Ehringhaus To Carry County 3 To 1, Forecast LOCAL MANAGER IS OPTIMISTIC OVER OUTLOOK Predicts Majority Of 3, 500 In Rowan; Maxwell Supporters Switch To Ehringhaus. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, candidate for governor, will carry Rowan county by a majority of at least 3,500, ac cording to a forecast made Thursday by W. H. Shannon, county manager, on the eve of the second primary scheduled for Saturday. Mr. Gooch also predicted Mr. Eh ringhaus would be nominated tomor row by one of the largest majorities any candidate in the state ever receiv ed over his opponents. Estimates were made by friends of Mr. Ehringhaus that he would get be tween 80 to 85 per cent of the votes given Maxwell in the first primary. It is reported that a large number of Mr. Maxwell’s supporters have joined the Ehringhaus ranks and are actively pushing his candidacy. The Ehringhaus campaign is being conducted in this county, as well as over the entire state, without mud slinging and without any offense or prejudice to any other candidate, Mr. Shannon stated. Based on reports received by Mr. Shannon from the 32 precincts in Row an county, he predicted a three to one victory in Rowan for Ehringhaus over his opponent, R. T. Fountain. Mr. Fountain was a visitor in Salis bury and Rowan county during the first part of the week. Mr. Fountain advised The Watchman that he was very much encouraged over the out look of his campaign and believed he would emerge victorious Saturday. In an address Thursday night in the county courthouse, Mr. Ehring haus was highly praised by Raymond C. Dunn, Enfield attorney, one of his leading supporters. Mr. Dunn predict ed an overwhelming victory for Mr. Ehringhaus and said he was in every respect qualified to be governor of North Carolina. The speaker also denounced the tac tics employed by R .T. Fountain in his campaign for governor. JEALOUSY TIP BETRAYS GIRL Boston—"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” but a jealous male, scorned by his 18-year-old "light o’ love,” was responsible for her being sentenced to prison. He was responsible, too, for the holding of a trio of young alleged bur glars for the grand jury and before the result of his fury hath been ex pended several Malden breaks in which a girl has been reported a participant may be cleared up. Charlotte E. Willey, who formerly lived in Somerville, was the girl who scorned her suitor to regret it. He, re fusing to make known his identity, telephoned police and tipped them that at a house in Ferry Street, Malden, they might find something interesting. Sergt. William Cronin and Special Officer Frank McDermod took him at his word and found Miss Willey and the three youths whom they had been seeking in connection with bur glary, attempted burglary and theft of tires. The youths were Andrew M. Ffal pine, of Cedar Street, and Timothy A. Hoare, of Essex Street, both of Ever ette, and Walter E. Day, of Almont Street, Malden. They were held in a total of $25,00,0 bonds, while Miss Willey, pleading guilty to a charge of being idle and disorderly, was sentenc ed to the women’s prison at Sherborn. School Children Put Over Million In Bank Toronto, Ontario—The total depos its credited to school children through out the province of Ontario, in the Penny Bank, amounted to $1,440, 921.13 up to the end of April of this year, a statement from officials re vealed. Californians Start rBack To Soil’ Move Walnut Creek, Calif.—Inaugurat ing a "back to the soil” movement as an aid to unemployment relief, a group of Walnut Creek citizens has provided a large tract of land near here for truck farming. Persons employed in the work are paid $2 daily and will share in the har vest. Cost Of Living Shows Increase In France Paris—Official statistics just issued indicate that the cost of living has ris en from 414 for January of 1932 to 42 5 the present figure based on whole sale prices. Despite the crisis and predictions as to its consequences, the high cost of living has not dropped in France. G. A. R. Vet Carries Cold Harbor Bullet Brockton. Mass.—Commander An drew C. Gibb, of the Fletcher Webster Post, G. A. R., always carries in his pocket the bullet that wounded him in the leg in the battle of Cold Har bor, Va., June 1, 1864. It was only in recent years that the lead was removed from his leg. She—The doctor can tell a good deal from the tongue^ can’t he? He—Not as much as you can with it. BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR DISCHARGE Terry Bernard Foster and Edward Lee Foster, Individually and as partners trad ing as U-Save-It, Bankrupts. IN BANKRUPTCY, To the Honorable JOHNSON J. HAYES, Judge of the District Court of the United States, For the Middle District of North Caro lina: Terry Bernard Foster and Edward Lee Fos ter, Individually and as partners trading as U-Save-It, of Salisbury, in the county of Row an, and State of North Carolina, in said dis trict, respectfully represents that on the 20th day of May last past, they were duly ad judged bankrupt under the acts of Congress relating to bankduptcy; that they have duly surrendered all of their property and rights of property, and the have fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching their bankrupt cy. Wherefore they pray that they may be de cread by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against their estate under said bankruptcy acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 28th day of June, 1932. Signed—Terry Bernard Foster and Edward Lee Foster, Individually and trading as U-Save-It, Bankrupts. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON Middle District of North Carolina, ss. On the 28th day of June, 1932, on reading the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 1st day of August, 1932,_ before John C. Busby, Referee in Bankruptcy, at Salis bury, N. C., in said district, at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon; and that notice thereof be published in The Carolina Watchman, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in in terest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be grant ed. And it is further ordered by the court, that the Referee in Bankruptcy shall send by mail to all known creditors, copies of said peti tion and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence, as stated. \ Witness the Honorable Johnson J. Hayes, judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Greensboro, N. C., in said district, on the 29th day of June, 1932. Signed—JOHNSON J. HAYES, United States Judge. / WHEN COST | Must Be ! Considered I It is unfortunate that i necessity forces us to 1 consider the cost at a i time when we wish to ! do the utmost to render an appropriate tribute 1 to the departed. | • | But this necessity is greatly alleviated when luf a service perfectly plan 1 ^ ned may be held here at |\?7 a most moderate cost. fW- FREE KJi AMBULANCE I SERVICE T WRIGHT’S Funeral Home | r-p Member of American Selected Funeral yr Directors PHONE 5 5 127 W. Innes St. SALISBURY, N. C. Rotary Hand-Shaker 1 c-f - R. Ls (Bob) Hill, Columbia, Mo, Chairman* of the 1932 Rotary International Convention at Seattle, Wash, just- closed. He claims a “hand-shaking acquaint ance” with 70,000 people. =r CITY and COUNTY S^IVEWS BRIEFS RETURN TO CITY Mrs. A. C. Robinson and Mr. Geo. B. Ritchie have returned to Salisbury after visiting Mrs. Robinson’s daugh ter, Mrs. W. M. Simpson, of Ports mouth, Va. They visited the popular beach resorts while in Portsmouth. Mr. and Mts. W. M. Simpson and their two attractive children, Doris and Robert, returned home with Mrs. A. Q Robinson to spend a few weeks. They made the trip by auto. TO CELEBRATE JULY 4th The annual celebration of-July 4th will be held at Long's Ferry this year. At that time ir is planned to have an old fashioned fourth of July celebra tion with band music, boat and swim ming races. A mammoth fire works display will be given that night. A well known free act has been en gaged to give a performance in the afternoon and night and nothing is be ing left undone to make the event a success. MRS. C. R. WALTON Mrs. C. R. Walton, age 66, died in the Salisbury hospital the past Friday morning following an illness of sev eral weeks. The funeral was held from the home Saturday afternoon and interment fol lowed in the Chestnut Hill cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Walton are three daughters and two sons. MRS. MARGARET SHIVES Mrs. Margaret Shives died at the home of her son on East Thomas street early Saturday morning, having been ill for some months. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon with the Rev. B. J. Wes singer in charge. Interment followed in the Chestnut Hill cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Shives are two sons and three daughters. ORGAN CHURCH The Luther League of Organ church held a social at the home of Mrs. Clar ence Trexler on Saturday night, June 25. Dahlias were used for decorations. Games were played and enjoyed by all. The hostess assisted by Misses La venia Barger, Loma Basinger and Messrs Hallie Ritchie and Ethan Shives served refreshments to the following people: Misses Lavenia, Helen and Mary Barger, Loma and Lola Basinger, Hazel and Mary Ruth Ketner, Sarah Ritchie, Myrtle and Ella Mae Stire walt, Etha Shuping; Messrs. James Ba singer, Jr., Glenn Brown, Lester Cas tor. Paul, Hollie and Gurley Ritchie, .Kyle, Hall and Ethan Shive, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trexler. Mr. Glenn Brown was a welcome visitor at the home of J. O. Basinger Sunday, June 2 5. Miss Ponical Boger spent the week end with Miss Helen Barger. The Luther League of Organ church will have a meeting Sunday evening, July 3, at 6 o’clock. Visitors welcome. A LAUGH A laugh is just like sunshine, It freshens all the day. It tips the peak of life with light, And drives the clouds away; The soul grows glad that hears it, And feels its courage strong; A laugh is just like sunshine For cheering folks along. Economy Deprives Convicts Of Tobacco Oroville, Calif.—In the interest of economy. Butte county supervisors have removed tobacco from the menu of county jail prisoners. Formerly the county furnished to bacco free. MAKE NICKEL FEEL LIKE TWO CENTS Classified ad in the column of a state paper— For Sale—Bedroom furniture, library table and other furniture cheap. Louree T. Nickel. Be just like some joker to offer Nickel five cents for the whole lot. the following described real estate, to-wit: One lot of land lying in the West Ward of Salisbury, on the South East side of Craig Street—Beginning at a stake 80 feet South West from the South corner of the intersection of Horah and Craig Streets, thence South West with Craig Street 50 feet to a stake on Goler and Price's cor ner ; thence* South East wih Goler and Price’s line and parallel with Horah Street 120 feet to a stake, Hood Anderson’s line; thence North East with Hood Anderson’s line and parallel with Craig Street 50 feet to J. C. Dancey’s corner; thence North West with said Dancey’s line 120 feet to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed by W. H. Goler and wife and Jennie S. Price to Mary A. Lynch, by deed dated February 1, 1906, and regist ered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in Book No. 109 page 102, on this lot is located one four room cottage. This, June 30th, 1932. NORTH CAROLINA BANK & TRUST COMPANY, (Mortgagee and Trustee. P. S. CARLTON, Attorney. Jlyl-22. SALE OF MARSH COTTON MILLS FOR FAILURE TO PAY STATE FRANCHISE TAX. Under authority conferred by section 215, sub-section (d) of the Revenue Act of 1931, and by virtue of a certificate issued to the Sheriff of Rowan County by A. J. Maxwell, Commissioner of Revenue, and as otherwise provided by law, the Marsh Cotton Mills hav ing failed to pay the State Franchise Tax and penalty amounting to $108.37, with interest from January 1, 1932, after demand and levy, the undersigned Sheriff of Rowan County will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on -- MONDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1932, AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON, the following described real estate, to wit: FIRST TRACT: .Lying and being in Rowan County, City of Salisbury, N. C., described as follows: Beginning at a stake at the intersection of Filbert Street and the right of way of the Western North Carolina Railroad; thence with Filbert Street North 18 30’ East four hundred and thirty four (434) feet to a stake on said Street; thence North 70 15’ West 400 feet to a stake on Pearl Street; thence with Pearl Street South 18 30* West four hun dred and thirty-four (434) feet to a stake at the right-of-way of the Western North Carolina Railroad; thence parallel with the said Railroad four hundred (400) feet to the beginning, containing 4 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Four lots. Nos. 18, 19, 20 and 21, on Fisher Street, between Maple Street and McCoy Street, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northeast side of Fisher Street 50 feet from McCoy Street, and running about 190 feet Southeast with Fisher Street to an alley; thence with said alley about 200 feet Northeast direction; thence in a West erly direction about 190 feet to the East corner of lot No. 17; thence Southwest about 160 feet to the beginning; the above being in Block No. 3 on map of Monroe Addition to the City of Salisbury, and reg istered in Book of Maps page 35 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Row an County. This, the 30th day of June, 1932. C. L. MILLER, Jly 1-22. Sheriff of Rowan County. How Cardui Helps Women "Mal-nutrition” means that your body is not getting enough to keep It up, so that what it has to do is not done well. You may not be eat ing enough to keep up the work of the body, or there may be something wrong that keeps you from getting full value from the food you eat. Because of mal-nutrition, some women have aches and pains every month. Such pains should not be neglected. Take Cardui to give you a better appetite, to give you more strength from the food you eat — to build up and Increase your feeling of well being. Aches and pains go away as you build up with the help of Cardui. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE WEST WARD OF SALISBURY. Pursuant to the authority given in a cer tain mortgage deed of trust, executed by C. R. Propst (Unmarried), to North Carolina Bank & Trust Co., Mortgagee and Trustee, dated April 7th, 1930, and registered in the Register’s Office of Rowan County, in Book of Mortgages No. 115 page 255, default hav ing been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and request of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said note, the undersigned Mortgagee and Trustee will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., on MONDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1932, AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON, Bid* tli* street cars and aroid the parkins nuisance. "TABLE TOP" RANGE s A RANGE THAT SAVES STEPS - - - The fastest oven made. Ten minutes after cur rent is turned on, it is ready to bake. The oven’s position is estab lished by scientific test as the most convenient height to avoid the strain and discomfort of lifting. Plenty of space exactly where needed. Space to use the Mixer and Beat er for whipping, beat ing, mixing and chop ping and a convenience outlet in thefrontpanel where it may be at tached. Make no mistake—for all its luxurious beauty, the “Table Top” is completely utilitarian. How simple it is to clean I Only one surface with gently curved edges and no protruding bolts or screws. Think of having ample table space right at hand—space that one hand can reach while the other is busy with the stirring spoon—space that is used a hundred times a day and not a single step required to reach it. Our Thrift Offer The liberal terms of our special thrift offer make it possible for you to begin at once to benefit from the economy of operation and the other advantages of this wonderful cooking appliance. You should investigate for yourself—and at once—the advantages of electric cook ery and the special terms of our thrift offer. Come by our display floor or call up and ask one of our represen tatives to call and tell you about it. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO. and N.C. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. PHONE 1900 Heat with coke . . . the clean, efficient faal