WASHINGTON Set-up of Congress The Roosevelt Success It’s Up to President Washington—The first regular session of the 73 rd Congress of the United States will make history, for several reasons. First, this is the first session under the 20th am endment to the Conv.it.*..' >n of the United States, which shifted the date for the sitting of Congress from the first Monday in Decem ber to the early days of January. Second, this will be the only regu lar session of this Congress, which was called in extra session by Presi dent Roosevelt immediately after his inauguration last Spiing. Ne -C November there will be a no the election of Representatives, bm there will be no "lame duck” ses sion of the present Congress. Their successors will take their sears in January 193 5 ; so anything which the present Congress wants to get done will have to be done at this session. Third, and most important of the items which seem likely to make this session of Congress memor able, it will have to decide whether the United States of America is going to "swing to the left” and go in for Socialism in its more radical form, or whether the middle-of the-road policy, neither radical nor ultra-conservative, is going to be the guiding principle for further progress tuwaru iecuvciv. What Congress will decide is anybody’s guess as yet, but some of the considerations which wall contribute toward the decision are obvious. This is a Democratic Congress. That party has 316 members, as against only 114 Republicans and five Farmer-Labor. That, on the face of it, if recent political history counted for anything, would mean a decidedly Conservative attitude: for the Democratic party has been '''■almost as conservative as the Re publican since 1920. Indeed many of - the most radical members of both ho^Vs in vtie past few years have worl^tne Republican label. The only party represented which is avow'edly radical is the Farmer Labor. But political labels count for little or nothing, in these days. There is still a strong conservative in T'ipmncratiC Dartv, but it is nowhere nearly 'as domin ant as it was four years ago. And in Congress there is no strong leadership that can hold the various elements of the party together if its members show signs of splitting up into minor groups. The only leadership is in the White House or outside of public life entirely. Beyond doubt there will be vigor ous efforts made to form a conser vative Democratic bloc, to stand as a bulwark against the assaults of the radical element. How far that effort will succeed will depend up on how far the President goes in proposing or assenting to a pro gram more radical than that which he asked for, and got, last Spring. Just where the President will stand, as between the eager young revolutionists in his Administra tion, who would turn the nation over to Socialism willy-nilly, and the conservative element, which thinks his program as developed so Jar contains elements of danger and “VVMJ —-J ~~ ~ - of opinion. Mr. Roosevelt’s suc cess as a practical politician is largely due to the fact that he1 does not tip his hand in advance. There is no doubt that the majority of the Democratic majority will follow him wherever he leads, but there is a good deal of doubt as to whether most of them would fol low him any farther to the Left. Every member is keenly consci ous that his term of office expires at the end of this calendar year, and that the only way he can get back into Congress is by the vote of the constiuency that elected him last year. And most of them don’t know, yet, how their consti uents like the New Deal as far as it got. They are going to view every new proposal with one eye on the voters of their home dis tricts. This is one session when Congress will have its collective ear close to the grassroots, to catch the first mutterings of approval or dis approval. Last Spring, in the extra session, there was no such misgivngs. They had been elected in the greatest Please turn to page three The Carolina■ 'isss* _ _- - ■_• K " ■ ' _ ! ■■■■ FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY S, 1934. VOL 101 7 ~ NTS U. S. To Build . A Station For % Cotton Study ■ O - C n Experiment Station For cf Torth Carolina To Cost 0 $45,000. ¥ % > IMPROVE OTFIERS \ - $7,500 ill Be Spent On States ville Laboratory, $9,800 At Willard. Announcement has been made by the public works administra tion of federal allotments in the amount of $2,944 000 for the rnncfrnrrinn civ rvnKlir* ings. North Carolina is to Re ceive $45^000 for the construc tion of a cotton experiment sta tion in the Piedmont region in ad dition to $7,5 00 which will be ; spent for the improvement of the 1 Statesville laboratory. $9,800 will jbe spent at Willard for repairs and ! roads. The six allotments distributed ! throughout the South will provide I more than 10,000 man-months of I employment. The geological survey was i granted $299,000 for mineral re I source surveys and land classifica tion in 18 states and Alaska. More than 100 engineering and techni cal men will be given employ ment. -The -states to be included in the survey and the amount to be spent in each state are as follows: North Carolina, $8,000; Florida, $11,000; Georgia, $9,000; Kentucky, $24,-j 500; Maryland, $5,000; South V^dlUUIld, .?/ auu JL CHIiCjjCV) | $9,000. i Interest On Deposits Placed At 3 Per Cent The Federal Deposit Insurance corporation ruled that semi-annual compound interest on any depositsj of a member bank must not ex-* cced 3 per cent. The order applies to all deposits,! whether insured or not, on which interest accrues after January 2, the effective date for the new in surance system, with exception made for deposits contracted be fore that date. For each breach of this order the corporation may impose $100 penalty, the penalty applying to each individual deposit. — Projects To Put 129,260 To Work Raleigh—A number of re-em ployment measures estimated to put 129,260 additional men to work on federal projects during the winter or until February 15 at least have been authorized by the federal administration. One of these grants covers an allotment of $3,568,275 for the employment of 15,030 men to work on a geodetic survey.in the state. These men will work un der the offices of the United States Geodetic Survey and will be supervised in each district by over seers from this department $1,000,000 PROJECT IN PENDER From 3 00 to 400 families will be given homes on 4,500 acres in Pender county as a subsistence! homestead community, under a $1,000,000 experiment financed by the federal interior department. Hugh McRae, Wilmington, will be president of the corporation ad ministering the affairs of the colony. The project will demon strate diversified subsistence form ing as contrasted with single-crop and cash farming. CONGRESS IS IN SESSION-— -'r—By Albert T. Reid ■ _ I ' AMTOC j £§g State Pays Huge Sum On Principal, Interest Treasurer Says Budget Is Balanced,' And Interest Is Lower. Raleigh—Tlie state of North Carolina, in addition to meeting all 1 of its regular obligations, will payC in full the $6,103,842.50, of whichj 53,008,000 is for maturing bonds and $3,095,842.50 is interest on bonds, State Treasurer Charles M. Johnson points out in a statement of gratification over finances. , "The financial condition of the state of North Carolina is a source of gratification to me at this time "Treasurer Johnson states. "We now unquestionably have a balanc ed budget and state bonds are sell ing on the market higher than they j have been at any time since the de pression covered the country. 1 "A year ago we were paying 6 ' percent interest on our temporary borrowings and this has been cut 1 to 4 54 percent, thereby effecting great savings to the state. This year, for the first time in many 1 years, we have not borrowed any 1 money during the fiscal year. We 1 paid all state employees, including ‘ the school teachers, before Christ- ‘ mas and have met all our debt ob ligations promptly. "From the viewpoint of the treasury, the state is in fine con dition. I am reducing the state | debt $3,008,000 for the first of January, and in addition paying 1 $3,095,842.50 in interest, making!4 the total $6,103,842.50, as well as 1 all the other obligations referred * to, and as already stated, without 4 borrowing any money.” s ._t ARREST 3 AS KILLERS i Three men have been arrested 5 as members a gang of four which last week shot down and killed t Howard Jernigan at his filling sta- f tion near Clinton. The three 5 negroes are held in state’s prison j at Raleigh. Preston Howard was i taken at Chesterfield, S. C., and j John Hart and Tom Johnson, at s Hastings, Fla. - ^ NEWS BRIEFS APPROVES POOD STORE ZODE President Roosevelt lias approved he ccxle to govern the fas^ retail cod and grocery trade, embrac ng 480,000 stores. It was the 82nd code of fair competition to ie signed by the president. VFW YORK IN NEW HANDS The city administration of New fork on Monday passed into the lands of F. H. LaGu.ardia, inde- j lendent and fiery foe of Tammany , Till, and with LaGuardia into : lower stepped a full corps of in lependent assistants. IURNS FATAL TO TWO Badly burned with gasoline while dndling a fire at his Wayne j :ounty home, Eugene Creel died , n a Goldsboro hospital. Four ; niles east of Littleton, the same j lay, Rev. Davidhon A. Fishel, 81, lied of shock in his burning home. ^ HREE GUNSHOT VICTIMS Janie Shearin, five, was instantly .illed and Howard Shearin, three, j atally wounded in the Shearin lome near Warrenton. It is hought the children at play knock- 1 d over the loaded shotgun. The 1 irevious day, Joe Ruth, 24. of near . Charlotte, was killed by a shotgun harge fired by his step-father. R. 1. Hudson. Hudson said two had ‘ hreatened him in the dark and he •' ired not knowing who they were. * EEK VICTIM’S IDENTITY 1 Thousands of people have viewed he body of a middle aged man ■ ound in Buffalo branch near mithfield. The badly decom- 1 iosed body, the head crushed in i iy heavy blows and the feet strap- 1 ed together, is thought that of a i tranger in the section, possibly a ' ictim of gangland violence. t KILLED IN AUTO WRECKS Woodrow Boggs, Greensboro, a nembcr of a CCC camp near Sy va, died from injuries taken in :ollision of two trucks. Near Waynesville, Will Shuler, 49, was tilled in the sideswiping of two :ars. Shuler was standing on a tinning board. 197 HIRED FOR N. C. CENSUS Work for 297 North Carolinians s provided in the taking of a fed ■ral business census this year, seven •egional administrators to draw 53 00 per month. IU MAN I AN PREMIER SLAIN Ion G. Duca, premier of Rum ;nia since November 12, was on •'riday assassinated at Sinaia by a roung student, Nicholas Con tantinescu, who fired four bul ets into Duca’s head at close range s the premier was boarding a train or Bucharest, the capital. :IRE IN REIDSVILLE Three stores were badly damaged >y a Sunday fire in Reidsville, ireensboro firemen aiding the lcca/ lepartment in a stiff fight against he flames. AR HEEL IS HONORED Garland E. Ferguson, member if the federal trade commission ince 1927, when he was appointed iy Coolidge, has been designated iy the commission as its chairman or 1934. 8 LYNCHINGS IN 1933 There were 28 lync’hings in the Jnited States in 1933, as contrasted nth but 10 in 1932. Alabama ed with five, Georgia and Louis tna had four, South Carolina aud "ennessee three. One was report d for* North Carolina. GOOD MORNING Young man: Can I take you out tonight?’ She: (haughtily) : I wouldn’t go out with a baby. Young man: I’m sorry, I didn’t understand. He—"I can’t seem to make any progress with Jane.” Shs-^ Git Jhot! Git good and hot! Remember, faint hot never won fair lady.” "You’re fat”. "In the best places they say that one is stout”. "Well, in the best places you’re fat.” Y. W. C. A. JOKE "For goodness sake,” sighed the young dame as she wearily trudges home from an automobile ride. Little Boy. The stork brings ycru babies, doesn’t it, Mama? Mama: Yes. Little Boy: And Santa Claus brings me toys? Mama: Yes. Little Boy: Then Papa doesn’t help us does he mama? He: And you will love me like this forever. ' She: Yes, but Darling I must breathe occasionally. 'He—"Our coach got some new waterproof pants for the football team.” She—"Oh, the big babbies.” "I hope you never go wrong,” said Big Ben to Baby Ben. Doctor: Let me feel your pulse. Fanny: Oh, doctor, that is the way they all start. "Flow old are you my little man?” "Dammed if I know mister. Mother was, twentyl-six when I was born, but now she is onlv twenty-four. — I think that is carrying things a little too far. What do 3'ou mean? That efficiency expert’s wife has just had triplets. She: What happens to Mormons when they leave the faith? He: They come East and turn icemen. Teacher: "The lady fed milk to the cat.” Johnny, what is the Xdirect object? Johnny: The kittens, dear teacher. Question: Oh where, Oh where has my little dog gone? Answer: Around the corner and under the tree. "What is the shortest bedtime story in the world?” e "No” "Hey, ma, our dog has nine pup pies.” "Oh, my, littering up the place again!” (<T I T, ,■ r . , . I jurtwyan uiuwn, ivm J ”IL u«ui divorce I asked you about yester day?” "Yuh sho kin niggar, cause your marriage was illigitimate.” "What yuh mean, my marriage was illigiment?” "Boy, I has found that yuh pappy-in-law had no license to car ry a gun at de time ob de wedding.’ "You’re going to hell,” said the religious conductor when he saw the traveling salesman playing po ker. "That’s all right” they replied, 'we have round trip tickets.” Demonstration Gives Evidence Of Support An Enthusiastic Congress Gives President Ample Vocal Evi dence Of Its Approval. NO SPECIFIC REQUESTS Crowded Galleries In Both Houses Mark Getaway of Congress Enthusiastic, cheering Congress gave President Roosevelt ample vo cal evidence of its willingness to go along with him in co-ordiating and extending the "New Deal.” Informed by the President in his first personal appearance at the Capitol that the nation has travel ed a long way toward national re covery, but that much remains yet to be done, a joint session of the Senate and House sent Mr. Roose velt back to the executive man sion with a demonstration that must have warmed him. He summed it all up near the end of his address,which was deliv ered in person to a crowded joint session of' Senate and House, in these words: "We have ploughed the good fur row and planted the good seed; tire hard beginning is over. If we would reap the full harvest, We must cultivate the soil where this good seed is sprouting and the plant is reaching up to mature growth." The President asked nothing specifically from the Congress in his annual message except that it continue to co-operate with him -1 __ ery, and the elimination of abuses "by persons or groups of persons who have been living off their neighbors by the use of methods either unethical or crimnal.” The lines have been drawn, and rightly so the President added, be tween those who want to turn back to the "old deal” and those who want, to continue the "new deal/' Mr. Roosevelt made it plain that there is to be no turning back up on the road on which the admin istration has set its feet. Instead, the policy and the watchword is to be "Forward.” Few presidents, certainly none in recent years, ever received a more enthusiastic ovation at _ the hands of Congress than did Mr. Roosevelt. While Republican en thusiasm was not as fulsome as the Democratic, but the minority members joined at times generously in the applause. Crowded galler ies in both houses -marked the get away of Congress. SHE surrendered to hate for the . sake of love . . . and the whole town talked . . . Honor gets strangely twisted and the mar riage of Nancy Gordon goes on the rocks ... even before the ceremony . . . Here is an ex citing story of a matrimonial mixup of The DOLLAR BRIDE —A BEAUTIFUL GIRL WHO WAS TRYING TO DO RIGHT . . . •«• _. _■ A NEW SERIAL STORY BY MARY IMLAY TAYLOR IT STARTS NEXT WEEK IN Carolina Watchman

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