| vThe Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina Carolina Watchman G| • •' • _ . . * ' 'The Watchman Carries a Summary of ^All The tfyws” FOUNDED 1132—100TH YEAR _ SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 19J5 VOL. 100 NO. 2J PRICE 2 CENTs” aus NATION MOURNS COO LID GFS DEATH Urges Cut In Costs Of Gov’t. Harris Elected House Speaker Dr. C. M. Higgins, Of This City, Is Again Chosen Seargeant At-Arms New Speaker Of House Is Brother Of Mrs. C. Armstrong Of Salisbury Matey Major Problems Facing North Carolina Lawmakers At This Session John Christophes Blucher Ehring haus, fifty-fourth Governor o+ North Carolina since the Declara tion of Independence in 1776, Thursday took over the reins of the State Government and together withjpine other elected officials took s-r. lhe h in office at noon in Ral- [ etgh’s n|Jt>gffeagorial Auditorium, which was packed to capacfeyj thus giving the exercises the largest crowd ever to a witness similar event. The new governor urged rigid economy, reduction of taxes, and immedate revaluation of of pro ;er ty Others inducted and their offi ces are: Stacy W. Wade, Secretary of State; Baxter Durham, Auditor; A. T. Allen, Superintendent of Public Instruction; Dennis C. Brummit, Attorney-General; W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agri culture; Stanley Winborne, Corpor ation Commissioner; Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner; and A. L. Fletcher, Commissioner of labor All but Wade and Fletcher held their offices prior to the November elections. In his inaugural address, Gover nor Ehringhaus recommended: 1. Immediate revaluation of pro perty. 2. Tax relief on property from 1J per cent state school levy. 3. Drastic economy and curtail ment. 4. Slicing down of operating costs. 5. That no additional burdens be added. 6. Proper maintenance of state highways. 7. Further economy in the opera tion of the state school system. 8. Reduction of cost in the opera tion of local governments. 9. Improvements of agricultural Please turn to page three Frances Hooked ’Em — Eighteen fish in thirty minutes was the record of Miss Frances Hauser at Harmosa Beach, Calif., to win the annual municipal award, a contest staged yearly at the famous fishing resort. City Boy Corn Champ —■ ... —a mu niriiii u«1 t Wilifred Schaller, Chicago Heights, 111., didn’t let the fact that he lived in town dwarf his corn-raising ideas, so at a cost of $13.75 he raised 50^2 bushels per acre and was crowned Cook County champion. 2 AUTO CRASH VICTIMS Rufus C. Wood died instantly at Raleigh when his auto crashed into a tree. Two in the car with him had minor cuts. McClure Davis, 18, was instantly killed and five were hurt in the crashing of Davis’ car into an iron pole at a Charlotte street intersection, early Sunday. Cotton Production Lowest In 5 Years World cotton production for the 1932-33 season was estimated by the department of agriculture at 24,000,000 bales, the smallest in five years. This is 200,000 below the De cember 8 estimate and 3,500,000 under last year’s crop. Foreign production was estimated at 11,300,000 bales, which is 900, 000 above last season and 600,000 below 1930-31. ■^TeHton textile mill activity in the U ^-ed States and most of' the important foreign countries was said to have been apparently main tained ,during November at the improved levels reached a few months earlier. % Many companies, however, have WJ .me^difficulty in disposing of jutjjut or in maintaining 4 __ , t their unfilled orders. Cotton textile mills, in the Unit ed States, the department slid, con tinued to operate at high levels during November with total cotton consumption the largest for any month since April, 1931, although sales of the manufactured products were less than output. The high rate of activity >vas said to have been maintained on the basis of large orders received early in the fall. The consumption of domestic mills during November was 5 04, 000 bales compared with 502,000 in October and 425,000 a year ago. Total consumption for the four months ending November 30 was 1.900.000 bales, an increase of 124.000 over the same period last season. i GOOD MORNING Sick Sailor—Nurse, I love you, I don’t want to get well. Nurse—Don’t worry, you won’t. The doctor saw you kiss me this morning, and he loves me too. "Why are you angry with Max?” "He promised not to kiss me— and kept his word.” INVALUABLE! A robust woman lost her thumb in a trolly accident. "But, why,” asked the com pany’s attorney, "do you think that your thumb was worth twen ty thousand dollars?” "Because,” she replied, "it was the thumb I kept my husband un der.” TO SAVE HIS PANTS The Judge (sternly): "Well, what’s your alibi for speeding six ty miles an hour through the resi dence section?” The Victim: "I had just heard, your honor, that the ladies of our church were giving a rummage sale and I was hurrying home to save my other pair of pants.” The Judge: "Case dismissed. ” THREE WAY DEAL' Stranger- "A-iiiwhat are you going to be when you grow up, ~my little man?” Little Man: "Well, after I have been a minister to please mother and a lawyer to please father, I’m going to be a policeman.” OH, OH! Patricia: "Harry surprised me by telling me that we’re going to take our honeymoon in France.” Nellie: "How nice—and how did he spring it on ygu?” Patricia: "He said as soon as we _ __• J L. _u „i__ w vi v >i>aitivu) iiv »* vuiu »*»w where he was wounded in the war.” A WARNING Lives of great men all remind us As their pages o’er we turn, That we’re apt to leave behind us Letters that we ought to burn!. FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Business Man (after interviewing daughter’s suitor): "I regret I can not see my way to allow you to marry my daughter at present, but give me your name and address; then if nothing turns up in the near future, you may hear from us again.” J THE MEAN THING Wife: "How do you like the potato salad?” Hubby: "It’s delicious. Did you buy it yourself?” Magistrate (to woman involv ed in matrimonial dispute): Did you and your husband quarrel on Friday night? Wife: And the next day pay day! Certainly not! Vera: "I see here where a man married a woman for money. You wouldn’t marry me for money, would you?” Victor: "Why, certainly not, my dear; I wouldn’t marry you for all the money in the world.” "But doesn’t your husband have any hobby?” "Oh, yes; he’s always trying to rnmh Fiic hair over the bald' ennt.” "I miss my bath tub this year.” "Why, I think showers are much better.” "Oh, they’re all right, but you can’t make beer in a shower.” "I’m all in the dark about how these bills are to be paid,” said Mr. Hardup to his wife. "Well; Henry,” said she, as she pulled out onb and laid it on the top of the pile, "you will be if you don’t pay that one, for it’s the electric bill.” Reported Bride Miss Winifred Beatrice Mann, former London shop girl, is reported wed to the son of Bernard M. Baruch, well known American banker, the eermony taking place at Geneva. Slash Pay Of State Officers The house, followed closely by the senate, voted to cut the salaries of the new governor and other state elective officers 15 per cent, effec tive with the beginning of the new administration. This,, bill was passed by the house Wednesday and ’Ey the senate Thursday shortly before the inau guration ceremonies. 'Other bills passed by the house and senate during the first two days follow: Inviting President-Elect Roose velt to address the General As cpmKI v -Ratification of 20th amend ment to federal constitution, pro viding for earlier inauguration of newly elected officers. Authorizing $600.00 for inaug ural expenses. TWO-POUND BABY IS DOING WELL West Chester, Pa.—Mrs. William Butler’s two-pound baby boy, who is perfectly normal in every detail but size, today had a name just a bout as big as he is—John Francis Butler. When the baby was born, nur ses said, he was so small he could curl up in a cigar box with ease. Enterprising photographers showed up today with the cigar box, but had to be content with baby as leep on a pillow as a nurse meas ured him. The nurse said he measured slightly under 12 inches in height. His name contains 17 letters. $75 LOOT IS RETURNED A few days ago Mrs. Maude O’Neal postmistress at Hatteras, announced someone had broken in the postoffice and stolen $75 and a quantity of postage stamps. Time passed and nothing was heard or seen that might lead to identity of the thief. Then, Mrs. O’Neal received $75 from an unidentified person but the stamps were not forthcoming. •SLAYS SELF WITH RIFLE Charles A. Lowe, 42, Guilford county, died from a rifle bullet wound through the head self-in flicted. Members of his family found him lying unconscious near a gate No cause is known for sui cide, and the wound may have been due to an accident. SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY City and county schools will reopen Monday after a lay-off of one week due to the influenza sit uation in Rowan and over the state. City school and health of ficials, at a conference last Fri day, extended the vacation period one week to avoid any undue spreading of the disease. NEWS BRIEFS SMITH FIELD CHURCH BURNS Hundreds of scared children es caped without injury from the Smithfield Methodist church Sun day morning when the building was found afire during the Sunday school hours The fire damaged the property to extent of $30,000. It originated in trash near the coal bin. form nriniAT AssnriATinxi \ A state burial association was formed at Asheboro on Friday by representatives of 43 burial' socie ties. W. W. Russell, Thomasvillc, was chosen president. N. C. LEADS IN SAWMILLS There were 1,066 lumber mills active in the state in 1931 as com pared with 1,612 in 1930, but the state continued to lead the nation in number of mills, reports the state forester. The state moved from 10th to 9th place in produc tion of lumber products, sawing 500,000.000 board feet. GOVERNOR PICKS SECRE TARY Charles G. Powell, Oxford, has been named as his secretary by J. C. B. Ehringhaus, new governor of the commonwealth. Powell was the governor’s assistant campaign manager. IS BURNED TO DEATH Mrs. Bettie F. Hurdle, 78, an invalid, was burned to death at her home near Graham, Sunday morn ing, when her clothing ignited from an open fire. 2 DIE IN SHELBY BATTLE Mark Conner. 25. nulled a pull in the jail yard at Shelby just af ter he and a companion had been arrested on a drinking charge. He shot Deputy Sheriff E. W. Ean ders, 3 8, through the body. The deputy pulled his own pistol as he fell and fired four times. Both died a few minutes later. $5 0,000 NEW BERN FIRE An early morning fire destroyed the Vogue store at New Bern. With smoke and water damage in four other buildings the total loss was estimated at $50,000. TRANSFER HIGH POINT HOSPITAL The transfer of the High Point hospital from ownership of Dr. J. T. Burrus to a board of trustees for use as a community hospital was made last week, for considera tion of $100,000 The change was made with aid of the Duke Foundation, which will aid in main taining charity patients. HELD FOX BANK ROBBERY Toe Rerrv. Raleiph. is held at Greenville as one of the group who attempted the recent robbery of the Bank of Fountain. His car was identified as the one used in :he raid and a pistol found on him was said to be the one stolen from the bank. The robbers were scared a way after they had opened the safe. ELECTION OFFICIALS IN GROUP Members of the state and county election boards are eligible for membership irf an association of election officials given the approval of the state board of elections. L. P. McLendon, Durham, chairman of the state board, is president of the association, Raymond Maxwell, Raleigh, and'George Hampton, Jr., of Greensboro, are vice-presidents. VOTE PHILIPPINE FREEDOM With heavy majority, the house of representatives last week passed the conference bill providing inde pendence for the Philippine Islands in 10 years, a measure which had already been approved by the sen ate. The measure may be vetoed by President Hoover. Champ Gets Golf Birdie —■niiiw i •. ..„—— Mickey Riley, U. S. Olympic diving champion, attired thusly, hit a whis tling drive down a Florida golf course, the ball skimmed through a tree top and a chicken hawk fell dead to the . ground. A new record in a new sport for Mickev Connie Mack at 70 Cornelius McGilllcuddy . . . better known as the beloved Connie Mack, boss baseball man of the Philadelphia Athletics and dean of the great Am erican game, looks hopefully toward winning his 10th pennant in 1933, as he turned the 70 mark in birthdays on December 23. FIRST TIME IN SPIKE-TAILED COAT Kansas City.—The inauguration January 9 of Guy B. Parks as gov ernor of Missouri will mark the "first time and the last” that he ever wore "spike-tail” coat. "After the ceremonies, the suit will be put away for good,” vow ed the Democratic governor-elect. He had had his first "fitting” at a tailor shop here. Succumbs To Attack Of Heart Funeral Plans Are Indefinite Had Complained Of Indigestion For Short While But Death Unexpected Mr. Coolidge Was Last Surviving Ex-President; Body Found By His Wife Held Nation’s Highest Office .For Almost Seven Years; Thirtieth President 1931. Highway collections last month totaled $1,891,907.69, as compared with $2,280,591.32 in December 1931. Maxwell said the decrease in general fund receipts was almost entirely due to the fact franchise tax collections which were made in December, 1931, were paid earlier this fiscal year. In the highway fund receipts, sales of licenses accounted for $645,824.89 in revenue last month, compared with $888,561.76 from this source in December, 1931. The report came within two days of the convening of the 1933 Gen eral Assembly-—which must meet the problem of declining revenue in its efforts to balance the budget. A $585,000 drop in state general fund tax collections was reported by Commissioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell for the first six months of the current fiscal year. At the same time, the commis sioner reported highway fund col lections for the 1932 calendar year totaled $19,3 51,732.99, a decrease of $1,009,712.60 compared with receipts of $20,361,445.59 in 1931. General fund collections from July through December were only $6,788,168, compared with $7, 373,828.36 for the same'period a year ago. December general fund receipts $369,135.23, compared with $567, 054.90 for the same month in State Suffers Loss In Tax Collections After completing President Harding’s unexpired term, he was elected in his own right in 1924 and continued as president until 1929 when he was succeeded by Herbert Hoover. Calvin Coolidge was born on In dependence Day, July 4, 1872, in Plymouth, a county village in the Vermont Hills, the son of John C. and Victoria Moor Coolidge. He was descended from John and Mar ry Coolidge, who had settled in Watertown, Mass., about 1630. On October 4, 1905, Mr. Cooli dge married Miss Grate A. Good hue of Burlington, Vermont, malt ing a home for his bride in a two familv house in Northampton. They continued to occupy that un CP/ease turn to back page) America today bowed her head in grief over the sudden death yes terday of Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States, who passed away unexpectedly follow ing a heart attack. Mr. Coolidge Was 6Q years of age last July 4th. He was the only surviving former president. Returning i..-ne early from his law orrice, because of icing indict posed, accompanied by his secre tary, Harry Rpss, Mr. Coolidge lay down upon a bed in his home near Northampton, Mass., to rest. His body was found about 20 minutes later by Mrs. Coolidge upon returning from a downtown shopping tour. Funeral plans had not been com pleted last night. Mr. Coolidge had complained of indigestion for some time prior to. his death, but this ailment was not considered serious. Mr. Coolidge was elected vice president in 1920 and assumed of fice under President Harding in 192 b This office he held until Harding’s death in 1923, when he became president, the oath of of fice being administered by his fath er.

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