The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina ' Carolina Watchman i "The Watchman Carries a Summary of c.All The TSlgws” : OUNDED 1832—100TH YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1933 VOL. 100 NO. 45 PRICF 2 CENTS No Beer Cases In Court First Month N. Y; Syndicate Leases Gold Hill Mines Wilkes Co." | Corn Tops Rum List 27 Defendants Tried On Bootleg Charges During May The records of the Rowan County Court for the month of May strongly indicate that the modification of the State Prohibi tion Laws, legalizing thj sale of 3.2 beer, has had no effect, one way or another, on public drunk enness. There was not a single case before the Court during the month which traced its origin to the new legalized brew. The drunks, as of old, seem to have re lied upon Wilkes County corq liquor for the necessary kick. Comparing the records with May, 1932, there was a difference; of only two cases in public drunk-1 enness. In May, of this year, the | court records reveal 3 8 persons '• -ycharged with being drunk and dis lo refer Iv, while there were 36 so charged In May, 1932. One day early in the month, a defendant appeared before the Court and plead guilty to the charge of public drunkenness. Questioned by His Honor as to what he had been drinking, he re plied, "beer.” The Court asked him the brand aijd where he had secured it. The defendant then admitted that it wasn’t any legal hrand, but that he had consumed a couple of bottles of "home brew” made by a friend. He was then asked if he had had anything else to drink with it. His reply was,‘ "No, sir, nothing except a couple drinks of liquor.” During the month ,the local of ficers were successful in running down and1 convicting many who were engaged in the illicit liquor traffic. Twenty-seven persons were tried before the Court for engag ing in the bootleg traffic. Several automobiles were seized containing liquor and have been ordered con fiscated and sold. From an ex amination of the county court re cords May was a bad month for the bootleg trade in Rowan. The docket for the month con tained the following indictments: Public drunkenness _ 38 Violation Prohibition laws 27 Assault with deadly weapon 20 Larceny and receiving _ 12 Motor law violations _ 11 Driving while drunk .. 9 Simple assault . 5 Trespass _ 5 Vagrancy _ 4 Speeding _ 4 Carrying concealed weapon 2 Reckless driving _ 2 Forcible trespass _ 2 Prison escape _ 2 Illegal train riding __ 1 Burglary _ 1 Highway robbery _ 1 Breaking and entering _ 1 Violation city ordinance _ 1 Non-suppclrt ... 1 Beating board bill _ 1 Slot machine violation _ 1 Total for month ..151 cases. KILLS WIFE AND SELF Dr. Thomas W. Deyton, 3 8, Spruce Pine dentist, shot and' killed his wife and himself in a bedroom of their home. Poor health is said to have caused mental derange ment. On the same morning the body; of Miss Mary Johnson, a hospital i bookkeeper, was found dead in her! room at the nurses home, Wilson.] She had shot herself with a pistol.] GOOD * MORNING A READER TELLS US that since The Watchman has been giving away a knife free with each subscription there’s been a lot of cuttin’ up in his part of the county. Four ambitious Salisbury youths were seen yesterday pushing the well known collegiate knockdown car along Main Street, with the fellowng inscription on the back: "She’s getting old but she still gets hot.” MODERNIZED VERSION To The Editor: I have mailed a lecter to the President inclosing the following modernized version of the Twen ty-third Psalm. —U. I . Roosevelt is my leader; there fore I can lack nothing. He shall feed me with goof and plenty, and shall give me drinks cf comfort. He shall convert me to his side, and bring me into the pa^hs of righteousness, thought not for his own sake Though I walk through the val ley of the shadow of depression, I fear no evil; for he is with me; his Cabinet and Congress comfort me. He shall pass a bill for me in the face of those who trouble me; he shall make the banks sound, and my cup cf happiness shall be over flowing. Surely goodness, loving kind ness, and mercy shall follow him all the days of his life; and I shall dwell in my own house through out his administration. THE GREENBACK When the greenbacks back, When the greenbacks back, I don’t care what’s behind it When the greenback’s back. It may be gold or silver, It may be brass or tin. It may be bootleg liquor, It may be modern gin, But give me back the greenback That I had long, long ago; I won’t ask what is back of it, I don’t even want to know. Just give me back the greenbacks that Morgan’s got todav, And I’ll fold my tent like the Arabs and as silently steal away. THE TROUBLE with a self made man is he usually tires before he finishes the attic. HE KNEW WHEN "The time will come,” shouted the speaker, "when women will get men’s wages.” "Yeah,” said the little man in the corner, "next Saturday night ” OPTIMISTS can’t be so very scarce. Just look how many beauty shoppes there are! REMORSE Oh, woman!—in my hours of ease, I spent my last red cent to please; I can’t remember where we went; I only know my dough’s all spent; A headache parks upon my brow— I wonder where that dame is now? THE ACROBATIC cheer lead ers are in luck. They will get out of college in time to keep the crows out of the cornfields. PEACEMAKER "I once ran a mile to keep two fellows from fighting.” "Did you succeed in preventing the fight?” "Oh, yes—he couldn’t catch me.” YOU CAN’T judge the value of a head by the price of the hat on it. F~\C A M E R A S B A P II S -I - V. ^ ^ _ Reading Time : 3 minutes, 10 seconds AMONG THE WONDERS being re vealed at the “World’s Fair” is an ar- ’ ray of revolutionary indoor weather making products which will enable man kind to enjoy ideal indoor weather re gardless of outside temperature and humidity. Grace Anderson is shown dialing for her favorite variety of weather. Summer, on the “Dial of the Seasons” in the luxurious “Garden of Comfort” of the American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation at the , Century of Progress, Chicago. 4 i#THREE IMPORTANT FIGURES in London's recent economic conference. V Left to right, Dino Grande of Italy, Norman Davis, representing the Uni %:} ted States, and von Hoeschi of Gcr many. This meeting of eight powers discussed terms of the British Ameri ca*. can tariff truce. B ORGAN, world famous financier and (left) in consultation with a partner, Lamont, and with his attorney, f, Davis (center) on the occasion of ppearance before the Senate Stock Investigating Committee in Washing* A GRACEFUL SPRING TIME DANCE borrowed from ancient Greece, be ing performed by that lovely brunette of the ■Creen, Jean Parker. MRS. EUGENE TALMADGE, Wife of fl the Governor of Georgia, owes to her I marvelous Jams and Jellies a large share of her reputation as one of the South’s best cooks. Making Jam and Jelly the modern way by the short boil method / and the addition of bottled fruit pectin fij it is estimated that 20 million other £ women will also triumph over Jelly-mak ing difficulties this summer. C / ELLSWORTH VINES, Cali. r fornian tennis star exhibit* inn some of the skill which recently won him victory i» the recent Davis Cup single* and gave the U. S. a lead Ms this tennis dasyic. Over Quarter Million Taxes Are Collected On 1932 Tax Levy — Collection of a total of $270, 708.03 in 1932 taxes to date was reported this week by J E. Haynes, county auditor. There still remains uncollected the sum of $176,569.23 in 1 '3'* taxes out of a total levy of $447, 277.26 for last yarr. Of the sum collected, $137, 677.95 has been paid into the audi tor’s office while $133,03 0 has been collected by the sheriff’s office. Collections so far represent a decline of between 15 or 20 per cent under last year’s payments, for a similar period. Within the next 30 days tax col lections are expected to increase a bout 30 or 40 per cent as a num ber of large tax payers, including the Southern Railway Company, will pay their taxes. Officials are expecting a heavy tax payments also during July and August and believe 30 to 60 per cent of the outstanding unpaid taxes will be cleared up during that period of time. MARAUDER IS CAPTURED Frank Sawyer one of 11 con victs who escaped last week from the Kansas penitentiary, was cap tured in a gun battle, near Chicka sha, Okla., after he had terrorized the countryside in compelling no less than 10 persons to accompany him in commandeered automobiles 'SWALLOWS BUTTON, DIES j St. Louis.—Freddie Wayne Lak jey, 2 years old, died at City hospi | tal as the result of swallowing a | button the size of a quarter. The button lodged in the esophagus a -d I efforts to remove it with a b/on jchoscope were unsuccessful. I LOCKED IN ROOM, DIES j Birmingham, Ala.—Police re ! ported that John A. Vance, 81 vear-old recluse, died from the ef fects of privations suffered when locked in hs tenement room for 36 hours by a landlord who thought he was away at the time. j IS SHOT BY HUSBAND Mrs. J. L. Dalton, wounded by three shots fired by her husband at Hendersonville on May 28, died Sunday of her injuries. Dalton is held for murder. $50,000,000 TO CHINA The Reconstruction Finance corporation has loaned $5 0,000, 000 to the Chinese Nationalist government for use in buying A merican cotton and wheat. ORDERS 12 NORTH CARO LINA CAMPS President Roosevelt last week or dered the opening of 12 addition al forestry camps in North Caro lina, 200 men to be stationed at each of them located on private lands in Moore, Stokes, Yadkin, Durham, Burke, Wilson, Bertie, Edegcombe, Rutherford and Cum berland counties. A state land camp will be opened in Hyde county. Baer Whips German Champ In 1 Oth Round Max Baer won a technical I knockout over Max Schmeling in the 10th round of their fight in the Yankee stadium last night in New York. Aggressive throughout the en tire fight Baer administered a severe beating to the German fighter, former champion of the world’s heavyweights. Seven of the ten rounds were awarded to Baer. Schmeling was knocked down in| the 7th and 10th rounds. In the 10th round the referee awarded the fight to Baer to save the ripped German fighter from further pun ishment. A record crowd of 65,000 wit nessed the fight. The match was promoted by Jack Dempsey, former iwotrld heavyweight champion. Baer’s victory came as a com plete surprise in fight circles, bet ting being three to one in favor of the former German champion. —-I NEWS BRIEFS TWO-CENT POSTAGE RATE Postmaster Genral James A. Farley sees in increased postal re ceipts the early return of lower postage on first-class mail. He says a two-cent rate will be an eventuality within the next few days. ASLEEP ON RUNNING BOARD A curious crowd at Canton, Ohio, surprised the father of two year old Alvin Miller, who had "gone to sleep” on the running board of a car and took the seven mile trip without being awakened or injured, when they directed his attention to the sleeping child. GIRL BITTEN BY MAD CAT Miss Margaret, 14-year old daughter of Mr. and’ Mrs. B. E. Summerlin of Duplin county, is taking treatment under a Mt. Ol ive physician after having been bit ten by a cat whose head was sent to Raleigh for examination and pronounced possessed with rabies. DURHAM BANKERS ARE sentenced i Baxter Eric Copeland, assistant cashier of the defunct First National Bank of Durham, were convicted of em bezzlement and falsifying accounts and both sentenced to serve two years in the federal prison at At lanta. Copeland gave notice of ap peal. RECOVERS PART OF RANSOM MONEY A gang of eight suspects in the kidnaping case of Miss Mary Mc Elroy of Kansas City have been indicted and six of the number are in custody. Two others are being sought, after recovery of $13,000 of the $30,000 paid the kidnapers by City Manager H. F. McElroy for return of his daughter. PRINCE WEDS COMMONER Former Prince Wilhelm of Prus sia, in line for the German throne and contrary to hallowed Hohen zollern traditions, was wed Satur day to Dorothea von Salviati, a 2 5-year-old girl of "unequal” birth. The marriage came as a shock to the grandfather, former Kaiser Wilhelm, who requested members of the royal family to stay away from the wedding. STATE NOTES GET LOWER RATES A total of $5,675,000 in notes maturing June 15, has been renew ed by the state of North Carolina in New York at an interest rate of five per cent, a reduction of one per cent. Governor Ehringhaus ex pressed the opinion upon his return thait a still greater reduction will be secured at the end of the 60-day period. HELD FOR OFFICER’S DEATH Glenn Walsh, 24, Wilkes county is held on a charge of murdering Policeman James Grayson, 22, at Wilkesboro June 1. Grayson, in formed that Walsh and a compan-| ion were drinking and had a pistol,] was shot twice as he approached! the two. ' Will Run Mines On Big Scale Test Mines Output For Period Of One Year Headed by two New York fin anciers a New York syndicate has obtained a lease on the Gold Hill Mines properties at Gold Hill, this county, and will begin imme diate operation of the mines, ac cording to H. H. Green, who has been in active charge of this work for the past several years. Casper O. Manz, of the Drake Hotel, New York, will be actively associated with the lessees while Mr. Green will be manager of the new organization and mine opera • tions. lhe lease is ror a period or one, year with and option for additional years if desired, it is understood terested financiers in giving the Gold Hill mines a year’s tryout, which, if the operations prove pro fitable, will be continued and en larged. If the proposition, at the expiration of the year’s lease, does not look good, these men will pocket their loss and the lease will not be renewed. The mining property will be equipped throughout with electri cal, modern machinery and many repairs made, it is stated. The Gold Hill mining properties consist of 900 acres in fee and mineral rights in 600 additional acres. Owners of the syndicate will come to Gold Hill the latter part of the month, it is stated. NAVY READY TO BUILD In event the disarmament con ference fails to reach agreement, the U. S. navy is ready to open a $230,000,000 program building 30 new warships as a part of the public works building plan. Reaches Stardom Miss Mari Colman, of Boston, 20 years old. and single, climbs the heights at- Hollywood by drawing the lead assignment in the next big fea ture picture that is to be featured by Cecil B. Tie Mille. Do You Know The Answer? Turn to back page for answers 1. Where is the City of Messina? 2. From whom did the U. S. pur chase Alaska? 3. Near what city in Palestine is the valley of Hinnom? 4. On what lake did Perry win his famous naval victory? 5. Where is Clinton State prison? 6. What is heliotherapy? 7. In Spanish-Atnerican coun tries what is Mestizo? 8. Which country exports the largest amount of tea? 9. Who was Giuseppe Toralli? 10. Name the Democratic candi date for President in 1924.

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