Full Text Of Roosevelt’s Inaugural Address Fear, Nation’s Greatest Foe, He Declares Takes Over Leadership Of Nation Fully Conscious Of Many Problems Facing 'People Following is the text of President Roosevelt’s inaugural address Mar. 4th. "I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my in duction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our nation impels. This is pre eminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great na tion will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. "So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-—name less, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. Faces Difficulties "In every dark hour of our na tional life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met With that under standing and support of the people themselves which is essential to vic tory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leader ship in these critical days. "In such a syririt on my part and on yours we face our com mon difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; Government of all kinds is faced by serious curtail ment of income; the means of ex change are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of in dustrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone. "More irr-.{g>rtant, a host of un employed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equal ly great number toil with little re turn- Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the mo ment. "Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are strick en by no plague of locusts. Com pared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. "Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Pri marily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods; have failed through their own I stubbornness and their own in-, competence, have admitted their failure and abdicated. Practices of] the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of pub lic opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. Lack Vision "True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pat tern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have pro posed only the lending of more money. "Stripped of the lure of profit by which to. induce our people to follow their false leadership they have resorted to exhortations, plead ing tearfully for restored confi dence. They know the rules of a generation jbf self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there f essential democracy. The peo >le of the United States have not failed. In their need they have registered a mandate that they vant direct, vigorous action. They lave asked for discipline and direc :ion under leadership. They have nade me the present instrument of their wishes. In the spirit of the gift I take it. "In this dedication of a .nation ve humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every >ne of us. May He guide me in the lays to come.” are now ready to do your iob printing—Give us a call. The funniest comics*-.in the world are found each \WjJc in The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERI newspaper. Buy your^Kpy trom your local news dealer offnewsboy. The whole family will enjoy the Jigsaw Puzzles to be found each week an THE BALTIMORE .SUNDAY AMERICAN. Buy your copy of THE BALTIMORE A MERICAN from your local news dealer or newsboy. How one "Perfect Marriage" was wrecked by too much money. A real-life society drama unfolded in the American Weekly, the mag azine distributed with next Sun day’s BALTIMORE AMERICAN. CRESS GRANGE The Cress home demonstration -club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. R. Menius with 21 members present and 9 visitors. Miss Whistnant gave a demonstra tion of a meat loaf. After the meeting sandwiches, cakes, pickles and hot coffee were served to all those present. Key. and Mrs. George Blooster, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Al bright, of Salisbury, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Cress. Mr. J. R. Wilhelm has been sick with the flu, but is some better at this writing. Lester Smith is confined to his bed- with pneumonia. Elizabeth and Catherine Cooper,' Mary and Boyden Davis, Mary Hampton, Pearl Lucas, and Clin ton Combs visited' Ethel Bassinger Saturday night. After ptaying Famous Chef of Famous Hotel Makes Public Famous Recipe _.___._____i K M K. Chef Maurice Herevieux, of The Commodore. ■VTO city m the world can boast of LN finer hotels than can New York. Most visitors to the city live in stic'n comfort while housed, in one of-the city’s hotels, and enjoy such excel ent food, that they dislike to leave. The Commodore, which opened January 28, 1919, a hotel of 2,000 rooms and 1600 employees, is a hotel which enjoys an international reputa tif n. Now that recent nutritional re search has revealed the fact that canned pineapple contains more known health values than any other fruit or vegetable which has been subjected to similar study, it has been noticed that patrons of the Commodore’s fa mous restaurants are ordering pine apple in some form daily in increas ing numbers. ' One of the popular pineapple dishes at The Commodore, is pineapple chif Looking down East Forty-second Street, New York, showing—at lefl —Grand Central Terminal, Hotel Commodore and Chrysler Building in background._ fon pie. tht! Maurice Herevieux’s re cipe for this dish follows: “Soak for five n.inutes one half ounces quick setting gelatine with twc ounces of crushed canned pineapple pulp. Dissolve softened gelatine tho roughly, by placing mixture over boil ing water. “Add tp this four egg yolks, on< half cup or four-ounces sugar, a tea spoonfull of vanilla. Cool mixture anc when starting to thicken, fold in foul whites of egg beaten stiff and dry anc four ounces of pineapple pulp. "Fill baked pie shell with above mixture. “Chill in refrigerator. Before serv ing cover the top with a thin layer o! whipped cream and garnish with dice: of pineapple” some interesting games, toasts*! marshmellows was ezpjH bf iU those present. Joe Smith is visiting at the home of Mr. G. A. Smith for a few days. Virginia Cress spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cress in China Grove. There will be services at Grace E. L. Church every Wednesday evening beginning at seven thirty o’clock during the lent season. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cress took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Allman Sunday. Lucile Prospt and Evelyn Men ius spent Sunday with Viola Heilig. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the terms and pro visions of a certain Mortgage Deed of Trust executed by James Fran cis Griffith -and wife, Grace Wat son Griffith, to James L. Fisher, Trustee, dated December 31, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan county in Book of Mortgages No. 118 page 156, default, having been made in the payment of the inde btedness therein secured, and at the request of the holder of the notes therein secured, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale at pub lic auction f&f CASH at the court house door in the City of Salisbury, N. C., on Saturday, March 11, 1933, at the hour of 12M., the fol lowing described property: Lying in Franklin Township, beginning at a stake in the new Statesville Road (State' Highway No. 10), W. A. Carscadden’s cor ner, and runs thence North 9 deg. East 10.8 5 chains to a stone, Mrs, Robinson’s corner; thence North 86 deg. West 22 chains to a stone, Mrs. Robinson’s corner; thence North 3 deg. East 19 chains to a stone; thence South 87 deg. East 7.25 chains to a stake; thenc< North 3 deg. East 2 chains to : pine; thence South 69% deg. East 6.60 chains to a stake; thence North 2% deg. East 3 chains to ; stone; C.TTKepley’s comer; thence South 87 deg. East 10.38 chains t< a cedar, Kepley’s corner; thence North 20 deg. Cast 2.05'chains tc ’a 82 deg. «asi 3.25 chains to a stone; ithence North 5 aeg. East 6.40 chains tc a stone, Kepley’s dorner; thence South 84. deg. East 4-50 chains tc a stone; thence South 60% deg East 13.63 chains to an iron stfcke C. T. Kepley’s corner thence South 3 deg. 56 min. West 36.95 chains to a stake in the new Statesville Road; thence with the center ol said road North 84 deg. West 23.76 chains to the beginning, containing 137.85 acres more or less. For back title, see Book of Deeds 211, page No. 136. This property will be sold sub Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank for $1700.00 and interest, and all outstanding taxes. This February 3, 1933. James L. fisher, Trustee John L. Rendleman, Attorney. Feb. 17—Mar. 10. Thedfobd’s BLACK-DRAUGHT is made from plants that come up from seeds and grow in the ground, like the garden vegetables you eat at every meal. NATURE has put into these plants an active medicine that stimulates the bowels to act — just as Nature put the materials that sustain your body into the vegetable foods you eat. In Black-Draught you have a natu ral laxative, free from synthetic drugs. Its proper use does not make you have to' depend on cathartic chemical drugs to get the bowels to act daily. Find out by trying Black-Draught what a good medicine it is for con stipation troubles. In 25(* pkgs. (dry). P.S. — For Children, get the new, pleasant tasting SYRUP of Thedford’s Black-Draught. 25tf & 50$ bottles. Vl H K V £ D Loss of Sleep, Crankiness, Headache, Neuralgia, Indiges tion and Fatigue are common results of over-work and nerve strain, Miss Ruth Sheets, a charming Michigan school teacher says: “I have taken your Nerv ine during my college work and when 1 get those nerv als spells after a hard day’s _ * teaching. I am mother’s name to you. Will you please send her a trial package?” Relax your tense nerves with the same reliable medicine Miss Sheets found so effective. Get it at your drug store. Large bottle $1.00 Small 25c. Money back if you are not satisfied. STAR LAUNDRY "The Good One" Launderers and Dry Cleantrt , Phone 24 114 West Bank St. One Day Service JOHN R. FISH, AGENT Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 207 Wallace Bldg. Phone 400 Salisbury, N. C. BE FAIR to yourself and try Osteopathy for your ailments. DR. S. O. HOLLAND 410 Wallace Bldg. Phone 346 Shoes rebuilt the better way. All kinds of harness, trunk and suitcase repairing. FAYSSOUX’S PLACE Phone 433 120 E. Innes St. Bothered with Backache ? It May Warn of Kidney or Bladder Irregularities A nagging backache, with bladder irregularities and a tired, nervous, depressed feeling may warn of some dis ordered kidney or bladder con dition. Users everywhere rely on Doan’s Pills. Praised for more than 50 years by grateful I over. Sold by | Bid* the street ears and avoid the parking nuisance Cook A Whole Meal At Once ... OVEN COOKER 1 This 2-heat electric oven-cooker does everything an oven will do— MlM j roasts, makes brown, stews, boils, steams and fricas^es enough food K for an average family. Cooks lar- III M gely by stored heat and uses less WiF I current than an electric iron. Oper- 95c Cash; ates from any electric outlet. . $1.00 Monthly ;s t See Miss Blue Bonnet— SPECIAL $2.95 Toaster or $2.95 Heating Pad d* g%r* for ..... , $1.00 if purchased with above appliances. Southern Public Utilities Co. j PHONE 1900 “Hut with CORK . . . the clean, efficient feci " v l