j - 1 THIRD INSTALMENT “Upon my word, Linda-” She laughed in cool unconcern. "My dear boy, please don’t pretend. You forget that this isn’t the first tmie I’ve had to stand by and watch you muddle your way out of an affair like this. I don’t really care, except for Diana’s sake—she looks ill, terri bly ill.” "Are you going to blame me for that? Really, this is beyond a joke. I suppose you’re annoyed because I brought her here to dinner. Perhaps that was stupid of me, but-” She came a step forward, her bright eyes meeting his very directly. "If you want me to divorce you, Dennis—I will,” she said. There was a moment of absolute si lence; then she went on, still in the same unemotional way: "I think I’ve grown a little tired of this sort of life. We’re neither married nor unmarried, and after all, I’m still young, and there are other men in the world.” "Other men—you mean . . .” ''Never, mind what I mean. I’m making you a fair offer. If you want to marry Diana I’m willing to divorce you. Youji better think it well over before you refuse,” she added with a little ironical smile, "because I may never be so generous again.” Dennis stifled an oath. He looked hot and angry as he went out of the rnnm. Linda sighed and turned with a smile as Diana returned. She had col oured her lips and her cheeks, and she looked less worn, but there was a lit tle defiant light in her eyes as she caane towards Linda. "I really feel terribly Apologetic,” she said rather unsteadily. Linda wenit with them to the door. "Don’t keep her out too late, Den nis,” she said lightly. "And I hope you’ll have a good time,” she added, a hint of laughter in her voice. ±5eh nd Diana’s back Dennis gave his wife a furious look; he felt that he was be ing made a fool of, and the sensation was not pleasant. They rode in silence till tne cab stopped at the Savoy* * They went to the ballroom, which was not at all crowded, and Dennis ordered champagne. He almost wished he had insisted upon staying at the flat with L.nda. He roused himself with an effort and touched Diana’s hand. "Do you care to dance?” "As you like.” She rose apathetically, and they joined the dancers. The brilliant lights of the ballroom blinded her, and the noise of the band suddenly became deafening, driving her half mad. • She gave a little foolish laugh. " 'Man made the town,” she said— "the horrible, horrible town . . . .” Then, with a little moaning cry, she slipped to the floor at Dennis Water man’s feet. CHAPTER IV Everything was so very quiet, as if one had slipped out of life into the infinite space where only the stars hung against their dark background and the cool winds blew. She opened her eyes and looked round the room. Drawn blinds veiled most of it from her, but she could faintly pick out a flowered wall pa per and the shadowy shape of a dress ing table—an old-fashioned-looking dressing table in a chintz-and-muslin petticoat. That was queer, tor sne naa never seen a dressing table like chat since she was quite a little girl, poking about in a wooden workbox on her grand mother’s dressing table. She was dreaming, of course— dreaming backwards into a past which she had almost forgotten. Such a queer world-different, somehow .... Diana tried to raise her head from the pillow, but the effort was too great, and she lay still for a little, eyes closed again, breathing heavily. A hand on her wrist now—not .Aunt Gladwyn’s hand—but one that was firm and strong; a hand that seemed to put new life and strength into one . . . not like Dennis Water man’s hand, that only made one s pulses jerk suffocatingly and filled one’s heart with unrest. Diana gave a little stifled cry. She remembered now: he was the doctor from Harley Street whose eyes had seemed to pierce through all the brav ery of her carefully reddened lips and make-up. right down through her ar tificiality, to the trembling weakness of her. He heard the little cry and came back. "Well,” he said very gently as if he were speaking to a child. Diana smil ed too, confidently. "You’ve got your own way,,’ she whispered. He .laughed at that. "I generally do in the long run,” he said. It was wearisome work trying to get well; more wearisome when at last Diana felt the first tug of returning health and the consequent revolt against enforced Inaction. Everyone was so tryingly optimis tic. No matter how much Diana sulk ed or how rude she tried to be, she was met with the same determined kindness and good temper from the woman who, as she soon discovered, was a trained nurse and in charge of her. V This "Creature,” as Diana soon call ed her to herself, was -fortyish, with gray hair and the peaceful expression of one who has gone through so many turbulent waves chat life no longer frightened her. Her proper name was Miss Starling: a name which Diana thought most suitable, seeing that she was eternally chirping tidings of good hope and wonderful days to come. Di ana also discovered that once upon a time she had been a nurse in a big Lon don hospital, but that she had given it up in order to retire into the country and take in difficult cases for special Ict-« "Dr. Rathbone isn’t a specialist,” was Diana’s first remark that showed any return to her old spirit. r"Dr. Rathbone,” Miss Starling re torted calmly, "is a very wonderful man; he has saved your life, what ever you may think of him.” "I don’t think of him at all,” Diana retorted peevishly, and turned her face against the pillow, closing her eyes. Miss Starling sat at the window, knitting by the light which shone through the half-olosed curtains; she did not really need any light at all, seeing that she always knitted me chanically, with hardly a downward glance. The needles made an -irritating little clicking sound. Diana flung the clothes back rest lessly. "Can’t I get up?” "Not till Dr. Rathbone says you may.” "He won’t say it for ages.” "Then I’m afraid you’ll have to stay in bed.” Petulant tears filled Diana’s eyes. The clicking of knitting needles stopped, and Miss Starling rose. "I think we might have the blind up a little,” the Creature said. "It’s such a wonderful evening.” The blind was raised a little higher, and Diana caught a glimpse of leafy trees and a patch of blue sky through lacy boughs. "Where is this place?” she asked suddenly. _ . •» • 1 1-. Surrey—udoui a nine uuiwuc a nw tie village called Cheam.” Diana made a little grimace. "Dr. Rathbone has a house not far away,” Miss Starling said presently. "Oh!” Diana was wearily twisting the soft strands of her hair once more. "Is that why I’m here?” she asked. “So that it will be easy for him to come and see me?” "It makes it more convenient for him of course; he is a very busy man, and if you had been a great way off he would probably have put you in the care of another doctor.” "Why should he? I suppose he’d be paid, no matter how far away I was.” "Money is not everything. Dr. Rath bone does a great deal without any fee at all.” "He’ll be paid for me.” "Yes, but then you’ve plenty of money. There are many poor people far more ill chan you are who cannot afford to pay anything.” "Another lecture!” Diana told her self. There was an unbroken silence for some moments, then Diana asked: "Is he married?” "Dr. Rathbone? No.” "He ought to be,” Diana said per versely. "He’s quite old.” "What do you call 'quite old’?” Diana considered. "Oh—forty, I suppose.” "Dr. Rathbone is only about thirty eight.” "He looks fifty,” Diana declared unkindly. "How did I come here?” Diana ask ed. "Dr. Rathbone brought you. You were taken ill—perhaps you remember —and Mrs. Gladwyn rang Dr. Rath bone because she was frightened and did not know what to do.” "I only fainted. It wasn’t anything.” No answer again. "Has Aunt Gladwyn been to see me?” "No. Dr. Rathbone would not al low her to come.” "Dr. Rathbone seems to think he can rule my life. I suppose I shall soon have to ask his permission when I want new cloches.” "I don’t chink they would interest him.” "I don’t suppose I interest him eith er, really—do I?” "Very much—as a patient.” “I suppose he makes a great deal of money.” Miss Starling said quietly: "Dr. Rathbone runs a small home for children at his own expense—that cannot be done for a small sum.” "He seems to be a kind of hero,” Diana sneered. "Can I get you anything? If not, I shall leave you for a little while.” "I don’t want anything,” was the not very gracious reply. The door closed softly. Why bad the Creature left her alone? She did not want to be left alone to her thoughts. When Rath bone came again she would tell him that she would not be left to her thoughts, not for a single moment. If he was such an autocrat, of course he would see that her wishes were obey - ed. CHAPTER V It would be fun to get out of bed and creep over to the window, fun to see what lay outside, under the shel ter of those leafy trees. She listened, but there was no sound in the house, and with a little elfish smile she put the bed clothes gently aside and swung her feet down to the floor. Her legs felt as if they did not be long to her, and if there had not been a table and a chair to cling to she would never have reached the window at all. But she was there at last, breath less and faint, with beads of exhaus tion on her face. The fresh air revived her a little, and she knelt down by the open win dofw, both Hands clinging to^he nar row sill. It was very beautiful; Diana knelt there by the window looking out with eyes that were somehow tragic in her white face. She felt weak and helpless; she wished it was not so far back to bed. Not that she wanted to go back—she felt that she could have stayed there forever looking out on the fields and trees and hedges. She hated the coun try, and yet it gave her such a feeling of peace: like someone laying a cool hand on your forehead when it ached very badly after a succession of late nights. She turned round and looked at the bed—it seemed miles away. She made an effort to rise but checked herself quickly. She was sure she would fall. The ball was so far away too—on the other side of the bed, and she was too weak to cry out. She might try, but they would not hear her if she did. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK l A sword swallower going to a De troit hospital to have a toothpick re moved from his throat. BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR DISCHARGE Will Lilly, Bankrupt. IN BANKRUPTCY, To the Honorable Johnson J. Hayes, Judge of the District Court of the United States, For the Middle District of North Carolina, Will Lilly, of Norwood, in the county of Rowan, and State of North Carolina, in said district, respectfully represents that on the 29th day of June, last past, he was duly ad udged bankrupt under the acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all of his property and rights of property, and he has fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the or ders of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may be de creed by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate •under said bankruptcy acts, except such debts fas are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1932. Signed—WILL LILLY, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON Middle District of North Carolina, ss: j On the 14th day of March A. D. 1932 on reading the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 3 15th DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1932, before John C. Busby, Referee in Bankruptcy, at Salisbury, N. C., in said district, at 2:30 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON; and that notice thereof be published in The Carolina Watchman, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said pe titioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered by the court, that the Referee shall send by mail to all known creditors, copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence, as stated. Witness the Honorable Johnson J. Hayes, judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Greensboro, N. C., in said district, on the 15 day of March, A. D. 1932. Signed—JOHNSON J. HAYES, Mch25. United States Judge. NORTH CAROLINA STANLEY COUNTY. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated July 29th, 1927, executed by John Johnson and wife, Eliza Johnson, to Charles L. Cog gin, Trustee, recorded in Mortgage book 104, page 45. Register of Deeds Office, Rowan County, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby, and at the request of the holder thereof, and in accordance with the terms of said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door in Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, on TUESDAY the 12th DAY of APRIL, 1932 AT 12:00 O’CLOCK, M., the following described real estate: Situated in E. Spencer and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stone Stout’s corner on Johnston’s line and runs thence S. 5 W 21.60 chains to a stone in the branch; thence with said branch N 18 W 8 chains; thence N 32 W 7.40 chains to a stone Stout’s corner; thence N 42 E 10.40 chains to the Beginning containing 6.75 acres be the same more or less, being the same real estate conveyed by J. C. Rusher and wife to John Johnson by deed dated the 7th day of March 1914 and recorded in the Register of Deeds Office of Row an County on the 29th day of July, 1927, reference to which is hereby made, in Book 196, page 265. The above real estate wil? be sold free and clear of all taxes. This 11th day of March 1932. - CHARLES L. COGGIN, Mchl8-Ap8. Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA, IN THE COUNTY COURT. ROWAN COUNTY. North State Aviation, Inc., -versus H. C. Swaitn. NOTICE OF SUMMONS and WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. The defendant above named will take not ice that a civil action entitled as above was commenced against him in the Rowan County Court on the 13th day of February, 1932, by the plaintiff above named for the recovery of Eighty-six ($86.00) Dollars, and interest, for storage rent due the plaintiff on ~ one aero plane of the defendant; said amount being due on account of breach of contract to pay said sum so due. The defendant above named will also take notice that a warrant of at- ! tachment has been issued in this action by the Clerk of Superior Court and said Court against the property of said defendant, which said warrant of attachment was returnable at his office in the City of Salisbury, said County and State, on the first day of March, 1932, and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, at his Office on the 12th DAY OF APRIL, 1932, or within thirty days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which has been deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, and that if he fails to answer or demur to said complaint at that time or within thirty days thereafer, the time prescribed by law, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This the 12th day of March, 1932. B. D. McCUBBINS, Mchl8-Ap8. Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Valuable Real Estate. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain mortgage trust deed dated Septem ber 1st, 1926, executed by (Miss) Ethel May Mulder to Walter H. Woodson, Trustee, which mortgage is duly registered in Book of Mort gage No. 99, page 106 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the amount secured by said mortgage as therein provided and by authority and power of sale conferred by said mortgage and by law provided, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned Trustee will offer sale at public auction to the high est bidder, or bidders, for cash, at the Court House door in Salisbury, N. C., on MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1932, at 12 O’CLOCK NOON, the following described property, to-wit: In the North Ward of the City of Sal isbury, and on the Northwest side of North Jackson Street, and between Liber ty and Kerr Streets, and being a part of the H. N. Woodson Home Place Block, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the line of Jackson Street, 160 feet Southwest from the intersection of Jackson and Kerr Streets; thence Southwest with the line of Jackson Street 60 feet to a stake; thence Northwest and parallel with Kerr Street 140 feet to a stake in the line of a ten foot , alley way: thence Northwest with the line of said ten foot alley way and pmr>u«l with J Bckion Street BO feet to at stake in the line of said alley way; thence in a Southeasterly direction and parallel with Kerr Street 140 feet to a stake in the line of Jackson Street, the beginning corner. * * The parties of the first part give and grant unto^the parties of the second part her heirs and assigns the right and priv ilege to use the alley way in the rear of this lot. Dated this March 15, 1932. WALTER H. WOODSON, Trustee. WALTER H. WOODSON, JR., Attnrnov Mphl 1-AnS. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PURSUANT to the provisions of a certain mortgage deed of trust executed on August 6, 1930, by H. T. Coughenour, C. P. Coughen our and wife, Vannie Coughenour, to John L. Rendleman, Jr., Trustee, which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Mort gages No. 116, page No. 132, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of the note therein secured, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale, at public auction, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, 1932, AT THE HOUR OF 12M, the following described real estate: 1. A certain lot or parcel cf land ly ing and being in Rowan County, near the Town of Salisbury, N. C., arid being lot No. 14 and Nb. 15 on map of the W. C. Williams property, as surveyed by N. A. Trexler, C. E. in May 1928, which map is registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Maps at page No. 210, to which ref erence is hereby made. See Book of Deeds No. 199, page No. 539. 2. It being all of lots numbers 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87, 88 and 89 of the subdi vision of the Henkel-Craig farm, Rowan County, North Carolina, as mapped and platted by N. A. Trexler, C. E., Nov. 1927, which map is recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Maps at page No. 197, to which reference is hereby made for further description. The above being a part of the land con veyed by deed from J. C. Goodnight and wife, D. E. Goodnight, to Henkel-Craig Live Stock Company, dated December 15, 1921, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in Book No. 169, page No. 275, and con taining approximately 17 acres. 3. Lots No. 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Block “C” as shown upon the map of the prop erty of O. C. Herrington and wife, Mary C. Herrington, and known as Herrington Heights on the extension of East Innes Street, Salisbury, N. C. and which map is duly filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C. on the Book of Maps at page No. 108, to which registered map reference is hereby made for full description and metes and bounds of the said lots. For back title to this property, see deed from Crawford to O. C. Herrington and wife, Mary C. Herrington, in Book of Deeds No. 158, page No. 131. But this land is conveyed subject to the following restriction as to the use there of, running with the said land by whom soever owned for and during- the period of fifty years next after May 10, 1924, said restriction being as follows, to-wit: That the premises shall not be occupied by or conveyed to negroes or persons of negro blood, provided this shall not be construed to prevent the living upon the premises of any negro servant, whose time is employed for domestic purposes by the occupants of the dwelling house thereon. This condition or covenant shall be binding upon the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and shall be a covenant running with the land. This property sold subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, if any. This March 5th, 1932. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, JR., Mchl8-Ap8. Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain mortgage, from Chas. E. Bar ber, (Unmarried), to T. Gv Furr, Trustee, dated the 9th day of May, 1929 and reg istered in Book of Mortgages No. 113, page 49, of Registry’s Office, Rowan County. N. C., default having been made in the indebt edness for which said mortgage was given ! to secure, and for the protection of the hold er of said indebtedness, the undersigned, will | sell at Public Auction, for cash, at the Court-1 house Door in Salisbury, N. C., on SATURDAY, THE 23rd DAY OF APRIL, 1932, .'AT-12:Qff O’CLOCK NOON, after due advertisement as provided by “said instrument or by law, the following property, to-wit: A 2-7 the. undivided interest in and to two brick store rooms in the East Ward of the City of Salisbury, on the North west side of Lee Street between InnOs and Council Streets, adjoining the lands of W. C. Coughenour and others and Be ginning at a point 94 feet Southwest from the west corner of the intersection of Lee and Council Streets and runs thence along Coughenours line N. 43 deg. 30* W. 108 feet 6 in. more or less to Craw ford’s and Kyles’ line, Northwest corner; thence S. 46 deg. 30’ W. 33 feet, more or less to a stake; thence S. 43 deg. E. 108 feet and 6 inches, more or less to a stake in the West edge of Lee Street; thence with the edge of Lee Street N. 46 deg. 30’ E. 33 feet and 4 inches to the Beginning corner. For back title see Deed recorded in Book No. 161, page 275 and Book No. 204, page 158. _ Second Tract: A one-half interest in and to one vacant lot in the East Ward of the City of Salisbury, N. C. situate on the alley leading from Main Street ' to Lee Street and between Council and Innes Streets. Beginning about 100 feet from Lee Street on the Northeast side of Hogan’s alley, running thence 65 deg. East parallel with Lee Street 63 feet to a stake; thence 45 deg. S. parallel with Hog an’s alley 60 feet to a stake; thence 45 deg. S. parallel with Lee Street 63 feet to a stake in Hogan’s alley; thence with Hogan’s alley 45 deg. E. %60 feet to the Beginning corner. For back title in full see mtg. recorded in Book No. 79, page 77. lhird lract: laying on the N. W. side of Craige Street, Beginning at a rock 240 feet S. W. from the West corner of the intersection of Craige and Marsh Streets; thence S. W. with Craige Street 60 feet to a stake; the east corner of Lot No. 53% ; thence N. W. parallel with Marsh Street and with the line of lot No. 53% to a lane or alley 12 feet wide; thence N. E. parallel with Craige Street and with said alley 40 feet to the corner of Lot No. 52%; thence S. E. with the line of Lot No. 52% and parallel with Marsh Street 188 feet to a rock in the edge of Craige Street, the Beginning corn er. Being lot No. 53 on Henderson and Woodson Map of the Ennis Lands. For back title see deed recorded in Book No. 204, page 168. This mortgage was given to secure and to save harmless W. H. Goler as surety and guarantor on a certain note in the sum of $500.00 dated May 9, 1929, signed by Chas. E. Barber, principal, and by W. H. Goler, endorser and guarantor. Default having been made in the note and a suit having been in stituted in the Rowan County Court by the said Wachovia Bank & Trust Company against Chas. E. Barber as principal, and W. H. Goler as endorser and judgment having been rendered in favor of Wachovia Bank & Trust Company against the said defendants, Chas. E. Barber and W. H. Golor; and the said 500.00 note and judgment having been paid by W. H. Goler and the judgment resigned and transferred to Louis Clement, Trustee, for the use and benefit of W. H. Goler, and the said $500.00 note having now become due and payable by the said Chas. E. Barber, this mortgage, as security for the endorsement of the said W. H. Goler, according to its intent and purposes as provided therein, is hereby requested to be foreclosed by the said W. H. Goler in order to satisfy the judgment dock eted in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina against the said Chas. E. Barber. This sale will be left open for advance bid required by law. Dated this the 9th day of March, 1932. T. G. FURR, Trustee. I LOUIS H. CLEMENT, Attorney. MchllApl. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and au thority, conferred by deed of trust, executed by Roger Ney Grubb to L. A. Swicegood, trustee, dated January 8, 1927, recorded in book of mortgages No. 99, page 115, iji the office of the register of deeds of Rowan coun ty, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness by said deed of trust, se cured, and the cestui qui trust having re quested the foreclosure of said deed of trust, I will on * '' SATURDAY THE 16th OF APRIL. 1S62. AT 12:00 NOON, at the courthouse door of Rowan county in Salisbury, !N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed land. Lot No. 1. Beginning at a black oak on the North East side of the old Mocks ville road, Monroe’s corner; thence with the center of said road South 45% de grees East 44 chains to a stake in said road; thence North 70 West 43.33 chains to a stake; thence North 60 3-4 East 18.71 chains to the beginning, containing 31% acres, more or less, excepting therefrom about 3 acres, known as the church prop erty. Lot No. 2. Beginning at a stick in the center of the old Mocksville Road, Wag ner’s corner; thence North 2 3-4 East 9 chains to a stake, Wayne Joe Grubb’s corner; thence South 66 West 8.25 chains to a stake in the center of the old Mocks ville Road; thence with the center of said road South 45% East 5.50 chains; thence South-east 2.42 chains to the beginning, containing 3 acres, mcft-e or less. This the 11 day of March, 1932. L. A. SWICEGOOD. Trustee. MchllApl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of William L. Fesperman, this is to notify all persons havng claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th DAY OF MARCH, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This March 10, 1932. JULIUS V. FESPERMAN, Admr. of William L. Fesperman. Rendleman & Rendleman, Attys. MchllAp8. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the provisions contained in a certain mortgage deed of trust, dated August 1, 1930, executed by Thomas Love and wife, Elizabeth Love, to E. W. G. Huffman, trus tee, which mortgage is duly registered in Book of Mortgages No. 116, Page No. 163, office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the amount secured by said mort gage as therein provided, and by authority and power of sale, conferred by said mortgage and by law provided, and at the request of holder of said note, the undersigned, trustee, will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders, for cash, on Monday. April 11, 1932, at 12 o’clock noon, the follow ing described real estate to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake at the North In tersection of ‘D” Avenue and Second Street and runs thence with the margin of “D” Avenue, N. 26-35’ W., 150 feet to a stake at the intersection of “D” Avenue and a 10 foot alley; thence with the mar gin of said alley N. 63-25’ E., 75 feet to a stake on said alley; thence S.26-35’ E., 150 feet to a stake on the margin of Second Street; thence with the margin of Second Street S. 63-25’ W., 75 feet to the beginning and being lot No. 1 and 1-2 of Lot No. 2, in Block 17, of the R. A. Wheeler addition, as per map registered in Book of Maps No. 1, page 92 Office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan Coun ty, N. C., and being better known as 1832 (428) Second Street Salisbury, N. C. The above described property will be sold subject to any and all liens and prior encum brances. Dated this the 9th day of March, 1932. MchllApl. E. W. G. HUFFMAN, Trustee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administratrix, C. T. A. of the estate of Joicy Ludwig, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified state ment of same with the undersigned on or be fore the i 3RD DAY OF MARCH, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This Feb. 27th, 1932. ZEFFIE MOOSE, Admr. CTA. Mrch.425. of Joicy Ludwig estate. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PURSUANT to the authority conferred by judgment of the Superior Court of Rowan County, obtained at the October Term 1929, in the cause entitled “M. M. Mask vs. Stahle i Linn and Frank R. Brown, Trustees, and D. A. Rendleman, Trustee Perpetual Building & Loan Association”, and recorded in Book of Judgments No. 23, page No. 73, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, the undersigned Commissioner will expose for sale at public auction, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1932, AT THE HOUR OF 12M, the following described real estate: Beginning at the eastern intersection of Third Street and Carolina Ave.; thence in a southern direction along the line of Third Street 72 1-2 feet to a stake: thence in a eastern direction 100 feet to a stake, intersecion of lot No. 4 and block No. 21; thence in a northern direction along the line of It No. 4, 72 1-2 feet to the edge of Carolina Ave.; thence in a westerly direction along the southern line of Car olina Ave., 100 feet to the beginning, corner and being part of lots No. 6 and No. 6 in Block No. 21, as shown on the map of the Town of Spencer, N. C., on file m the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County. On the above lot is situated a 7 room bungalow. This March 9, 1982. „ „ J0HN L. RENDLEMAN, JR., Mchl8-Ap8. Commissioner. SALE OP VALUABLE REAL-ESTATE. Pursuant to the terms and provisions con tained in one certain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed by Flora C. Maupin and husband, W. C. Maupin, Jr., and Hattie G. -Maupin, and husband, W. C. Maupin, to Ross M. Sig mon, Trustee, on July 1st., 1929, and record ed in book of mortgages No. 108 at page No. 113 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., and by law pro vided, default having been made in the pay ment of the note for which the same was given to secure and upon request of the hold er of the same, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, for cash, to the last and high est bidder at the Court House Door in Salis bury, Rowan County, N. C., at 12 O’CLOCK M. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND., 1932, the following'described real-estate, to-wit. Lying and being in the West Ward of the City of Salisbury, North Carolina, BE GINNING at an iron stake on the North west side of Craige Street, between Marsh and Thomas Streets and at a point 40 feet Northeast from the North corner at the intersection of Craige and Thomas Streets, and at the East corner of Lot No. 64% (Henrietta Ricks’ corner) ; thence North 46 Deg. 30’ East with the line of Craige Street 80 feet to an iron stake, at the South corner of Lot No. 63 ; thence North 43 Deg. 30’ West with line of Lot No. 63 (Dora Clingman’s line) v 188 feet to an alley 12 feet wide, being at the West corner of Lot No. 53; thence South 46 Deg. 30’ West with.the alley 76 feet to^ an iron stake; thence South 1 Deg. 45’ West 15 feet to an iron stake at the North corner of Lot No. 54%, 178 feet to an iron stake in the edge of Craige Street, the BEGINNING corner, being Lots Numbered 53% and 54 on Henderson and Woodson’s Map of their Ennis lands, made by C. M. Miller, County Surveyor, dated August 7, 1902. For back title see Book 199, Page 341 in Office of Register of Deeds for Rowan'" County, N. C. This the 2nd day of March, 1932. ROSS M. SIGMON, _ Trustee. HUDSON & HUDSON, Attorneys. Mch.4-25. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POW ER OF SALE contained in that certain deed of trust made by Ella C. Newcomb and hus band, Albert F. Newcomb, to Carolina Mort gage Company, Trustee, dated January 15, 1929 and recorded in Book 109 at Page 463 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and the holder thereof hav ing directed that the deed of trust be fore closed. the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the court house door in the City of Salisbury, North Carolina, at TWELVE O’CLOCK NOON ON MONDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF APRIL, 1932, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain lot or parcel of land in or near the City of Spencer, Township of Salisbury, County of Rowan, State of North ^Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the East in tersection of Hudson Avenue (formerly. Henderson Avenue) and Fourth Street; * running thence with the margin of Hud son Avenue (formerly Henderson Avenue) N. 58 degrees 15 minutes E. 170 feet ro a stake at the intersection of Hudson Avenue (formerly Henderson Avenue) and a 12 foot alley ; running thence with the margin of said alley S. 31 degrees 45 minutes E. 70 feet to a stake on the mar gin of said alley; thence S. 58 degrees 15 minutes W. 170 feet to a stake on the margin of Fourth^ Street; thence with the margin of Fourth Street N. 31 degrees 45 minutes W. 70 feet to the point of be ginning, and being lot No. 6, Block 11, as shown on map of Whitehead property, said map being duly registered in book of maps, page 93. Upon the above describ ed premises there is situated a two story frame dwelling house and is known as 610 Fourth Street, being the same prop erty conveyed to Ella C. Newcomb by deed from E. L. Stewart and wife, Ida L. Stewart, dated May 16, 1913, and fil ed for registration on the 11th day of June, 1923, in the office of the Register of Deeds, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, recorded in Book 134. Page 82. This, the 29th day of February, 1932. CAROLINA MORTGAGE COMPANY, E. W. G. Huffman, Trustee. _Attorney. Mch.4-25. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Pursuant to the provisions of a certain mortgage deed of trust, executed July 1st, 1930 by James C. Redwine and wife, Zelma Redwine, and registered in Book of Mort gages No. 116, page 91, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the under signed mortgagee, will, on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, * AT 12:00 NOON, at the Courthouse Door in the City of Salis bury, N. C., sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in Public Road on Shoaf’s line/ thence S. 5 W. 1080 feet to a stake, James Redwine’s corner; thence N. 88 W. 924 feet to a stake in road; thence S. 3 W. 198 feet to a stake; thence N. 88 W. 295 feet to a stake; thence N. 6 E. 830 feet to a stake in Public Road; thence with Public Road S. 85 E. 800 feet; thence N. 67 E. 465 feet to the be ginning, containing 20 acres, more or less. This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes. This March 1st, 1932. J. A. FRIES, Mortgagee. IRA R. SWICEGOOD, Attorney. Mch.4-25. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT ON CHURCH STREET. Pursuant to authority contained in a cer tain mortgage deed of trust, executed by Shannon W. Murphy and wife to J. M. Mc Corkle, Trustee, dated April 23rd, 1928, and registered in the Register’s Office of Rowan County, in Book of Mortgages No. 110 page 104 ; and Pursuant to authority contained in another mortgage deed of trust, executed by N. P. Murphy and wife to J. M. McCorkle, Trus tee. dated December 27th, 1928, and regist ered in the Register’s Office of Rowan Coun ty, in Book of Mortgages No. Ill page 308, Default having been made in the payment of the notes secured by the said mi'•♦gage deeds of trust and request of foreclosure hav ing been made by the holder of said r ,tes, the undersigned Trustee wiH sell at blic auction, to the highest bidder for < ^h, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on MONDAY, APRIL 4th, 1932, AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON, the following described real estate, to-wit: A one-half undivided interest in and to the N. P. Murphy homeplace in the West Ward of the City of Salisbury, Begin ning at a stake North corner of the in tersection of Church and Horah Streets ; thence N. 42-45 W. 184 feet with Horah Street to a stake on Horah Street in a ten foot alley; thence N. 47-15 E. with said alley 95 feet to a stake, W. M. Wiley’s corner; thence S. 42-46 E. 184 feet with W. M. Wiley’s line to a stake, his corner on Church Street; thence S. 47-15 W. with Church Street 95 feet to the begin ning corner, situac~ in the West Ward of the Town of Salisbury and being a part of the home place of the late S. H. Wiley, Sr., with the full right to use the ten foot alleyway in the rear of said lot, but not so as to interfere with the use and enjoyment of the same by the parties of the first part or their heirs and assigns. For back title, see Deed Book No. 82 page 572. (The undersigned Trustee is informed that the other one-half undivided interest in this property is unincumbered and may be purchased on reasonable terms.) This, March 3rd, 1932. J. M. McCORKLE, Trustee. P. S. CARLTON, Attorney. Mch.4-25.