' ‘ i The Oldest Newspaper Published In North Carolina Carolina Wati man ”The Watchman Carries a Summary of All The Klews” —: - ' . - y J___ __ .OUNDED 1832—100TH YEAR_ -_" SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, Ji)lY 7, 1933 VOL. ion NO. 49 PRICE ? CENTS Minimum Wage, 40-Hour Week Forecast Textile Men Expecting Approval Believe Gen. Johnson Will Accept Code For Operations WILL SWELL COSTS The 40-hour work week and a minimum wage of $12 per week were regarded as assured for the cotton textile manufacturing in dustry of the southern states this week. Approval by General Johnson is expected to be indorsed by Presi dent Roosevelt. The code will; not become effective, however, un til it is given the President’s ap proval. Among manufacturers here the impression existed that the south’s great textile industry will shorten its operating schedules to 40 hours •and place all employees on a min imum wage of $12 on jufy 17."' In the course of conversations with manufacturers in Salisbury, it was learned that the southern industry generally figures that the tentatively adopted provisions of this code will practical)v double: the production costs. Most of the plants now are operating on a schedule of 120 hours per week, but the code will limit them to 40: hours per week for operatives and to 80 hours per week for produc tive machinery, or a reduction of 40 hours per week in operation of machinery. This reduction will have the effect of increasing the a irrount of the fixed overhead which will be charged under the cost ac counting system to the units of production. In addition to this in creased cost, the minimum wage will have the effect of further in creasing the unit cost of produc tion. Reports received here said Gen eral Johnson tentatively sided with the manufacturers and against labor when he favored retaining the 40-hour minimum. This was a compromise, it Jwas explained, with the labor leaders, who won in their fight for an increase in the minimum wage to $12 per week for the south and $13 for the north from the original provision in the code of $10 and $11, respectively. In addition to these increases in production costs and changes in operating policies, the cotton man ufacturers are anticipating that a I processing tax will bfe added to cotton within a short time to pro vide funds for financing the acre age retirement plan. These major changes will combine to place the industry on a basis entirely unlike any existing previously in its his tory. Until the code is approved by President Roosevelt find the re maining uncertainties eliminated, it was indicated manufacturers in Salisbury will refrain from mak ing any comment for publication regarding the apparently approach ing "new deal” in the industry. SELL COTTON TO RUSSIA The reconstruction finance cor poration has arranged credits by which American exporters will sell <50,000 to 80,000 bales of cotton to Soviet Russia. CHILD FALLS TO DEATH Rending over the side of a truck to watch a dog barking at ths | wheels Martha Anne Thrower seven, fell and later died in a Raleigh hospital. GOOD MORNING POOR MILLIONAIRES' I Oh pity, please, the millionaires’, Poor souls! It’s rime that we supported them With doles. Oh, sure their yachts adorn the sea, They’ve big estates, yes two or three, But incomes? Golly, no! Dear me! Poor souls! II They roll around in motor cars. Poor souls And never have to wear rheir ciothes To holes; They eat three fancy meals a day But if there’s any tax to pay They haven’t got a sou—not they, Poor souls Ill Yes, pity, please, the millionaires. Poor sou Is - We surely ought to pass the hat For doles. You’d doubtless think to see their swank Fhey’ve scads of money in the bank But gosh- their income blanks are blank, Poor souls Chauffeur—"This, madame, is the hand brakes—it’s put on very quickly, in case of an emergency.” Madame—"I see—something like a kimono.” ^ OU HAVE to spin the yarn before you can make up a lie out of the whole cloth. "There will be a dumb little blonde beauty at the party tonight who’s fresh from the country. What do you say to the two of us teaching her the difference be tween right and wrong?” "Okey, pal, You teach hei what’s right.’’ She frowned on him and called him Mr. Because in fun he merely kr. And then in spite, The following night, The naughty Mr. kr. sr. NOW THAT the ladies an wearing cotton frocks probably the next worm to turn will be the silkworm. Real estate agent—"Well, whal do you think of our little city?” Prospect—"I’ll tell you brother This is the first cemetery I evei saw with lights.” THERE IS one thing can be saic for modern bathing suits. It isn’l as embarrassing as it might be tt leave one off in an absent-mindec moment. SO FAR as we can see the Euro pean debt isn’t multiplying. "Why do you want your lov< letters returned?” asked the gir who had broken the engagement "Are you afraid that I’ll sue ir court.” "No,” sighed the young man "but I paid quite a bit to havi those letters written by an expert ind I may use them again sonii day.” LOVE has sugar-coated many ; pill. "Mother are we going to hea some day,” "I hope so.” "I wish papa could go, too.” "Don’t you think he will go.’’ "Oh, no—he couldn’t get awa; from the office.” New Mid-Western Trade Route to the Sea _- SffifcJKuoci^T A new trade route has been opened to 22 mid-western state! It is the I Great Lakes—Gulf of Mexico waterway now open to barge commerce, — i the fulfillment of an inland dream of many years. Above is pictured the first barge shipments crossing the official ship, USS Wilmette (background) at Michigan Link Bridge, Chicago, and inaugurating the first ocean to T aira Michigan shinments. It is said that twentv-two states in the Missis Calendar Of Repeal Shows Real Chance Of 1933 Settlement Series Of Defeats For Prohibitionists Ac companied By Reduction In Number Of States Unable To Vote This Year Repeal of the Eighteenth A mendment will become a fact only! when thirty-six of the forty-eight States have acted favorably upon it. Thus far sixteen States have voted, and all have declared lor repeal. The narrowest margin was1 in Iowa (one of F. Scott McBride’s: "real battlegrounds” before it backslid), where the repetii.ts had over a 3-to-2; edge. Thus rhc1 chances of repeal this year seem' to hinge largely on how many! States vote in time. Unexpectedj progress in this direction was re ported recently when repeal be came immediate issue in Virginia, and came to life again in Okla homa, leaving only nine States in which there is small likelihood of i action before January 1, 1934.! And in one of these, Colorado, there is said to be a strong possi-! bility of an extra session of the Legislature. CLASS I States in which repeal has al ready been acted upon (16). MICHIGAN—April 3—Voted; 3 to 1 to ratify repeal. Formal rati-j fication April 10. WISCONSIN—April 4—Voted! over 4 to 1 to ratify. Formal rat:-! fication April 2 5. RHODE ISLAND—May 1—i Voted 7 to 1 to ratify. Formal rati-1 fication May 8. WYOMING—May 15. Voted! to ratify. Formal ratification May: 25. NEW JERSEY—May 16. Voted | 6 to 1 to ratify. Formal ratifica-! tion June 5. NEW YORK—May 23. Voted : over 10 to 1 to ratify. Formal rati , fication June 27. DELAWARE—May 2—Voted! over 3 to 1 to ratify. Formal rati-; fication June 24. NEVADA—May 27. Voted to; ratify. Formal ratification Septem-i ber 5. ILLINOIS—June 5—Voted; nearly 4 to 1 to ratify. Formal: ratification July 10. INDIANA—June 6 — Voted nearly 2 to 1 to ratify. Formal rat!-' 1 fication June 26. MASSACHUSETTS—June -13 —Voted over 4 to 1 to ratify. IOWA—June 20—Voted over i to 2 to ratify. Formal ratification fuly 10. NEW HAMPSHIRE—June 20 —Voted over 2 to 1 to ratify. Formal ratification July 11. CONNECTICUT—June 20— Voted 6 to 1 to ratify. Formal ratification June 27. WEST VIRGINIA—June 27— Voted nearly 2 to 1 to ratify. For mal ratification July 2 5. CALIFORNIA—June 27—Vot :d 3 to 1 to ratify. CLASS n States in which dates have been set for the vote on repeal (17.) ALABAMA—Votes July 18. Convention August 1. Continued on page five Farm Peony Wins i Mr. A. M. Brand, on bis farm near Faribault, Mian., went in for peony raising. He developed some remark able Hansena blooms. He entered them in the Chntnry of Progress, world fair at Chicago . . . and his peony won the gold medal as best in the show. NEWS BRIEFS DEATH SENTENCE COMMUTED Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus has commuted the death sentence against Sarah Black, negro woman j of Wilson, to life imprisonment, i BRUTON SUCCEEDS SILER j Wade Bruton, of Troy has sue-: ceeded Walter D. Siler as assistant1 to the attorney general, Siler hav-j ing accepted a federal post in! Washington. MACLEAN IS BIGGS’ AIDE Angus D. MacLean, cf Wash ington, N. C., has been appointed assistant to U. S. Solicitor General J. Crawford Biggs, and will have his office in the nation’s capital, i BLOCKADERS WOUND OFFICERS Avery county’s sheriff, W. H. Hughes, and two of his deputies were painfully wounded when they were fired on from ambush by il licit distillers using shotguns. The attack Was made at a point near Ingalls. - I AUTO KILLS PEDESTRIAN j As he was walking home just, north of Lincoln ton, Alex Wag-i gerstaff, 84, was hit and killed1 by| the car of George Stewart. Stew-} art was held blameless. SET TOBACCO MART OPENINGS The Tobacco Association of the United States met at Virginia Beach and set August 1 as the date for opening the Georgia market, August IS for South Carolina,! August 29 for Eastern Carolina,; September 19 for the Middle Belt,] September 26 for the Old Belt and; November 7 for the dark Virginia1 Belt. $412,076 FOR N. C. RELIEF Additional grant of $412,076 in federal relief funds for North Carolina was made by Harry L. Hopkins, relief administrator. - TWO KILLED IN PLANE CRASH Flying an unlicensed! plane, Bur ton Pope, 21, and his passenger Marvin W. Adams, 26, both of Winston-Salem, crashed to their deaths there. The wings broke off at 1,5 00 feet and the plane fell in the railroad yards. $40,000 THOMASVILLE FIRE Fire burned a finishing plant of the Thomasville Chair company with a loss of over $40,000. In surance covered the loss. McLAMB SENT TO CHAIR For the killing of George R. Hudson, Luther B. McLamb, Smithfield, was sentenced by Judge J. ■ Paul Frizelle to die in the elec tric chair on August 4. The wife of his victim made a vain plea to the court that the sentence be re duced to life imprisonment. CHICAGO HIT BY STORM A 17-minute storm hit Chicago on Sunday wrecking over $1,000, 000 damage and injuring 20 or more people. Skated, Street to Stage -^ Miss Arietta Young of JNew York City found recreation by roller skat ing on the roadways it Central Park. A theatrical producerfsaw her doing her turns and glides and signed her to a contract. Now she is appearing on Broadway. — — .-■ r 1 1 I Fix New Tax Schedule Tues. Decision to prepare the schedule of license and privilege taxes next Tuesday at a special meeting was decided upon by the city council at its meeting Thursday afternoon. Otherwise, only matters of routine importance came up be fore the council. Following the reading of the minutes by Miss Elizabeth Massey, clerk, Dr. C. W. Armstrong, health officer, reported the water of the city to be in good condition and free from any impurities. Dr. Armstrong assured the new coun cil of his desire to cooperate with them in the future as he had in the past and stated his office was always open to suggestions or con structive criticisms. Members of the board1 were invited to call his office any time they desired any in formation concerning the work of his department. W. C. Maupin, local attorney, gave notice of two claims against the city. One fo a client whc had lost a portion of one fingei while working on a local recon struction project. The other was for injuries sustained by anothei client who had fallen into a cul vert. City Manager Holmes and City Attorney, J. W. Ellis were authorized to investigate these claims and report back at the next meeting of the council. Dr. W. B. Duttera requested the board for free water for children’s re creational activities at the parish house on Liberty street. This matter was referred to Water Sup erintendent English. A letter was read from M. E. Miller, former city engineer and water superintendent. Mr. Mailer thanked the former cfeujicil for cooperating with him in his work the past two years and tendered his assistance to his successor if it should be needed at any time. He Continued on page five Do You Know The Answer? Turn to back page for answers 1— In which city was the United Daughters of the Confederacy or ganized? 2— What is mineralogy? 3— What proportion of U. S. senators are elected every two years? 4— Of what country is the Con go Free State a colony? 5— In what group of islands is Minorca? 6— Was Henry Ford ever a can didate for the U. S. Senate? 7— Who wrote "Uncle Tom’s Cabin?” 8— What is a congressman-at large? 9— What was the. name of thi bull of Minos? 10— What is an unguent? Gate City To Be Its New Home Guaranty Bank Is Picked As New Name HAS BRANCH HERE Assurances were expressed here last night that the new Guar anty bank, with headquarters at Greensboro, and formed from North Carolina Bank & Trust com pany, Independence Trust com pany, and Page Trust company, would be ready to begin business within the next two weeks, proba bly on Monday, July 17. Committees representing depos itors and' stockholders of three banks which now are in liquida tion and from which the new bank win De rormed, at a meeting in Raleigh selected directors to com plete organization of the new in istitution, to be capitalized at $1, 200,000 and to have a $300,000 | surplus. j The seven members of the board i of directors will meet this week jwhen final details of the plan will |be worked out, including the num i ber of branches and their loca tions and the election of officers. [It is posible the new bank will be in operation by the middle of July, bank officers said. Directors named were K. C. Royall of Goldsboro and Raleigh; N. L. Foy of Wilmington; Dr. John Berry and N. S. Calhoun of Greensboro; J. P. Gibbons of Flam let; J. H. McEwen of Burlington, •and W. A. Watson of Charlotte. Royall, who has been active in the plan to form the new bank from the "best assets” of the North Carolina Bank and Trust company of Greensboro, the Page Trust company of Aberdeen, and the Independence Trust company of Charlotte, was chairman of the meeting. The North Carolina bank oper ated 17 offices and the Page 14. Since their closing, 14 cities and towns in North Carolina have been without banking facilities. Branch es of both these banks were main tained in some places. The Inde pendence operated only in Char lotte. When the matter of branches has been settled and officers elected, a charter will be applied for. The committees representing the old banks included four men nam ed by depositors and two by stock holders. •unaer tne plan, depositors ana stockholders of the North Caro lina Bank will hold $300,000 stock in the new bank, the Page com pany $200,000, and the Independ ence, $100,000. The Reconstruc tion Finance corporation hhs a greed to purchase $600,000 worth of stock, J. A. Campbell, manager of the loan agency of the R. F. C. office at Charlotte, attended the meeting, but only as an unofficial observer. A 20 per cent cash dividend will be paid depositors of the three old banks when the organisation is completed and the balance due will come through the regular pro cess of liquidation. Gurney P. Hood, state bank commissioner, said that stock as sessments! collected from stock holders of the three old banks had s climbed near the million dollar mark, assuring success of the plan unless stopped by court injunction. d