The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina m The Carolina Watchman "The Watchman Carries' a Summary of <lAU The lS[ews” ___ Founded 1832~99th Year SALISBURY, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1931_Vol. 26, No. 24 Price 2 Cents Woodson May Run For Congress Zeb Long To Probe Sheriffs Slaying SOLICITOR WILL MAKE THOROUGH INVESTIGATION Advises Carolina Watch man Complete Probe Will Be Made During September Term Of Court. UNDECIDED AS TO WHAT CHARGE BE PREFERRED Solicitor’s Heart Sadden ed By Sheriff’s Un timely Death Solicitor Zeb V. Long, of the fif teenth Judicial district, will make a thorough probe into the slaying of Sheriff W. L. McKenzie, by Scott Winders, demented world war vete ran, during the September term of the Superior Court, according to a com munication addressed to The Carolina Watchman by Mr. Long, which has just been received. Mr. Long stated that he had not de cided what charges he will prefer against Mr. Winders, but would be governed by the evidence. . r instant in which you alKs to the trial of Scott Winders who slew Sheriff Mc Kenzie recently to hand this morning. "Naturally all charges of the vio lation of the law occuring since last Court will come up for investigation at the coming Term of your Superior Court. "I never know what charges the State may prefer until I investigate' the case. Therefore, all of the informa tion that I am able to give you is that this case will be thoroughly investi gated at the coming term and such action taken in the Courts as the evi dence warrants. "My heart is deeply saddened for the untimely, tragic passing of this noble Officer and splendid gentleman. "With best wishes, ■'•'i ' - fl am, . ■' : / -“Yours truly, . . , | "ZEB V. LONG, Solicitor,” -It will be -recalled that Sheriff W. Locke/McKenz# wasy: fatally *hot bk Scott Winders; fenthe mQrnihg of Jply. 16, 1^31, at- the laitteYs- hqSnff-ysdi^MSi v . the sheriff had gone to answer a com plain^ relative to the conduct of Win ders 'and threats made by him against relatives and officials of the veterans hurdm in Charlotte. , . immediately after the shooting Win-.-> . . der^ was- taken to the Mecklenburg codnty jail for safe keeping. Several days later he was returned fo Salis bury for a coroner’s inquest and was Mid without hail for the murder of Sheriff McKenzie. /It is considered likely that Winders ' Mil be tried at the September term of the Rowan County Superior court which convenes September 14. / REAR STRANGLES SELF WITH ROPE 11 Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. 5.—Evi- j dene indicated a bear committed sui- } cide here while a humane society of ficer was en route to investigate com plaints that the animal growled too much, disturbing neighbors. ( The bear was tittered along a coyote and dog, behind.the home of ' Mr. - and Mrs. Fred Pruett, show peo- ^ pie temporarily forced to work in res- ^ taurants here. John Varner, humane * officer, found the body of the bear. ■/ j 7 "It was almost as if he had heard ^ I was coming and., had taken that way ' out of-the trouble,” Varjier said "The T body stiff was warm.” | "The bear had been tittered to the / ,.Tv .. a window. It had climbed on a ^ - box and had turned round and, round - um;i^the rope was tight, then jumped off, dying-of strangulation.” the Pruetts were grieved bv the li loss of fheir pet? . di ' Good Morning Contributions to this column are welcomed. To be available for publica tion, all articles must be short and snappy, accompanied by the name and the address of the au thor. Copy should be typewrit ten and double spaced. Contri butors are requested to keep copy of matter submitted, as the edi tor of this column will not re turn manuscripts. Address com munications: Editor GOOD MORNING, care of The Caro lina Watchman, Salisbury, N. C. FOUR PRECEPTS A farmer, realizing his days were limited, called his son to his bedside and admonished him to obey the fol lowing four rules throughout his life: 1. Speak ill of no man. 2. Keep good company. 3. Join the Baptist church. 4. DON’T SELL ANY CORN. SUMMER I I love to lie and idly dream By some far-off secluded stream Where willows reach in lithe festoons, While blending rise a tunes, From III I love to watch the swirling rift Sway with the water’s rush, While just above sweet medley’s lift The lucious song of the hermit thrush, The king of spring And birds that sing. IV I love to muse when summer showers Kiss earth, and breathe sweet scents of flowers; And e’er methiijjp, while here I stand, A spirit leads nu to a land, A sapphire stream, ' * To drink and dream! ■ ,i v __ :>■- ' - • REBELLIOUS A .color, expert advises men to wear bright-colored clothes so that motor ists can see them better. If a motorist can’t hit us in this gray suit, he needn’t think we’re going to help him.—New York Evening Post. THE NEW PATRIOTISM "Here comes the parade, and your Aunt Helen will miss it. Where is ihe? "She’s upstairs waving her hair.” "Mercy! Can’t we afford a flag?”— ■Cennebec Journal. MILESTONES "We are celebrating our maid’s jubi ee today.” "Has she been with you twenty ive years?” "No, she is the twenty-fifth we have iad this year.”—Vart Hem (Stock lolm). TO A PROSPECTIVE BRIDE 'Ome, dwell with me and be my spouse Within a cute ten-payment house; md we will have, you may be sure, 'he best Installment Furniture. - fifteen-payment radio, : . thirteen-payment set of Poe, baby grand, a cute coupe With twenty-seven weeks to pay). . 11 buy three precious gems antique r At twenty down and ten a week), nd we will live, as man and wife, . n up-to-date Installment Life! —A. L. L. in Judge. —--—_ ■ _ Ij New York is famous for her sky ie/Just think what the "Blues” have: L me-for that city.' . W? ' -V V 4 -. **3^ STATEMENT Effective with this issue of The Carolina Watchman a change of ownership is an nounced whereby the publica tion along with all rights, con tracts,> subscription lists, and property pass to the ownership and direction of The Carolina Watchman Publishing Com pany, a local corporation, head ed by E. W. G. Huffman and S. Holmes Plexico, president and secretary-treasurer, respec tively. Although The Carolina Watchman Publishing Com pany was only recently organ ized, The Carolina Watchman has been published for over 99 years and now has the distinc tion of being the oldest news paper published in North Caro lina, according to records re ceived from Raleigh. There will be no change in the name of the paper. In the acquisition of The Carolina Watchman, the new management feels that there is Cherryville, Aug. J.—David P. Del linger of Cherryville, who has served as a member and officer of the North Carolina General Assembly from Gas ton county for 20 years, has formally announced his candidacy for lieuten ant governor in the 1932 primary. Mr. Dellinger was born in this county, a son of John C. and Bar bara Glenn Dellinger, being a distant relative of the late Gov. Robert B. Glenn. He attended the public schools, old Rutherford college and the University of North Carolina. The candidate is an active Mason, both York and Scottish rites and Shrine, and is a member of many' oth er orders. He has been an active Baptist church worker since 12 years of age and has devoted a large part of his time to church, lodge and civic work. Mr. Dellinger has often served as speaker pro tem of the house of rep resentatives, a point he raises >'n quali fying his fitness to serve as president of the state senate. Who's Who In Rowan - i— --— COUNTY OFFICIALS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS H* E. Rufty, Chairman, Salisbury, O. L. Linn, Landis. •T. M. Byrd, Granite Quarry. J. T. Graham, Cleveland. J. E. Hoffman, Franklin. Cal L. Miller, Sheriff. E. D. McCubbins, clerk of court. : W. D. Kizziah, register of deeds. J. E. Haynes, auditor. C. E. Gooch, county court judtge, J. Allen Dunn, solicitor. I "W. JL. Tatum, coroner. 4 N- A. Trexler, surveyor. iL i Hayden Clement, State Senator.^' ; Geo. R. Uzzell and E. W. G. Fluff- 1 tan, Representatives in the Housfe. G. Yeager, County agent, f 1 C. wQArmstrong, health offic<£?v**? Mrs. Mary ,0. Linton, welfare of- ! cer. \ « C^eo- 'Houck, county home supeihn- i rhdent. v ’ \ ■ Hope Elliotf,-. jailor. ^ Li" ;-X X - 4- : a demand in Salisbury and Rowan county for a weekly newspaper. With the remark ably low advertising and sub scription rates offered by The Carolina Watchman, it is hop ed that this paper will furnish a service and fill a need that will justify its existence and re sult in a substantial and contin uous growth. It shall be the objective of The Carolina Watchman to carry a complete digest of all the news of the city, county, state and nation, while the edi torial policy will exert its influ ence toward the progress and upbuilding of the community it serves. The Carolina W atchman Publishing Company solicits the continued support of patrons and readers of The Watchman. The Carolina Watchman Publishing Co. Pittman, director, said ; While the office -does not make a formal report at the end of its fiscal ;>-ar, Mr. Pittman compiled, the figures foe his own use. Of tlie loans granted, adjusted service certificates accounted for 51,305 and life insurance policies for 1,022. The total number of loans was S 2,3 27. The office also sent out 87,741 checks for compensation and disabil ity allowances, These totaled $3,5 89, 55 1.80, making the total amount of money paid out through the Charlotte office in the year $17,850,095.10. There were 11,270 new applications received for treatment, compensation and disability allowance during the year. Rowan Mutual Has Good Year Re-election of Dr. C. M. Van Poole, as president, and the reception af reports of its financial standing, featured the annual meeting of the Rowan Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany, held recently. W. D. Graham svas re-elected vice-president and C. R- Julian, secretary-treasurer. The meeting was a d hundre4s||§rt j if the comn^t^. ~~nmgc-' ~ :jx • -rr: x This company has 2,632 policy • folders, who carry over five million n fire insurance, while 18,000 was >aid out for all purposes last year, here beipg no indebtedness against the4 ompany. - All members of the old board of ,di- ; ectors were re-elected: ty. M. Deal, - A. Brown, A, V. Sloop, W. B. dart ley, D. M. Barger, W. A, Cline, ’ f. L. McLaughlin, C. A. Campbell, j > L. File, S. E. Baker, T. D. Brown1, < . F. Campbell and D. W. Myers'.' 1 - J ' -i NORTH CAROLINA NEWS IN BRIEF ROYALL IS SECRETARY Raleigh—Clairborne Royall, of Goldsboro, has been appointed secre tary to Senator Cameron Morrison. KING MAINTAINS INNOCENCE Asheville—C. R. King, 3 5, now in Arkansas, who is wanted for slaying two men in North Carolina, stoutly maintains his innocence. OVER-PRODUCTION IS REASON Henderson—A decided over-produc tion is blamed by George W. Hill, pres ident of American Tobacco company, for the low prices being paid for to bacco this year. . LOSES LIFE IN ATTEMPT Eden ton—Woodrow Ellington, 18, of High Point, was drowned when he jumped into the water near here in an attempt to save Miss Margaret Mc Cabe, of Greensboro. She swam to safety. SEVEN PRISONERS ESCAPE Greensboro—Seven prisoners serving 30-day sentences for trespass, took French leave from jail. Three other prisoners in the same block refused to leave when the way was opened for ed, his wife with a pistttf $hot and then turned the gun on himself, inflicting mortil injuries. Mrs.. Quinn worked ■here and her estranged, husband had been living in Norfolk. /i OFFICERS BADLY HyRT | Wadesboro—County officers, J. B. Martin, W. C. Mangum and Shorty Huntley, went out to look for a stilL Mr. Huntley, was driving. The radius rods of the car snapped and all mem bers of the party except Huntley were painfully hurt. DIES FROM FUMES Asheville—Arthur Wright, farmer, died from the effects of dynamite fumes and poisonous gases to which he was exposed when lowered into i well on a farm near here. He was the sec ond man in Western North Carolina to lose his life in this unusual manner in two days. Robert Logan, 45, died at the bottom of a 60-foot well at fylarion. hhjlp IS REFUSED FOR BOY; PRAYER REVOKED Newport, Tenn., Aug. 5.—Prayer, according to the family, appeared to be winning a victory today for Cieo phus Clevenger, nine-year-old son of James Clevenger, of near Newport,' bitten last Wednesday by a copper lead. «i£l£d.\ - ^ ‘ " , Members of the Clevenger family, ; who-teteng' to a religious sect, have 1 teadfastly spurned medical treatment, i ^hile scores of persons have been araying for the lad’s' recovery, phy- ■ ifcianS acquainted with the details of I die case said that he had little chance 1 :o survive. It was believed Saturday 1 :hat the boy would not live through ; he night. a DOG SAVES VILLAGE i Weilersville, Ohio, Aug. 5.—This tillage was saved from desturctk ire when'a collie dojg’sjb^14-^ nough volunteers to, irigade, if SALISBURY MAN IS CONSIDERING ENTERING RACE Will Decide Definitely Around First Of The Year, He Says. FORMER STATE SENATOR BEING URGED TO RUN Political Leaders Do Not Believe Farmer Bob Doughton Will Be As pirant. Walter H. Woodson, local attorney and former State Senator for a num ber of terms, will probably enter the race for Congress next year, accord ing to reports current in political cir cles in this district. When interviewed last night by a representative of The Carolina Watch man, Mr. Woodson declined to either confirm or deny these reports but in timated that he was seriously, consid ering entering the race. ffT 1 11 « years. A.;£* • For;ma«y yeafCj S -V^oodson has * .civic and political leader in this county apd vicinity. He was may or of; Salisbury for six years, city at torney «-hree years, chairman of the R an County Democratic Executive committee from 1908 to 1920 and from 1922 to 1928, member of the state senate in 1921, 1923, 1921, and 1927, in ■ which body he served as chairman of' the committees on edu cation, appropriations, and finIn 1928 he was a delegate to the Nation al Democratic Convention at Houston, Tex., while in 1930 he was elected vice president of the North Carolina Bar association. .... ' -Ci- \ * SHERIFFS TG MEET AT RUTHERFORDTON Rutherfordton, Aug. S.—The sev enth annual convention of the State Sheriff’s association will & held *.ir Rutherfordton, August 11-12, with headquarters at the Isotheural hotel. All the general meetings will be held in the auditorium of the courthouse, according to ex-Sheriff W. C. Hardin, of this city, president of -the state as sociation. This is the second term of the presidency of the local man. The program is as fallows: Tuesday, August 11 at 3 p. nr, convention to open in the courthouse; address of wel :ome by M. L. Edwards of the lcjeaj ^ oar; response by O. A. Glover, sheriff >f Wilson county; business session; iddress by S. P. Dunagan, of the local oar at 8 p. m.; election of officers and ither business. Wednesday, August 12: Meet at ourthouse at 8 a. m. and go by motor o top of. Chimney Rock. At ip. m. a •arbecue dinner will be served at the lottomless Pools, Chimney Rock, at p. m. an address will be delivers n outstanding spea| d.-sqoj

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