(Continued From Last Week) "Oh, Nancy dear, he doesn’t mean it!” Mrs. Gordon cried tim idly. Nancy did not hear her. When her father’s furious fist struck the table she let go her hold upon it and drew back, staring at him, fascinated. Then she turned slow ly and started toward the door. "Nancy!” her mother’s voice quavered. The girl did not answer her; she turned and looked back at hei father. "We—we may keep it se cret—the marriage—Richard leave; it to me.” "Secret?” Mr. Gordon roared "secret? What’s this? Is he ashamed of it already?” Nancy gasped. "No,” she saic with white lips, "he isn’t—I am!’ As she spoke she went slowly oul • into the hall and they heard hei going slowly upstairs. Mrs. Gor don sank down again into hei rocker. Her husband marchec tumultuously about the room. A fancy, lace bordered soft-cushior caught on his sleeve button and hi sent it flying. "Oh, Papa, you’ve broker Nancy’s heart!” He swung around on her, hi flushed face and standing hair, ter rifying her. "Heart? Broken her heart—I’ I’d like to thrash her!” he bellowed "You’ll have a stroke, William you’ll have a stroke—if you don’ stop!’ "Stroke be hanged!” he said and rushed to the telephone. H had just thought of it. He called up Richard. "Yes, want to see you—now—righ away! All right. I’ll wait!” H hung up the receiver and began t stride up and down again. Mrs. Gordon knew the girl mus be wretched and her heart wen out to her. But there was a thril of secret relief Roddy was savee His father couldn’t make him te turn the money now. Should sh go upstairs and try tc make it u to Nancy? She half rose and Mi Gordon smashed a little glass pa per-weight that had fallen in hi 1 way. "He’s going crazy,” she though . feebly; then she remembere i Richard Morgan. He was cornin ! soon and there would be an explos ion worse than the one that ha i greeted Nancy. What would hap pen? Would there be an awft ; scene? She did not know what t , CAN'T CO.*™- A krM TOO NERVOUS. ■ i 1 W'SN YOU’D START p SMOKING CAMELS. THEY’RE 1 SO MILD-SO ENJOYABLE. r AND THEY NSVfR UPSET tneNE*'*5' make of this, but she had seen Nancy’s face. She summoned al’ her courage. "I don’t think it’s right to treat the child so!” Mrs. Gordon wiped' c He called up Richard. "Yes— c I want to see yon—now—right 1 aw fly!’’ • the tears from her eyes. "She’s - done it all to save Roddy.” 5 "You think of nothing but Rod 5 dy! I’m—” his voice broke sud • denly—"I’m thinking of my girl!” “I’m thinking of Nancy, too. s What use is it to make a scandal of her marriage? She married c Morgan—I can’t think she’d do it J if she didn’t care for him—it’s— 3 it’s against nature!” "Fiddlesticks! What’s nature 1 got to do with it? She married - Chat—that fellow to get the 1 money quick for Roddy.” He o brought his fist down again on the table—"I’d like to thrash the min inster who married them! What business has any man got to marry people in that way? He ought to have had them both locked up in the police station!” “William Gordon, I’ve heard you say yourself that you wished | Nancy’d stop flirting with Page Roemer and marry a decent man like Richard Morgan!” (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) We are urged to provide veg tables that children will like some rotten potatoes to throw at the next street kids. I ■ - Dr. L. A. Coleman EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT SPECIALIST Wright Bldg. Phone 329 Residence Phone 12S9 i I - Cleveland Rt. 2 Items Miss Blanche Wilhelm was at home last week as her school was closed. The snow and ice had cut off the electric power. Mr. Harry Johnson who has been very sick with measles and Broncitis is improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Miller, Mrs. C. F. Barringer and Mrs. M. E. McDaniel went to Kannapolis Tuesday to see Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. Sara Jane Cartner, who has been real sick. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wilhelm, Joyce and Virginia, and Mr. Hay wood Tyson were Sunday visitors at Mr. R. W. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Campbell, Frances and Margaret Campbell, Mrs. M. E. McDaniel, Miss Virginia McDaniel, Messrs Joe and Garfield McDaniel and Darr Miller were recent visitors at P. A. Johnson’s. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Steele and Mr. C. E. Steele went to Kanna polis Monday to see Mr. Steele’s sister, Mrs. Sara Jane Cartner. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allman spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Gentle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Setzer from Eufola spent several days last week with her "father, Mr. H. W. Miller. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the terms of a cer tain mortgage deed of trust exe cuted by J. A. Kesler and wife, Hattie C. Kesler, to R. V. Good man, Trustee, April, 1927, default havng been • made in the payment of this debt, : which said mortgage was given to : secure, and at the request of the t holder of the note, the undersigned ■ will sell at public sale for cash, at , the Court House Door in Salisbury on the 10th day of March, next, • the following property: Beginning at a stake on Church , Street (R. M. Barringer’s corner) corner to lot No. 4 and 5; thence : S. 45 W. 80 feet to a stake in i Thomas’ line; thence S. 45 E. 200 : feet to a stake, Burke’s line; thence ■ N. 45 E. 80 feet to a stake, Bar > ringer’s line; thence N. 45 W. 200 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 5 in plot made by I. C. Bernhardt, Tlllir 1 1 C Q C Tnrl Ir *-»/"vttr r* p Burke lots, situated in the Great West Ward of the City of Salis bury, N. C., and on South Church Street and known and described in the City Directory as No. 721 South Church Street. For back title see deed from John S. Henderson and wife to J. M. Bostian, dated Oct. J, 1888 and registered in Book of Deeds No. 79 at page 96 in Office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Rowan County. See also will of J. M. Bostian Re corded in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan Coun ty in Will Book No. 7, page 460 for title in Sloan Freeze. Conveyed by the said Sloan Freeze to satisfy the debt provided for in said Mortgage. This the 8 th day of February, J 1934. T. G. FURR, Trustee. Feb. 9—Mar. 9. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Annie E. Sherman, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedenf to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of January 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This January 27, 1934. NOAH SHERMAN, Executor of the estate of Annie E Sherman. John L. Rendleman, Sr., Atty. Feb. 2—March 9. You can’t fool a Cotton Plant.. —that’s why I use Royster | Field Tested Fertilizer” i IF you want a good quality cot* ton crop with good staple and weight, use Royster’s Cotton Fertilizer. Give your cotton the kind of plant food that gets it jj off to a quick, strong growth, l puts on holts and matures them early. Royster’s Fertilizer does these things; our field tests prove < jj it to us—your profits will prove it to you. And remember this: Royster’s is made in one quality only—the best. You can pay more or you can pay less, but you cannot jj buy better fertilizer for growing cotton. Royster experts are continu ally studying cotton, learning all there is to know about fertilizing it. They never stop experiment ing and improving. They test every fertilizer in the laboratory, and field-test it in the cotton field. Only refined materials are used to make sure that the pur est obtainable grades go into Royster sacks. As a result we know that Royster Cotton Fer tilizer will give you the results yon want. See your Royster agent today j and let him know how many tons you need. IF. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA V Charlotte,N.C, Columbia,S.C., Atlanta,Ga., Montgomery,Ala., Jackson,Miss. 1 I 'Hgyster I! FIELD TESTED FERTILIZERS