J - " ' - - -- . ( VOL. XXV N . .7. FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, WEDNESDAY JUNE 19TH, 1929. ESTABLISHED 1832 v ' " ?--,'"! TV" VM5 . -aXS"'-- White House Ten Costs Hoover In Va. AtitiS iiith Leader Has A Change of rfp.;.rt Suffolk, Va.. June 15 -A statement that entertainment of the wife of a negro congressman at a recent white house tea would cost the Republican party 25,00 votes in Virginia was made today by I.C. Trotman. of Suffolk, member of the anti Smith committee of ten wnieh called the convention to be held in Roanoke on June 18. in a telegram he said he sent to Mrs. Hoover. '. Mr Trotman said he sent two telegram , to Mrs. Hoover, in con nect ion with the lea and gave the text of the second which follows: - Your silen corner"? ur my u.essage of yesterday goes a iuii .y inward heal ing the wound iiulio : '. ae hearts ot six southern state-. . ,-..,oe Mr Uoovei such a larg n; join i.- the recent elec ;ition. Cad it be p..sssib 'hat you think 'lJfiaU'.i!iiJ peoph- beif i-I. ur considera tion? Your tea pdii. co l i he Republican party in Virginia i: te&a than 25,U't Votes An expies.-iiai K a you wouK do lois of .good. ' In making puL.i rh i t of the leit graui Mr Trotman ) Lhe following siatoment in iiai -o the Roanoke convention: . As one of the the second coni s-i . . anti-Smith'oonvt-ni ... i. 18. 1 will state J-h. ua es ee-nirn at ( strict at ihe Ko'.iukf ::.. uc; co'i .. ion ....!'- ..... de- passes resoluiioi !- ... . . i. ncuncing the ei;- rt. t nr i -i nert ... jsjoi..an in the wii if ; , .., ..irs.Hoovei ; I ww! jk longer ( . ,-(. in the conveir ti.M i .. ..1 iv. ign my office .is con mit teim.n at once. I i!fier have and never wii! vote for or stand for social equality. Southeri y. Sho men Given Pay Increase SH m!iP"ywA ia tht Sofithern's Spem-er shops, alcng with 7. 0t or more 6th-.-- shopmen on ...e systtn hv been incr .3ed in wages of ffve and i: ( -in boo-4,600 or tiies? to cet th jsix cMt r;.is and 4,400 to receive the five cent increase. 'J his" increase is effective as of March 1 ast. and gives tho men hack jay on the basificf the rais for three moth3, or Ux r month? wi'h the present month. It is estimated i hat-there -are about 1.80 men empl-nr-d daily 'n tne Spencer shops and basifn: the rais on the minimum of 5 cent an hour this means ab )Ut $720 a day more or 518.1)00 a month in the in crease of the Southern's payn 11 at this pome or more than $20C,000 ar.nualiy. A: the iiwcrease-B pay is effective frnm Man -i 1 last the amount of back pay the m o here wif, receive, counting the month i June, will run to something like $75,0 0. The increase in pay of the shopmen was mde from Washington Tuesd, . iy the boird of arbitration, which has had the ui3tter in hand for ..rne weeks. Sh!D vrorUers of the Southern : . . k a strike vote in March and sentio.ei in favir -f strikiug resulted. Arblir. on thei greed to by the mr ra tn-' the load BLOATED FEELING And Other Troubles Went Away After Jlh South Carolinian Had Taken i Black-Draught. Iva, S. Op-! lu.--. ied Black Dsavght, at intmste, for about five years," says Mr 7 1. Gilliland, of this place. "I take ii for indigestion. "After eattorr, I v'ould hayg a tight, bloated feellr, and pains in my che&t and ixi;.;ch. I would spit up my food, and some things j ate would not agree with me at ail, I would be hungry, but afraid to eat on account. oi the indigestion. I would be constipated, too. "Some one told me that I should try Black-Braught, which I did, trtth good results. I take just a small (iur.- after meals, and I feel like p, duicnnit person. "I have any more trouble of t md. I can now eat al most u.iiji.-mg I want to, at any tin"10 anU it does not hurt me. jtiiiclr-Draught is a splendid znedicine. X can recomend it to Thousands of people have found relief, in cases of common indiges tion, by taking a pinch of Black Draught after meals, and continuing this treatment for several days. -Take Thedford's Black-Draught. It is" purely vegetable and acts in a helpful way, without the bad effects of mineral drugs. nc-199 Vets and Widows Getting $14,165 Rowan Confederate veterans and wid ows of veterans have received their semi annual state pension vouchers, these being--feyided ' u: at the office of the clerk of Rowa'- superior court. Those vouchers arriveu last week having been sent out from Raleigh, not only for the Rowan veterans but veterans and widows of veterans in all counties in the state, there being 42 vererans and 104 widows of veterans in Rowan One hundred arid; forty-six of these vouchers are being distrib .ted in Rowan, the total amounc paid out being $14,165t divided as follows; 42 soldiers at $182.50 each, or $1 a day. making $7,665.; 13 class A widows at $130 ear-h. totaling $19 SO, and 91 class B widows at $50 each, totaling $4,350 Negro b 3d y servants get 'iJlUu semi annually, but there are none of these on the Rowan list. The total number of i..e:iyns checks mailed out from Saleigh was 6.576: and the grand total distributed throughout .Jorth Carolina is $633,unn. , Fach pens ion pays 5 1 cents fee whev he; takes up iiis vouceer The" cht-ulvs sent out fr-m thf office of tate Aii.ilior Baxter Dur!i.m to all of the UK' conn tu's in the st We an div.ded as follov Cltfss a willows, who (et $l') semi anninl. -1 .t. . t'l.iss ,15 wiiiows, who get 150 sen.i .m; n;i. liy. 's.l:-":. Neni t, strvants. v. !, . get eoii annua' ... 7 . Cardinal Blessss Tr; FI ane .u:hiti l;a:y, .unc . j priinat' of Polonil : ! iliLsiast. this a um i the airpbuie Pol. mph .v p;ired for a tran-. ii ., Dublin. The trouble villi i v mgs is that bef.ua ao-.i ; r ilnal Hlcnci. nn KV'iatiop en sulnitiiy blessed i-h is being re . iu',h) by way of Romish bi ss ce the Spanish armada wa. Koiu, ! in the English ehan nel, the T1 rfecf " ; Trie" bl js frif "ge ner jlly goes novvn in-'ad of up, Lindy's cat still h )'.uo tht but. County S. S. Covent on to be Held rt .Voocileaf in July. OEc. r: if the Rowan County Sunday Sell.) ! -cintion anniuni-" that the an v.i.il t ounty Sunday st-hool Convention will be held on Tuesday an-1 dnsday. July 51. in the schg- buiding, at W kkJ:. .if. N. C. lit: -:ng on the prograni will be several of r':e best known Sundtiy School workers in iL county. The convention is inter- di:t minational, and wor!;ers from all S.j.iday schools in the county are invited t participate in the work. In charge of the arrangemefnts for the convention are Prof L,. L. .smith and W. H. Canup. presideut and secretary of the county Sunday schoof associaiiou. These officers are requesting the cooperation of of all pastors, superintendents uadv other Sunday school lerders in the effort to make the convention a success. The officers have announced thar again this year a pennant will be presented to j the Sunday school havinj in th con vention the largest av. rajier attendance of representatives, sixteen yeaia of age and over, according to the number of miles traveled. It is expected tu4i there will be much friendly competition for the pennant amoung the Sunday schools o: the county. Deposed Salvation Army Chief Dies London, June 17 The funeral of Gen eral Booth, who died yesterday at the age of 93, will be held Jund 24 with full Salvation Army honors. The burial will take placein Abney Park cemetery in London. Hadlev Wood, England. June 17. Covered with a Salvation army banner, the body of General William Bramwell Bjoth lay in his pleasant suburban house here today His passing night was unrecognized by any outward sign of mourning either officially or aujoung the rank and file of the Salvation army which he headed until deposed recently. Not a flag was lowered at the interna tional headquarters in queen Victoria street. "We keep our standard flying high," said a high oCial for Oeneral Both .is not dead be has possed to glory. ! Even though a womr.n is as heavy as a 4 i truck shell believe you and be pleased if you say she looks thinner. Landis Roller Mill Safe Forced The safe in the office of the Landis roller mill, was forced open some time Friday night and robbed of about $150, The job is believed to have been the work of amateurs. It is a small iron safe and was forced open by the use of a large ch sel and other tools, no evidence of any safe blowing, or attempt at this was left by the lobbers. A .32 caiibre automatic pistol was also taken by the robbe s. entrance was gained to the mill by force ing open a door a crowbar being used for this purpose. Nfficer Beaver, of Landis, said there was no trace of the robbers and that they left nothing behind to give any clue as to their identity. Junior Cornerstone . Ceremony Attended by Many, Lexington Lexington. June 18 Despite the extre me hot weather which prevailed here Sunday afternoon a large gathering of members of the Junior Order here and from various sections of North Carolina witnessed the cornor stone laying cer emonie conducted at the Junior Order orphans home at 2:30 o'clock. Notional Councilor E. A. Llewewelyn of Cincinnti Ohio, prpsidei over the exercises, assisted ) I y other national officers and officals of uu i.r it-r ine musical program ny me boy's b:ind anil the girl's glee club of the national orphanage oi the Junior Order at Tiffin. Ohio, uas a pleasing feature of the occasion. Virginian Declines De Priest Invitation 'A ashi toii. J.me lit In a letter de clining u ii invirati.Hi -if Represenletive DePriesl, negr. i Republican, Illinois, to a musical anil reception here iune 21. Re-present.-itive Shufftrr. Republican. Virginia said today that DPriest was embarking on a course which threatened arnienirf relations between the races in the south, "Any movement of attempt by you in the direction of social equality is not a tuie interpretation of the attitu ie of both peoples," Shaffer said. "It will not be tolerated by the white people of the cou ntry, nor is it desired by the negro race. The white people have their position and are respected in it. The colord race has Us place and is respected in it. Mrs. Hoover Condemned By The Senate Of The State Of Texas Austin.Texas.June 15. The Te.as state senate was on record today as condemn? ing by resolution Mrs. Herbert Hoover, wife of the president, for -entertaining Mrs. Oscar De Priest, wife of a negro member of congress from Illinois, at a White hjusetealast Wednesday. MHa Margie Nual. Democrat only woman me:'ijb3rof the upr' house of the Texas leg sluture, introduced the resolution wt.'Cii was passed .vith jnly two dissent ing v Jfes She Neal resoluti-.n vas accepted in sit dJ of one offered by Senator T. J. Hol ln(, r. which was aimed at both Mrs. tiojver tnd the Texas Democrats who supported Mr. Hoover at the election last fall. The resolution adopted did not con demn the Hoover supporters but pointed out l,hat ci campaigns they were warned of the "danger of racial equality recagni- ! ti.ju at the national capital through the election of the Republican canindate." Texas went into the Republican column for the fisst time since the civil war. The resolution condemning Mrs. Hoover said social recognition of a member of the negro rac accorded by'women whose social and official positions are unsurpass ed is fsaught with the greatest consequen ces conceiyiole to amicQble relatihns of the two rac People of the Sou.th, especially Texas never having condoned such action the resolution said and such recognition of De Priest's wife was described as calcu lated to greatly disturb relations, widen the breach between negroes and the white race and cause untold bloodshed. Bowing our heads in shsme and regret the resolution continued, we express in the strongest and most emphatic terms at our command, condemnation and regret at the action of the white house mistress and her associates. "Father: "This show is not what I ex pected, i'm afraid it's scarcely the right kind of play for a girl your age." Daughter: 4 Oh. don't worry Pop. . expect maybe it will peppie: as it goe on." Alexander Funeral Charlotte, June 13 Funeral services forDr H. Q- Alexander.66,who died Tues day morning at his home near Pineville were heid today at Providence Presbyte rian church. Burial was in the Providence cemetery. Dr. Alexander was for many years president of the North Carolina farmer's anion and was the nominee of the Fariner-Labor party for vice president of the United States last year. He with drew from the general election. Representative Box Assails Raskob Washington, June 14. Democrats of thecountry were urged today by Repre sentative Box of Texas, assistant house Democratic leader, to .take their party control out of the hands of John J. Ras kob, chairman of the national committee. Laws We Can Respect Herbert Hoover is making unusua effoits to awakaken the public co science upon the importance of law enforcement. He emphasized te necessity of observan ce again in his address at the associated Press nveting. The years of argument by the wets thai prohibition was respon sible for the disrespect of law were swept aside by a single sentence. Cases coming under the head of prohibition amounted to or,! 8 pfjr cent. Th.-re is noquestion that the disrespect for :n the United States calls for our best eff.trts iu the application of u remedy But what is the remedy? That question is not so easily answered. Many factors onter into the lack of law observance One seld nn mentioned or even considered is the ease with which insignificant groups can stampede a legis lature into the enactment of some meas ure for Which there is no real sentiment. H the public is n;t aroused against a measure, tha legislators listen to the noisy group 10 which it would add dignity to cajl it the minority First knowledge the puh-j lie has hf it. is when itlearnstha.t anatherj law has been imposed while it was not looking." ' The president selected wisely the sub ject upon which to address the editors in the annual meeting of the world's great est news gathering organization. The ed itors not only can but will help in restor ing respect for the law and emphasizing he need of need of observance. They are already doing it. The president's ap peal will undoubtedly increase these florts. The editors, however, will be aiding in the creating of respect for all law if they will make it their purpose to oppose the enactment of laws at thereque&tof small nsistent groups, which is not needed and for which there is no real demand. The editors can prevent the enactment of many foolish measures which clutter up the statute books because a few people obtained their enactment. There are many such legal measures. Let us have respect for legal measures by all means. And let us have also laws that we can tespect Toptka Journal, Capt. Henderlite To Open Coal Yard. Capt. C. M. Henderlite. who has recent ly returned lrom Silver, in Southwest Vir ginia, where he spent a year or more, is preparing to open a coal yard and will handle all grades of coal He will he lo cated on the east side of the rallroad.eear the metal culvert plant across the tracks from the freight depot. The trestle and other equipment is now being put in and he plans' to open for business about July 15, Daptain Henderlite engaged in the coal business here for a number, of years, some years ago. Junior Home Cares For 135 Children Lexington, June 19. W. M. Shuford, Superintendent of the Junior Order Orphan home here, who attended the national council meeting of the order held in Char leston, S, this week, reported that a total of 135 children are in the institution here. Children in the home came from nina states. North Carolina leads in the number of children with 72, Kent cky is second, wite 24 children. The other states represented in the institution are as fol lows: Tennessee 16, South Carolina 10 West Virginia 7, Pennsylvania 3, Georgia 1 . Virginia 1, All sections of North Caro lina are represented by the 72 children except Davidson county. A Chicago judge exculpates a woman for shooting at a truant officer when she explains to him that she thought it wai her husbai d It seems to be open sea son for husbands in Chicago tee year a round. UNCLE TOMMY ROT SAYS An optimist is a man who believes that some day a real hair restorer will be found. When a real hair restorer is found we may look confidentally foward to the ointment that will stimulate the showth of new teeth, new fingers, hands and feet. The common superstition is that it is bard luck for a black cat to cross the path. It is true. It is also bad luck for a rabbit or Rhode Island Red to cross the path unless he hurries. The government has started a war on Chicago gangsters. No v that the gang sters have gotten a good start at each other the government might leave their alone for n whiltv They should soon have each other cleaned out. Sometimes we believe that the stories on the Scotch were started by some tight wad of another nationality as a sort of a smoke er to hide their own stingi ness. We ere not offering this suggestion because we c m boast of any Scotch ex traction hui simply because we have fourd some folks stingier than any Scotchman we ever sa v . " I( a, couple of men get aloag well, their wives are sure to dislike each other cn sight. Which from my own experience ma' es me realize fully, The man who can bot tle up his temper, is a corker. I guess they don't have halatosis any more At lerst the magazines have quit running page ads abt ut it. . Being poor wouldn't be so bad if it did not last so long, but it gets terribly monot onous. It takes a lot of nuts to hold . an . auto mobile together but only one to wreck it No one has ever been known to suffer eye strain from looking at the bright side of things. B .t the quickest way to make yourself really miserable is to start wondering why you aren't happier. All men look alike and talk alike after they have been married a couple of years Yes Lord Dewer says: "The road to success is crowded with women pushing their husbands along." Gold and silver may not rhyme but they jinglo well together. Even a city dweller takes an interest in agriculture three times a day. Now that we have outlawed war and there can be no decrease in- the ever ii - creasing population that way. And now that we have had a Fitter Families con test providing for a still greater increase In population, who knows but that the Good Lord has sent the gunman, the saw ed off shotgun and the machine gun to earth to supply the need of an eliminator A true woman never buttons anything she can pin. The weather is releiving the farmer right now and no doubt will have him completely finished by the time Congress saves him. They are snorting around about some thing or other in Paris, that they say "if it is not done, will bring on more compli cations." well let 'em snort, it will pro bably not affect the rain in Kansas. They are shooting each other in Berlin. If I lived in Berlin, I would want to shoot somebody. And if I lived in Itlay I would What we need is relief from farm relief. Mr Cool id ge, it is reported, has purcha sed an used' car. How can a man no more voluble than Mr. Coolidge ever do justice to a used car. Speaking of rushing into a thing with out consideration, Marian Talley announ ced that she would take up farming be fore she knew what the farm relief legis lation would be. The farm relief program has been slow ed up until the real meaning of 'debenture' is discovered. We note with but passing interest "N, tional Egg Week" bet we look foward witu ill disguised anticipation to the "Fried Chicken" season. The human race is easily spoiled. A few years ago a man could walk eight oi ten blocks and think nothirg of it, now, i man crabs around art morning if "he can' find a. parking place within a block of the office. Gibs and Jibes Physician (to ricn patient): "You are all ruu down. I suggest; thac you lay off golf for a while and get a good rest at your office." -Artist to (friend): "Tee that picture over there? Well. I panted it, and a mill ion wouldan't buy it." Friend: "Well, I'm one of the million!" "I wish you'd speak to your daughter." Mrs. I'Tardup sail to her hu6bmd. VI caught he kissing the ice man this mor ning." "Good heavens," exclaimed the father "that's awful." "I should say it is. The idea of her wasting her time with the ice man when we owe the grocer $60." Doctor; .' What you need, my dear young lady, is a little sun and( air." Patient: "Why Doctor, how dare you. Why, I'm not eqen married " l CaShier (buying fur coat): "Can I wear t iis fur coat in the rain without nurting t?".. Salesman: "Madam hav you ever seen i squirrel carrying an umbrella?" Followed Suit ' So vom luive dei u.ed to tnke a dip in to tb- stock nifnktl. How did vou nome aitr : I Must havp sf-i n bad example for the n; rsei - io t . .i dip immediately after ward." A noted Berlin scientist declares that t le ape is dec-ended from man, but C. E lann nf the Osborne County Farmer cunks that the preessor. should have oostive evidence on the matter before 'asting such a reflection on the ape. For instance he says no ape was ever known to stay out two-thirds of the night seren ading the girls and attempting to sing 'Sweet Adeline," or "Good Night Ladies."' There is no evidence that any ape eve had his picture published in a cigarette advertisement or gave a testimonal for a patent medicine. Furthermore, there is nothing on record to prove that any ape ever dug up from $15 to $20 for a pint of viie liquojth.amjhperjmane him or burn a hole in bis stomach. Com mon fairness to the lonp and honorable record of the ape should make the aver age human hesitate before trying to claim him as a relative. Believe it or Not Four companies' send over five and a half million dollars last year in magazine adverrising, they are the only four who spent over 1 million each. During 1927 $'262,710,297 worth of pack age medican was sold. There are about 57,000 drug stores in the United States. They do a total bus iness of one billion 794 milion dollars a year. . "t Brazil is the fourth largest conntry .in . the world with an area of 3.275,000 square . miles and a population of 36,870.000.-. Brazil produces four fiths of the worlds -crop and is second largest cocoa grower; .. Bottled milk is delivered to patrons ia. a Hawaiia town in a set of lock boxes, arranged somewhat like those, of a post office. Potatoes are the largest and most val uable vegetable crop in the United States; - The Chinese tell time with considerable . accuracy by looking at a cat's eye. , The puple becomes narrower as noon ap proaches and wider as the afternoon wanes. Juniors Adjourn At Charleston Charleston, June 20. The Junor Order United American Mechanics will bring its biennial national convention to a close here today following a final businegs ses ion. Many delegates will leave far thsir homes in the afternoon but the national officers are ezpected to remain in the city for several days for executive and com mittee conferences. At ceremonies conducted last night the orphan home degree was conferred upon a large class of candidates representing the many states which sent delegate here. Memorial services were held, at which the newly elected national counc ilor, Omer C. Stubbs, delivered the ad dress. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and ihould be taken regularly for Wto 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates axa Reguiafes. Very Pleasant to Take. 053. per bottle. ! 1 u