The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina - Carolina Watchman “The Watchman Carries a Summary of cAll The TSlgws” -- —-------o' __|__• ■ ■■ ^ ■ " 1 1 ■ " ' ~~ . _ .— FOUNDED 1832— 100TH YIO L SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 193 3 • ' ' VOL. 100 NO. 39 PRICE 2 CENTS -<% ---- —. - --■ - i - - — - ■ , ~ ~ Lovefeast Urged For New City Council Ask United Front For The Future 5 Strong Men Are dominated Holmes, Davis, Hedyick, Raney, McCanless Led Ticket General Municipal Election Will Be Tuesday, May Second U. Ray Miller Ran Sixth High In Primary Looking to the best interests of the city, numerous citizens, fol lowing closely on the heels of the Democratic primary Monday, have expressed themselves as anticipat ing 100 per cent cooperation and harmonious action by and between the newly nominated council. Declaring that all differences of opinions and controversies that might have existed in the past, should be placed in tne discard anu a united council should tackle the problems of the city in the future, one merchant urged the nominees to hold a "get-together” executive session and begin the new admin istration and fiscal year with a united front. Others expressed similar opinions. The general municipal election will be held Tuesday, May 2. The nominees selected in the primary Monday are unopposed and the election Tuesday is considered more or less a matter of form. No opposition is anticipated. Approximately 3,000 votes were cast Monday. Holmes, Davis, Hed rick, Raney and McCanless were nominated. U- Ray Miller ran six th. The vote follows: Barker _ 610 Carter _ 666 Davis - 1380 Hartman _ 231 Hedrick -- 1186 Hennessee - 449 Herrington _ 443 Holmes _—-- 1468 Ingle _ 369 Jordan _____ 79 Marsh _ 638' Martin - 543 McCanless_:- 887 Miller _ 698 Murdoch ___ 446 Raney _ 115 8 Rouzer _491 Rusher _—.- 340 Shaver - 690 Taylor _ 306 Vogler _ 259 Nine Months Term For East Spencer Schools A nine months school term is assured the town of East Spencer, according to an announcement this week by Dr. T. W. Seay, chairman of the board. This long term has been made possible, it is stated, by the full cooperation of the school board and the board of aldermen. It is believed the East Spencer schools* will be the only ones in the county to complete nine mon ths this year. jlG SAW PUZZLES STOLEN Kansas City.—Thieves stole 144 saw puzzles from an automo bile belonging to Blanche' Bullock, yales agent, here. '£Qi v>, NEWS BRIEFS LIQUOR SMUGGLER CAUGHT S. L. Stark, of Pittsburgh, Pa., ts held in Wake county jail, as the al leged leader of a gang smuggling liquor into many Carolina towns. Stark is said to have recently jumped a $10,000 bond at Floren ce, S. C., and also to be wanted in Wilmington in connection with smuggled liquor\ seized there re cently. COPS WATCH THIS SUICIDE While two Raleigh policemen looked on powerless to stop the sudden action, S. Fi Hoverstock fired a pistol ball through his head and died a few minutes later. His wife had called the officers after a domestic row. When he saw the police he at once fired the suicidal shot. LONG AMBASSADOR TO ITALY President Roosevelt has named Breckinridge Long, of Missouri, as United States ambassador to Italy. He was assistant secretary of state in the Wilson administration. Sumner Welles, of Maryland, was named as ambassador to Cub;’. He had only recently been made assistant secretary of state. $900,000,000 IN GOLD hoards It is estimated that $900,000,000 in gold and gold certificates is still being hoarded in the United States although some $50,000,000 per week is being returned. By presi dential order all gold and certifi cates must be deposited with the government by May 1. DIES IN CAR COLLISION Two cars were in headon col lision a mile west of Cherryville. J. Walter Lindsey, 36, of Bostic, was instantly killed and seven men were injured, one critically. SLAYS NEIGHBORS AND SELF Apparently deranged over an old dispute about a farm boundary, C. Z. Putnam, 66, of near Lincoln ton, grabbed his shotgun, went to a neighbor’s house and there slew Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dellinger-, re turned home to get his pistol and with it blew out his own brains in a woodland near his home. DROWNS IN AUTOMOBILE Jess Wilkes, of near Maxton, was trapped in his car when it left a bridge over Lumber river near Pembroke last week and landed in deep water. A passenger swam out of an open window to safety but Wilkes was drowned. 25 YEARS FOR MURDER - Clem Collins’ plea of second de gree murder was accepted in Anson county Superior court last week and Collins was sentenced to 25 years in state’s prison for the un proved killing of Martin Dawkins, ; his brother-in-law, early in Febru ary. AIRSHIP MACON IS TESTED The Macon, world’s largest diri gible and sister to the ill-fated Ak ron, went on a 13-hour test flight from Akron, Ohio, and met pre liminary requirement of naval authorities in convincing fashion. SHOOTS WIFE AND SELF Mrs. J. L. Leonard returned to her Rocky Mount home from a trip to Baltimore. She was met at the door by her husband who ac cused her of traveling with another man, fired two shots into her body, and walked into the yard and killed himself with a bullet through the brain. She is given a scant chance to recover. Hyde Park Favored As The Summer Capitol | The summer capitol of the United States this year will likely be at the New York resident' of President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, which is shown above. Such is the report from Washington where great uncertainty prevails as to when Congress will end its work on immediate legislation. Reports from the White House also tell of the President’s plan for a week’s cruise on the 45-footer, • ‘ Amber J ack II ’ ’, with only his four sons as shipmates. It is thought the cruise will be up the Maine coast for a short stay at the Roosevelt home there. Below, the President and Mrs. Roosevelt off for a short week-end rest. N, _ Jp _'irectors Plan New Bank Meeting in special session in Greensboro ,the directors of the North Carolina Bank and Trust company adopted "a plan for re organizing the North Carolina Bank and Trust by organizing a new bank,” President- N. S. Cal houn stated at the conclusion of the meeting. "As previously stated,” Mr. Calhoun remarked, "the common stock of the new bank will be purchased by the stockholders of the old bank, and the Reconstruc tion Finance" corporation will be asked to take the preferred stock. "Since the last meeting of tl e directors discussions have been conducted with the Reconstruc tion Finance corporation and the state commissioner of banks, and the plan adopted today by the dir ectors of the North Carolina Bank and Trust company will now1 be submitted for the approval of the commissioner of banks, and when so approved, will be immediately given in detail to iall depositors and stockholders.’’ The plan has already been ten tatively approved by Gtyrney P. Hood, state commissioner of banks. In Salesgirl Ranks -’"TTnjMf- — _ Anna Curtis oau, aaugnter oi President and Mrs. Roosevelt, joined the ranks of sales girls last week, selling frocks in a N. Y. department store for the benefit of a children’s charity. N. C. SOCIALISTS ORGANIZE Delegates of the Socialist party in North Carolina met in Greens boro to elect W. C. Couch, of Durham, state chairman, Alton A. : Lawrence, Chapel Hill, secretary, ;and name an executive committee. Asks Kingfish Removal .Former Governor John M. Parker, of Louisiana heads a group of his state’s citizens which has filed charges with the U. 8. Senate asking the removal of Senator Huey (King fish) Long on the grounds of personal dishonesty, corruption etc. etc. CANADA QUITS GOLD STANDARD Canada, the last important unit of the British empire to remain technically on the gold standard, April 24th, announced that it had 'halted” the redemption of domin ion notes in gold. Seventy-One Seek Beer Licenses In Rowan County Seventy-one formal applications for county license to retail beer and light wines had been filed with W. D. Kizziah, clerk for the board of county commissioners late Thursday, and the licenses are ex pected to be granted before May 1 when the sale becomes legal in North Carolina. The list of applications follows: Salisbury J. S. Webster, Lunch Roorit: Pay Cash Grocery Company. Yadkin Soda Shop. L. A. Plyler, Filling Station. T. D. Green. \ Mike Thomas. Yadkin Ffotel. Glover’s Dutch Lunch. Sanitary Lunch. Nick P. Nicholas. Empire Hoitel Coffee Shoppe, College Inn. New York Hotel and Cafe. Tom Vreneco, Cafe. Piedmont Cafe. The Great- Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company. Dry’s Cash Market. G. Murray Smith Sandwich Shop Pete Boulus. Five Point Cafe. K. George, Sandwich Shop and Cafe. Gus Erneston, Cafe. Poole Cigar Store. Bi-tha-Way Barbecue Stand. The Smoke Shop. Brookdale Golf Course. Tom Nassar’s "Place. Charles Lentz. 1 Jack’s Sandwich Shop. J. S. Blackwelder, Restaurant. Union Confectionary. Saleeby Candy Company. Meadow Park. W. F. Gioughenour, Lunch / Stand. Ketner’s Cash Market. Pender’s Store No. 214. Pender’s Store No. 181. H. - K. Kepley, Barbecue and Dafe. Milford Service Station, No. 10 Tighway. A. H. Peeler, Route No. 80. B. C. Sowers, Salisbury-China Srove Highway. Elliott’s Store, Old Mocksville load. R. M. Hall, Lunch Room, High vay No. 15. E. L. Lowery Grocery Co. Dix rnville. spencer The Great Atlantic & Pacific rea Company. Lee Ketchie, E. Spencer. Continued on page five GOOD MORNING RULES OF CONDUCT FOR DEFEATED CANDIDATES 1. As soon as you learn that the citizens have decided that they’d rather have the affairs of the town looked after by some of the other candidates, call up the florist and tell him to send around one of his prettiest corsages for the wife. Give the children § dollar apiece, and tell them that their old' Dad never took any loss with a long face and with tightening fingers on his pocketbook. 2. Call up a brewer in one of the brewing states and tell him to ship down five barrels of beer on May 1st. Then go to bed and dream about the beer. You’ll feel better by morning. 3. Get up early Sunday morning, take a hot bath, shave, put on that suit of clothes you had cleaned and pressed earlier in the week when you knew you would be elected, and go to church. 4. Write a check for your church pledge for the entire year and nut it in the niate. 5. When your friends tell you they are certainly sorry you ■weren’t elected, ask them point blank if they voted for you. Watch their faces and you’ll know why you were defeated. 6. When your acquaintances be gin to express sympathy, tell them that the people are not interested in electing men who are real exe cutives, and for that reason you came out at the small end of the horn. 7. Keep smiling. "The doctor told my wife she must take exercise,” Simpson told his friend. "And is she following his ad vice?” asked the friend. Simpson grimaced. "Yes, if jumping to conclusions and running up bills can be called exercise.” Hubby—Did you have a pleas ant day? Wifey—No. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brown both came—and then they left together. I had a lot of things I wanted to tell Mrs. Smith about Mrs. Brown and a lot of more I wanted to tell Mrs. Brown about Mrs. Smith—and of course I couldn’t say a word. A man was praising his wife, as all men ought to do on the proper occasions. "She’s as womanly a wo man as ever was,’’ he said. "But she can hammer nails like lightning.” "That’s remarkable,” said a list ener. "Yes, sir,” said the first speaker, "you know lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” A Chicago man phoned to a the atre and asked: "Can you reserve me a box for two?” A puzzled answer came back from the other end of the line: "We don’t have any boxes for two.” "Isn’t this the theatre?” he ask ed crossly. "Why, no,” responded the one: "You are talking to an undertak er.” Boston Man—I understand the two candidates carried on quite an epistolary bombardment. - Westerner—No, they didn’t use no pistols; they just writ letters back and forth. "This deaf man was brought up for trial and the judge let him off.” "Why?” "Well, the law says that you can’t convict a man without a hearing.” Midnight Carnival Expected Thirsty Thousands Will Drink Again Many Places To Dispense Stuff Here Fear Delay In Licenses May Hold Up Sales May Establish Brewery In Salisbury Clamoring thousands—every where—with money to spend and willing to spend—are anxious and expectant for the end of the dry drouth effective since 1908 and are eagerly awaiting the return ot that foamy, amber, and kick-pro viding-legal 3.2 beverage—BEER —which will be sold in this city and county beginning &E 12.01 .Monday morning. May 1. I Austere business folk—men and women—tired laborers and work men—office employes, student*;— the rich and the poor, whose pal ates have been parched for a taste (of real American-made beer these (long 2 5 years since North Carolina went dry, are expected to join in the carnival spirit and participate in the beer-drinking parties at the break of May 1. "As good as the old stuff, if not better” is the pre-arrival dope. A real stampede is forecast. Scores have already applied for licenses to sell the beer in Salis bury and Rowan county. It is estimated over 100 will obtain licenses to sell the beverage in the, city and county. There has also been some talk of the possibility of establishing a brewery in Salisbury in the near future. Reports to this effect, however, could not be confirmed Many midnight parties have been planned for midnight Sun day night. As the clock ticks off 12.01, the parties will begin to click and beer will again be a legal commodity in Salisbury and Row an countv. There will be very little 5 -cent beer. Ten cents a glass of 10 ounce will be the average price paid. With the demand for beer will also be the demand for pretzels, cheese, boned herring, olives, cav iar, black bread and liverwurst— the general fixings that go to make a beer party "as of the days of yore.” Little demand for wine is anticipated at first. Among those selling beer and wines will be: hotels, cafes, rest aurants, sandwich^ shops, drug stores, grocery stores, beverage makers, etc. Much confusion exists as to the exact regulations, state and nation al, that will govern the sale of the new: beverage; also, as to the a mount of the tax to be paid to the different political subdivisions. Fear is felt as to possible delay on account of the difficulty in ob taining definite regulations. Licenses win oe issued, it is stated, by the city, state and na tion. Each will also levy a tax. START COVE CREEK SURVEY Under presidential orders army engineers have started a survey of the thousands of acres required fof the Gove creek dam on the Clinch river, which is a big unit in the proposed Tennessee river valley de velopment centering about Muscle Shoals.

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