mMlMTQH Other View of Debt. For “Constructive” Purposes. The New Deal Aims. A Hopeful Outlook Washington—By spending a few thousand millions less than the United States spent for the Great War, President Roosevelt hopes and expects to re-establih the economic balance and at the same time to establish a "planned social-economic order” which will insure the nation against future booms as well as fu ture depressions and make a recur rence of widespread distress, f'nan cial loss and general unemployment impossible. That is in essence what is behind the budget which he submitted to Congress. When he laid figures be fore the Senate and House of Repre sentatives which contemplate the borrowing by the United States of .1_-_L:11!__r J-ll_ ■ tUlOLUVl l-CJl Vi UVlllIl J 111 Uiv. next year and a half, the size of the sum proposed to be spent to carry out the purposse of the New Deal staggered those who were nor pre pared for it. It set the computers to work to figure out what would be the size of the National Debt when this money shall have been borrowed. And the total, any way it is figured, comes to nearly 32 billions of dollars. To owe 32 thousand millions is| incomprehensible to tie average person. Few people, even great! financiers, can think in such terms.; Only a government, and a veryj strong government, can even con template it. But governments do not think of debts as something! pressing for payment, they have to think of them as something to pay interest on. So what such a debt will cost, if the interest is fig ured as high as 3 per cent, will be less than a thousand million a year, or only about a third of the- ordi nary expenses or rf;e government.j l;hen it is looked at that way,j i further thought is kept inj fiat a great deal of the money _ as been borrowed so far, and ^that" it is proposed to borrow, to make up the grand total of the , public debt of 32 billions has been1 and w'ill come back, in time, from , those sources, it doesn’t seem so much like something to worry about. Even Senator Reed of Pennsyl vania, whG is certainly no friend of the Jlew Deal, admits that the bur den proposed does not seem exces sive. It is barely half of the Brit ish public debt, svhich is borne by fewer than half as many people. It is ten billion dollars less than the United States spent during and after the Great War, for war purposes, , not counting the money we lent to , our Allies. i i The high peak of the American national debt was in 1919, when Uncle Sam owed almost 26 billions. : Klllirsnc nf Use nUlrl off in the past fourteen years. As ' the Treasury figures it, the pro posed 32 billions of debt will figure out at only about $250 per for the entire population, so the cost of carrying it, at 3 percent, 1 will be about $7.50 a year for every man, woman and child in the Unit- ■ ed States. And, naturally, it is < strongly believed that it will im prove everybody’s economic condi- i tion by a great deal more than that to have this huge volume of money!] put into use, to employ labor, pur-|: chase materials and improve the ] physical condition of the nation. The money raised for war was ex- . ploded, thrown away, wasted. This ] money wll be used for constructive, i not destructive purposes. ; That is the way the President, i the Treasury and the Administra-j tion generally look at the program;! but beyond the matter of dollars.!, the Administration is looking ahead! to the "more abundant life,” which; is the avowed aim of the New Deai,|( and which it is hoped to bring about!; by Federal aid in the next two or ■ three years. . As it defines itself through day- i to-day developments, the aim of the New Deal is neither outright Socialism nor a return to uncon trolled Capitalism. It is, rather, controlled Capitalism. Controlled in that it is conceived to be the duty of government, not to prevent business from making profits, but to keep the accumulation of those r.outs from becoming a menace to the ordinary citizen, at whose wel Continued on page four TIE: 1. 1 FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING. i'J» »1 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE AT WORK The House Committee which is to find the ways and means to pay the bill is at work. Picture shows the committee in session in the House Office Building. Fropi the left: Seated—Morgan G. Snaders, (D) Texas; Jere Cooper, (D) Tenn; Thomas H. Cullen, (D) N. Y.; Samuel B. Hill, (D) Wash.; Chairman Robert L. Doughton, (D) North Carolina; Allen T. Treadway, (R) Mass.; Isaac Bacharach, (R) N. J.; Frank .Crowther, (R) N. Y.; and Harold Knutson, (R) Minn. Standing—from the left—Clement C. Dickinson, (D) Mo.; John W. Boehme, Jr., (D) Ind.; David L. Lewis (D) Maryland; Charles West, (D) Ohio; James V. McClintic, (D) Okla.; Daniel A. Reed, (R) N. Y.; Roy C. Woodruff, (R) Mich.; Thomas A. Jenkins, (R) Ohio; and William R. Evans, (R) Calif. NEWS BRIEFS WALKER D. HINES DIES - Walker D. Hines, 63, director general of American railroads in 1919-1920, and also former head of the Cotton Textile Institute, died in Italy Sunday of appoplexy. MANY DIE IN ANDES FLOOD Around 40 lives were lost and damage of $8,000,000 done in >udden floods which swept dowm :he Andes mountain into Argen :ina on the Mondoza river. LAYWOOD HEADS U. N. C. \LUMN1 Dr. Hubert Haywood, Raleigh,| >f the class of 1905 has been chosen ay university alumni as president af the association for the year. REYNOLDS EARNS 521,153,721 The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco :ompany reports net earnings of >21,153,721 for 1933 as compar ed with $33,674,800 in 1932. _ I iTEED HEADS EMERGENCY UNIT J. G. Steed, of Mt. Gilead, has aeen designated as executive head )f the N. C. emergency council, entrusted with supervision over enforcement of codes of fair com-; petition in industry and scrutiny of :he various relief activities. STATE BAR MEETS AT DUKE The first meeting of the North Carolina State Bar will be held at }uke university on June 28. K.IDNAP-KILLER TO DIE It took a Columbia, S. C., Jury, )ut 21 minutes to bring in a death verdict, against Robert H. Wiles, 19, for the kidnaping and murder >f Hubbard H. Harris, Jr., age 15. JTII.ITIES MUST ALL REPORT The state utilities’ commission las ordered all utilities, municipal s well as privately-owned, to re >ort by April 1 the true December 11 values on property and other ssets set up as a rate-making basis. ,ack of comprehensive informa ion has hitherto blocked the rate nission. TOBACCO AVERAGE S $16.11 Producers sales of tobacco to fanuary 1 in North Carolina total id 470,840,95 5 pounds at an aver ige price of $16.11 per hundred veight, the federal crop reporting ervice finds. December sales were J 5,684,528 pounds at average price >f $17.25. TEACHER FINED FOR WHIPPING Harry Wescott principal of the grammar school at aWshington, N. 2., was found guilty in the record er's court there for excessive whip ping of a nine-year old student. A sentence of 30 days on the county •oads was reduced to a fine of $25 ind costs, from which the teacher appealed. N Railroads Turning to Motorized Streamlined Trains —■ — ■imibii'iiiiiii —i—ii — WII wi ■! him—ii i nun imii nn iPii j , CHICAGO: The above three trains represent the last word in streamlining as applied by the railroads. In the foreground is a new Burlington three ear train which can operate at 40% of the expense of a steam locomotive. Center, is the train introduced by the Great Western and which can travel at 60 miles an hour. Upper left; is the Texas and Pacific train now running daily in Texas. It can attain a sneed of 78 MPH. President’s Mother Buys First Box For Birthday Ball New York, Jan 19—Mrs. Jame Roosevelt, mother of the President today purchased the first box to b sold for the Birthday Ball for th President, to be held in the Wal dorf-Astoria on the night of Jan 3 0 as one of the chain of balls whic! take place in every city and towi in the United States on that night for the benefit of the Warm Spring Foundation for Infantile Paralysis A permanent endowment will b created for the extension of thi crusade against the disease. >1 Mrs. Roosevelt telephoned the .headquarters of the National Cqm :imittee in the Waldcf this morning "j to acknowledge receipt in her i morning mail of an invitation to J serve as a patroness for the ball, i "I’d love to be a patroness,” said , Mrs. Roosevelt, "and i want to en i gage the first tier box, too. After . all, it is my son’s birthday, and I : am extremely interested in the : splendid work of Warm Springs I Foundation.” Status of State I Treasury Given Raleigh—With a cash overdraft of $2,761,290.32 in the general fund and a cash balance of $5, 655,255.57 in the highway andi] other special funds, the state treas- 1 ury had a balance of $2,893,965.2 5 1 in free cash at the end of the cal endar year, December 31, 1933, ac- J cording to the combined statement of the auditor and treasurer, made!t public by the budget bureau. > Starting the month with a cash ' overdraft of $ 1,078,714.07, the!* general fund collected only $1,3 33,-1. 078.54 leaving only $354,364.47, ; while the month’s expenditures were $3,015,654.79, (leaving the•! overdraft of $2,761,290.32). In the highway fund the month was ( started with a balance of $7,266,- < 291.13 and receipts for the month < were $7,318366.52, giving $14,- < 544,657.65, from which disburse ments of 8,889,402.08 were made, ; leaving the $5,655,255.57. In the six months since July 1 general j funds collections have reached $13,- j 026,969.94 and highway fund col- ] lections $21,117,864.06. SEASON FOR GAME NEARING END IN N. C. Raleigh—With the hunting sea ons rapidly coming to a close, sjorth Carolina gunners and fol owers of the hounds are arrang ng to get in their final trips afield. The season already has closed hroughout the state for water owl, deer and squirrels. Devotees of the chase have un il January 3 1 to follow the hounds n pursuit of opossums and rac oons. Although the season for tear has closed in the western and entral zones, there is no closed eason on this game in the eastern one. While the main seasons on up and game, including quail, wild :urkeys and rabbits already has •xpired in the western zone hunt rs have until February 20 in the :entral zone and February 1 in the astern zone to pursue these sports. MRS. COLE BLEASE PASSES Mrs. Cole L. Blease, wife of the ormer governor and United States enator, of Columbia, S. C., died at ter home there Sunday following i long illness. President Seeks New Money Dower Would Manage Nation’s Currency Through Revising Gold In Dollar. Washington—President Roose velt turned to congress for new powers to manage the nation’s cur rency through revaluing the gold dollar—probably around 60 cents at the outset. The calling into the treasury of all outstanding monetary gold— aggregating more than $9,5 00,000 —was the first step planned by Mr. Roosevelt. Under present law he is limited to a 5 0 per cent reduction in anv cut of the gold content of the dol lar he deems wise. In his act the president did not actually devalue the dollar, saying "because of wotld uncertainties I do not believe it desirable in the public interest that an exact value be now fixed.” "The president is authorized by present legislation to fix the lower limit of permissible revalu ation at 5 0 per cent,” he added. "Careful study leads me to believe that any revaluation at more than 60 per cent of the present statutory value would not be in the public interest.” The president said he wanted the government to get any dollar profit resulting from cutting the gold rnnt'/'nt’ f Jiof- r\ £ , x -f I such profits the government set up a $2,000,000,000 fund for pur chases and sales of gold in the for eign exchange. In the special message to con gress he made it clear he was hold ing to his "commodity” plans, speaking of a future dollar backed by gold "of such weight and fine jness as may be established from [time to time.” GOOD MORNING The hen is immortal—her son will never set! Old lady: 1 wouldn’t cry like that my little man. Boy: Cry as you damn please, this is my\ way. Customer: "What’s wrong with these eggs?” Waitress: "Don’t ask me, I only laid the table.” She was a seamstress’ daughter but she never made a slip. The Flea—Now, I’ll hide on you. The pup—Get out, this is my hide. jul. oay somermng, sort and sweet to me, dearest. He: Lemon custard pie. Then there was the undertaker who when he put ten coffins in a truck, sighed: "Not a coffin, a carload!” "I hereby fine you $25 for pick ing pockets.” "Your honor, I only have $15.” "Officer turn the prisoner loose in the crowd until he gets the other $10.” "The time will come,” thunder ed the lecturer on woman’s rights, "when women will get men’s wages.” "Yes”, said the meek little man in the rear seat. "Next Saturday night.” Distraught mother: Papa,,papa! Baby has swallowed the kodak films. Father: Gracious! I hope noth ing will develop. HOW STATEN ISLAND WAS NAMED Two immigrants, standing on the deck of the ship that was bringing them to America, saw a small island. The younger said to the elder: "Papa, ’s t’at en .isi land?” They call it that to this! day. A MODERN MIRACLE " ' Lot’s wife who looked back and turned into a pillar of salt has nothing on the lady- who looked back and turned into a telephone pole. No. The telephone pole is not standing there to this day. BIG BROTHER BLAMED A kindly old gentleman was walking down the street when he saw a small boy crying. "What is the matter, my little man?” he asked. "Are you lost?” "Yes,” sobbed the boy, "but I suppose it’s my fault. I ought to have known better than to conip out with my big brother—he’s al ways losing something.” _ YES! THEY DO! Wives of great men all remind us of it. Help Furnish i Blankets For Welfare Wort Carolina Mills of Spray Get The Largest Portion. CHATHAM SELLS 183,000 - _ * Leaksville Company to Supply. 65,000 and Cannon Mills -t 39,000 - ! The Federal Surplus Relief cor poration has purchased 1,052,000, cotton blankets from 13 companies operating cotton mills in New Eng land and the south. ■ The blankets are to be distrib-l uted to needy persons on the re-, lief rolls throughout the country. 'Tl • M a pm-w it wan n la Lull. at the corporation offices, from 99 cents to $1.29 a blanket. The largest contract went to the Nashua Manufacturing company-' of Boston, which received an order for 244,000 blankets, and the sec ond largest to the Carolina Cotton and Woolen Mills of Spray, which will supply 183,04)0. The Chat ham Manufacturing company of Winston-Salem will provide 180, 000. Other contracts awarded were: Southeastern Cottons, Inc., New York, 24,000 blankets; Cannon Mills, Inc., New York, 39,000; Leaksville Woolen Mills, Inc., Charlotte, 65,000; Whittington Manufacturing company Boston, 36,500; W. S. Libby & company, Inc., New York, 26,000; Clarence Whitman & sons, Inc., New York. 75,000; Pepperell Manufacturing company, -New York, 122,500; Cone Export and Commission com pany, New York, 19,500; and M. j Silverman & Son, Inc., Philadelphia; 4,000. Stagger System Is Ordered For CWA - / Raleigh—The "stagger system”1 in CWA projects in towns of 2,500 or less has been authorized by the national CWA authorities in in struction received by Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, North Carolina admin istrator. This plan has been sought by, but is still denied to larger towns and cities Von the theory that it costs more to live in the larger units, even though there are many not so employed. The instructions provide that projects that are waiting for the quota to complete projects on which they are at work may be started by others unemployed and a cutting down on the hours of the projects generally. For instance, if a county has a quota of 500 all at work on projects approved, then additional men may be put to work on waiting projects. The hours o£ work for individuals may be cut down from 30 hours a week to 15 or 18 or any other number of hoursi above 15 a week. A check up shows that the ratio of workers under the new plan will be about 900 instead of an earlier 5 00, and the hours will run 16 to 17 a week, instead of the earlier 30 hours. Thus, in rural and small town areas, the numbers of work ers will be increased, but the hours per worker and likewise the in comes, will be reduced. Woodson May Run If Doughton Quits Announcement has been made by Walter Woodson, local attorney, that he will positively not oppose Representative R. L. Doughton in the event the latter decides to run for re-election; however, in case Mr. Doughton decides to run for gov ernor of the state or accepts the call of the tariff commission, it is like ly that Mr. Woodson will toss his hat in the race for congressman from this district. It has been suggested also that Zeb Vance Long of Statesville state solicitor, and Tam C. Bowie of West Jefferson, veteran member of the North Carolina General As sembly, might be candidates for Mr. Doirghton’s seat in congress.

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