f WASHINGTON Civil Power Supreme No Furniture Factory Attention to Capital Washington—For the first tin* since he began to put the New I*. mto effect, President Roose ' c c fflced a storm of open and pub lic criticism as a result of his dras tic order summarily cancelling all existing airmail contracts and turn mg over the air-mail service to the military aviation forces. Telegrams and letters from all sorts of people in all parts of the country expressed the view that the President had acted too impulsively in wrecking a great industry mere ly because there had been disclosures before a Senate committee that a few men had made a great deal of money out of Government con -r t i *‘“vw pxaiic^ anu engines. Telegrams came from such im portant and respected figures as Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and oth ers of equal fame in the world of aviation; from thousands of inves tors in the shares of aviation com panies; from communities whose air-mail services were threatened, and from plain citizens who warned that the mail service is not one to be entrusted to flyers who have specialized in quite another branch of aeronautics. The arbitrary action by the Presi dent started a good many people, too, to using the word "dictator” in their more or less private con versation. The word has been heard a good many times in Wash ington recently. Mostly it has been used Dy tne President s political op ponents^ whenever they have deem ed it safe to indulge in words at all. The President’s friends have pointed out that a dictator is one who seizes power without the consent of the legislature, and who main tains that power by use of military force. President Roosevelt has been punctilious to ask Congress for such| power as he is exercising, and has. never asked' until lie was assured in! advance that the powers would be granted. And, up to now, there| has been no suggestion of disregard-' ing the Constitutional provision| that the military shall always be subordinate to the civil power of the Government. Incidentally, it is that provision in the Constitution that prevents the President from _nn Arrmr /vf-firpr nc ^prrpJ “““““O —- j tary of War a Navy officer as Sec retary of the Navy. There are some, however, who are beginning to point out that Mussolini, who certainly ranks as dictator in his own Italy, is care ful to go through the form of cos suiting the Italian Parliament and obtaining permission to do what he wants to do. TheSe same critics of the Administration also point out that Mussolini did not have the official Italian army behind him in his March on Rome, but only his Fascist "militia,” and they are viewing with some distrust the suggestion which is being talked about, more or less openly in Ad ministration circles, that the young men who have been enrolled in tae CCC, the beneficiaries of CWA who db not find other emplcymnt, and numerous other groups ought to be regimented into a perman ent "work reserve corps.” Some of the more bitter enemies of the New Deal profess to see in this a military :—liration. suggesting the possi bility of the organization of a fight ing force which might be used, in unscrupulous hands, much as Mus solini used his Fascists. . There probably is nothing in that idea, but those who hold it are frank in saying that the use of Army and Navy aviators to per form a civil function, such as car rving the mails, sets a precedent under which soldiers, sailors and marines might be used as letter carriers, or even as workers in othet lines of industry. c It nearly escaped notice wher Congress turned down one of Mr Roosevelt’s proposals to put, th< Government into comparison with urivate business, the other day The question was on an approprn tion for the building of a furmtur. factory in West Virginia, where on. of the Administration’s pet scheme for a colony of "subsistence home steads” is to be tried out. Secretary Ickes, in charge 01 pub lie works, had allotted $525,000 t. build a factory which was to pro vide employment for the subsis Continued on page four The Carolina Wat< man FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR. SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 30. PRICE 2 CENTS Baulking, Industry Show Gain JOHNSON OPPOSES *30 HR. W*EEK _ _ President Gets Encouragement i From Leaders Banking Structure is Reported As Sound ,ind Getting Back to Normal Lending Policies OPTIMISTIC FOR FUTURE Business Has Been Steadily Gain ing in Last Four Months and Trend Seems to. Be Defi nitely Upward. Reports of improved conditions in banking and industry were given to President Roosevelt by leaders in these fields. They came at the same time that the Chief Execu tive considered efforts to move the heavy capital goods business into higher speed to take up slack from the government’s emergency pro gram. Henry I. Harriman, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, and Francis M. Law, president of the American Bankers association, in separate talks with the President spoke op timistically of conditions and dis cussed plans for the future. Harriman said the crux of the problem was to stimulate the capi tal goods industry "in order to get men to work there as the govern ment’s emergency program fades out.” Law said "the banking structure is very sound” and the banks were "getting back to a more normal lending policy.” However, he agreed that federal aid in providing private credit and long-term financing might well be considered. Mr. Roosevelt has been very busy with his financial lieutenants Continued on page five Roosevelt Asks Further Delay In Wage Slashing Warning that the national em ergency still exists and that eco .stabilized, President Roosevelt call nomic conditions are as yet lin ed on railway capital and labor to agree to a six months’ extension of the 10 percent railway pay cut from this coming June. Mr. Roosevelt’s views were con tained in a letter addressed to the conference committee of managers representing Class 1 railroads and the Railway Labor Execuu sociation. "I am confident that such an extension.” the President wrote, "would be of advantage to those directly concerned, and also to the entire country.” The White House pronounce ment came a few hours after dis patches from Chicago said the con ference committee had served no tice of a 15 per cent pay reduc tion on all classes of union labor on and after July 1, 1934, for a year. * $64,815 Sales Tax Collection In Rowan County Sales tax collections in Rowar county for the first six month; period amounted to $64,S15. The enactment of sales tax anc : other measures of the past legis ; lature regarding taxes afford ;d ; • property tax reduction of $277, 1 543 in the county. The indireci sales tax return for the yeai ■ would amount to $1,% J O, whicl ► leaves a property tax“\ 1 .>n u ■ excess of the sales 1; y* ■ madie and anticipated of $147,913. NEWS BRIEFS BURLINGTON CHILD KILLED Charlie, five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Farlow of Burling ton, was instantly killed Sunday afternoon in an automobile crash near there. Others injured are expected to recover. ARMY MAIL HAS EARLY j rASTTATTlFS Three young army pilots assign ed to the airmail service met death in binding fog and snowstorm in the Utah mountains while enroute to take over the work of civilian flyers. Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker pronounces this incident as "legal ized murder”. He was pilot on one of the commercial lines. NOT TO WED From one of the few intimates of enigmatic Greta Garbo, film folk have learned that the Swed ish actress will not marry Rouben Mamoulian and that he probably will not direct ^another picture starring her. G. O. P. FIGHT? North Carolina’s Republicans are going to have a championship fight, according to Greensboro, Hendersonville, Asheville and Ral eigh news, and if There were not some allies of Judge william C. | Meekins who seld'om have been among the insurgents, the contest could be explained as the old Struggle of the Bourbons against the progressives. BISHOP CANNON WANTS FUNDS The criminal charges against Bishop James Cannon, Jr1., and Miss Ada L. Burroughs, his former secretary, of Richmond, Va., will come up for trial at Washing ton City sometime in April. They are charged with conspiracy to violate the corrupt practices law because of failure to report all the contributions handled by anti Smith headquarters in Richmond during the 1928 presidential cam paign. An appeal is being sent out in four-page pamphlet form stating the cause of the Bishop and calling for funds to aid him t-ViA Ipo-al rnntMf. The con tinued pursuit of the Bishop to bring him into court has depleted his funds to a low point, and he must have aid1 it is claimed. GANG ROUND-UP The net spread by hundreds of Oklahoma and Arkansas officers over the Cookson hills badlands for fugitive desperadoes on Sun day had caught 17 suspects and the drive for others was pressed vigorously. The manhunt, most extensive in the history of the southwest, was started early Sat urday night with Charles "Pretty Boy” Floyd as the principal des perado sought. GREEN’S FACE TRIAL The state will brook no further ; delay in weigning out justice iui Bascom and Lester Green, father and son, who were brought to Taylorsville from Tennessee last week to be tried in Alexanler county for the murder of T. C. Barnes, killed in a bank hold-up last July. Trial probably will start Wednesday morning. RAISE POSSIBLE FOR N. SCHOOL TEACHERS North Carolina school -t| now on salaries far belo wage levels, may gey gress passes th federa 1 coi —.—.— l - ■ •_= -1-:-: Wives of Democratic Pr^id^KS NEW YORK: ... A dinner at the Women’s University Club here was the occasion which brought the wives of two Democratic presidents together as honored guests. . . . On the left is- Mrs. Thomas J. Preston of New Jersey, widow of Grover Cleveland, who reigned at the White House in the 80's and 90’s. On the left is Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, .today's “First Lady’’ who was made an honoraiy member of the club. Textile Federation Is Organized For State - Five-Day Week and Five-Hour Day Among Objec tives Of Organization Effected Be Represen tatives Of Workers Here. Old age, sickness, accident and unemployment insurance are aims of the North Carolina Federation of Textile Workers along with a five-day week and a five-hour day. Resolutions recording the new organization of hosiery and textile workeis in favor of these social changes were adopted as its con vention here closed. Leaders of the organization claim it represents 5 5,000 workers. Public ownership of utilities and transportation and communications systems was advocated in other res olutions adopted. The organization was completed with election of P. R. Christopher, of Shelby, as president; S. Davis, of Burlington, as first vice-president; Van Hill, of Asheboro, second vice-president, and J. D. Buie, of Belmont, secretary-treasurer. Army Will Use 147 Planes For Mail Army air mail headquarters an nounce that a total of 147 planes will be used to carry the nation’s air mail. Sixty-six planes have been assigned to the eastern zone, 42 to the central zone and 39 to the western zone. The planes to be operated in eastern zone will be assigned as follows: Newark to Chicago, one bom bardinent, 14 observation, and one cargo; Newark to Miami, nine ob servation; Chicago to Jacksonville, nine pursuit; Newark to St. Louis, eight observation; Cleveland to Memphis, five pursuit; Washing ton to Cleveland, nine pursuit. Disastrous Fires Strike 3 North Carolina Towns Large Structures Razed at Smithfield and South ern Pines, Causing $125,000 Damage; Raeford Building Burns . . . . _ . • i i* i Smithlield—u am age esumateu at $100,000 was caused by fire that swept through the Sanders building, Smithfield’s largest busi ness structure, early Tuesday. The building, covering a quarter of a block, housed the town’s only theater, the local postoffice, the Western Union office, and several private offices. The fire was be lieved to have started in the the ater. Other nearby buildings were, threatened for a time, byterian churcl^ frame buildj, ror a time it ucncvcu ncdi* by buildings would be consumed by spreading flames but after sev ral hours fighting by firemen from Aberdeen and Pinehurst in addi tion to those from the local com pany, the fire was brought control. The building, owned b^j B. McBrayer, Carolina GOOD MORNING j One day recently, so the story runs, pretty Helen Vinson of tilt movies was driving in her new car when something went wronj with the engine. The traffic lighi changed from green to red and back to green and still she could not' get the car to budge. The traffic cop came up. "What’s the matter, miss. "Ain’t we got any colors you like?” A few days ago the lady was shopping on Fifth Avenue. She left the taxi waiting at the curb. In the shop she found that she had not hrmip-Vif hf»r mircp "Rsrk >he went to the taxi. "I’ve left my purse at home,” she explained to the driver. "Drive me home/’ The chauffeur, a big colored man, pulled out a $10 bill and landed it to her. "Your credit is good with me,” le said. "Twenty years ago you laved my life ” ZAUSE AND EFFECT "It says the man was shot by his ,vife at close range.” "Then there must have been x>wder marks on the body.” "Yes, that’s why she shot him.” DEAD FOR KEEPS A native of western town which aad had a remarkable boom some ,'ears ago moved away and he hap aenied to run across one of his old leighbors when they were both on i trip to Washington recently, rhe first man asked the second how ihings were in the old home town, rhe friend replied: "You can’t magine how dull they are. You _mil wJ! dropped dead in front of the post jffice Sunday and they didn’t find the body until Thursday.” TROUBLES The ceremony was over, both had “I willed”, and the happy couple were receiving the clergy man’s blessing. First he said a few words to the bride. Then he turned to the bridegroom. "My boy”, he said, "you have come to the end of your troubles.” A few months passed, and the man met the clergyman again. "I thought you told me at my wedding that I had come to the end of all my troubles?”, he said. "My boy”, he said, "I did not tell you which end, did I?” WHAT BETTER COURSER In a Philadelphia ly, the engagement of a was announced. A frieq was met at the door bv maid who Miss Alice ai she’s gone Sees Danger In Abrupt Change For Industry Says Reduction Should Be Gradual, And System Must Be Flexible. NO FIXED RULE ACCEPTABLE Many Small Businesses Hflve Pro tested That They Could Not Exist Under Flat 3 0 Hour Week. * Huglh S. Johnson, who has asked a lot of questions of other persons during the last few months, ans wered a few himself, during the course of which he told a house committee that he thought am arbitrary 30-hour week could not be applied to industry. He went to the labor committee early in its hearing and sat by while Gerard Swope,, president if General Electric, voiced similar views against Chairman Connery’s 30-hour work week bill. Both he and Swope took the attitude that hour reduction should come through the more flexible opera tions of NRA codes. "My opinion from nine months’ - experience in watching the codes go by,” he explained, "is that you couldn’t apply-a flat rule in indus try. Such a law would be accept able only r£ it were made /use as flexible as it is now. You’ve got to maintain a flexibility to prevent an untold result that you or no body would want to have. "The complaints that have been coming in from the small indus tries have been chiefly, not of any monopolistic tendencies of the codes, but that they could not subsist under the shorter hours given them. These would be nothing to what you would get if you passed a law of this kind.” Aclrpd if thp nennlp* vpnprallv would think the 3 0-hour week bet ter than the NRA, Johnson re plied the industries "would turn backward somersaults at the thought of a 30-hour week. Johnson declined1 to say' how fast he thought the unemployed could be reabsorbed by industry, but he did say more than two and a half million probably still would be unemployed under a 30-1] week, and that he sj indicating approxj were out of wo