LABOR NEWS By F. T. CORNELIUS, Secretary Salisbury-Spencer Central Labor Union Federal Credit Federal credit rests upon national wealth, which in the last analysis is a national power to produce. The Fed eral Government is responsible for us ing this credit for the general welfare of the nation. Outside of such obvious uses of national credit to build the structures housing governmental ac tivities, roads, river and harbor im provements, the Federal Government has rarely made any considerable use of credit except for war emergencies. In 1916, our national debt was $1, 225,145,568. It rose to $25,482,034, 419 in 1919. Our national income for those years was: 1916, $40,585,000, 000; 1919, $61,628,000,000; in 1928, it rose to $84,119,000,000. Between 1919 and 1930, out of our national revenues we reduced our debt by $9, 296,726,000. To get this debt in terms easily understandable, our debt amounted to $240 per person in 1919, which we reduced to $131 in 1930. Depression has reduced revenues so that the deficit in our national income has added $18 per person to the na tional debt. The most recent test of our nation al credit was the offer of $3 51,661, 000 for $75,000,000 of government bonds dated May 11. This indicated there was no need of fear for federal credit. --Use oi lederal credit to carry out constructive plans for business recov ery would strengthen all financial in stitutions public and private. Private banks, which are the main source of credit to business, are following poli cies dictated by the best interests of their stockholders. Their standards for allowing credit are essentially relative. At times it is in the interest of the bank to contract credit, when busi ness could be helped by liberal cred it policies. This is the situation now. Credit is the lifeblood of business, it represents belief in people carrying out their contracts, the greater part of business is done on credit. Money is used only between people who do not know each other. When a business man cannot get credit he can not operate and his income is off. Since 1929 the volume of credit has been contracted at a rate that strangled business, the drop amounts, to ten billions. To check jg th» trend the Federal Reserve System has made over ong hal£ bullion of dol lars credit available to workers inlad dition to the aid of the Reconstruc tion Finance Corporation. The banks have not yet put this credit to use but have continued credit contraction, as a result business has to look to the Federal Government, the co-ordinat ing agency of all interests. It is fairly clear that this is the source from which to expect constructive use of credit for business revival. Backs Typographical Union The Salisbury-Spencer Central La bor Union at its last regular meeting pledged its full support to the local typographical union in its fight to eliminate the unauthorized use of the union label. Several instances have been reported where the rights to use the union label have been overstepped and drastic action is contemplated if these conditions are not discontinued at once Favor High Standards The Central Labor Union has plac ed itself officially on record as oppos ed to any efforts to shorten the pub lic school term or any way lower the standards of our present school sys tem. It further declares that it fa vors the employment of local single teachers where qualifications are equal. Candidates’ Views Presented The position of the successful can didates for Legislature in the recent primary, on questions effecting labor, as given in their replies to question aire sent out jointly by local labor, was again presented to the delegates of the Central Body as information to be carried back to their respective local unions. Rankin A Visitor The Central Labor Union was hon ored last Monday evening by the pres ence of Chief R. L. Rankin who ap peared in person to express apprecia tion of the support given him by the labor movement during the threaten ed communistic invasion. Chief Ran kin spoke very highly of the member ship of our local unions and his visit and expressions of sentiment were both enjoyed and appreciated. GRETA GARBO HAS ANOTHER SUPERB ROLE Offers Brilliant Portray al As Cafe Singer Of ffAs You Desire Me Never before has Greta Garbo achieved so emotional and convincing a performance as in "As You Desire Me,” her new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film which is at the Capitol Theatre Monday and Tuesday. \ The reason for this is perhaps two fold; the obvious appreciation of the glamorous star for her unusual role, and the solid material provided by playwright Luigi Pirandello in his bril liant stage play from which the screen feature was deftly adapted. In the beginning of the story, Miss Garbo appears in a silver wig, an ex otic creature, much besought by the amorous night-lifers in gay Budapest. From this she undergoes a self-achiev ed metamorphosis as the wife of Count Bruno. The scene in which she con fronts her accusers, relatives suspicious of her duplicity, and confounds them with intimate facts that point to the genuineness of her claims, is the high mark of the film. To this reviewer, it is the finest single scene Miss Gar bo has played. ^Mjelaryp Dou^jfc plays"opfStait* Atiiw ^kirbo as the brboSing nobleman who accepts her as his' wife, even after he knows of her impersonation. ROWAN COUNTY PUBLIC MARKET Butter, pound _ 30c Buttermilk, gallon _ 20c Cottage cheese, pint __ 10c Cream, pint _ 25c Eggs, dozen - 18c Fryers, alive, pound - 20c Hens, alive, pound ___ 15c Hens, dressed, pound _ 20c Side meat, pound _ 20c Cured ham, pound _ 23c Shoulder, pound_-_ 15c Molasses, gallon _ 50c Walnuts, pound _ 5 c Honey, pound - 15c Corn meal, pound _ 2 l-2c Strawberries, quart _ 10c Cherries, quart ___ 10c Dry beans, quart _1_ 10c Butter beans, quart _ 15c Cabbage, pound _ 4c Carrots, bunch _ 5 c Collards, bunch _ 7 l-2c Mustard greens, pound _ 7 l-2c Dry onions, pound _-_ 5 c Turnips, bunch - 5 c Turnip greens, pound _ 7 l-2c Snap beans, pound - Sc Beets, bunch_ Sc Green onions, pound- Sc English peas, quart--— Sc Peaches, peck_-_ 40c Okra, pound-.-10c Squash, pound _ Sc Peanuts, peck___2 Sc Vinegar, gallon --- 3 Sc Field peas, quart _ 10c 6,000,000 BEES TRAVEL BY TRUCK Waxahachie, Tex.—Six million bees made an overland trip from here to Sack City, Iowa. The shipment was sold by a local apiary to an Iowa hon ey company. The 3SO swarms were loaded into the wire cages and placed aboard a truck "for the trip. s 1 - HOMESPUN : SENSE : * I ETHICS OF BANKING • By MELVIN A. TRAYLOR President First National Bank, Chicago If We must not take li unfair advantage of I our competitors. It is entirely proper for us by legitimate means to obtain all the business that we can, but in doing so we ought to~do nothing that will injure our competi tors and that will Melvin a. Traylor jn any way aid to destroy the confidence which the banks must repose in each other and which the community at large must repose in the banks as a whole if we are going to thrive, and remember always we cannot thrive separately. We shall e.ther all thrive together or all suffer disaster. * * * Sentiment in Banking No sentiment in banking? Will you recall just one day’s activity at your desk—what were the problems you considered? Did they apply solely to the cold-blooded conduct of the affairs of your bank, weighing, measuring, analyzing, valuing securities, extend ing credit; driving the best bargains possible, having in mind only the mate rial return from your day’s labor? Cer tainly such is not the case. I recall many daysj^toupy days, too—in my ■experience In a -ferf Ismail country bank, in which I am sure not one-tenth of my time was given to the real con sideration of the financial returns to my institution. * • • Open Markets I believe in an open market for the actual purchase and sale both of com modities and securities. But so long as the actual rate for credit in this country swings up and down according to the demand for funds for specula tive purposes, little influenced by cen tral or other banking policy, then something is wrong somewhere. More over, if business is influenced—as is almost universally charged — by the state of public mind; and if the state of public mind i3 influenced, as in re cent years it most certainly has been, to run the scale from extreme optimism to extreme pessimism according to the characters on a ticker tape, then some thing is wrong with the public mind, or the conduct of the forces back of the tape. Those'responsible must pro vide the answer, of fix as the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford’s Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thousands of people who take it. x Mr.E. W. Cecil, a construction super intendent in Pulaski, Va., says: "When I get con stipated, my head aches, and I have that dull, tired feeling—just not equal to my work. I don’t feel hungry and I know that I need something to cleanse my system, so I take Black-Draught We have found it a great help.” Sold in 25-cent packages. Thed Ford’s A _ WOMEN who are run-down, or suf fer every month, should take Car . dul. Used for over 50 years. i-i77-> FOE CHILDREN—and grown-ups who prefer a liquid—get the new, pleasant-tasting SYRUP of Thedford's Black-Draught: 25c and 50c. Shoes rebuilt the better way. All kinds of harness, trunk and suitcase repairing. Fayssoux’s Place Phone 433 113 E. Innes St. BE FAIR to yourself and try Osteopathy for your ailments. Dr. S. O. Holland Osteopathic Physician 410 Wallace Bldg. Phone 346 M. C. HANNAH & FRED H. YOUNG Representatives j Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. All plans of life insurance. “We insure ages one day to 65 years.” 216 Wright Bldg. Phone 347-J DR. N. C. LITTLE Optometrist Eyes examined, glasses fitted and repaired. TELEPHONE 306 7 . 107% S. Main St. Next to Ketchie Barber Shop_ STAR LAUNDRY "The Good One” Launderers and Dry Cleaners Phone 24 114 West Bank St. One Day Service THE SMOKE SHOP Phone 9167 NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES FOUNTAIN SERVICE 5 c HAMBURGERS Sc 218_S. Main St. Salisbury, N. C. ! ** Let ua inspect and clean your Radiator. If 'necessary we will repair or re-core it. You wouldn’t let a blacksmith fix your teeth, then why not j call us when your ra diator heats or leakrZ We are Radiator Spe cialists. Prepare for spring driving. W e sell or trade new and second-hand radiators. East Spencer Motor Co. THE CHRYSLER DEALERS Phone I198-J Eaat Spencer, N. C. "Don’t be scared,” said the burglar to a rich young lady. "I don’t want your life—I want your money.” "Get out,” said the generous young lady. "You’re just like all the rest of them.” BABY FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When ywnr baby fusses, tosses and seems unable to sleep restf-ully, look for one common cause, doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which cause restlessness and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria, you know, is made specially for children’s delicate needs. It is a pure .vegetable preparation; conta ins no harsh 'drugs, no narcotics. It is so mild and gentle you can give it to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is as effective for older children. Cas toria’s regulative help will bring re laxed comfort and restful sleep to your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castona always has the name: CASTORIA NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Mary M. Warford, vs. George W. Warford. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. The defendant above named will take not ice that an action entitled as above has been <sommenced in the Superior Court of Rowan County by the plaintiff for the purpose of •obtaining an absolute divorce from the de fendant from the bonds of matrimony on ac count of a separation of the plaintiff and the defendant and having lived separate and apart for five successive years, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County on the 16 DAY OF JULY 1932, or within thirty days thereafter, and an swer or demur to the complaint filed there in, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 14 day of June, 1932. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk of Superior Court. RENDLEMAN & RENDLEMAN, l jJ* A ttys, f'n ;• i O Jnl7-J^y8; NOTICE TO CREDITORS' ' * . Having qualified as Administrator of the j estate of J. A. Jackson, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said de cedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 12th DAY OF JUNE, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This June 8th, 1932. R. L. JACKSON, Admr. estate of J. A. Jackson dec’d. E. W. G. HUFFMAN, Atty._Jnl0-Jlyl5 NORTH CAROLINA ROWAN COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. James Rufus Clark, Plaintiff -vs Connie Eller Clark, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. The defendant above named will take not ice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Rowan Superior Court by the plaintiff for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the defendant from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of five years sep aration ; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Rowan County, North Carolina, on or before 9th DAY OF JULY, 1932, or within thirty (30) days thereafter ffad answer or demur to the complaint filed there in as provided by law, or the defendant will be entitled to the relief as prayed for. June 7th, 1932. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Court. C. L. COGGIN, Atty._JnlO-Jlyl. NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. vs. Guy W. Pennington, Mary L. Pennington, et al. NOTICE The defendants, Guy W. Pennington and Mary L. Pennington, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty, said State, for the purpose of foreclosing a mortgage deed of trust, dated March 1, 1919, recorded in Book of Mortgages No. 63, page No. 215, which secures a note dated March 1, 1919, for $800.00, executed by said defendants upon which there is a balance due of $229.52, with interest on $207.71 from April 1, 1932; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Rowan at his office in Sal isbury, N. C., on JULY 5th, 1932 or within 30 days thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This June 3, 1932. B. D. McCUBBINS, Clerk of Superior Court. RENDLEMAN & RENDLEMAN, Attys. JnlO-Jlyl. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL-ESTATE PURSUANT to the provisions of a cer tain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed on August 6, 1930, by H. T. Coughenour and C. P. Coughenour and wife, Vannie Cough enour, to John L. Rendleman, Jr., Trustee, and also by virtue of an order of re-sale made by B. D. McCubbins, Clerk of Superior Court, on June 2, 1932, the undersigned Trus tee will expose for re-sale on SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1932, at the courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., at THE HOUR OF 12M, the following described real estate: 1. A certain lot or parcel of land ly ing and being in Rowan County near the Town of Salisbury, N. C. and being lot 14 and 15 on Map of the W. C. Wil liams* property as surveyed by N. A. Trex ler C. E., in May 1928, which map is filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Maps, page 210, to which reference is hereby made. 2. Lots No. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and . 89 of the subdivision of the Henkel & Craig Farm, Rowan County, N. C., as mapped and platted by N. A. Trexler, C. E., Nov. 1927, which map is filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Maps, page 197, to which reference is hereby made. 3. Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Block "C” as shown upon the map of the prop erty of O. C. Herrington and wife, Mary C. Herrington and known as Herrington Heights on the extension of E. Innes Street, Salisbury, N. C., to which map is filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of Maps, page 108, to which map reference is hereby made for full description, metes and bounds of said lots. These lots are subject to certain restrictions as fully set out in Mortgage Trust Deed to which reference is hereby made as full as if herein written. A This property is sold subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, if any, and bid ding will begin at $316.00. This June 2, 1932. JOHN L. RENDLEMAN, JR., JnlO-17. Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE QUARRY AND FARMING LANDS. Pursuant to the powers contained in a cer tain mortgage deed of Trust executed by E. C. Gregory and wife to the undersigned Trus tee, dated the 7th day of July, 1922, which is duly recorded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Rowan County in Book of mortgages No. 78, at page 248, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, the undersign ed Trustee will expose for sale at public auction for cash, at the Court House Door in the City of Salisbury, on MONDAY, JUNE 27th, 1932, AT 12 O’CLOCK M., the following described real estate: An undivided two-thirds interest in and to the following described real estate. TRACT NO. 1: One certain tract of land containing fifty acres, more or less, known, as the “Safrit Tract’’, sittuate on the North side of the Yadkin Railroad and about 200 yards East of the Rail road Depot of the Town of Granite Quar ry, and about four miles East of the City of Salisbury, and being described by metes and bounds according to an old deed from N. B. McCanless to John S. Henderson, dated June 8th, 1891, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone pile on Murdock’s line, and runs thence S. 88 deg. E. 8.80 chains to a stone Peeler’s corner; thence S. 25.20 chains to a stake; thence S. 89 deg. E. 17.10 chains to a stake; thence ' S. 6.25. chains to a stake; thence S. 89 deg. E. 6.40 chains to a stone; thence S. 3.70 chains to a stake on Bame’s line; thence N. 89 deg. W. 23.50 chains to a stake on Lyerly’s line; thence N. 50 links to a stake, Lyerly’s corner; thence N. 88 deg. W. 7.50 chains to a stake; thence N. 35 chains to the beginning, containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, and being part of the land that was deed ed by D. R. Julian and wife to the North Carolina Gold Mining Company, by in denture dated November 1st, 1888, and recorded in Book No. 68, page 193. For back title see deed from John S. Henderson and wife, to Thos. H. Vander-. ford, registered in Book of Deeds 74, page 22; also deed from Thos. H. Vanderford and wife to Salisbury Granite Company, registered in Book of Deeds No. 74, page TRACT NO. 2: Also that certain tract of land known as the New Discovery Tract, situate about four miles East of the City of Salisbury and containing 105 acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. Thos. M. Kern, and others. For back title and description by metes and bounds and courses and distances, see deed from G. A. Waeber and others to Jas. M. Haden, dated Sept. 21st, 1889, and registered in Book of Deeds Vol. 73, page 478; also deed from Reuben J. Holmes and others to J. W. Kesler, registered in Book of Deeds Vol. 75, page 304; also deed from John S. Henderson and wife and Jas. M. Haden and wife, to Thos. H. Vanderford, registered in Book of Deeds, Vol. 74, page 10; also deed from Thos. H. Vanderford and wife to Salis bury Granite Company, registered in Book of Deeds Vol. 74. page 24, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan Coun ty. (For title to said two-third interest or share in said lands, see deed from John C. Busby, Commissioner, etc. of Salis bury Granite Company to Edwin C. Greg ory, Thos. H. Vanderford and Thos. P. Johnston, registered in Book of Deeds of said county, Vol. 144, page 421; also deed from Thos. H. Vanderford and wife to Edwin C. Gregory, registered in Book of Deeds Vol. 144, page 477.) Dated this May 16th, 1932. HARRY AREY, My27-Jnl7. Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE QUARRY AND FARMING LANDS. Pursuant to the powers contained in a certain Mortgage Trust Deed executed by E. C. Gregory and wife to the undersigned Trus tee, dated June 21st, 1920, which is duly re 'corded inOffice of‘the Register bf Deeds for: - Rowan County, In Book of Mortgages No. 68, page 99, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and at the request of the holders of the note therein secured, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale, at public auc tion for CASH, at the Court House Door in the City of Salisbury, on MONDAY, JUNE 27th, 1932, AT 12 O’CLOCK M., the following described real estate: TRACT NO. 1: Beginning at a stone, Propst’s old corner on the late John D. Grime’s line; thence N. 2 1-2 deg. E. 34.43 chains to a stake; thence S. 89 deg. E. 15 chains to an iron stake; thence N. 2 1-2 deg. E. 9.85 chains to a stake on J. D. Heilig’s line; thence S. 89 deg. E. 9.15 chains to a stone, formerly Co burn’s, now H. Z. White’s corner; thence S. 1 1-2 deg. W. 22.90 chains to a stake on Joe W. Hudson’s line; thence S. 89 deg. W. 7.77 chains to a stake on Joe W. Hudson’s line; thence S. 1 1-2 deg. W. 21.48 chains to a small hickory, on John D. Grime’s line; thence N. 88 deg. W. 18.45 chains to the beginning, con taining 80 acres, more or less; said land being situate in Franklin Township, and about two miles Northwest from the City of Salisbury. For back title see deed dated December 8th, 1917, from B. N. Hampton and wife, Ellen Hampton, to Edwin C. Gregory, registered in Book of Deeds Vol. 148, page 64 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County. Also an undivided two thirds share or interest of, in and to the following de scribed three parcels of land, situate in Salisbury Township, Rowan County, N. TRACT NO. 2. Beginning at a stone, Henry Peeler’s old line, Asa Ribelin’s and Shuman’s old corner; thence with Ribe lin’s line S. 6.68 chains to Delia Ma Cay's corner; thence E. 2 chains to Ma Cay’s corner; thence S. 1 E. 7 chains to Delia MaCay’s and Canup’s corner on the South side of the Stokes Ferry Road; thence E. 20 S. 2.28 chains to a Per simmon on the North side of the road, near a rock; thence E. 5 North to a stake beside a rock on the South side of the Stokes Ferry Road 2 chains; thence E. 7 S. 2.66 chains to a stone on the North side of the Stokes Ferry Road; thence N. 1 1-2 W. 9.58 chains to a Sour wood, John Shuman’s corner; thence N. 58 W. 9.50 chains to the beginning, con taining 8 1-2 acres, more or less. TRACT NO. 3: Also another tract, ad joining the above described tract No. 2, containing 4—1-10 acres, more or less, ad joining the lands formerly of Wm. F. Buckley, Parthie Avery and Mitchell Fost er, the last named being willed by Delia MaCay to her grand-children, Mary Ma Cay and Sandy MaCay, the said Delia MaCay having acquired title to said tract by deed made to her by Silas Kerns; the Foster and Mary MaCay and Sandy Ma Cay to T. H. Vanderford, by deed reg istered in Book 74, page 14, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, to which reference is hereby made. TRACT NO. 4: Containing 72 acres, more or less, and known as the Betty Kluttz Flat Rock Place, and adjoining the lands of Edmund Earnhardt, Adam Earnhardt, and others; for boundaries and more particular description of which see deed from J. M. Haden to T. H. Van derford, dated July 8th, 1891 and reg istered in Book of Deeds, Vol. 74, page 18, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County. For back title to said undivided two thirds interest in the last described above three parcels of land in said Edwin C. Gregory, see deed from John C. Busby, Commissioner, to Edwin C. Gregory, reg istered in Book of Deeds, Vol. 144, page 421, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, and also deed from T. H. Vanderford and wife to said Edwin C. Gregory, in Book 144, page 477, in Register’s Office. Dated this 16th day of May, 1932. B. H. ISENHOWER, My27-J nl7. Trustee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualifitd as Administrator of the estate of W. L. Bankett, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified state ment of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 27th DAY OF MAY, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This May 23rd, 1932. J. C. KESLER, Admr. of Esate of My27-Jlyl. W. L. Bankett, Dec’d. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the pajnjjjwj of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed by the First National Com pany of Durham. Incorporated and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees on the first day of July, 1928, by JOHN H. ELLER and wife, LILLIE BELLE ELLER, on the lands herein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Book 109, Page 189, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, having been so requested by the holder of said indebtedness, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Rowan County, North Carolina, at TWELVE O’CLOCK, NOON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932, the lands described in said Deed of Trust, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the west side of Fifth Street 50 feet North 31 degrees 46 minutes West from the North West corner of the intersection of Fifth Street and Hudson Avenue, Hardeman's corner; thence with the West side of Fifth Street North 81 degrees 45 min ues West 76 feet to a stake, E. L. Ell er’s corner; thence with Eller’s line South 68 degrees 16 minutes West 146 feet to a stake in the edge of an alley; thence with the edge of said alley South 31 de grees 45 minutes East 75 feet to a stake, Hardeman’s corner; thence with Harde man’s line North 68 degrees 15 minutes East 145 feet to the BEGINNING, and being Lot No. 2 and 1-2 of Lot No. 3, Block 35 as shown upon the map of the property of Henderson and Vanderford’s Addition to Spencer, N. C. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes and street assessments against the prop erty. The Union Trust Company of Maryland having resigned as Trustee, as in said Deed of Trust provided, the sale is be ing advertised and conducted by the un dersigned Trustee. This 18th day of May, 1932. W. G. Bramham and T. L. Bland, Receivers, First National Company of Durham, Incorporated, My27-Jnl7. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed by the First National Com pany of Durham. Incorporated and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees on the first day of July, 1928, by E. B. MIMS and wife ANNIE MIMS, on the lands herein de scribed, said Deed of Trust being recorded in book 109, Page 197, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, having been so requested by the holder of said indebted ness, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Rowan County, North Carolina, at TWELVE O’CLOCK, NOON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932, the lands described in said Deed of Trust, uj-wic: BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of Jackson Street, 105 feet South 32 degrees 15 minutes East from the Southwest corner of the intersection of Jackson Street and North Long Street, Mims’ corner and runs hence with E. B. Mims line, South; 57 degrees 45 min utes West 140 feet to a stake; thence South 32 degrees 15 minutes East 100 feet to a stake; thence North 57 degrees 45 minutes East 140 feet to a stake on the West side of Jackson Street; thence with the West side of Jackson Street, North 32 degrees 15 minutes West 100 feet to the BEGINNING. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes and paving assessments against the prop erty. The Union Trust Company of Maryland having resigned as Trustee, as in said Deed of Trust provided, the sale is be ing advertised and conducted by the un dersigned Trustee. This 18th day of May, 1932. W. G. Bramham and T. L. Bland, Receivers, First National Company of Durham, Incorporated, My27-Jnl7. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed to the First National Com pany of Durham. Incorporated and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees on the first day of July, 1928, by VASTINE MILL ER and wife DONA MILLER; on the Hade herein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Book 109, Page 559, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, hav ing been so requested by the holder of said indebtedness, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Rowan County, North Carolina, at TWELVE O’CLOCK, NOON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932, the lands described in said Deed of Trust, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the South west side of East Innes Street 250 feet South 43 degrees 30 minutes East from the SouthAst corner of the intersection of East Innes Street and Green Street, corner of Lot No. 6, or G. H. Lyerly’s corner, and runs thence with line of Lot No. 6, or G. H. Lyerly’s line, South 49 degrees West 166 feet to a stake in the edge of a ten foot alley; thence with the edge of said alley, South 50 degrees 20 minutes, East 60 feet to a stake, corn er of Lot No. 7, or Misenheimer’s corn er ; thence with the line of Lot No. 7 or Misenheimer’s line, North 49 degrees 10 minutes East 150 feet jto a stake on the Southwest side of East Innes Street; thence with the Southwest side of East Innes Street North 43 degrees 30 min uites West 50 feet to the BEGINNING, being Lot No. 6 in Block No. 1 as shown by the map of the Herzig and Wiley prop erty addition to Salisbury, N. C., and be ing the same property as conveyed to Chas. M. Dry and wife Maggie E. Dry, by J. A. Kern and wife, Maggie V. Kern, by deed dated April 15, 1921, recorded in Deed Boole 166, page 205, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, N. C. me purcnaser at tne ioreciosure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes and street assessments against the prop erty. The Union Trust Company of Maryland having resigned as Trustee, as in said Deed of Trust provided, .the sale is be ing advertised and conducted by the un dersigned Trustee. This 18th day of May, i932. W. G. Bramham and T. L. Bland, Receivers, First National Company of Durham, Incorporated, My27-Jnl7. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed by the First National Com pany of Durham. Incorporated and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees on the first day of July, 1928, by P. D. ELLER and wife, PEARL F. ELLER, on the lands here in described, said Deed of Trust being re corded in Book 109, page 195 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, having been so requested by the holder of said in debtedness, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court house door in Rowan County, North Caro lina at TWELVE O’CLOCK, NOON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1932, the lands described in said Deed of Trust, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on Division Avenue 140 feet South 31 degrees East from the Southwest corner of the inter section of Division Avenue and North Long Street, and runs thence with the westerly side of Division Avenue South 81 degrees East 30 feet to a stake; thence South 9 degrees East 66 feet to a stake, Merrill’s corner: hence with Merrill’s line South 81 degrees West 150 feet to a stake on the East side of an alley; thence with the East side of said alley North 9 de grees West 81 feet to a stake; thence North 73 degrees East 188 feet to the BEGINNING, and being the same prop erty as conveyed to P. D. Eller and wife. Pearl F. Eller by J. M. Brown and wife, Vu-kmi. C. Brown by deed dated March 21, 1923, and registered in Book of Deeds 176, page 226, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Rowan County, North Carolina. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes and street assessments against the prop erty. The Union Trust Company of Maryland having resigned as Trustee, as in said Deed of Trust provided, the sale is be ing advertised and conducted by the un dersigned Trustee. This 18th day of May, 1932. W. G. Bramham and T. L. Bland. Receivers. First National Company of „ ' , Durham, Incorporated, My27-Jnl7. -Trustee.

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