G.O.P. Governor’s Race Narrows To Three Men GREER, HORTON, OR HOLT SURE TO BE NOMINEE Boone Tillett, Of Char lotte, Likely Choice For Lieutenant Governor; Jackson Also Mentioned; Jonas To Be Re-Elected. The 1932 republican candidate for governor of North Carolina will be one of the following three men, in the opinion of the party’s inner council: I. G. Greer of Boone, Holland Hol ton of Duke university, and Eugene Holt of Burlington. For the nomination for United States senator, Jake F. Newell, Char lotte lawyer, will be unopposed. That is a tip straight from the republican powers that be. Mr. Newell is to have a clear track ahead, and nobody will be permitted to throw any sand upon it. Boone Tillett of Charlotte is likely to be the republican candidate for lieu tenant governor. Brownlow Jacksor of Hendersonville, former state chair man and the party’s unsuccessful can didate for congress from the tentl congressional district in 1930, has al so been mentioned. Charles A. Jonas of Lincolnton, nov serving under a recess appointment oi the president as western North Caro lina district attorney, is expected to be unopposed for re-election as national committeeman from North Carolina Mrs. Queen Bess Kennon of Mocks ville, national committeewoman, will probably be unopposed, although there has been some mention of a possible contest for that position. The convention is expected to bring 5,000 or more visitors to the city, in cluding 2,980 delegates and alternates. Subscribe to The Watchman. (This column published weekly in the interest of the Ex-service men of Rowan County). The Lance Jack went A. W. O. Loose at Winston, and as a consequence had to do K. P which prevented his cluttering up the paper with this col umn last week. Having scrubbed the prescribed number of G. I. pots and pans we will now carry on. The Samuel C. Hart Post having duly endorsed the candidacy of Bryce Parker Beard for State Commander, which action was predicted in a form er issue, nothing now remains but the concerted efforts of every ex-service man in Rowan county to assure Mr. Beard of election. Let’s get together, gang, and do our stuff. Bryce Beard is the logical leader for the year 1932 1933, he well merits the Jtonor for past performance in behalf of the ex-service body. Bryce is so situated through bus iness and financial position to make of North Carolina’s Department the biggest and best ever. His business is ideally suited to the Post of Command er, as it carries him into nearly every town with a Legion Post one or more times each year. This personal contact will be of the greatest value to the State Department, and the frequency of his visits will be of great value to post officials and membership. Here tofore our Department Commanders were forced to relinquish the great privilege of visiting the numerous posts throughout the state, or make great financial sacrifices in their bus mess life. Ihe great majority ot them have been in business that was purely local in character, making it necessary for them to stay rather closely at home, or neglect their private affairs. Many of them did so neglect their personal business in „order that they might visit as many posts as possible, but due to limited time and traveling facilities, only the larger posts had the pleasure of entertaining them, under Mr. Beard even the smallest post in the state will have equal opportunity with the more populous centres. Aside from the ability to contact the va rious posts, Mr. Beard is well known throughout the state, and well liked, he is noted for his interest in the Le gion and its affairs, a tireless work, er, a good business man, a clear think er and a square shooter. As Command er of the North Carolina Department, we can look forward to a year of great progress and renewed interest in Le gion affairs. Come on, gang, let’s go! Make our slogan Bryce Beard or Bust for De partment Commander. The Samuel C. Hart Post voted to hold their next regular or a called meeting in the county, with the avow ed intention of enrolling some of those Buddies who have never belonged, or who have dropped out. A committee composed of R. L. Davis, Lawrence Haynes, Kent Goley and others were appointed to make suitable arrange ments for this meeting, and instruct ed to get busy. They will doubtless do this at a very early date, and at that time will decide upon the loca tion for this meeting, the program that will be carried out and other nec essary arrangements. The recent cold weather has retarded action on this matter, but as soon as it moderates an nouncement will be made and the meeting arranged for. All together, gang, for a bigger and better Samuel C. Hart Post, now with 319 members, and a concerted drive for our comrade, Bryce Parker Beard, for Commander. The Lance Corporal. COAL, ICE and WOOD Lucky Strike Kentucky Coal, guar anteed first quality C A per ton delivered vF "We Heap It Up and Run It Over” Home Ice and Fuel Co. BRYCE COAL YARD Phone 13 34 E. Kerr St. ASK ADDITION TO BANKRUPT LAW Salisbury merchants are co-operat ing with the National Retail Credit association in its bill now before con gress providing for an amendment to the act creating the universal system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. The proposed amendment is design ed to curtail the present tendency of firms purchasing merchandise before going into bankruptcy and placing it in the names of the wives of the pro prietors or otherwise disposing of it so that no collection can be made af ter bankruptcy goes into effect. The act establishing the universal system of bankruptcy in the United States was passed in 1898. The amendment provides that a dis charge in bankruptcy shall release a bankrupt from all his provable debts, except: 1—Those that are due as a tax levied by the United States, the state, county, district,- or municipality in which he resides; 2—Liabilities for obtaining property by false pretense; 3— Those that have been duly sched uled in time for proof and allowance; 4— Those created by fraud and em bezzlement; 5—Wages to workmen, clerks and employes; 6—Debts due for moneys of an employe; 7—Debts for necessaries of life. These exceptions are made provided that all debts con tracted for within the period >f four months prior to the filing of a peti tion in bankruptcy shall be construed to have been contracted for with in tent to defraud unless otherwise prov ed by the bankrupt. ANNOUNCING ! THE REMOVAL OF THE OFFICES OF DR. N. C. LITTLE Optometrist from Starnes Jewelry Store to 107 Vz S. Main St. (NEXT TO KETCH IE BARBER SHOP) EYES EXAMINED and GLASSES FITTED I FRI.-SAT. I WED.-THUR. _ KEN MAYNARD MIRIAM HOPKINS in in "SUNSET TRAIL” "TWO KINDS of WOMEN” fl/s0_ with rrtc, "BATTLING with B. BILL” PHILLIPS HOLMES Serial No 3 -also- "APRIL HOLLYWOOD” COMEDY AND NEWS Comedy COMING—LORETTA YOUNG IN "PLAY GIRL” - FRIDAY-SATURDAY ON THE STAGE “HOLDEN’S NIGHT CLUB REVUE” A Vaudeville Presentation -N o Advance In P(r i c e s 'FEATURE PICTURE ATTRACTION PEGGY SHANNON IN "HOTEL CONTINENTAL,f Amazing events mark the passing of a famous old hotel. WED.-THUR. DIETRICH JOHN and LI°NEL in BARRYMORE "SHANGHAI EXPRESS” with m CLIVE BROOK "A R S E N E LUPIN” WARNER OLAND COMING - - GEORGE O’BRIEN AS "THE GAY CABALLERO” a Lonely? A Friendly drink of CHEERWINE brings out the silver lining Say, 'T Saw It in THE WATCHMAN.” Thank You! We clean, repair and recore all types of radiators. Why waste your radiator anti freeze? Now is sav ing: time. Prepare for winter driving: NOW. Let us repair or re core your radiator. Save time, trouble and money. We sell or trade new and second hand radiators. East Spencer Motor Co. THE CHRYSLER DEALERS Phone 1198-J East Spencer, N. C. NEW LOW PRICES!.... Have your watch repaired by a man with nine years in Salisbury. Every job guaranteed. GLASS CRYSTALS FITTED 25c050c REGARDLESS OF SHAPE. W. H. LEONARD, JR. Opposite Capitol Theatre WHAT IS EYESIGHT WORTH TO YOU? At the slightest indication of eye trouble, you should have your eyes carefully tested by an expert. You will be repaid many times over in later life, as eye trouble, when dis covered early, is easily corrected. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. H. LEONARD, SR. 50 Years An Optometrist 107^2 W. Innes St. I WE UNDERSTAND j S? MANY years’ experience has enabled us to understand the feelings | 33 of a bereaved family. This understanding, combined with our j S modern mortuary equipment, characterizes our service and enables us j g to render the most efficient service at the lowest possible cost to you. \ I -FREE AMBULANCE SERVICE- j 1 WRIGHT’S FUNERAL HOME | PHONE 5 5 33 127 W. Lnnes St. Salisbury, N| C. j Say, "I Saw It in The WatchmanThank You! Pi v* Willard BATTERIES and firestone TIRES 5 »; Generator, Armature and Ignition Parts of All Kinds. 5 | LET US RE-BABBIT YOUR OLD TRACTOR AND AUTOMOBILE 3 | RODS AND MAKE THEM LIKE NEW. J | Salisbury IGNITION & BATTERY SERVICE I W E. B. BANKETT, Prop. 3 | 122 W. FISHER ST. SALISBURY, N. C. I | 24 HOUR SERVICE I SPECIAL PREMIUMS EACH WEEK with ALL WORK GUARANTEED 12-HOUR SERVICE TAYLOR MATTRESS CO. South Main Street Phone 6 I Take time by the forelock Buy your way to prosperity and pleasure while our GOOD USED CARS are priced so low. Safety—satisfaction—and economy—are as sured you here in GOOD USED CARS of Late Models, in Dodges, Fords, Chevrolets and other makes—as well as older models at the bare cost of re-modeling them. Our USED CARS are fixed RIGHT and priced RIGHT to sell to those who want them RIGHT, regardless of how little they pay—and it will surprise you to see HOW GOOD a CAR you can buy here for so little money—NOW. McCANLESS MOTOR COMPANY Salisbury, N. C. I BILIOUS BW fl 1 ha7e used Black- I B Draught • • • and have | B not anything 9 B that C0UJd take lta I B place- I take Black- ■ ■ Draught for bilious- B B D6gs- When I get bill- B fl oua, I have a nervous B H headache and a ner- ■ B vous, trembling feeling B B that unfits me for my B B work. After I take a B fl few doses of Black- B B Draught, I get all fl B right When I begin B B to get bilious, I feel B B tlred and run-down, fjj B and then the headache B fl and trembling. But fl 8 Black-Draught re- B fl “878s 611 this.”—o B fl HomervUlt, Oa. B B For hi digestion, con- i fl ^Patlon, biliousness, i Iff—, L ■ ff* ThedPonds fl PBIACKI ■draught PAINS - h When you take Bayer Aspirin When your head aches—from you are sure of two things. It’s sure any cause—when a cold has settled relief, and it’s harmless. Those in your joints, or you feel those tablets with the Bayer cross do not deep-down pains of rheumatism, hurt the heart. Take them when- sciatica, or lumbago, take Bayer ever you suffer from Aspirin and get real relief. If the package says Bayer, it’s genuine. Headaches Neuritis And genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe. Colds Neuralgia Agpirln ig the trade_mark of Sore Throat Lumbago Bayer manufacture of monoacetio .. , acidester of salicylicacid. Rheumatism Toothache BEWARE OF IMITAflONS