, , . . The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina Carolina Watchman "The Watchman Carries a Summary of^All The 'Ngws” FOUNDED 1832— 100TH YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1933 VOL. 100 NO. 37 PRICE 2 CENTS 19 Entrants if. Race For The Cit> Council; Voters To Pick Five Primary will be held on Monday, April 24, with the general election following on Tutsc’ay, May 2 heated contests in primary expected; both parties may put out ticket. Candidates for the city council must file their notices 'with the boards of elections of Rowan *• county not later than midnight tonight. Each candidate must also pay an entrance fee of $5.00. The primary will be held on ' Monday, April 24, while the gen eral election is set for May 2. To date, 19 have announced their candidacies Nfor nomination and election to the city council. This number will be reduced to five on April 24, for each party in case two tickets are put out. Practically all candidates who have announced so far are Democrats. when hiing notice or candidacy with the board of election, each candidate must sign an affidavit stating his party affiliation. Those who have announced are as follows: B. V. Hedrick. C. F. Raney. - -vst. .j Lindsay Shaver. Haden C. Holmes. Max L. Barker. U. Ray Miller. Geo. R. Martin. Geo. E. Vogler. H. A. Rouzer. Henry W. Davis. J. E. Hennessee. Francis J. Murdoch. E. B. Taylor. U. S. Jordan. A. A. Hartman. O. C. Herrington. E. H. Marsh. W. F. McCanless. Geo. E. Rusher. JEWS APPEAL TO CHRISTIANS Paris.—Thousands of pamphlets inviting Christians to join Jews in an anti-Hitler protest were distri buted at the doors of Paris church es. The tracts said, "The Old and New Testaments should unite to combat these crimes unworthy of our civilization. DEADLOCKED ON BEER Albany, N. Y.—Beer control legislation in New York state slip ped into a tight deadlock as the warring factions in the legislature persisted in a refusal to compro mise. The controversy has sim mered down mainly to the ques tion of whether beer licensing shall be controlled by a state board appointed by the governor, or by county boards. Libby Holman and Son Libby Holman, famous Broadway torch singer and wife of Smith Rey • olds who was mysteriously shot be •■ot the birth of her son, permitted this first photo to be taken of the vifant who now weighs 7 pounds V.'eighing less than 3 pounds at birtt the child was kept in a baby incu Uator NEWS BRIEFS MAY REDUCE POSTAGE The postoffice department is completing a test to determine if the larger volume of mail under two-cent postage for letters would not increase revenue and thus aid in the plan of the koosevelt ad ministration to end the depart ment’s- yearly practice of piling up a huge deficit. A deficit of $126, 500,000 is indicated for the year ending June 30. SHERIFF HELD FOR KILLING j Sheriff R. A. Feaster is held in jail at Winnsboro, S. C., for the killing of Mrs. Ida M. Broom, 54, The sheriff is- said to have gone to the IW>m—|jpne to investigate a , disturbance. >nd to have shoe-hfas* - Broom a?flpstruggled to disengage the woman’s hold on his necktie. MORRISON HEADS FOREST WORK Dr. Fred Morrison, director of relief work at Raleigh, has been de signated to direct action in North Carolina in the employment of 5,000 or more men in reforestation work. Those wishing to enlist may do so at federal employment offices in the larger cities of the state. DUKE OFFICER DIES IN WRECK J. A. Broadnax, Mt. Holly, as sistant general superintendent of the Duke Power company, died in Nashville, Tenn., from injuries re ceived the day before in an auto mobile accident. TWO KILLED BY ENGINES Joe Hunt, 19, of Thomasville, was crushed to death between a Southern railway baggage car and locomotive tender at Salisbury. He and a companion were beating a ride south. While playing on the Southern tracks near his Greens boro home, Herndon Johnson, eight was hit by an engine and killed on Sunday night. THREE HELD FOR COUN TERFEITING Three are held at Rocky Mount charged with the making and cir culating of counterfeit quarters and half-dollars. Picked up early last week for circulating the coins, H. G. Cuthrell implicated M. von Milgrom and his son, Robert, and the tlwo Milgrom* were arrested. BLAMES BANKS FOR SUICIDE "The banks is the cause of this,” wrote Mrs. Foster M. Myers, 70, of Thomasville, and left the note be I side her body. She ended her life by hanging herself from a joist in her home. HE’S GRATEFUL Gaetono Masotta, who has been jobless and receiving aid from the Woburn public welfare depart ment, dropped in to see Edward F. Forman, welfare agent at Boburn, Mass., recently. He placed $312 on the counter. "That’s to pay back the city,” he said, "for help ing my wife and eight children. My 'Wife has been willed a lot of money.” . . . 1 House of Rockefeller - ) The Rockefellers, John D., Sr., and 1 John D., Jr., are seldom photo i graphed together This photo from ! Ormond Beach, Flu., most unusual and interesting, ivaa taken late in j March. Ruth Judd Denied Reprieve;. Will [fang April 21st. Phoenix, Ariz.—The Arizona Board of Pardons and Paroles re fused to grant Winnie Ruth Judd mother reprieve in the "trunk mur der” case, in which she is under sentence to hang April 21. The plea of the condemned wo man for 42 more days of life was rejected summarily during a brief executive session of the three board members. An announcement said: "The application of Winnie Ruth Judd for a reprieve from April 21 to June 2, as presented by her attorneys, was considered by the Board and is denied.” CONDUCTOR CRUSHED STEPPING OFF TROLLEY Chicago^—For 25 years James Watson, a street car conductor, saw passengers risk their lives by stepping off a car and then walking around behind it without looking for traffic from the other direction. And yesterday he did the same thing himself, and was killed by a truck. _____ I SERB SURVIVED BY r AMlLi 147; RULED LIKE EMPEROR Belgrade.—Betchir Makitch, the Serb who has just died at the age of 100, is survived by a family of 147. Until his death he. ruled over this family like an emperor. He selected his children’s brides and husbands, and induced them to live on his property. Now the little village is self-su ficient, and every member of the family is prosperous, according to the standard^ of the region. NUMBER OF SUICIDES A number of suicides were re corded in North Carolina last week. Among them was that of James S. Williams, 57, formerly a shipping merchant, who killed himself at his summer home near Wilmington, Friday, with a pistol shot into the temple. Edgar Hay wood, 5 5, for 22 years clerk of the Montgomery county court, went to the courthouse basement on Friday and killed himself with a pistol shot into the head. An audit of his accounts had been underway for two weeks. On the same day the body of Mrs. W. M. Saine, 74, was recovered from the Catawba river near Hickory. ■fc" 1 — ■ » ", . .. i ■ ■ i-1 i ill — i i —■mu ! , Easter Bunnies Right On Time Easter bunnies will be right on time this year, as always These two maidens were slightly in doubt so they went out and around and about and did they find bunnies, well yes! So now Sara Belle and Evelyn Tiffany, maidens fair of foottight fame, want all good little boys and girls to know that they have the evidence and that Easter bunnies and ail their friends will be right on the job on Easter morning. -—-— - 1 - > Matrimony Splash ] Georgia Coleman, Olympic diving champion, has splashed into matri mony, becoming the bride of ‘ ‘ Uuf ’ ’ Gilson, amateur golfer of Jackson Mich. She is honeymooning is Florida as shown in the photo. DRY CONCEDES WET - VICTORY A victory for Wiscon anti-pro hibitionists in Tuesday’s referen dum on repeal of the eighteenth amendment was conceded by the Rev. Warren Jones, state superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon league. SENTENCE MURDERER’S ADVISOR Brownsville, Texas.—Earl Dod son, 17-year-old high school boy, who furnished arms and advice to a student flyer for an airplane murder a thousand1 feet above the earth, was sentenced to eight years imprisonment. ORPHAN, 21, ADOPTED; MADE $300,000 HEIR Indianapolis —A fortune of $300,000 was placed at the finger tips of Theodore Freeman, twenty one-year-old ( orphaned student. The youth became the sole heir to the fortune of Dr. and Mrs. Flarry J. Thompson when they complet-j ed the formality of adopting him. Thompson and his wife became at tached to the orphan when he lived a;t their home while attending high school. Primary Not I Necessary In East Spencer A municipal primary will not be held in East Spencer this year as the number of candidates for the mayor and board of aldermen and for the school committee who filed before midnight April 12, did not exceed ten in either group. The general municipal election will be held on Tuesday, May 2. A mayor, five aldermen and five school committeemen will be elect ed. F. R. Sifford, incumbent, is un opposed for the office of mayor. Following is a list of the can didates who will be voted on May 2: Mayor: F. R. Sifford. Board of aldermen: C. C. Kirk, J. PE Blackweider, W. E. Harkey, H. Q. Sides, C. O. Gobble, C. J. Cope and J. C. Van Poole. School Committee: Dr. T. W. Seay, G. H. Boger, R. L. Gobble, E. D. Brown, S. R. Secrest,. and A. G. Sides. Cocktail Is Seen As An Aid To Building Of Blood London.—The cocktail finds in the Lancet, famous medical jour nal, a staunch champion. Study of the causes of low-blood pressure has led medical experts tc vaunt the virtues of the Manhat tan and the Martini. The state of excess of sugar in the blood resulting in diabetes ha; been recognized on other ground; for years, but only recently ha; the state of excessively low blooc sugar been understood, the journal said. Tins latter state leads to feai and incoordination of the muscles "In adults,” says the Lancet "it is more than probable that thf wide popularity of the cocktail be fore a meal is part due to the rebel of hypoglycaemia (low blooc suga_t) which it brings. The ex haustion of athletes is also relievec by sugar.” TO VISIT IN S. C. Miss Mary Ann Folger, of Spen cer, will spend the Easter holiday; with relatives and friends in Eas ley, S. C. GOOD MORNING SMILE Even though your heart be sad, Pry to smile, pretend you’re glad, IYoubles won’t seem half so bad, If you smile. When you’re feeling very blue, No one seems to care for you, Here’s the best thing you can do— Try to smile. !:' life is what we make of it, Sorrows, joys, of each a bit; You can make the best of it, With a smile, TO ONE HAVING LEFT You think now . . . I envy the pale foam-flowers That garland your home - There in the violta dusk, I do . . . But have you forgotten Night writes strange secrets On the surface of a silver lake? Now when I am ready I shall call you back With a note, Far sweeter than ever fell From any bird’s throat. —N. W. OLD MAN TIRED FEELING It’s Old Man, This, and Old Man These, Old Man River, Old Man Freeze, Old Man Winter, Old Man Snow, Old Man Hard Times, Old Man Blow. Old Man Chaos, Old Man Blues, Old Man Business, Old Man Booze; Old Man Norther, Old Man West How About Oldi Man Give Us A Rest? Hi—"What time is it by your watch?” Dee—"Quarter to,” Hi—"Quarter to what.” Dee—"I don’t know—times got so hard I had today off one of the handls.” "I hear you dropped some money 3n the Stock Exchange. What were you, a bull or a bear?” "Neither. Just a simple ass.” The pretty young kindergarten teacher had been telling her pupils all about the winds, their power and different effects, and so on. "And, children,” she went on enthusiastically," as I came to school this morning on top of the bus something softly came and kissed my cheek. What do you think it was?” ! "The conductor?” cried the children joyously. Let us hope that the last of the "Lame Ducks” also means the last of the quacks. "How did Emma get all mussed up?” "She was out with a crude oil salesman.” Bus Driver: "Madam, that child will have, to pay full fare. He is over five years of age.” Madan: "But he can’t be. I have only been married four years.” : Bus Driver: "Never mind the true confessions; let’s have the money.” Roosevelt Outlines Plan To Refinance Mortgages On Homes President presents another major plank in his “new deal” program; requests congress to pass immediate legislation to aid “the forgotten man” to hold mortgaged home. -I _ President Roosevelt Thursday presented to the congress his plan to refinance home mortgages. His proposal would make two billion dollars immediately available for refinancing mortgages on homes. The president proposed: 1. Creation of federal savings and loan associations with a total capital of two billion dollars, to refinance mortgages on homes. 2. Issuance of bonds to thte a mount of two billion dollars. 3. Reduction in interest rates <o five per cent. 4. Bonds exchanged for mort gages. 5. Refinancing limited to homes valued at $10,000 or less. 6. Funds made available for payment of taxes, the advance to be retired with loan. Gold Returned The call for the return of gold brought another $44,444,000 into the Federal Reserve banks last week. The total reserve of these banks now are $3,236,766,000—5 50, 000,000 more than when the bank lioliday was proclaimed^ The Fedieral Reserve Board’s weekly statement also showed that bank deposits had returned $25 5, 000,000 and that only $14,228, 000 of the new money has been put. into circulation. i A DRINK OF WATER COST HIM HIS LIFE Braintree, Mass.—A drink of water cost Roland T. Parker, Jr., his life. He was drowned in Sunset Lake when the ice broke as he lay on it to drink from a hole in the middle of the lake. Firemen recovered the body 17 minutesi later, 'but thirtee hours’ work with a pulmotor proved fut ile. POLLARD TO GET MEDAL New York.—Governor John G. Pollard of Virginia, will be' pre sented a medial by the Thomas Jef ferson lod'ge of the Free Sons of Israel Sunday in recognition of "the principles of equality of all peoples, as fostered and promul gated by him in his state.” Livermore’s Bride __ The former Mrs. Harriet Meta Noble of Omaha, Neb., a concert singer of note, is the new bride of Jessie L. Livermore, long famed as > the *1 boy plunger of Wall Street.' ’ This is the tLird marriage for both

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