iss Thf Paroi ina WATCHMAN NORTH CAROUNA ^ 1 B B\jl \ V/ JLj*l 1A« W W XjL JL UtA/jLI 1 OF ALL THE NEWS” FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 32. PRICE 2 CENTS. mHP IHHk. ■■ Industry Able To Slash Work ] Hrs. He Avers W,ages Also Could Be Raised 10 Per Cent, Chief Beheves SEES LITTLE HARDSHIP Administrator Dechres That Many Businesses Ought to Make The Change. Hugh S. Johnson told represen tatives of industries that there were many "that obviously can— and ought to—meet the suggest ion” to wx>rk on a 10 per cent decrease in hours per week and a 10 per cent increase in hourly The NRA administrator speak ing to employers at the conclusion of the general conference on code revision did not, however, say that this was the administration’s plan. Instead, he suggested further con ference with employers to work out this problem and others con nected with the recovery unit. In one pithy paragraph the ad ministrator summd up his views on the troubled question of wages and hours: "There are some industries that couldn’t do what I tentatively svrgested about wages and hours, irffefe at^Ssme where business is so little that, if they did adopt the rule, it wouldn’t make any differ ence to employment. But there are many that obviously can— and ought to—meet the suggestion to work on a 10 per cent decrease in hours a week and a 10 per cent increase in hourly wages. The President expressly said that he favored resiliency in any such rule. We all know that some in dustries cannot do this. We know iii • .rr_ tnat in some u. wuum ^ tive. But we know that in many there is no excuse for not doing it.” Ernest Johnson had told the in dustrialists that the President did not intend to proclaim any blanket reduction of hours or increase in wages but he indicated—as he did in his speech that—the subject would be seriously considered at other meetings with selected repre sentatives of the business men. KIDNAPER CONFESSES TO SLAYING PAIR Giles S. Boggess,, 43, an unem ployed tailor, of Dallas, De . con fessed in a signed statement Friday he had shot to death his wife and mother-in-law and abducted his two-year-old daughter. Boggess said he was angered be cause his wife refused to return to him after an estrangemnt and de clined to drop tRe divorce suit she had filed. Baseball’s Greatest NEW YORK ... John J. McGraw {above), 60, called baseballs great est figure, died last week with his beloved New York Giants as world champions. It was McGraw who picked and developed Manager Bill Terry and turned over to him the. management when health failed in 1932. No man was happier than McGraw last Fall when the fighting Giants beat, Washington _ for _ the world titla._ I WS BoiEFS MOUNTAIN INN DESTROYED Fire destroyed Saturday night the 25-room resort hotel on Miner al Springs mountain, near Val deese. The Wynd-Jur-Way inn suffered a loss estimated at $10, 000. FEDERAL JUDGE HANGS' HIMSELF Ernest Ford Cochran, U. S. dis trict judge, was found Sunday at his home after he had hanged himself with a silken scarf tied to a bedpost at his home in Charles ton, S. C. He was 68 years of age. Despondency over a nervous disorder probably led to the act. ROWAN WOMAN FATALLY HURT Mrs. C. C. Dowell of Salisbnry was fatally injured Sunday after noon as she was walking -on the highway with her husband, going to their home four miles west of toiwn when struck by a car driven by George Norfleet, of Winston Salem, student at Davidson college. She was a bride of three weeks. DEPUTY SHERIFF DIES OF INJURIES George J. Massey, 48, an Ala mance county deputy sheriff, died Ss&day night from injuries he re ceived on Saturday when he was walking along the road near Bur lington. He was struck by a car alleged to have been driven by Gurney Sutton, also of Alamance, who is out on bond. . NEWELL DECLINES Jake F. Newell of Charlotte, candidate in the 1932 election for the United States senate, announces positively that he will not be a candidate for the state chairman ship of the Republican party before the convention to be held in Charlotte April 4, and that he would not accept if rendered him. Mr. Newel! assigns as reasons that he is not financially able to ac cept the post, and that he does not consider himself endowed with the faculties required of a chairman to manage tihe campaign. Mr. Newell seems to have been the fa vorite of the young group of the party in the state, which signified at a meeting in Salisbury on Sat urday that a change of leaders is being sought. PANAMA REFUSES V. S. CHECK The accing fiscal agent of the republic of Tanama has been in structed not to accept the United States government’s • check for $250,000 in payment of this country’s obligation under the Canal Zone treaty of 1904. CHILD DIES OF BURNS Molly Anne Ware, five, died in a Reidsville hospital as a result of burns received at her home there. The little one was alone in the room and with childish curiosity. play fully lighted a string and was watching the fire creep up and her dress became ignited. The child was enveloped with flames which burned hr severely from the Waist to her arms and face. STUDENTS VOTE ON NON DRINKING RULING Rues against possessing and drinking whiskey will be modified and moderate gambling will be tolerated at North Carolina State college if two-thirds of the student body and the board of trustees act favorably upon student government proposals. The new provisions which have been approved by thf student government and placet before the student body and trus tees, would make drinking a mis demeanor and forbid any "exces sive” gambling. ■ ■■!>■■■■ I .. — ■■ ■—.. . ||, ■ Friendly Enemies at -Airmail Hearing i WASHINGTON . , ; It was just before the “battle”,*. . . well maybe not battle but just before former Postmaster Walter Brown (right) of the Hoover cabinet, took the stand to testify that Postmaster James A. Parley (left) of the Roosevelt cabinet, said ‘ ‘ Senator Black of the Senate Airmail Committee was a publicity hound” . . . which Farley immediately denied in his testimony. Anyhow ... it’s a swell hand-shake. PRISON BREAK ATTEMPT FAILS r I Huntsvilie, Texas—Three con victs were shot down and two others forced to surrender, frus trating an attempted break from the Texas penitentiary early Wed nesday morning in which authori |tis believe the love affairs of Bon nie Parker, cigar smoking gun woman, figured. Warden W. W. Waid said Roy Thornton, one of the convicts, was “crazy’’ about Bonnie Parker, Thornton’s former wife but now the sweetheart and partner in crime of Clyde Barrow, south western bank robber and killer. The warden expressed belief Thornton’s love for the gunwom an prompted him to plan the break for freedom. Thornton is serving 99 years for robbery by firearms. Bonnie Parker has been the associate of Bairow for several years and has bej^. with the des perado whn he shot Eis way out of several police traps.' In the darkness, of the prison yard, Finch crept up on Guard Howard Bass, thrust a shoemak er’s knife against his throat and threatened to kill him. Gus Gray, another guard, shot Finch. The other convicts disappeared in the darkness and a few minutes later appeared with two ladders stolen from the prison fire house. As they placed them against the wall, Bud Manning and Ewing Stanley, wall guards, fired with shotguns. Fraziera and McArthur tumbled to the ground. Thorn ton and Hill quickly surrenderd. F. D. R. Wants Home Bonds Guaranteed President Roosevelt has sent a message to congress asking that the principal of the home loan bonds be guaranteed. The president said that as a re sult of this operation he expected the Home Owners’ Loan corpora tion would be able to extend fur ther assistance for the moderniza tion and repair of homes. He proposed that outstanding home loans bonds be exchanged for the new type of bonds to be guaranteed as to principal as well as to interest. The message also proposed that the home owners loan corporation be given authority to purchase bonds of the federal home loan banks for the purpose of making funds available to those banks and to building and loan associations "to encourage private building.” They tell us we must pour out our money generously so as to con fer benefits on posterity, but it would be possible to do that more liberally, if posterity did not wear out its shoes and trousers so fast by playing in the dirt and mud. Dillinger Is Free With Gun In Hand John Dillinger roams the middle west today with a machine gun in his hands and ready to fight to the death with any or all of hund reds of possemen who hunted him. Companies of soldiers, police men and volunteer possemen hunted Dillinger in Illinois, Indi ana, Ohio and other states, and flying squads of officers raided more than 260 places in Chicago in an effort to pick up the trail of the cynical, laughing desperado who escaped from the Crown Point (Ind.) jail. Using a toy gun which he carv ed from a broomstick with a razor blad and painted with shoe black ing, the bandit locked 33 persons in the jail, stole Sheriff Lillian Holley’s automobile kidnaped a deputy and garage man, took $15 from guards, and sped away into the land of the missing. Claimed that historic anniver saries should be noticed, and any way most people are willing to ob serve their own birthdays by re ceiving valuable presents. Do You Know The Answer? Continited on page four 1. what language is the name Elva? 2. Was President Garfield a member of the Masonic Order? 3. How many elements are ■ recognized by chemists? 4. From what are sausage cas ings made? 5. What is an orthodontist? 6. Name the governor of Mis soun. 7. What state is nicknamed "Iodine State?” 8. Hotw old was President James A. Garfield when he was as assinated? 9. What river forms the boun dary between Texas and Mexico? 10. Which is the most northern coal-producing state? Concert Sunday Capitol Theatre Salisbury BandCaldwell Cline And Male Chorus to Give Program. The Salisbury Community band, mder the direction of John O. vVinks, assisted by Caldwell Cline md the male chorus, will be heard n the second of a series erf concerts it the Capitol theatre Sunday af ternoon at 3 o’clock. Th concert is free to the public md a very enjoyable program has Deen arranged and it is hoped that the public will avail itself to the opportunity of an afternoon of musical entertainment. The program follows: I. Our Students March, Mil ler; Luslpiel Overture, Keler-Bela; Band. II. Shadow March, Protheral; Cotton 'Dolly, Giefel; Salisbury male chorus, Mrs. Bachtell direc tor. III. Andante from Symphony Espagnole, Lalo; Caprice Vienaise, Kreisler; Alt. Wien (Old Vienna), Gadowski-Heifitz; Schomatmarin, Kreisler; Caldwell Cline, violinist. IV. Hark, Hark, My Soul, Shelby; Salisbury male chorus; so prano solo, Doris Kimel; baritone solo, Glenn Hartsrll. V. Atlantis Suite (The Lost Continent), Safernak; 1. Noc turne and Momipg Hymn of Praise; 2. Court function; 3. I Love Thee (Prince and Aana; 4. The Destruction of Atlantic; Med ley, clarinet octet, arr, by John Winks; Semper Fidelis March, Sousa; band. Do You Know? That each 16^s feet of new concrete highway in 1931 cost North Carolina $35.36? That each school child costs the state of North Carolina only $35.10 for one year? (Much less for 1933-34). That the Nation spent $71.20 on the average for each child in school for one year? That the 3 3-cent tax reduction secured on county tax *hte for this year throughout the state was entirely on the school rate? That the tax rate for other pur poses than schools remained the same? That of the total state debt for all purposes in North Carolina of approximately $540,000,000 only 13.4 percent is for schools includ ing public education and all higher institutions of learning? That retarded pupils consti.ate the greatest wast in North Caro lina education? That pupils are retarded because of (1) Low mental ability of the child. (2) Bad home conditions. (3) Overcrowded classrooms (4) Poorly trained teachers. (5) Short c/'lartrsl fprnic. That the average promotion in large cities where conditions de scribed in 3, 4 and > are best is 80.6 percent wh'le in the rural schools it is 65 percent or a dif ference of 15.6 percent? That the average promotion for the state is 68 percent which means that 32 of every 100 children fail each year largely because of im proper facilities? That education today needs the careful study of every citizen? That some financial interests today seem to be trying to do away with public high schools for the masses? The philosophers have long been complaining that young American manhood is deteriorating, and that gloomy point of view appears to be largely held by the alumni of those colleges which played losing football seasons tast year. - GOOD MORNING WRONGLY NAMED Sambo was hired on a railway gang. At the close of the first shift he was all tired out and sought the boss. "Mister, you’ sho’ yo’ all got me down on the pay-roll?” "Sure’’, said the boss. "Here’s your name—Sambo Simpson. That right?” "Yes, suh”, replied Sambo. "Ah just thought you might have me down as Samson.” EXPLANATION SATISFACTORY Bride, to Merchant: "Mr. Fish man, the last eggs I bought from you were so old that I had to scramble them and season them highly before my husband would eat them.” Merchant: “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but they were the best we could get. You understand all the youn£ chickens were killed off for the holiday trade and there’s nothing left but the old hens to do the laying.” Bride: "Oh, that explains it; I hadn’t thought of that.” STILL BACHELORS Wife: "Are all men as stupid as you are?” Husband: "No, my dear. Some of them are still bachelors/’ SHOCKED LATER Nervous old lady (buying radio) "Now, are you sure I shan’t get a shock?” Salesman: "Quite sure, madan —until you hear some of the pro grams.” ■ “ 1 ONE THING WRONG "How is yer darter now she’s married?” asked Mrs. Green of her neighbor. "Fine”, said Mrs. Harris. "She’s got a lovely cottage vdth a garden, some grand pigs and fowls, an’ the parsonage washin’ to do reg’lar eveiy week—but she can’t abide her man. But there’s alius something wrong.” OUT OF HIS WAY A resident in a srreet undergoing repairs protested about a pile of broken paving outside his front* gate. "Can’t you take this away?” he shouted to one of the men on the jobb, a good-natured Irishman. "Where wF I take it?” asked Paddy. Wl'eriMj;? j the man told him clearly and forcefully that he might take it to Hades. "Hadn’t I better take it to heaven”, was the retort. "It would be -.more out of your way there.” THE SIGN AND ITS MEANING The debt collector was again leaving empty-handed, and was naturally rather grumpy. "A nice Christian you are!” he sneered. "What do you mean?” asked the debtor. The collector pointed to a no tice: Y. M. C. A.” prominently displayed. j "Oh, that!” answered the other, airily. "That doesn’t mean Young Men’s Christian association. All my creditors know what that standsf ro: 'You May Cal) Again.’ Good-day!” There is said to be a possible grand opera star in nearly every family, but while our people all ap preciate music, these potential stars need not feel they must provide opera solos for their neighbors in the hours when the latter are try ing to get a little sleep. , People used to suffer from heart ache, but it seems to take stomach ache to upset them now. 45 Per Cent Of Pledges TaHos. Have Bgjp Paid Approximately $10,000 Now In The Hands of The Local Treasurer. SEEK $15,000 IN DRIVE Practically Ninety Per Cent of Unpaid Pledges Have Been Promised Immediately. Approximately forty-five per cent of the local pledges to the Rowan General hospital have been paid,, according to A. S. Jozies, chairman of the board of trustees. In other words, approximately $10,000 of the $22,500 pledged to the institution has been paid and is in the hands of the local treasu rer, Mr. J. L. Fisher. Practically ninety per cent of the local unpaid pledges have been promised for immediate payment. Those who have made pledges and have not paid them are earnestly requested to make payment as soon as possible. When these pledges have been secured the hospital will receive and additional $30,000 from friends. A lot on the corner of Mocksville and' Confederate ave nues valued- at $7,500, has been donated 16y the Henderson estate and in addition to all these con tributions $40,000 will be received from the Duke Foundation. This insures the people of Salisbury and Rowan county of a modern, fire proof hospital but not sufficiently large to meet our needs, tnererore, an intensive drive will be made in Salisbury, Spencer and East Spen cer and the entire county from March 10 to 17. Every person in the country will be given an oppor tunity to show interest in this work. School children of the county will be "asked to make contribu tions and these will be set aside for a childrens’ ward in the hos pital. M. Bryce P. Beard is chairman of the "Round-Up” drive to se cure $15,000 additional which will be met by a $10,000 gift from th Duke Foundation and will as sure us of a hospital adequate for our needs. BAD BLADE AT HIGH POINT The old Dalton Furniture com pany plant on Hamilton and High streets, two and one half bloc from the heart of High Point v. :s two-thirds consumed by fire. R. B. Terry, who owns the property sustained a loss of ffom $5,000 to $10,000, none of which is covered by insurance. Lester’s Upholstery plant, which was doing business in one end of the plant, sustained a $3,500 loss, partially covered by insurance. |Three-Cushion Champion J s NEW YORK . « . John Layton (above), Sedalia, Mo., former boxer, wrestler and sports promoter, is again the three-cushion billiard champion of the world. Ho defeated! Walker Cochrane, defending ehamj pion, in the final match SO to Ht.| |

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