Rowan County Officials Take Their Oaths Bernhardt Is Made Chairman Of Co. Board Thirteen County Officials Admin istered Obligations By Clerk Of Court Sheriff Krider Names Dave Graham As Chief Deputy; Ed mist on’s Returned To County Home Before a large audience of in terested citizens, Rowan county’s 13 recently elected officials Mon day took oath of office. The cere mony took place in the courthouse, and was presided over by Ben D. McCubbins, clerk of the court, who swore the several officials in. Walter Murphy, Hayden Clement and Mayor B. V. Hedrick spoke. The county commissioners met and elected R. Linn Bernhardt, Sal isbury business man, as chairman. Sheriff Jim Krider announced he had named David Graham as chief deputy and Arthur Shuping and Q. J. Scott as other office deputies. Those installed included county commissioners O. L. Linn of Land is, R. Linn Bernhardt, of Salisbury, J. T. Graham of Cleveland, T. M. Bvrd of Litaker and C. A. Long of Providence; sheriff J. H. Krider, county auditor J. E. Haynes, regis ter of deeds W. D. Kizziah, coro ner Dr. Walter Lowe Tatum, coun ty judge J. Allan Dunn, prosecut ing attorney Charles Price, county surveyor N. A. Trexler and F. C. Talbort, constable. Senator Hayden Clement and Representatives Walter Murphy and J. W. Bean will be administer ed their oaths of office when the General Assembly' convenes in January. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Edmiston were reelected superintendent and Matron of the county' home, by the board of commissioners. Kerr Craige was reelected county attorney'. COMPLETE CREDIT BANK SET-UP The regional agricultural credit _ bank at Raleigh has completed the set-up of its personnel and will be gin making loans this week, John P. Stedman, executive announces. CHEMIST HOLD MEETING Some 300 delegates attended the annual meeting of the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists at Greensboro last week. R. E. Rose, Wilmington, Del., was chosen president. Gdynia, Poland.—Bootleggers of this port who lost their trade in Finland when that country aband oned prohibition, now smuggle Polish liquor back to Poland. Al cohol for home consumption is taxed $1 a quart, but when ex ported it can be bought for the cost of producton. ADOPT NEW GEOGRAPHY The state board of education has approved a change in geogra phies for the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades of the public school, the series by Burrows and Parker, the cost of the series of four $2.60. Build Up Health and Pains Go Away WOMEN who suffer from weak ness often have many aches and pains which a stronger state of health would prevent. Women in this condition should take Cardui, a purely vegetable tonic that has been in use for over 50 years. Take Cardui to improve the general tone of the system in cases of run down health and "tired nerves.” Women have found, in such cases, that Cardui helps them to overcome pains and make the monthly periods easier. CARDUI is safe and wholesome for' women of all ages. Try it! Sold at the drug store. Shoes rebuilt the better way. All kinds of harness, trunk and suitcase repairing. FAYSSOUX’S PLACE Phone 433 113 E. Innes St. DR. N. C. LITTLE Optometrist j Eyes examined, glasses fitted and repaired. Telephone 1S71-W 187Vi S. Main St. Next to Ketchie Barber Shop Right On His Front Porch By Albert T. Reid i ■ — i ^[.1.1, h. .... .nAn.l'f 1,1. Fears We Will Be Music Dumb New York.—America, said Paul Whiteman, is on the road to be coming music dumb. A serious expression played a cross the face of the man whom Broadway still calls its master of jazz. Emphatic About It "I mean it,” he said, smashing the baton he held in his hand as he tried to emphasize his remarks, "In eight years we have almost exhausted a music library it took 800 years to build. " 'Billions for foreign music, but not a cent for the creation of A merican music’ seems to be our motto. "Why should we spend fortunes for European opera—a form of ex pression entirely foreign to us? "In this country a man says to a girl: "'I’m making 5 0 bucks a week, kid, let’s get married,’ instead of all that grand opera stuff of guitars, moonlight and roses. "In 'The Girl of the Golden West’ they tried to make us be lieve that when a man asked for a drink he said: He Gives An Example or Two " 'Give—oh give—won’t you give—give me—give me a drink?’ Boom. Orchestra brasses. "That flowery stuff is all right in Germany. They act that way over there. When they go into a cv L/u^1 cigai vn-cj, kiic V i keeper says: ! " 'Well, how’s your wife? Do you think the Kaiser’ll ever come back? What’s your boy doing? Oh —yes—cigarettes.’ "Over here we say: 'Give me a pack of cigarettes,’ and the clerk says’ "Two-bits,’ and that is the end of it. "If we set aside one-rhous.:i'.d:h of what we spend, on foreign cul ture, we could start some real crea tive American music. "We have too many seats and not enough ideas. Instruments of platinum and no music, delivery is ahead of creation. We built the theatres and forgot the actors and plays. We built the music halls and forgot the muisc. How It Should Be Done "Industrialists are smart enough to spend fortunes on research. Why not us? But those who hold the purse strings are twiddling their fingers and endowing foreign opera. "Some millionaire really inter ested in music ought to say to a group of musicians, 'Here is an endowment. Now go off in the mountains and slave for four months turning out something good, then give half a dozen, con certs. After that you can go back to Hollywood or Broadway and make your real money for the rest of the year if you want to.’ ” The usual broad Whiteman smile came back as the orchestra leader recalled his introduction of Gershwin’s "Rhapsody in Blue,” which, he explains, is an example of what American music can be "We threw it down their throats ind made ’em like it,” he said with t chutkle, as he rushed off to keep i string of appointments. Authority Asked Over Utilities Power Commission To Seek Con trol Of Holding Cos. A broad expansion of its regu atory authority over public utility companies will be recommended to Congress by the power commis sion. In its annual report, the com nission urged that it be authorized to require concerns with federal icenses, including holding com panies, to submit any information desired, as an aid to their supervi sion. General Plan Ready While the recommendations had to do only with federal [icenses—those operating on public [and or navigable streams—the commission gave notice that a pro gramme for general regulation was being held in abeyance pending in vestigations in that field by Senate and House committees. “It is convinced, however, the commission said, "that the public irfterest requires the early vesting of authority in the federal gov ernment to control, so far as it may be determined to be within its jurisdiction, the regulation both ot electricity in interstate commerce and of the holding company in the power industry.” Two Basic 'Purposes Explaining that "any theory of federal regulation of the holding company should be considered with two foundamental purposes in view,” the commission listed them as: "First—Regulation of the hold-' ing company in relation to the operating company and through the operating company to the con sumer of electrical energy; and, second, regulation of the holding company in relation to the'invest ing public, which is principally interested in the securities of such holding company.” "Any draft of holding company legislation,” the report continued, "must incorporate three major pro visions: List Major Provisions "First, a declaration of jurisdic tion. "Second, a declaration concern ing evidence of control and the burden of proof. "Third, a grant of authority to acquire complete information upon which such regulation and control can be predicated.” "The vital and essential prere quisite to any exercise of authority over either holding companies or utilities engaged in interstate com merce,” the commission said, "is the acquisition of the knowledge of company affairs upon which in telligent action toward regulation may be had. "This information once avail able, the regulatory body, whether federal or State, is equipped to act It is in this field that the Federal Commission is in better position' to act, for both legal and practical reasons.” Out Of Job And Broke, Gets $1000 Waterburv, Conn.—J. L. Allard, 62, who has been out of work for two years, is asking his friends to pinch him "hard” so as to make sure that he isn’t dreaming. One morning Allard didn’t have a dol lar in his pocket, but before night fall he had a thousand dollars in the savings bank, and has a bank book to prove it. Walking the streets Allard pick ed up a briefcase lying in the gut ter on Bank street and brought it home. The case was closed so Al lard couldn’t trace the owner but he inserted an ad in Waterbury American. William Keegan of St. Louis rolled up to Allard’s home in a big sedan. He told Allard he had read the ad and that he was the owner of the brief case. Keegan then took a key out of; his pocket, opened the brief case and began drawing out bills of $1000 denomination, he counted off 16 bills and then counted $600 in hundred-dollar bills, $54 in odd denominations and 54 cents in change. "$16,654.54, it’s all there,” Keegan declared as he handed Al lard a $1000 bill for a reward. Keegan told Allard that he was in the East buying up real estate and always carried large amounts of cash with him. He believed the brief case had fallen out of his automobile. Allard reported the matter to the police and Water bury papers just to make sure that the money wasn’t counterfeit. ONE DICTATOR Kinston.—Judge E. H. Cranmer will permit no one to dictate to him, he told lawyers in Superior court here when he learned prose cution and defense counsel had reached an "agreement” in a case. Their agreement would not al ter the status of the case before the court, he informed them, “I allow no one to tell me what I shall or shall not do, except my wife,” he said. "Even then I have the last word,” he added drily. "When she tells me to do some thing I say; 'Yes ma’am.’ Dan Harris, 66, cancer doctor by mail, is held in Raleigh on a charge of carnal attack on a Johnston county girl, 12, who is said to have lured to his office for tuberculosis treatment. He is held under $2,500 bond. GASTONIA THEATRE BURNS Loss of nearly $100,000, cov ered by insurance, was sustained in the burning of the Ideal theatre, Gastonia. Defective wiring is thought the source of the fire. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow - er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by Albert J. Feaster and wife, Helen J. Feaster, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated the 15th day of August, 1927, and recorded 'a book 102, at page 583, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and the holder thereof having directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Salisbury, North Caro lina, at twelve o’clock noon on Wednesday, the 11th day of Jan uary, 193 3 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain lot or parcel of land in or near the City of Salisbury, Township of Salisbury, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows: Situate, lying and being in the Great South Ward of Salisbury, North Carolina. Beginning at a stake on Bast Fisher Street 144.8 feet North 44 West from the West corner of the intersecion of East Fisher and South Lee Streets, Peeler’s corner; thence with Fisher Street North 44 West 56% feet, more or less, to a stake, corner of the Mowery (now Wallace) store lot; thence with the line of the said store lot South 46 West 125/2 feet, more or less, to a stake Mowery’s (now Wallace’s) corner on W. W. Taylor’s line; ithence with said Taylor’s line S. 44 East 56/2 feet, more or less to a stake 1 Z2 feet Southeast of W. W. Taylor’s corner; thence parallel with Lee Street North 46 East and with Peeler’s line 125 Zi feet, more or less, to the beginning, being the same real estate conveyed by E. C. Arey and wife, M. Rose Arey to Albert J. Feaster and wife, Helen J. Feaster, by deed dated May 17th 1919, anjjL^d forv revisfrarioR on the 2llMPof May, 1919, in the office of Register of Deeds, County of Rowan, State of North Caro lina, recorded in book 15 6, page 62 to which reference is hereby made, and known as number 121 East Fisher Street, Salisbury, North Carolina. This, the 7th day of December, 1932. CAROLINA MORTGAGE COMPANY Trustee E. W. G. Huffman, Attorney. Dec. 9—Jan. 6. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the estate of Ambrose Smith, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 3 0th day of Novem ber, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebteded to said estate are notified to make prompt set tlement. This November 29th, 1932. NATHANIEL BROWN, ExeCUtOr of Ambrose Smith. W. T. Shuford, Atty. Dec. 2—Jan. 6. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Mrs. G. W. Julian, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said de cedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the under signed on or before the 14th day of November, 193 3, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt sett'ement. This November 12, 1932. (rose Julian, Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. G W, Julian. Nov. 18.—Dec. 23. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY Pursuant to the terms of a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Charles L. Burkett and wife, Lil lian N. Burkett, on June 1, 1927, tt> David B. Harris and Tristram T. Hyde, Jr., Trustees, and record ed in Book of Mortgages No. 102, page 471, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Rowan County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there in secured, and at the request of the holder of the notes therein secured, the undersigned David B. Harris, Acting Trustee, will ex pose for sale at public auction for cash, at the courthouse door in the city of Salisbury, N. C., on Saturday, December 17, 1932, at the hour of 12M, the following de scribed real estate: All that lot or parcel of land. with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Salis bury Township, city of Salisbury, N. C., Rowan County, and descri bed as follows: Beginning at a stake at a point of the northeastern side of Elm street N. 65 deg. 45 min. West, fifty (5 0) ft. from the North cor ner of the intersection of the Northeastern line of Elm St. and the Southwestern line of Jordan St., corner of lot No. 17, and runs thence with the line of lot No. 17 N. 20 deg. 30 min. E. 106.5 ft. to a state, corner of lot No. 18; thence with line of lot No. 18 N. 68 deg. 30 min. W. 5 0 ft. to a stake, corner of lot No. 28; thence with line of lot No. 28 S. 20 deg. 30 min. W. 101.5 ft. to a stake in the edge of Elm St., thence with the edge of Elm St. S. 65 deg. 45 min. E. 50 ft. to the be ginning. Being Lot No. 29 as shown on the map of the property of Mrs. E. A. Nail, recorded in Book of Maps at page 15 8, Register of, Deeds office for Rowan County, and being the same real estate, conveyed by G. W. Choate and wife to Charles L. Burkett, by deed dated March 17, 1927, recorded in D. B. 195, at page 22, afore said registry, to which reference is made. This November 14, 1932. david b. Harris, Acting Trust.;;. Rendleman & Rendleman, Attys Nov. 25—Dec. 16. MUKlbAUt Uf 5ALt Pursuant to the provisions con tained in a Mortgage or Condi tional Sales Contract, registered in Book No. 100, page 389, made by L. M. Swanson, for the protec tion and benefit of the undersign ed, on the 9th day of April, 193 2, default having been made in a pay ment of this debt and an Assess ment contracted to be paid by the maker of this Mortgage, which said Conditional Sales Contract was given to secure the undersign ed will sell at public sale for cash at the Courthouse, Salisbury, N C., on the 17th day of December, 1932, at 12:00 Noon, the follow ing personal property: One Buick sedan, motor—Jfe 2124312 serial No. 1,2029318,j 1928 model, conveyed by the said L. M. Swanson, to satisfy the debt provided for in said Conditional Sales Contract. This the 21st day of Novem ber, 1932. RANEY-CLINE 'MOTOR COMPANY, Mortgages. By C. F. Raney, Sec. & Treas. Dec. 2—Dec. 16. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secur ed by a certain deed of trust exe cuted to the First National Com pany of Durham;, Incorporated, Trustee, by Homer S. Safrit and wife, Roxie Fee Safrit on the first day of August 1928, on the lands herein described, said deed of trust being recorded in Book 107, page 173, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., the undersigned will, having been so requested by the holder of said indebtedness, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Rowan County, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon on Friday, December 23, 1932, the lands described in said deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at a stake on the West side of South Fulton Street 347.5 feet about South from the West corner of the intersection of South Fulton Street and Maupin Avenue, White’s corner; and runs thence with White’s line North 68 degree; West 160.2 feet to a stake; thence a new line South 36 degrees 45 minutes West 44 feet to a stake on Earnhardt’s line; thence with Earnhardt’s line South 66 degrees East 103.4 feet to a stake; thence South 51 degrees East 62 feet to a stake on the West side of South Fulton Street; thence with the West side of South Fulton Street about North 25 degrees East 64 feet to the beginning, and being better known as Number 1424 South Fulton Street, Salisbury North Carolina. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes and street assessment; against the property. This the 21st day of November. 1932. W. G. BRAMHAM and T. L. BLAND Receivers, First National Compant of Durham, Inc., Trustee. Nov. 25—Dec. 16. Auto REPAIR Work Our prices and work can't be beat. L. M. Yost Garage 1513 S. Main St- - Phone 9224 I - Passes College Tests l tsmmmamss I “Garry”, 5 years old, trained under the directions of noted psy chologists since a puppy, success fully passed all tests of registering emotion, habit, consciousness and reasoning power before Dr. Met fessel’s class at the University of California. Garry won the 1932 “Immortal Dog” award for savin human lives and holds the wor record for scaling high walls* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra trix, C. T. A. of the estate of Paul Cromer Sigmon, this is to notify all persons having claims a gainst the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 21st day of Nov. 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebt ed to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This Nov. 14th, 1932. mrs. edith sigmon, Admrx. CTA. of Estate of Paul Cromer Sigmon. E. W. G. Huffman, Attorney Nov. 18—Dec. 23. ~ -——— NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain deed of trust executed to the First National Company of Durham, Incorpora ted, Trustee by A. C. Robinson and wife, Bessie L. Robinson, on the first day of August, 1928 on tihe lands! herein described, said deed of trust being recorded in Book 109, page 163 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Row ■siif CountyV^N. Cl, the undersign ed will, having been so requested by the holder of said indebtedness, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door in Rowan County, N. C., at twelve o’clock noon on Wednes day, December 28th, 1932, the lands described in said deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at a stake at the $est corner of the in terser fisri of Fif teenth Street and North Main Street and runs thence with the West side of Fifeenth Street South 23 deg. 15 mins. East 194 feet to a stake on an alley; thence with the line of said alley South 66 degrees 45 minutes West 50 feet to a stake, Isenhour’s corner; thence with Isenhour’s line North 23 degrees, 15 mins. West 19*t feet to a stake on the South side of North Main Street; thence with the South side of North Main Street North 66 degs. 45 mins. East 5 0 feet to:' the beginning, and being the same property as conveyed to A. C. Robinson and wife, Bessie L. Robinson by N. P. Murphy, (Widower,) by deed May 15, 1920, and registered in Book of Deeds 160, page 268, in the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C. The purchaser at the fore closure sale assumes the payment of all unpaid taxes an.! street as sessments. This 23rd day of Nov. 1932. w. c. bramham and T. l. bi and, Receivers, First National Co., of Durham, Inc., Trustee. Dec. 2—Dec. 23. VERICOSE VEINS treated successfully without loss of time from your work DR. S. O. HOLLAND 410 Wallace Bldg. Phone 346 DUCO PAINTING Nickel and Silver Plating PRICES ARE R.IGHT « BAUKNIGHT Duco Painter 129 S. Church St. Phone 1416 Puzzled? CHEERWINE will help you solve the problem in a jiffy. >