The Oldest Newspaper Published InNorth Carolina __ - JL JL I Ht'MiM JJ "The Watchman Carries a Summary of ^All The TSlgws” BOUNDED 1832—100TH YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1933 'i " VOL. 100 NO. 43 PRiCE 2 CENTS New Grants In Public Works Bill 500 Million Goes To Cities Loan Feature Is Supplanted By Direct Grants May or Hedrick Will Present Matter To Council Application May Be Made By City Council To State Board Additional funds for local high way, relief and construction work for the city of Salisbury may be obtained in the near future if the plans of Mayor B. V. Hearick and the city council, now underway, will be submitted city council at its Friday meeting in all probability. It is believed application will be made for funds for Salisbury by the council. Under the plan of the bill, ac cording to the information receiv ed by Mayor Hedrick, any city may obtain funds under this bill for construction work if applica tion is made in due time. "Municipalities,’’ Mayor Hedrick explained, "are assured of continu ed financial assistance to meet the serious relief needs under the new federal act just signed by the presi dent. The act sets up a fund of & 5 00,000,000 to be allotted to the states on a direct grant and not on a loan basis. No bonds have to be issued by municipalities or states for collateral in order to se cure these funds. "There is now no reason why any municipality in the United States requiring assistance not get ting funds Applications must be made to the duly constituted1 state relief authorities,” the Mayor stat ed. The funds shall be available on July 1, 193 3 and shall remain available until expended. No part of the funds apportioned to any state need be matched by the state, under the terms of the law. Briefly, the bill provides and authorizes grants and loans to municipalities for: (1) All types of construction projects. (2) Municipal utilities. (3) Housing and slum clear ance. For this work the president is authorized to make direct grants for the cost of materials and labor. Also, a large amount of the fund is made available for highway “work. These funds can be used for: (1) Emergency construction on federal aid routes and extensions thereof in and through municipali ties. (2) Grade-crossing elimination. (3) Certain bridge construction. (4) Construction designed to make traffic clear. These funds will be under the control of the state highway de partment. All kinds of printing done prompt ly at The Carolina Watchman, 119 East Fisher St. !_ | UEWJQ BRIEFS BANKER TRIES SUICIDE Finally located by federal offic ers serving a warrant on charges of wrecking the Fifth Avenue bank bearing his name, Joseph W. Flar liman tried to commit suicide ir the remote Long Island inn at which he had sought refuge. Fit is expected to recover from a stafc over the heart. FRENCH STICK TO ARMY Distrusting the ready agreement of Hitler’s German government tc act in accord with the other pow ers in sharp reduction of armed forces, the Daladier government has decided1 to retain France’s army at its full strength. ADOPT MUSSOLINI PEACE PLAN France, England, Germany and Italy have agreed to the peace pact advanced by Mussolini, Italian dic tator. The pact guarantees a min imum of 10 years peace in Europe. DYNAMITE BLAST KILLS 7 A stick of dynamite exploded on a lumberman’s skiff on Lake iCreux, 60 miles from (Quebec, jCaaada, kilkag SCTe»-umb juring one^ TO DIE FOR HOLDUP MURDER John L. Edwards, 17, negro, was sentenced in Charlotte to die in the electric chair on July 7 for the February 11 murder of J. W. Brown, street car conductor. $607,000 DIVIDEND PAID A 15 per cent dividend of S607, 000 is being distributed to 6,3 00 depositors in the closed tcmmer cial National bank, High Point, by the receiver. McNAIR DIES IN CHAIR David McNair, young Durham negro, died in the electric chair to pay for the murder of Mrs. J. W. McCown, Greensboro, in an at tempted filling station holdup. Just before taking his seat he con fessed his guilt. ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS HIS BROTHER Thomas Renn, nine, playing with a shotgun at the home near Henderson, S. C., did not know the gun was loaded. He inserted a marble in the barrel, aimed at his brother, Clyde, three, and fired, shot through the abdomen, the small boy died instantly. ——— I VICTIM OF ROCK CRUSHER ! Dragged into a pulley after His hand had caught in a belt, Robert j Enloe, 25, Macon county, was j beaten to death by the revolving j wheel of a highway rock crusher eight miles west of Franklin. YOUNG KILLER SENTENCED Ffarry Murch, 15, was sentenced in a New York court to serve 20 years to life in Sing Sing prison for tying William Bender, 12, to a chair and stabbing him to death. STATE GARDEN CLUB MEETS The Garden Club of North Carolina met in annual sessions at Greensboro last week and named Mrs. Wesley Taylor, that city, as president. The club favors a state garden center at Raleigh. FIRST TAR HEEL BREWERY Incorporation has been made in Charlotte of the state’s’ first brew ery to manufacture 3.2 beer under provisions of the national and state acts legalizing the beverage. Or ganization of other brewing con Icerns is forecast. r-—•-- i——+—r~r: • ■■ ! r —-rr--;--—i Champion High School Orators of U. S. I Here are the' four champion high school orators of the United States for 1933, crowned at the national meet at Wooster, 0. No. 1, Caryl Arnold, Grand Rapids, Mich, (humorous) ; No. 2, Harold Stark, Granite City, 111. (oratorical) ; No. 3, Gene Davis, Cicero, 111. (original oratory) ; No. 4, Robert Dunham, Sioux Falls, S. D. (extempore). I .-■-.-1 | Displeased Rockefellers Diego Rivera, celebrated Mexican mural painter, whose work was halted and payment made in full for the fresco he was working on in Rocke feller Center, R.C.A. building. The Rockefeller family objected to the portraying of Lenin and red hags in the mural. To Dine at White House Mrs. Pattie Willis South, 80 years old, Nieholasville, Ky., wrote Mrs. Roosevelt that she had always wanted to eat a meal in the White House, “if only bread and milk. Mrs. Roosevelt wrote Mrs South that she would be welcomed to dine with her when she came to Washington. Schmeling and Dempsey Jack Dempsey, promoter of the heavyweight battle between Max Schmeling, Germany, and Max Baer, California, at New York, June 8, has been a frequent visitor to Schmeling’s training camp as pic tured here with the German battler. Prison for Boy Despite a highly emotional trial a jury of twelve married men returned a verdict of murder in the second degree against Harry Murch, 16-yeax old N. Y. school boy for stabbing a 12-year-old playmate to death. The penalty is 20 years to life imprison ment. Says Repeal To Cut Taxes Farley Warns Of Higher Rate Incomes To Be Levied On More Heavily If Dry Law Stays, He Declares The Roosevelt administration this week gave a shoulder push to the movement for repeal, with Postmaster General Farley declar ing that, unless the eighteenth a mandment is written off the books, every income taxpayer will have to hand the government $6 to $10 out of every $100 he earns this year. In the matter of increased taxes, word came directly from the White House that President Roose velt intends automatically to end the far-reaching new levies now under consideration in the house as soon as the eighteenth amendment is repealed. Farley’s words came during a disclosure made that the full weight of the administration would be thrown behind the movement to ratify the prohibition repeal a mendment through the writing of letter to Democratic workers throughout the nation, urging such a step. The postmaster general, wiho is chairman of the Democratic na tional committee and chief dis penser of patronage, pointed out that, under the pending public works-industrial control bill, in come taxes would be boosted from 4 to 6 per cent on incomes up to $4,000 and from 8 to 10 per cent on all above $4,000. - | ACREAGE REDUCTION CHIEF Chester Davis, Montanan, has been appointed production admin istrator to direct the federal agri culture department’s colossal task of securing sharp acreage reduction in the basic crops. He will work through farmer organizations by state and counties. APRIL FIRE LOSS DROPS A fire loss of only $254,490 was incurred in the state in April as compared with $491,722 in April, 1932. There were 177 fires report ed to the state insurance commis sioner. DODD IS BAPTIST PRESIDENT Dr. M. E. Dodu, Shreveport, La., was elected president of the South ern Baptist convention. The con vention went on record as opposed to the sale of beer or the repeal of the 18 th amendment. PHONE RATE CUT DRAWS PROTEST Any material reductions in tele phone rates would result in reduc ing earnings to the point where it will be impossible to meet operat ing costs and fixed charges, official of the Southern Bell Telephone anc Telegraph company told the cor poration commission in a confer ence in Raleigh this week. The conference was one of a se ries which the commission has helc with telephone companies operating in this state, the object being to se cure voluntary rate reductions fot North Carolina subscribers. All companies, with the excep tion of the Hickory Telephons Company, have conferred with th< commission. Some of them, Cor poration Commisioner Stanley Wine borne said, have agreed to j slight reductions, while others have | not made any agreements. | The Hickory conference origin jally was scheduled for this week, but the date has been changed to June 6, Commission Clerk R. O. Self said. Self said the commission now had such a large amount of data before it that it wished some time in which to review briefs pre | sen ted by other companies. | The commission also has before lit briefs filed by telephone com I panies protesting a proposed order j which would limit the amounts set I aside for depreciation. GOOD MORNING Little bankroll, ere we part, Let me hug you to my heart; All the year I’ve clung to you, You’ve been faithful; you’ve been true, Little bankroll, before long You are going for dance and song, A cabaret, some pleasant spot— And I’ll come back you will not! THE GENT who said figures never lie must have forgotten a bout the shop-window dummies. Salty—Unmarried? Sweety—Yes, twice. "What is the idea of the crowd at the church?” "An ice man confessing his sins.” WE DON’T hang people by thumbs, nowadays, but just the same a lot of motorists are held up by them. A STORE advertises "Special al teration department for ladies.” And no doubt some of them need it badly. r THE GENT who said truth i; stranger than fiction hadn’t read any of the modern stuff. Dumb—"Hey, you’re sitting on some jokes I cut out.’’ Bell—"I thought I felt some thing funny.” MUSSOLINI has urged Italian women to cultivate full figures. Over here we are only inflating the currency. Heir—"Do you like romantic old ruins?” Heiress—"If they’d stop asking to marry me.” A MISSOURI MAN WHO is suing for divorce complains that his wife kissed him only when she wanted money, but who could put up with so much kissing as that? "Father,” said the small boy, "what is a pork barrel?’’ "My son, you are entirely too inquisitive.” "Don’t you know?” "Only in a general way. It’s an institution, more or less mythical, to enable a Congressman to show his folks that he can bring home the bacon.” A Northern tourist got off a train in Arkansas to get a better view of an animal that was rub bing itself against a sqrub ofak. "What kind of an animal is that?” he asked of a native. "It’s a razor-back haw'g, suh,” answered the native. "What’s he rubbing himself a gainst the tree for?” pursued the tourist. The native replied: "He’s strop pin’ hisself—jes’ stroppin’ hisself, suh.” The mother had been telling lit tle Bobbie the story of creation— how the Lord made Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs. The child was greatly impressed with what he heard. A few days later Bobbie felt a pain in his side, and began to cry dismally. His mother asked him what the matter was. Little Bobbie between sobs, whimpered: "I be lieve I’m going to have a wife.” "This tonic is no good.” "What’s the matter?” "All the directions it gives are for adults and I never had them.’’ SOME PEOPLE aim high but never pull the trigger. KMGreeson Loses Life In Local Lake Victim Member Junior Class Succumbs While Swimming In Goodman Lake Father Arrives From Home In W hit sett Catawba Shocked And Grieved Over Tragedy Kecil Monroe Greeson, jun ior at Catawba college, was drowned Thursday afternoon around 4 o’clock in Good man’s Lake about five miles out on the Bringles Ferry road. Fie lost his life as he attempt ed to swim across a stretch of back water of the Yadkin river. Rescue crews recovered the body several hours later. All efforts to resuscitate the unfortunate youth were futile. His father arrived in the city last night and the body will be taken to Whitsett, Guilford coun ty, N. C., for burial. No funeral arrangements had been made last night. Kell Hollar and several friends from Faith had gone to Goodman’s Lake with the young man and were swimming near the bridge, when Greeson went down in about H or 20 feet of water and his body fail ed to return to the surface. Dr. Howard Omwake, president of Catawba, as well as the entire student body were shocked and saddened by the tragedy. Dr. Omwake described Greeson as being a most wonderful young man, excelling in his studies and one of the most popular students in college. Young Greeson took his fresh man work here three years ago. Last year he completed the sopho more requirements at Elon College, returning to Catawba for his third and junior year which he had just completed this week. oreeson, it is stated, togetner with several of his friends went to Goodman’s Lake to swim and find relief from the terrific heat which visited this, community Thursday. They had1 been swimming close to the bridge for some time and Greeson started to swim across the back water and went down. His body had been in the lake for about two hours before the res cue parties could be properly or ganized with instruments for locat ing the bodv. How«ever,. after once underway, the body was recovered in 1J or 20 minutes close to the place where it had gone under. His death cast a pall of sorrow over the entire faculty and student body at Catawba College. The bodv was taken to Summer sett Funeral home awaiting rhe ar rival of the young man’s father. Memorial Services Sunday P. M. Annual memorial services will be held in the Capitol theatre Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock by the Samuel C. Hart post of the A merican Legion. The Rev. Marshall Woodson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will deliver the main ad dress.