3give|£> the NEIGHBOR A JOB & Jen ^ AND ^ WITH THE MONEY YOU PAY HIM HE WILL BUY Food -clothing -dry goods SHOES -DRUGS-FURNITURE lumber-light- heat AND ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE ^ _ THIS WILL x. / > MAKE EMPLOYMENtY I FOR SALESMEN- \ 1 DELIVERY PEOPLE S CLERKS-MESSENSERS * And various Sorts of HELP THEN , BUSINESS CAN\ , ) BUY STOCKS-POWER ' .Payoff rfn interest * TAXES - MAKE IMPROVEMENTS And build 'V AND YOU WILL THEREBY HELP TO START OUR OLD Business World TURNING AGAIN AND-IN THE END YOU WILL BE PROFITED Or Do x Gas on Stomach and Sour Stomach make you Miserable? Too much food, or the wrong kind of food, too ' much smoking, too much |||~ beer, make your body over-acid. Then you HH have distress after eating, gas on stomach, heartburn, sour stomach. ALKA - SELTZER relieves these troubles promptly, effectively, harmlessly. - Use Alka-Seltzer for Headache, Colds, Fatigue, For “Morning After Feeling,” Muscular, Sciatic and colds Rheumatic Pains. neuralgia Alka-Seltzer makes a sparkling alkaline drink. As fatique it contains an analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate) it first Rhaumatta relieves the pain of everyday ailments and then by MauriUa restoring the alkaline balance corrects the cause Pariadia when due to excess acid. pains Alka-Seltzer tastes like carbonated mineral spring water—works like magic. Contains no dangerous •drugs....does not depress the heart....is not laxative. G«t a drink at your Drug Store Soda Fountain. Keep a package in your home medicine cabinet. State To Receive Huge Sum f orNew Const r’tion Work Federal Government To Advance $11,000,000 Under Recovery Measure _,_ North Carolina will receive a large amount of federal money under the terms of the Industrial Recovery act just passed by Con-, gress, in addition to about $11, 000,000 for state highways and the state’s part of the $50,000,000 in cluded for national forest and na tional park roads, Chairman E. B. Jeffress, of the State Highway and Public Works commission, announ ces. The present highway commis sion and the new highway and public works commission, which takes up the work July 1, will pro bably meet together to go over the federal provisions and to get ready immediately for new projects. A! ready contractors have been noti fied to resume several projects halt ed in March by order of President Roosevelt about the time of the banking holiday. Urging that the purchase of the Great Smoky Mountains" National park" area be completed as early as possible, Mr. Jeffress .said the,. arpount. of road funds for that,;area will depend upon how soon the land is acquir ed and turned 6kei“ to the govern f + Do You Know? * Photograph, Canadian National Railways That at Barrington, Nova Scotia, there still stands the old church shown above? It was known as The Meeting House and it was built in 1765 by the first English settlers who came to Barrington from Cape Cod and Nantucket in 1760. Many of them were descendants of the Mayflower company. In the construction of the church, ship’s knees were used. The white stone to the right of the church marks the tomb of Mrs. Edmund Doane, maternal grandmother of John How ard Payne, author of “Home Sweet Home”. Tho rock close to the * of the church bears a tablet recording this fact. ment. Other ways in which this state will receive benefit from the funds are: 1. Government expenditures for postofficTes or other public buildit owned by the government in cities and towns of the state. 2. Expenditures on rivers, har bors and waterways in the state, including at last two draw bridge-: to be built in Hyde county. 3. Work in soil erosion and re forestation of public and private lands. 4. Building of hospitals, army camps and other facilities includ ing airports and many other gov ernment facilities. Mr. Jeffress also points out that the Industrial Control bill provides that states, counties and munici palities may obtain from the gov-) ernment a direct grant of 30 peri cent of material and labor costs of jobs approved as part of the pro gram set up by the Federal Emer gency administrator. These include such as roads and streets in muni cipalities, school buildings and auditoriums, courthouses, water purification and sewer disposal plants, and othfer improvements. | Such work must be approved by the Local Government commission in this state before a unit can in cur debt and that body will help the local units in choice of sound and desirable improvement projects and assist in financing them, if financial conditions justify it, Mr. Jeffress believes. To obtain maximum results un der this section of the law, it. will require much engineering ar.d care ful study in working out details of the program to gain approval of the Washington department which provides the loans and makes the grants, Mr. Jeffress points ont. j PLANTS TO INCREASE OUTPUT Youngstown, O.—Output at the three Youngstown plants ofj the American Sheet and Tin Plate company will reach 10^ per cent of capacity next week, it was said here. ' 1 REBUKE MARRYING PARSONS Lake Charles, La.—Lake Charles "marrying parsons,’’ who have been doing a thriving business per forming ceremonis for Texas coup les driving across the state line to escape the three-day notice law in that state, were scathingly rebukjdj by the Calcasiu Parish Ministerial' association. Lady Took Cardui j And Got Rid of Pain In Her Side “Last summer, my health was bad, so I began taking Cardui,” writes Mrs. H. E. Slaughter, of Norman, i Okla. “My mother had given me i Cardui in girlhood, so naturally I turned to it when I felt I needed it. I felt run-down and a general weakness. I had bad, dizzy head aches when everything would seem to dance before my eyes. My right ' side pained me so much, but since taking Cardui the pain has left me. I have taken several bottles of Cardui and have improved a great deal.” ' » Cardui is sold at drug stores here. ASTOR’S MOTHER MAY WED Newport, R. I.—John Jacob Astor confirmed rumors that hi; mother, Mrs. William K. Dick, was contemplating marriage tc Enzo Fiermonte, Astor’s former boxing instructor. Young Astoi voiced opposition to the marriage. OLD MAID INSURANCE London.—English girls are in suring themselves against becom ing old maids. Insurance com panies in large factory towns and in London have created policies in which a woman who reaches retir ing age without marrying is paid a lump sum or an annuity, as she prefers. SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the provisions con tained in a certain deed of trust dated August 22, 1929, executed ,by C. P. Dedmon and wife, Leona tsfell Dedmon and delivered to E. W. G. Huffman as trustee for the Home Building and Loan Associa tion of Salisbury, N. C., which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages No. 108, page 130, default having been made in the payment of the amount secured by the said deed of trust as therein specified, a.-.d at the request of the holder of the note thereby secured, the undersigned having been duly substituted as trustee by a paper writing dated June 13, 1933, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, as provided in Chapter 78 of the Public Laws of North Caro lina, Session 1931, will expose for sale, at public auction for cash, at the courthouse door in the city of Salisbury, on Monday July 17, 1933 at 12 o’clock noon, the fol lowing described real estate: Beginning on the North East side of East Council Street, at the corner of a new alley, and running thence Southeastwardly with East Council Street 15 feet to a stake; thence Northeastwardly parallel with said alley 100 feet to a stake; thence Northwestwardly parallel with Council Street 15 feet to edge of said alley; thence with edge of said alley Southwestwardly 100 feet to the beginning, togeth er with right of ingress, egress and regress over said alley to rear of said lot from Council Street. It is agreed that 10 feet off the rear of above described lot, run ning back 15 feet, together with 10 feet off of E. P. Wharton and Company’s adjoining land shall be used as an alley. This the 14th day of June, 193 3. W. C. COUGHENOUR, Substituted Trustee. June 16—July 7. mortgagee’s sale By virtue of authority vested in us by a Mortgage Trust Deed exe cuted by Lester Overcash, on the 23rd day of August, 1930, which mortgage trust deed is duly record ed in the office of. the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, in re cord of mortgages No. 114, at page 431, the conditions of which have not been complied with, we will sell at public auction at the courthouse door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on July 29th, 1933, at 12 o’clock noon, to the ' highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: One tract of land lying and be ing in China Grove township a bout 2/2 miles S. E. from China Grove and about 10 miles South west from Salisbury, about 1 % miles S. W. from Bostians Cross Roads, adjoining the lands of Jerry Pless, Monroe Prospt, John Wil helms and William Beaver and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on Jerry Pless’ line and runs S. 314 W. 26.5 0 chains to a stake, Pless’ cor ner; thence S. 65 W. 14.85 chains to a stake, Pless’ corner; thence S. 23 E. 2.90 chains to a stake, Pless’ corner; thence N. 87% W. 21.50 chains to a pine knot about 12 feet East of a white oak, Pless’ cor ner; thence N. 1% E. 36.25 chains to a stake Wilhelm’s corner; thence S. 87% E. 34.75 chains to the beginning, containing 115 acres more 01* less, and is the lands con veyed to Lester Overcash this day, August 23, 1930, by Annie J. Cauble and husband, W. F. Cau ble, Myrtle Cook and husband, A. k. Cook, and J. J. Pless. This the 19 day of June, 193 3. ANNIE J. CAUBLE, MYRTLE COOK and j. j. pless, Mortgagees. By R. R. Hawfield, Atty. June 23—July 14. North Carolina, Rowan County, lit The Superior Court Bess Elizabeth Bessent vs. Paul M. Bessent. Notice Of Summons, Etc. The defendant, Paul M. Bessent, will take notice that the plaintiff has commenced the above entitled action against him for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce upon the grounds of five years sep aration, and that he is required to appear before the Clerk of Court I at his office in Salisbury, Rowan County on the 24th day of July, I 193 3 or within thirty days there I after and answer or demur to the complaint filed by the plaintiff, or the relief therein prayed for will be granted. i Dated this the 20th day of June, 1933. B. D. MCCUBBINS, , Clerk of Superior Court. IC. P. Barringer, Attorney. Ijune 23—July 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Martha Ann Sides, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said decedent to file ah itemized, veri fied statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 14 th day of June, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified toi make prompt settlement. This June 9, 1933. h. q. sides, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Martha Ann Sides E. W. G. Huffman, Attorney. June 16—July 21. State of North Carolina, Rowan County. In The Superior Court J. S. Morgan, Admr. of B. C. Cauble vs R. J. Holmes and Eliza Holmes. EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution direct eu to Liic unucrMgnca nuiii liut Superior Court of Rowan County in the above entitled action, I will on Monday the 3rd day of July, 1933, at 12 M., at the courthouse door in Salisbury, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to sat isfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the said R. J. Holmes and Eliza Holmes had in the following described real estate on April 29th, 1933: Situate in Providence Township, Beginning at a stone Edward Poole’s corner; thence South 13% deg. West 4 chains to a stake, Poole’s corner; thence S. 57 deg. East 4 chains to a stake on Poole’s line; thence North 48 % deg. East 20 chains to a stone on O. V. Poole’s line; thence N. 60 deg. W. 27.32 chains to a black oak stump on Linebarier’s line; thence N. 88 deg.' W. 10.16 chains to a Red Oak on| Jacob Brown’s line; thence S. 661 deg. East 18 chains to the begin- j ning corner, being 5 1 % acres, more or less, less 22% acres deeded to Polly Holmes and James McCoy. This June 1st, 1933. J. H. KRIDER, Sheriff Rowan County. Rendleman & Rendleman, Attys. June 9—30. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE UNDER MORTGAGE Pursuant to the power contained in a deed of trust, dated the 15 th day of August, 1925, and' recorded in Book of Mortgages No. 84, at page 471, in the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan county, exe cuted by E. G. Thompson and Ger trude Thompson, his wife to David B. Harris and Tristram T. Hyde, Jr., Trustees, default having been made in the payment ot the in debtedness thereby secured, the un dersigned will sell at public auc tion at the Courthouse door in Salisbury to the highest bidder for cash on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1933, at "twelve o’clock, noon, the following described real estate: The following described tract or parcel of land in the West Ward of the City of Salisbury, County of Rowan and State of North Caro lina, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake at the Northwest corner of the intersec tion of Main and Horah Streets; thence with Horah Street North 45 deg. West 140 feet, to a stake P. H. Thompson’s corner; thence North 45 deg. East 100 feet with P. H. Thompson’s line, and parallel with Main Street to a stake in Mauney’s line (now Holmes) ; thence South 45 deg. East with Mauney’s line (now Holmes) 140 feet to a stake in the iine of Main Street; thence South 45 deg. West with the line of Main Street 100 feet to the beginning corner. This the 31st day of May, 1933. DAVID B. HARRIS, Trustee. Clyde E. Gooch, Attorney. June 9—30. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of powers contained in a certain mortgage executed by Cicero V. Roberts and wife, Bessie Roberts to Stephen Noble and wife, Angeline Noble, on the 12th day of October, 1926, and registered in Book of Mortga ges No. 98 at page 184, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, the undersigned mortgagees will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder at the courthouse door on July 3, 193 3 at twelve o’clock noon for cash the following described property: Ail of that certain tract, one half acre of land, situated in the County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, o nthe Gold Hi1! read about one mile from the city of Salisbury and is bounded as fol lows: On the North side by the land of George Shipp, on the East by the Gold Hill road, on the South by the lands of W. C. Coughenour, on the West by the land of Ru dolph Dawkins owned now by W. C. Coughenour. For fuller de scription see Deed of Mitchell Mc Coy from John A. Boyden and wife Book 149, page 156 and Deed of W. F. Kelsey and wife to Stephen . Noble and wife, Book 187, page | 300 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C. This the 31st day of May, 193 3. STEPHEN NOBLE, ANGELINE NOBLE Mortgagees. W. C. Coughenour, Attorney. June 2—30. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the provisions con tained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 7th day af Jan uary, 1925 and delivered to T. E. Witherspoon as trustee for the Home Building and Loan Associa tion of Salisbury, N. C., and duly registered in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Rowan County, N. C., in Book of Mortgages 93 at page 16, default having been male in the payment of the amount se cured by the said deed of trust as therein specified and at the request of the holder of the note thereby secured, the undersigned having been duly substituted as trustee by a paper writing dated June 2, 1933, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rowan county as provided in Chapter 7 S y{ the Public Laws of North Caro lina, Session 1931, will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the courthouse door in Salisbury. N. C., on Monday, July 3, 1933 at twelve o’clock, noon, the follow ing described real estate: Lying and being in the North Ward of the City of Salisbury, Beginning at a stake South corner >f the intersection of Franklin and Caldwell Streets; thence with the :dge of Franklin Street in a South easterly direction 148 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Cald svell Street in a Southwesterly dir ection, 50 feet to a stake; thence parallel with Franklin Street, in a Northwesterly direction, 148 feet to a stake in the edge of Caldwell Street; thence with the edge of Caldwell Street, in a Northeasterly direction, 5 0 feet to the beginning, hi which is located a four room :ottage. For back title, see deed from J. C. Hudson, Trustee to R. M, Sig mon, dated December 30th, 1924, ind duly registered' in the Register’s sffice of Rowan county, and the deeds therein mentioned. This the 2nd day of June, .1.93 3 E. H. HARRISON, substituted Trustee. NOTE: This property is being sold at the request of the Mortga gor in order to clear the title. W. C. Coughenour, Attorney. June 9—30.

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