ing over to the opposition. The Thirtieth Did it. There has hardly been a single person in the South who doubted as to what division really broke the Hindenburg line on the 29th of September 1918, but in tbe North the newspaper writers and magazine writers have been inclined to give the praise to the 27th Division, who were fighting on the left side of the 30. h Divis ion in that battle. The matter has been - definitely established however, it seems, with the an nouncement by the war depart ment that the 30th Division real ly broke the German line first. In seeking to establish this real line breakers on the out skirts of Bellicourt Southerners have not attempted to take any credit from the 27thth Division, but at the same time they have endeavored to give their own sol diers their just dues, and it is right and fair that the T-Var De partment should make a public statement giving the facts and giving to the members of both the 27th and 30th Division their just dues. Concord Times,

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