The Carolina Watchman i^i—f FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY- M6RNING, JANUARY 26, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 26. PRICE 2 CENTS. ~ r1 - ■ ■ ■ ■ -——■ i I WASHINGTON The Monetary Pro gram. Money Possibility. Serving Notice. Washington—The first show down between President Roosevelt and Congress resulted in a victory for the President which makes one thing certain; there will be no ef fective opposition at this session to Mr. Roosevelt’s economy recovery program. Although it was a nar row margin by which the House adopted the rule that changes in the Administration’s budget could not even be considered unless rec ommended by the proper com mittee, it was a clear enough vic tory. It ties the hands of the House against any change in the veterans’ compensation laws, gov ernment salaries or other items ex cept a9 the President recommends them. The rule was adopted in rhe face of tremendous pressure from lobbies interested in getting something for the groups they rep resent. The eighty-four Demo cratic members who voted for it were not voting against the Presi dent but for their constituents rep resented by these lobbyists. Now that they have the rule to hide be hind nearly all of them can be counted on to stand behind the President. In other words, Congress is going to continue to do whatever the President asks it to do; for if it stands with him on reducing ex penses in the ordinary budget, it is impossible to imagine this or any other Congress opposing him when he wants to spend money, in the extraordinary budget. It is not in the nature or Congress to be economical. not a complete one as yet, towara the stabilization of the dollar in terms of gold and the furthre backing of United States currency with silver in addition to gold. He asked that the top limit of value of the gold dollar be fixed at 40 per cent less than at present, or a "sixty-cent dollar” and that it be not permitted to fall below half its present gold content. But the most important part of the plan ■ _l._ ..1__1 t_ iJ bv/ iibaivv biiv x vwbiai x xvujwj.^ »■»*V sole custodian of all monetary gold The Federal Reserve Banks are to surrender their gold to the Treas ury and receive in exchange for it gold certificates, at the new valu ation. This will make it possible fot the Government and the Federal Reserve Banks, between them to is sue more than eleven billion dol lars of currency, at the accepted ratio of one dollar in currency against 40 cents gold reserves. There is now outstanding some what less than half of that amount of currency. The net effect of this move, then will be to increase the Government’s ability to issue money by more than six billion dollars, every dollar of it backed by forty percent gold. Except for the provision auth orizing the Treasury to deal in foreign exchange, with a $2,000, 000,000 fund to operate with as a means of maintaining parity be tween our money and that of other nations, the rest of the President’s monetary program is frankly de pendent upon international condi tions. He would like to take the next step in the remonetization of silver, but is waiting for other na tions besides our own to carry out their part of the London agreement under which 66 nations promised action early this year to increase the price of silver in relaton to gold. What the President had to say on silver is wonh quoting, however-, The other principle precious metal—silver—has also been used from time immemorial as a metalic base for currencies as well as for actual currency itself. It is used as such by probably half of the Continued on page four Would Require Several Years To Complete Lfirge Appropriation Bill Consider ed By House; Many New Ships Proposed. BE FULL TREATY STRENGTH Should The Plan Succeed It Would Not Be Complete Until 1940 Or 1941. House Democratic and Republi can leaders indorsed a move to slash through red tape so the United States may have a sound fighting fleet as big as treaties permit. But even should the plan suc ceed, the treaty navy could not be an accomplished fact before 1940 or 1941, four years after present naval limitation treaties expire. The house spent the day con jsidering the annual $284,000,000 naval appropriations bill, which carried $1,200,000 to start a new 10,000-ton, 8-inch-gun cruiser and $1,200,000 to begin three new 6 in tne supply bill a measure by 1 Chairman Vinson of the house naval committee to let the President re place these obsolete vessels in a five year program that would cost about $76,000,000 a year. It provides for the replacement of 102 old light cruisers, destroyers, submarine, and the aged aircraft carrier Langley. The naval committee approved] the measure by an 18 to 0 vote after its membtrs heard Admiral William H. Standley, chief of naval operations, say: "This would enable the Presi dent to bring our fleet up to date and keep it there. It is perhaps, the most important naval legisla tion since the World war. There is no question that by not building up to treaty strength we are en dangering this country.” Vere H. Brown Guest Speaker At Civitan Vere H. Brown, head of the Derby Racing Association, was guest speaker at the Civitan club at their regular meeting Thursday and in his address he told the Civi tans of plans for the coming meet here on Mar. 24. At t hat time there will be no other major horse racing held in the United States and 500 or more blooded horses are expected to be entered. Followers of the sport, he declar ed, are liberal spenders and a good market for country produce as well as provisions for feeding the race horses will be provided by the meet. Tammany Boss Dies John H. McCooey, for 24 years the boss of Brooklyn Democrats and Tammany Hall chief, died Sunday. He was 69 years of age, and his death comes just at the time Tammany Hall is at a crisis, its very existence depending upon the leader to be chosen and new policies to be enunciated. NEWS BRIEFS CHILD BURNS TO DEATH j Arlene, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller of Lexington, was fatally burned at! her home there, when her dress eaught from an open fireplace.! She died at a hospital a few hours! later. The mother was burned ibout her hands and arms in trying to save her child. CAR LOADINGS INCREASE Loading of revenue freight for the week ending January 13 total ed 5 35,627 cars, an increase of 5 5, 588 cars above the preceding week, the American Railway' Association tas announced. M i s c e 1 laneous freight loading for the week of January 13 totaled 184,256 cars m increase of 13,405 cars-above the preceding week and 23,003 cars lbove the same week in 1933. PARLEY RESIGNS PARTY POST James A. Farley, campaign man iger for President Roosevelt andj thairman of the Democratic na tional committee has requested that i successor be found for him as! n aviation stock turned out to He vorth more than $5,000,000 within 'ears. He is confronted with the >ossibility of an inquiry into his ncome tax returns. HIJACKERS SEIZE CIGARETS A gang of hijackers, traveling in , :wo cars, used gunfire to force a iurlington truck to halt south of Richmond. The truck was several ■ < , , . i iuuis irfici luuicu uath iu its up :rators. Paul Holt and R. W. Wor tham, after $26,000 worth of cig irets had been removed. The truck was enroute to Baltimore with 4 shipment from Winston-Salem. DIES OF ACCIDENT SHOT Charles A. Vandiford, 22, j Greenville, was accidentally killed in the discharging of a small pistol, which fell from his pocket and hit the pavement. ARREST ROBBER SUSPECT Tom Clevenger, 52, is held at Newport, Tenn., as a suspect in the December 19 robbery of the Citi zens bank at Hot Springs, N. C.., when four bandits got $2,400. JOHNSON HEADS ENGINEERS Theodore S. Johnson, professor of industry, State college, has been elected president of the North Carolina Society of Engineers at the 17th annual meeting, held in Raleigh. LAMBETH LEADS FURNITURE MEN The annual meeting of the South ern Furniture Market association, held in High Point last week, end ed in election of Charles Lambeth, o{ Thomasville, as president for the year. TOBACCO CROP WILL BE REDUCED Ninety-five per cent of the flue- ( cured tobacco growers of North Carolina have signed crop reduc ton contracts, tentative reports in dicated and the signers will get about $11,000,000 in rental and equalization payments. E. Y. Floyd, state campaign director, said reports in hand indicate the 1934 tobacco crop will be reduced by 165,000 acres, which produce usual ly about 14,000,000 pounds of the weed. Noted Artist’sTribute to President Whom i h i Nation Honors at Birthday Fetes Jan. 30 •Thisstriking pester was painted by the famous artist, Howard Chandler Christy, when he heard of the national movement to observe President Roosevelt’s birthday oh Tuesday night, Jan. 30, by raising an endowment Fund for Warm Springs Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at Presidential Birthday Balls given simultaneously in every community in the land. He gave It to the national committee as its official poster. Done In red, white ■nd blue, the poster depicts Miss America at the left protecting two chil* dren who are looking up to-President Roosevelt, shown above the capitol. The slogan across the top “America, to our President” was coined by Mr. Christy as a toast to Mr. Roosevelt from the nation. Presidential Ball To Be Gala Event Plans for a gala celebration at she Presidential Pageant-Ball to be ield at' the Boyden High auditori um and gymnasium on January 30 lave taken definite torm and the various committees in charge ex press their belief that the affair will leThe largest celebration ever held n Salisbury. Ticket sales have •eached an encouraging level. A late 4heck-up revealed that the various labor organizations were leading in the sale of tickets. Arrangements are being, made :o have a thorough canvass made if the business and residential sec tions. A handsome prize will be Jonated to the man and woman that sells the most tickets. Bids on the first ticket have been made by several individuals and at present the highest bid is $23.00. Bids on ticket one will be received until Tuesday afternoon at 5 I’clock. Anyone desirous of bid - ling on this ticket may do so by tailing Mr. Kizziah at the Register if Deeds office. The Tar Heelians will furnish music for the ball which will begin promptly at 9:30. At 8:30 a’clock the historical pageant will ae given in jhe High school audi-j ;orium. The Buccaneers will fur-1 nish music for this event. The merchants of Salisbury are to be commended for their liberali ty in donating prizes for the various events. Approximately fifteen prizes are on hand to be awarded to winners at the pagtant and ball. The patron committee appointed the following patrons and patron esses for the Franklin D. Roosevelt birthday pageant: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Rose boro, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Bern hardt, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Craver, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hambley, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. S Holmes Plexico, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Scott, Mr. anS Mrs. B. D. McCubbins, Dr. and Mrs. Fleming, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Currant, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. John son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frick, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Omwake, Mr and Mrs. T. M. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Kluttz, Mr. James Fdster, Mrs. Lee S. Overman, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A. Lyerly, Mr. and Mrs. W. (Please turn to back page) Income Taxpayers Urged To File Returns Early Early filing of federal income tax returns in order to avoid the rush before the final date on March 15 is urged by J. W. Dellinger, dep uty collector of internal revenue. The federal official called at tention to the fact that a heavy penalty is imposed by the federal government on returns filed after March 15. "If people will begin to file their returns this month,” he said, "they not only will help the col lectors but they also will-be able to save themselves considerable in convenience, which will be caused by standing in line when returns are pouring in.” GOOD MORNING FOOLISH GROCER "We also have some nice horse radish today,” the grocer was ex plaining to the new bride out on her first shopping trip. "Oh, but we keep a car,” she explained, sweetly. COOL1DGE ECONOMY This story is related by a person connected with the White House. One Sunday after the President had returned from church, where he had gone alone, Mrs.- Coolidge inquired: "W-o __is>> - - o "Yes,” he answered. "What was it about?” "Sin.” "What did the minister say?” "He was against it.” THE MAIN QUESTION Professor (after lengthy expla nation of philosophical theory) —"And now, are there any ques tions:” Voice in Rear—"What time is it?” BETTER PAY FOR TWO "Will a dollar pay for your hen that I just ran over?” "You’d better make it two; I have a rooster that thought a lot of that hen, and the shock might kill him too.” MEMORY GEMS The world wants men—true men— Who cannot be bought or sold— Men who scorn to violate trust; r_• 1 j i For he who is hqnest is noble, Whatever his fortune or birth. A good name is rather to be chosen that great riches and loving favor rather than silver or gold.— Proverbs. Truth is the hghest thing a man can keep.—Chaucer. True dignity abides with him alone, Who, in the patient hour of silent . thought, Can still respect and still revere himself. LOSS NOT GREAT Goofus: "I hear that old Money bags was waylaid and killed last night.” Rufus: "Is that so? Did the criminals get away with much money?” Goofus: "No. The old man __!—i__ - small change around with him and so practically all he lost was his life.” DEATHLY SILENCE "Yes, gentlemen”, he cried, "I’ve sold these pills for over 20 years, and never heard a word of com plaint. Now what does that prove?” Voice from the Crowd: "That dead men tell no tales.” ALIKE AS PRESENTS "I have always maintained”, de clared Charles, "that no two peo ple on earth think alike.” "You’ll change your mind”, said his fiancee, "when you look over our wedding presents.” TOO GOOD After living in the house for a weeK. tne tenant touA tnc acy uuck to the agent. Agent: "What’s wrong? Isn’t the house good enough for you?” Tenant: "It’s too good. You see, the wall is weeping for the sins of the roof, which is a fresh-air fiend and insists on letting us see the wide, open spaces-of the rky above. Every chimney’s a non smoker, so the house ain’t no place for an ordinary sinner like me.” Cases Now In Hands Of Justice Dept. Hopkins Office Deluged With Pro tests Threat of Bringing Re lief Work to About Half TO END CWA IN MAY 14 States Ordered to Reduce CWA Payroll; 81,000 Men Removed From Payroll In Wis. Harry L. Hopkins, civil works and emergency relief administrator. said that charges or graft in hand ling civil works and relief fund* had been turned over to the justice department with a recommendation for prompt prosecution if sub stantiated. We are going after every crook we find,” Hopkins added. Meantime, in the face of a bar rage of 9,000 letters a day, the administration started to draft legislation to appropriate more than a billion dollars to carry on the work of the Civil Works ad ministration. The Civilian Con servation corps and Emergency Relief. Hopkins, office, as well as those of nearly every congressman, has been deluged with protests since thte administrator announced the Civil Works program would be brought to an abrupt halt unless given additional funds. President Roosevelt is standing pat, however, on his plan to taper off the Civil Works program and wind it up in May. It is the President’s hope that with the coming of summer 4,000, 000 men now on the government’s emergency payroll will be able to find normal outdoor work. Nevertheless there is a growing movement in congress against this sudden conclusion of the civil works program and a strong effort is in prospect to continue it, at least in part through the summer. Under the plan for discontinu ing the Civil Works program, the first workers would be taken off the rolls in the south the elimina tion progressing northward as the spring and summer seasons advance. Hopkins has ordered 14 states to reduce their civil works pay rolls immediately. The reductions range from 81,000 men i.i Wiscon sin to 1,000 in Utah. Special Services At First Presbyterian Will End Sunday Large crowds which have filled to almost capacity the church, have been in attendance at each of the services which are being held at 10 A. M. and 7:30 P. M., and being conducted' by Dr. Robt. King at the First Presbyterian church. These services will continue through the week, coming to a close with the night service Sunday evening. All who have heard this “winsome’*' preacher are loud in their praise and are unanimously agreed that he is one of the most stirring and heart-searching minsters ever heard here. Band Concert Be Held Tonight At Boyden Hi The Salisbury High School Band, under the direction of Prof. John Winks, will give a concert tonight at 8 o’clock at the Boyden High School auditorium. The proceeds of the concert to apply against the cost of new instruments recently purchased for the band. An interesting and entertaining program has been arranged. The patronage of the public is urged. ' ■g a . ’V — il.w ' ■ ***■ __

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