CHAMBER OMMERCE OLUMN By R. E. L. NIEL Readers of this column in The Car olina Watchman each week may have noticed that quotationsaj^jnjjM'mi ncnt personages have beeHB^“ta .o call attention to the worl mmd\ necessity of a forward looking com munity possessing a well functioning, properly supported Chamber of Com merce. Carl Grey, president of the Union Pacific Railway, says "My ex perience has been out here in the West, every time you find a great community, you find a great chamber of commerce.” He could have gone on and stated also that "Every time you find a great chamber of commerce you find a great community.” It is emphatically true. A city without a chamber of commerce in this day of competition and rivalry is a city with out directed effort towards progress and growth. It is as essential, now, that a community maintain a chamber of commerce as it is that churches schools and government itself exist. The Salisbury Chamber of Commerce is part and parcel of the community and as such deserves the hearty, un selfish support and encouragement nf the entire citizenship. Without minimizing the need of ample preparation to take care of un employment in Salisbury during the coming winter months and unstinted ly endorsing and commending the steps taken by the mayor and the city council to prevent suffering among any of our people, there does not ap pear to this writer any circumstances to justify the apprehension that con ditions will be appreciably worse dur ing the coming months than they were during December, January, Feb ruary and March of 1930 and 1931. In truth beyond the usual seasonal unemployment there should be less, for since last Spring the old Vance Mills has re-opened and some 200 or more persons have been given employment, the Character Products Company has practically doubled its list of employ ees, work on the U. S. postoffice building addition is still going on. contract for the colored high school building has been let, numerous small homes are under construction in va rious parts of the city and the North Carolina Weavers, Inc., is giving em ployment to a goodly number or per sons. jXn trite commercial field there are as many clerks, bookkeepers and sales people employed as last year and if Saturday last can be taken as an index of business revival in Salisbury there ought not to be the dread and fear of the outlook that exists in some quar ters, for a number of merchants de clare that only at Christmas times have their receipts been better than on Saturday the last day of October. Again there are less vacant store in Salisbury in the business district than prevailed last year at this time Take a walk up one side of Main street from Liberty to Bank and then comt back the other side and you will bt surprised to learn that there are only five, count ’em, five stores unoccupied in all that distance. Let’s be prepared for whatevei eventuality that may occur but this writer cannot see any cause for un due fear and he is very certain that the response from this splendid people will be entirely adequate to meet such emergencies that may arise. After the budget for the Boy Scouts is met this week will come the annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross and Salisbury having "gone over the top” last year will hardly fall behind in the expectation that its full quota will be met during the campaign which will start November 11, Arm istice Day and close November 26th, Thanksgiving Day. * LABOR NEWS By F. T. CORNELIUS, Secretary Salisbury-Spencer Central Labor Union William Randolph Hearst has come out in support of the six-hour day as the only adequate remedy for unem ployment and urges a national indus trial conference of employers and rep resentatives of trade unions to discuss conditions for its immediate applica tion. The reasons which impelled Mr. Hearst to advocate the shorter work day are set forth in an editorial in the Hearst papers headed "Six-Hour Day Eventually, Why Not Now?” "The time has come for American employers and labor leaders to come to grips with the fundamental facts concerning unemployment,” the edi torial says. "Leaders must be reminded that business exists for the service of men. The ironic maladjustments in industry, with glutted markets on the one hand and undernourished people on the oth er constitute a serious indictment of management in the large. Business has been depressed be cause executives were slow to discard outmoded ideas. "In order to sustain prosperity thru maintaining an adequate home con suming market, business must share with workingmen more liberally fruits of the improved industrial ef ficiency, resulting from greater use of labor-saving machinery and from improved technique of operations. Failure to do so precipitated the pres ent crisis. "In emphasizing that the time was at hand for another reduction in the hours of labor, William Randolph Hearst pointed out: " 'Labor-saving machinery makes a reduction of hours possible, and, in fact, necessary. Otherwise vast num bers of working people will be thrown out of employment. " 'It has been the habit of the em ploying classes to take the full bene fit of labor-saving machinery and capitalize it, depriving the working people of their due share of the bene fit. lhe advantage ol labor-saving machinery should be distributed to the employers in greater profits, to be sure, and to the consumer in cheaper prices; but, above all, to the working people in shorter hours, better wages and better living conditions.’ "With the demand and supply of man-power out of balance, American industries should immediately consid er ways and means of adjusting itself to the six-hour day. "Routine minds will find many reasons why the proposal will not work. The same negative reaction fol lowed the campaign for an eight-hour day instead of a ten or twelve-hour day. "But, in spite of reactionary rhe toric the inexorable force of econom ic pressure is already compelling large scale -industrial experiments in spread ing jobs among their groups of men. "A leading industrial statistician es timates that general adoption of the six-hour day would increase the pres ent number of wage earners in indus try alone but at least two million persons. "Under the aegis of the Manufac turing Chemists’ Association, leading corporations in the chemical industry have recently inaugurated the six hour day in order to spread available work among the greatest number of workers.^. "The president of one of the lead ing corporations in that industry, in a statement to the Hearst newspapers, declared: " ‘While the immediate cause of our adopting the plan was emergency relief, it may well be that it will be come a permanent policy.’ "Thus, creative leaders use an acute crisis as an opportunity for building sounder and more humane economic policies. "A leading American cereal manu facturer, who pioneered with the six hour day, has reported that the pro ductivity per worker has increased 3 per cent to 4 per cent. "The Hearst newspapers according ly urge enlightened employers and rep resentatives of trade unions to confer immediately to discuss conditions un der which the six-hour day in indus try may be promptly ushered in. "The proposal is especially timely for public utilities, railroads, foodstuff trades, and other relatively stable in dustries which are still operating on reasonably full schedules, despite the depression. "Under conditions of prosperity, a six-hour day will enable the worker to enjoy longer leisure, and to devel op along cultural lines.” GREEN BACKS HEARST SIX-HOUR DAY PLAN William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, spoke in commendation of William Randolph Hearst’s declaration in favor of the six-hour day. "I commend highly the stand taken by Mr. Hearst,” he said, "and believe the influence he exercises through his newspapers will play a constructive part in bringing this necessary initial step in industry to a realization. "The introduction of modern ma chinery and power has increased the productive capacity of the individual in industry 50 per cent. "How is it possible to operate these machines and supply work for mil lions six days a week? "The solution is the shorter work day and the five-day work week, and they ought to be established immed iately. We will never rest content un til they are established.” On wage reductions, Green said: "Every reduction of wages that has been made has only aggravated the situation and increased the spread of misery among the unemployed.” He stressed the fact that a 10 per cent wage decrease in one large East ern industry resulted in a loss to the consuming public—he buying power of the workers—of $30,000,000 year ly -5_ What we believe is that we want to believe. "Dugout Dope” (This column published weekly in the interest of the Ex-service men of Rowan County). The Armistice Day celebration to be held in Salisbury next Wednesday, November 11th, bids fair to be the largest and best ever staged here. Ac cording to the plans of the various committees handling the details, every minute will be crowded, and every portion of the program will be enter taining. There will be a parade through the downtown streets, stepping off promptly at eleven o’clock marching to the Soldiers Memorial Park on South Main street where Fulton in tersects. This parade will be made up of uniformed groups from various posts in the adjacent cities, a uniform ed group from Mt. Pleasant Military Institute, the local company of En gineers of the North Carolina Nation al Guard, and of course, the Memorial Flag Escort, Salisbury’s own. It is hoped that the Imps of Hell, Inc., of High Point, will be able to attend also. There will be decorated floats by the various business houses and shop crafts of Spencer, the Salisbury High School Band, the Catawba College band and as many marchers from the various schools as can possibly attend. Ununiformed ex-service men are urg ed to march in the parade also. Once flan naf-1 rln la-ic i-hp fsnlHiprs A/fe morial Park, there will be a dedica tion ceremony, and formal acceptance of this park, possibly the laying of a marker, and the ritualistic service of the American Legion for the observ ance of Armistice Day. There will be a speaker of prominence, and the pro gram will be so planned that each minute will be filled with action and interest. It is planned that the pro gram will be started and ended exact ly on schedule, each part being allotted the required amount of time and held within that time limit, in order that there may be no long drawn out waits to bore the spectators. Among the uniformed units that have accepted the invitation of tht Samuel C. Hart Post to attend this celebration are: Kannapolis Drum & Bugle Corps, Albemarle Drum & Bu gle Corps, Mt. Pleasant Institute Ca dets, Catawba College Band, Boyder High School Band. The following hav< been invited and will probably attend a uniformed unit from Charlotte, Thi Imps of Hell, Inc., of High Point, ; unit from Statesville, and entertain ers from iMooresville, Lexington ant possibly other points. At night ther will be a showing of the Woodrov Wilsn Memorial picture, with addi tional skits and stunts. This picture i said to be one of the most entertain :__1 -J__1 ___ cuuvauwuai vi tnv ina11j « a pictures. It depicts scenes in the lif of the great wartime president, anc has many scenes actually taken on thi battlefields of France by the Unitet .States Army Signal Corps. In connec tion with the Armistice Day program Judge Hubert E. Olive, of Lexington commander of the ninth district, ha called a district convention to be helc in Salisbury on that day, the busines: session of which will be held about 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at a placi yet to be designated. This district con vention is calculated to add much in terest in the day’s program, and brinj many prominent Legionnaires here or that day. Contrary to the usual custom, th< ladies of the Auxiliary will not serv< dinner to the ex-service men, but there will be a barbecue served at the Memorial Park with drinks, at a nom inal charge, the proceeds to be used in defraying the expense incurred by the day’s activities. Heretofore it has beer the custom for the ladies to serve all ex-service men in the county on that day, -.these dinners were enjoyed by several hundred ex-service men each year, however, the various committee; decided that the general program that could be attended by everyone, and enjoyed by the public at large would be more appropriate and of greatei benefit, hence the departure from former Armistice Day celebrations. -_ • charge of the day’s program: Central: C. L. Coggin, chairman; Bryce P. Beard, C. V. Roberts. Publicity: J. H. McKenzie, chair man; R. E. L. Niel, R. N. Wingate, George Bostian. Finance: Charles Parker, chairman; W. M. Barringer, S. H. Plexico. Parade: Don Clement, chairman; Max L. Barker, C. L. Shaver, Phil Levinson, Reid R. Goodson, V. FL Yost, J. E. Cruse. Legion Show: J. Allan Dunn, chair man; R. O. Yancey, Fred Young, D. C. Dungan. Program: Central Committee. Concessions Dinner: Kirby L. Cress, chairman; K. W. Goley, Charlie Park er, A. P. Buerbaum, A. H. Peeler, Clarence Ffartman, C. S. Lippard, Norman Ingle, (committee from Auiliary to help serve). Convention: R. E. L. Niel, chair man; Judge H. E. Olive, Lexington, Norman Ingle, Judge Clyde E. Gooch. Citizens Committee: B. V. Hed rick, chairman; M. L. Kiser, Spencer, Edwin Earle, Jr., D. J. Butler, J. S. Forbes, H. P. Brandis, Hearne Swink, China Grove, R. J. Everest. Everyone is invited and urged to attend this greatest of Armistice cel ebrations, help us to dedicate our Sol diers Memorial Park, and join with the Legion in a fitting observance of this greatest of days in the lives of all who were under arms in 1917-1918. Join the Legion, Buddy, help us to help the Buddy that can not help himself. Armistice Day will be of greater significance to you if you line up again with the comrades of war days. The Lance Corporal. -:—* Chief Justice Hughes In Tribute to Red Cross One of the finest tributes ever paid the American Red Cross and its membership was that by Chief Jus tice Charles Evans Hughes, of the United States Supreme Court, on the occasion of the fiftieth birthday anniversary of the organizcUon on May 21 of this year. Mr. Hughes said: “The American Red Cross repr& sents the united voluntary effort of the American people in the minis try of mercy. It is the finest and most effective expression of the American heart. It knows no par tisanship. In the perfection of its cooperation, there is no blemish of distinctions by reason of race or creed or political philosophy. “However we may differ in all things else, in the activities of the Red Cross we are a united people. None of our boasted industrial enter prises surpasses it in efficiency . . It move6 with the precision and the discipline of an army to achieve the noblest of human aims. “The American Red Cross is not only first in war but first in peace. The American people rely upon its ministrations in every great catas trophe. It has given its aid in over one thousand disasters. When, as we hope, war will be no more, still the Red Cross, in he countless ac tivities of relief and rehabilitation, will continue to function as the or I ganized compassion of our country." -* Is Jailed For Cruelty To Birds -5 London.—Cruelty to birds has cost Charles Thomas Poole, 51, a bird : dealer of Bethnal Green, fourteen i days’ hard labor. Poole was charged ■ with the ill-treatment of two canaries l and was found guilty and sentenced 5 in a police court. -£ TO SKATE ABOUT WORLD 5 Wilmington.—Jack Hyland of Wil ' son, who won fame by skating to the American Legion convention in De • troit, said he will seek new laurels by 1 skating around the world. He plans to : start from Wilmington in a few days. I MORTGAGE SALE pursuant to the provisions contained in a i Mortgage Trust Deed Registered in Book No. Ill page 212 made by Fannie Williams, widow, ' for the protection and benefit of the under i signed, on the 10th day of November, 1928, i default having been made in the payment of this debt, which said mortgage was given to ; secure, t‘he undersigned will sell at public sale at the Court House Door on DEC. 5, 1931, NEXT, the following property: Being lot No. 12 as shown on the map of Fairview Heights, the property of R. A. & L. G. Goodman and surveyed by N. A. Trexler, blue print of said prop erty filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County. Conveyed by the said Fannie Williams to satisfy the debt provided for in said mort gage. This Oct. 30, 1931. T. F. HUDSON, Trustee. T. G. FURR, Atty.Nv.26. I At The | I Change I £ 1 A Critical Time In I|i Every Woman’s ^ “During a critical || r J time in my life I took SI . | Cardui for several 1| I months. I had hot H •I flashes. I would sud- |j|! ft® denly get dizzy and jjjjgl 1H seem blind. I would l|| HI get faint and have no ||j Wm My nerves were on Iff * I edge. I would not ljj|] HI sleep at night. ml “Cardui did won- ll|| * 1 ders for me. I rec- l|| : I ommend it to all |jH I women who are pass III ing through the criti- Si ||i cal period of change. M jfH I have found it a fine | 1 gft medicine.”— Mrs. Eettie gsa BaB Murphy, Poplar Bluff, Mo. ■ ' Cardui is a purely vege- Hg table medicine and con- Bp E| tains no dangerous drugs. Mpj lrife|Nr?^0K£SSEjj09HH£j|JEwk3SiMfi8E£33^^^HliS&Bu^ I Take Thedford’s Black^Draugh^l I toil Constipation, Indigestion, I |and Biliousness. I MONEY ALL GOES TO GAS STATIONS Since Sundays now the motor car Most every town depopulates, What use in church can there be Of passing ’round collection plates! NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the partnership firm of Dry Brothers, consisting of C. M. Dry and R. A. Dry, doing business at 110 East Innis Street, in the City of Salisbury, North Carolina, is hereby dissolved by mu tual consent, and that the business will be continued in the future by C. M. Dry, un der the name of Dry Brothers, and that the said C. M. Dry will assume and pay all debts due by the firm, and all persons indebted to the firm will please settle with him. This the 30th day of October, 1931. C. M. DRY, R. A. DRY. __.Nv.26. State of North Carolina, County of Rowan— in the Superior Court. Thelma Hopper Smith -vs Herbert E. Smith NOTICE The defendant above named, will take not ice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rowan County, for an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of adul tery, without fault on the part of the plain tiff, and the defendant will further take not ice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County and State aforesaid, at the courthouse in said County on the 24th day of Nov., 1931, or thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will thereafter apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 21st day of Oct., 1931. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Court. _Oct.22-Nov.12. Mate ol North Carolina, In the Superior Court. County of Rowan. Mary B. McCluney, Plaintiff, -versus Foster McCluney, Defendant. NOTICE—SUMMONS The defendant, Foster McCluney, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the Superior Court of Row an County for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the defendant on statu tory grounds, to-wit: that plaintiff and de fendant have lived separate and apart for five successive years, next preceding institu tion of said* action, plaintiff having resided in said County and State for said period, and the said defendant will take further notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, at his office in Salisbury, North Carolina, on the 16th day of November, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint on file within thirty days thereafter, or the re lief therein demanded will be granted. Dated this 15th day of October, 1931. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk of Superior Court. CLYDE E. GOOCH, Lawyer. Oct.22-Nov.12. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain mortgage executed by Henry A. Kes ler and wife, Laura Kesler, to L. J. Mesi more dated and recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Rowan County, in the book of Mortgages number 81, page 304, default having been made in payment of indebted ness therein secured, and at the request of the holder of the note and Mortgage therein secured, the undersigned Mortgagee will ex pose for sale at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court House Door in Salisbury, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1931 AT THE HOUR OF 12: P. M. the following described real estate: Situated in Gold Hill Township, Rowan County, adjoining the lands of Mrs. A. B. Clemence, J. A. Kesler and others. BEGIN NING at a stone on Mrs. A. B. Clemence line: thence North 2-% degrees East 23.90 chains to a stone on J. A. Kesler’s line; thence North 85 degrees West 15.30 chains to a post oak; thence South 2 degrees West 7.15 chains to a stone; thence South 45 degrees East 7.08 chains to a stone; thence South 2% degrees East 12.30 chains to a stone on Mrs. A. B. Clemence line; thence North 87% degrees East 9.18 chains to the BEGINNING, containing Z9 acres more or less. For back title see deed from Luther M Beaver and wife, Mary C. Beaver, to Roy W Misenheimer and wife, Lillie D. Misenheimer recorded in the Register of Deeds Office ii book No. 167, page No. 209. Also see dee< from Roy W. Misenheimer and wife, Lillie D Misenheimer, to Henry A. Kesler and wife Laura Kesler, recorded in Book No._ page No__ This October 15, 1931. L. J. MESIMORE, Mortgagee Oct.l5-Nov.5 TOWN CREEK DRAINAGE TAX SALE Pursuant to the laws of North Carolina, and a resolution of the Board of Drainage Commissioners of Rowan County Drainage District No. 9 (Town Creek), the undersign ed Sheriff of Rowan County, North Caro lina, will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1931, at noon, at the courthouse door in Salisbury, sell to the highest bidder or bidders, for cash, all those certain tracts of land in Row an County Drainage District No. 9, same be ing Town Creek Drainage District, whose owners are delinquent in thexpayment of those certain drainage taxes or assessments for the year 1930, levied and assessed by an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Row an County in the special proceeding entitled "In the Matter of the Drainage of Town Creek”, and dated February 22, 1929, the names of the delinquent owners, the acre age, and the amount due by . each, being shown below, and reference is hereby made to the drainage map, records and assessments rolls filed in the office of said Clerk of Court for a more particular description of said land and said matters. The costs and expenses of sale, plus interest at six per cent upon the respective sums due from Jan uary 1, 1931, are to be added to the amounts given below. Name Acreage Due Dr. J. B. Council ___ 0.275 $ 1.6G Chas. Watkins _ 1.50 9.10 E. H. Harrison _ 8.50 48.03 J. M. Miller ___ 1.20 7.28 Bluford Heirs _ 9.80 67.69 Mrs. Julia Beall _ 0.75 4.55 Mrs. J. A. Morton _ 6.90 39.75 Will Henry - 0.275 1.66 Wash Henry _ 0.275 1.66 Will and Wash Henry_ 0.275 1.66 L. F. Lyerly - 1.65 10.01 B. H. Isenhower _ 3.86 23.37 J. J. Honeycutt _ 2.75 16.69 J. L. Stiller- 0.275 1.66 W. E. Orr - 0.55 3.34 J. M. Casper - 1.50 9.10 •J. C. Trexler-1.65 10.01 John C. Smith _ 0.55 3.34 J. R. Davis - 0.275 1.66 Chas. Arey - 7.00 42.50 E. C. Shaver - 0.55 3.34 R. L. Shaw -- 0.275 1.66 J. J., J. G. and E. D. Honey cutt - 0.275 1.67 Richard Witherspoon___3.00 18.21 V,. A. - 1.1V 41.00 J. I. Seaford - 0.50 3.03 J. L. Rendleman _ 6.00 34.04 H. A. Trexler -15.60 88.00 R. L. Blackwelder _10.70 57.75 Jess Marlow _ 1.25 7.59 Mary Ford _ 1.00 6.07 Mrs. D. M. Blackwelder .28.50 166.65 D. A. Kluttz- 2.50 13.99 John E. Kluttz _ 16.40 91.88 Maggie Gaddy _ 3.00 17.02 Della Clement _ 3.75 19.56 J. A. Clement _ 2.25 12.84 Mattie Parker _ 1.25 6.99 G. A. Clement _ 8.25 47.11 T. A. Clement _11.32 62.93 Jno. C. Rusher Est. __13.50 78.39 E. E. Miller _ 6.10 34.65 J. W. Crowell___ 6.00 34.04 D. R. Myers _18.00 104.52 J. W. Laney _27.90 164.87 J. L. Lyerly _21.00 122.49 This the 2nd day of November, 1931. C. L. MILLER, Sheriff of Rowan County, N. C. Nv.27. MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to the provisions contained in the mortgage deed of trust, registered in Book No. Ill, page 15, made by J. F. Carrigan, J. A. Sloan and wife, j Carrie C. Sloan, for the protection and benefit of the undersign ed on the 31st day of July, 1928, default having been made in the payment of the debt, which said mortgage was given to se cure, the undersigned will sell at public Bale for cash at the Court House door in Salis bury, North Carolina, on Saturday, Novem ber 14, 1931, at 12 Noon, the following prop erty: A certain tract of land known as the Me Cubbins and Harrison Mill property or Mill Bridge Roller Mill property, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stone in the public road, runs thence S. 27 deg. W. 4 chains to a stone; thence S. 15 deg. E. 1.70 chains, cross ing Mill Race to a stake in a ditch; thence with ditch S. 72 deg. E. 1 chain N. 85 deg. E. 1.70 chains, S. 62% deg. E. 1.75 chains and S. 85 deg. E. 2.10 to a stake in the creek as it meanders; thence N: 89% deg. E. 2.75 chains S. 60 deg. E. 25 links and N. 85 deg. 9.80 chains to a stake at the Bridge; thence with the public road as it meanders to the BEGINNING, containing six acres more or less. For back title reference is hereby made to the following deeds registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan Coun ty in the following Books of Deeds: Book No. 79, page 86 ; Book No. 79, page 58; Book No 79, page 57; Book No. 120, page 134; Book No. 197, page 149; and Book No. 208, page 93. Terms of sale CASH. This, the 14th day of October, 1931. GEO. R. UZZELL, Trustee. J T. G. FURR, Attorney. ^ Oct.l5-Nov.6. LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY $5.00 to $40.00 Quickly Loaned SALARIED PEOPLE NEEDING FIVE TO FORTY DOLLARS IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, WITHOUT SECURITY, ENDORSE MENT OR DELAY, AT LOWEST RATES AND EASY TERMS. CO-OP FINANCE CO. 202 WACHOVIA BANK BLDG. SALISBURY, N. C. KEEP YOUR CAR IN GOOD CONDITION . . -: WE SPECIALIZE IN :_ BRAKE SERVICE — RADIATOR SERVICE— PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES — BATTERY SERVICE — GENERATORS & STARTERS — IGNITION PARTS FOR ALL CARS — MOTOR REBUILDING — WRECKER SERVICE. Give Us A Trial, Regardless of What Your Trouble Is! LINGLE MOTOR SERVICE, INC. PHONE 1517 "SAME LOCATION, SAME MECHANICS FOR 8 YEARS” | 24 HOUR SERVICE 1 I Repairing all makes of Batteries and Recharg- | ing. Repairing Starters and Generators. | Armatures Rewound Exchange. SALISBURY IGNITION & BATTERY CO. 1 ■ ' E. B. BANKETT, Prop. g | Phone 299 122 W. Fisher St. | | YADKIN FUEL CO. I | DON’T LET THE COLD SNAP CATCH YOU WITHOUT FUEL! s A GOOD PLACE TO BUY YOUR J I COAL, COKE, AND WOOD | ROGER EVANS, President | PHONES 1594 and 1642 E. Harrison St. SALISBURY, N. C. j V*3COK3«3SOK3eQOe3«3SaSSC>3^^3X3!OS€3Se36«: