The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina The Carolina Watchman r "The Watchman Carries a Summary of cAll The News” —-— •— —■ ■ . - _ - - ■ ' —— - - -. _ . ^ ... ~~— ~ BOUNDED 1S32—100TH YEAR 9 SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1933 VOL. mo NO. 44 PRICE 2 CENTS . — O "" '— - - ■ — ■ i ii - ■ Hoey Lit Line To Make Governor’s Race Cotton Holders Jubilant As Prices Go Up No Denial Shelby Man Talked For Candidacy In Next Contest The long, iron-gray locks Clyde H. Hoey, North Carolina’s most prominent private citizen, began to wave yesterday in the political breezes which blew in this terri tory. The rumor that he was to be a 1956 gubernatorial candidate was one of those which had horse power and created a real impres sion among the forward-looking politicians. Asked about it on the telephone Mr. Hoey wouldn’t say yes and he wouldn’t say nay, and allowed as how it would be a long dry spell if it didn’t rain soon. whether the golaen-voiced Shel bian, whose eloquence has rallied North Carolina to the Democratic banner year in and year out for a long while, finally contemplates seeking- elective cffic-e was one of those political mysteries which only time will unfold. At any rate, he didn’t deny anything. Something political out of Shel by has been anticipated by politi- ] cians for weeks. Whether it wrould be former Governor Max Gardner! making plans for Senator Bob] Reynolds’ scalp in 193 8 or Mr.j Hcev’s conceding to the more than^ welcoming invitation of the elec torate to ask for some big office was in speculation, when the grape-j vine telegraph began to make noises) indicating that Mr. Hoey was' thinking of running for governor] —perhaps was definitely planning! to do so. | Already large numbers are can-! didates-in the active or formative j stage, including Senator Hayden Clement, Major. R. G. Cherry J Gastonia; former Judge Tam C. j Bowie, West Jefferson; Judge Wil-I son Warlick, Newton; former Judge Tom Johnson, Asheville;' State Highway Chairman E. B. | Jeffress, Greensboro; Lieut. Gov.] ’’Sandy” Graham, and, perhaps,) others. The campaign will not begin ini anything like an organized way] until after next year’s election, but the foundations already are being laid and long before the pub lic campaign begins the political leaders will be taking sides and lin ing up for the fray. AUTO DEATH TOLL GROWS Dr. William J. McGlothlin, 65, president of Furman university,; died in a Gastonia hospital from injuries suffered in an auto collision; near King’s Mountain. Mrs. Mc-j Glothlin and E. A. McCann, of j Charlotte, died shortly after the wreck. ~ Near Henderson, Sunday morn ing, Mrs. Flora Stutts, 30, was in stantly killed and Cecil Radcliffe,1 16, fatally hurt when the Stutts; machine left the highway, struck a] tree, and caught fire. On Saturday afternoon, three miles east of Statesville, R. L. Jones, 30, was killed when his car left the road and overturned. STATE GETS MORE CAMPS ! The number of forestation camps authorized for North Caro-j lina has been increased by 15 to make a total of 26 camps to be shortly opened. Four more will be authorized. Six of the camps will be in the east, five in the piedmont and the rest in the western part of the state on national forest land. Mitchell Leaving Court Charles L. Mitchell, former chair man of the National City Bank of New York, photographed as he was leaving court during the last days of his trail. He was charged with fraud ulent actions to evade payment of more than $850,000 in income taxes. NEWS BRIEFS 10 PRISONERS PAROLED Among 10 state prisoners grant ;ci paroles by Governor Ehringhaus on Friday was Velccr Chapman, Alexander county mm, who in 192S was given 15 to 20 years for second degree murder. Also parol ed was Maybelle Windley, Johnston co.rnty, an expectant mother. ASHEVILLE MAN KILLS SELL Despondent over sickness, Frank j A. Fanning, 76, killed himself with: a shotgun charge in his boarding room at Asheville. PITTSBORO BOY DROWNS | Sidney Jones, 19, Pitt F>‘ro,j drowned in Haw river a mile north of Moncure. Trying to swim the river, Jones became exhau.ted in mid-stream. PRESBYTERIAN MEET The general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States opened last week at Mon treat with election of Dr. Ernest Thompson, Charleston, W. Va., as moderator and re-election of Dr. J. D. Leslie, Dallas, Texas, as stated clerk. N. C. DRY FORCES ALIGNED A small group of prohibition leaders in North Carolina met in Raleigh, May 25, to elect Dr. Wil liam L. Poteat president of a state unit of the United Dry Forces to lead the fight to prevent this state voting for repeal of the 18th a mendment on November 7. STEAMER SINKS, 118 SAVED The lake steamer George M. Cox hit a rock reef in Lake Superior and sank, but the 118 passengers were all saved and were brought to Floughton, Mich., after a night on the reef. SEEK TEXTILE UNIONIZA TION The United Textile Workers, an affiliate of the American Federation of Labor, is to open a general effort to unionize the labor in southern textile mills, says John Peel, south ern organizer, calling an organiza tion meeting at Rock Hill, on June 4. BENSON MAN WINS PRIZE Hunter Johnson, of Benson, music instructor at the University of Michigan, has been awarded the coveted prize of the $5,000 Juil lard fellowship at the American academy in Rome. The award is based on merit of musical com positions. New Motor Car Laws Reviewed By Motor Club All Automobile Activities Placed Under One Agency System For Licensing Trucks Changed By Recent General Assembly Consolidation of all motor vehi cle activities under one executive was the outstanding automotive legislative accomplishment of the North -Carolina General Assembly, according to officials of the Caro lina Motor club, which advocated that action over a period of four years. The decision to issue license plates for six month intervals in stead of a full year was the prin cipal enactment affecting motorists at the long session of South Caro lina legislature, motor club leaders said. Control or the state highway patrol was transferred from the highway commission to the revenue department in North Carolina, while this department was also given charge of the gasoline and oil inspection formerly assigned to the department of agriculture. The legislation provided that all motor vehicle activites be. administered by a deputy motor vehicle com mission. The consolidation act will become effective July 1. The legislators also voted to change the system for licensing trucks from a chassis weight and load basis to a manufacturer’s gross weight capacity plan. Details of the new licensing plan will be an nounced by L. S. Harris, director of motor vehicles, prior to July 1 when the change is effective. Statutes of interest to North Carolina motorists include: Provision that all for hire, fran chise and bus tax, approximately $150,000 annually, go to the high way fund instead of the general fund as heretofore. Permit trucks and buses operat ed by orphanages and churches to be licensed for $1. Reduction of license fees for trailers up to one-half ton capacity which are propelled by a passenger car, to $2. Only one trailer, instead of two, is now legal and the highway commission was authorized to de signate roads which may be travel ed by light motor vehicles. Plates on vehicles sold by ad ministrators may be transferred to purchaser upon certain conditions, whereas formerly they were can celled upon death of the owner. Personnel of the field staff of in spectors of the theft bureau was ordeded decreased from 16 to six miles while the personnel of the state highway patrol, numbering 67, was not changed. The governor was authorized to Continued on page eight HILL IS PORT COLLECTOR John Bright Hill, Wilmington, manager for Senator R. R. Rey nolds in the primary last year has been named by the president as col lector of customs at the port of Wilmington. GANGSTERS KILL INNOCENTS Two women and a man, inno cent pedestrians on Broadway, were mowed down by gunland' slugs when two carloads of hoodlums poured shotgun slugs into a third car. VICTIM OF ACCIDENTAL FALL An accidental fall from a third story window in a Charlotte hotel, was fatal to Joe Tyson, 25, Rock ingham. First of New Cro|> There will be many more to follow before bleak October winds blow, but here is the first bathing beauty winner of the 1933 season. She is Miss Laura Hover, of Santa Monica, Calif., who annexed a beautiful cup her first time out in a bathing beauty parade at Deanville Club at Santa Monica. Tom Mooney Today Tom Mooney, after serving years in San Quentin prison, saw his first “outside” sunshine a few days ago, as shown here, when taken to San Francisco to be tried on an old mur der indictment. Muscle Shoals Boss 1 mi 111— imiT Arthur E. Morgan, president of Antioch College in Ohio, is the man selected by President Roosevelt as chairman of the Tennessee Valley Development project. Mr. Morgan first gained national attention in flood control work in North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and )hio. He gave up engineering to i ,;ead Antioch Colitgj in,1920. Levies On Beer Help Increase State Revenue _ I Collections Total $520,052 In Single Month Highway Revenue For May Also Shows Big Gain Over Same Month Of Last Year Bolstered by beer taxes, North Carolina’s revenue collections for May more than doubled receipts for the same month last year, Commissioner A. J. Maxwell re ported. General fund collections total ed $520.052.9S as compared with $240,514.31 in May, 1932. Col lections for the 11 months of the! 1932-3 3 fiscal year, however, re mained approximately $2,000,000 behind receipts for the same period in 1931-32. Eleven months col lections this year totaled $13,832, 565, compared with $15,514, 235.32 in 1931-32. Beer revenue tor May, the hrst month of legalization in this state, amounted to $5 5,626.24. However, only $25,088.24 was shown in the reports as Maxwell explained that ■in many cases beer licenses to re tailers had been withheld pending record evidence of issuance of local licenses, and licenses to many wholesalers had been withheld! pending completion of supplying bond as required under the law. Wholesalers of beer, the report showed, paid $24,100; retail deal ers, $22,546; sales, $2,300 and train dealers $100. The beer sales tax, $3 per keg or one cent a bot tle, had netted $6,5 80.24, but the revenue commission said this re port was not' complete as distribu tors have until the tenth day of the following month to pay the tax. Maxwell forwarded letters to deputy commissioners instructing them to strictly enforce beer rev enue regulations. An increase in highway revenue! also was shown in the tax report, collections for May, 1933, totalling $1,280,915.35 as compared with $1,211,335.96 in May of last year, a gain of $69,579.39. For the 11 months of the cur rent fiscal year, highway receipts were reported at $17,863,206.32, a decrease of $1,439,301.81 as com pared with the $19,302,508.13 collected in the same period of 1931-32. FRANCE MUST PAY DEBT It was revealed last week that President Roosevelt informed Edouard Herriot, when he was in Washington as special French re presentative, that France must pay the defaulted $19,000,000 in war debt interest and also the install ment due June 15 before the Unit ed States will consider revision of the war debt as a whole. VIRGINIA EDUCATOR , SUICIDE Thomas H. Russell, 5 3, president of the Staunton Military aca Jemv, Staunton, Va., killed himself in Philadelphia by plunging from the window of a hospital where he was taking mental treatments. COLUMBIA-PERU PEACE At a league of nations council last week, Peru and' Columbia sign ed articles of peace to end their war over a boundary dispute. The league will send a commission to fix the true boundary. KIDNAPER BECOMES INSANE Kenneth Buck, confessed kid naper of Margaret McMath, 10, from a Harwich, Mass., school on May 2, became violent in his cell, and was removed to the state hospi-, tal for the criminal Insane. ' Sidney H. Levy, 17, Buffalo, N. Y. highschool student, is the winner of the 7th annual national contest on “The League of Nations”. 8,000 students from 1,366 schools in 48 states competed. His reward is a trip to Geneva, Switzerland this summer. MAKING SHORT STORY LONG "Any news?” "Yes, I’m married.” "Hm; that’s fine.” "Not so. I don’t get along with ^'TooTad” *&&&&& "Not so. She’s got a lot of mon ey.’’ "Hm; that’s fine.” "Not so. I don’t get any of it.” "Too bad.” "Not so. She built a house.” "Hm; that’s fine.” "Not so. The house burned down.’’ "Too bad.” "Not so. My wife was in it.” — THE TROUBLE with so many of us is we persist in striking while the head is hot. "Is your son’s education at col lege of any real value?” "Oh, yes indeed. It has entirely cured his mother from bragging about him.” BILL’S BORING BOARD BILL Bill had a billboard, Bill also had a board bill. The board bill Bill had bored Bill, So that Bill sold his billboard To pay his board bill. So after Bill sold his billboard To pay his board bill the board bill No longer bored Bill. AN UNAVOIDABLE accident, as we understand it, is anything that happens to a pedestrian. "Are you a doctor?” the sweet young thing asked of the youth at the soda counter. "No,” he replied, "I’m- a fizzi cian.” "SAYS ICE AGE ended 8,5 00 pears ago’’—headline. That gent ought to take a look at some assets. _ I Little Mary was on a visit to her| grandparents, and the old-fashioned | grandfather clock in the hall was! a source of wonderment to her. While she was standing before it her grandmother said to her from the next room: "Is the clock running, dear?” "No, ma’am,” promptly replied Mary, "it’s just standing still and wagging its tail.” Mother—Fredrick, why is it that you and your sister are al ways spatting? Fredrick—I don’t know, moth er, unless it is that I take after Daddy and she takes after you. i IF NATIONS MUST come to blows, why not limit them to brag ging contests? Staple Is Reaching New Level Farmers Believe The Prices Will Con tinue To Soar i Cotton farmers, cotton brokers, and holders of cotton the country over, figuratively have joined hands and danced to the tune of "Happy Days Are Here Again” while they watched the cotton market creep up. It was the highest point for the staple since last August, and the rise in price means many thousands of added dcjllars for the .south. Every farmer who has a bale in his garage instead of a flivver every warehouse man, every broker, and practically everyone who deals in cotton, was better off as a result of the market rise. Ihere is still much cotton being held. With every prospect of its going to 10 cents before many mot ttmti&mi hair trying^ S it. It may go a good deal higher. Local experts yesterday would not hazard a guess as to its destination, saying that Uncle Sam’s once fam iliar and tractable dollar is on a big spree. The dollar’s didoes have much to do with the fortunes of the fleecy staple. The government report of last August 8 sent prices flying up sev eral cents a pound to about nine and a half cents. But from then on, with dumping of carry-overs and increased crop prospects, the price went steadily down. Last December the New York Cotton Exchange recorded a price of around five cents for immediate delivery, the lowest point ever reached. Since then it has gone up slowly, jumping a little when F D. R. took the oath of office. Inflationary measures by the government are' behind much of the present rise. The present in dications are that the crop in the two Carolinas and over much of the country is one of the best in the last five years or more. 17 DAMS IN THIS STATE A total of 17 storage dams on Carolina streams feeding into the Tennessee river is planned . in. the federal project for developing the Tennessee valley. The largest will be on the French Broad river be tween Hominy and Bent creeks with a lake covering 78 square miles. SANFORD BOY DROWNS The first of a party of Sanford bathers to enter Morris pond, nine miles south of Sanford, John A. Bryant, 17, got into water over his head and drowned before help could reach him. KIDNAPERS GET $30,000 City Manager McElroy, of Kan sas City, Mo., paid $30,000 to two kidnapers and affected the release of his daughter, 2$, who was forc ed at pistol-point to leave the Mc Elroy home on Saturday. K. OF C. STATE MEETING George Carey, Charlotte, was made state deputy and Asheville was chosen 1934 meeting city by the Knights of Columbus end', g the 1933 convention in Wilming ton.