The Carolina Watchman FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDaV MORNING, MARCH 16, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 33. PRICE 2 CENTS. --— —_—... . I-----1 House To Act ' On Measure At An Early Date Measure WiU Be Open For Amend ments After A Short Debate. TO CUT CARRY OVER ' - t Bill Is Needed to Aid Farmers In * Obtaining a Fair Price For Staple. Democratic leaders are acting to bring the Bankhead compulsory i cotton production control bill to i 1 « an sz*.Liy uuusc vuic. » Representative Bankhead, Demo- i crat, Alabama, co-author, express- 1 ed confidence the measure would win through by a subbstantial ma jority. Strong Republican oppo- , sition must be overcome, however, ! Some Democrats, contending it would open the gate to compul- ] sory regulation of other farm com- ] modities, also were expected to vote ■ against it. A number of clarifying com- ^ mittee amendments were to be sub- , mitted Tuesday. But Bankhead said at the end of the discussions j he knew of no opponent-sponsored - amendments to change the funda mental purpose of the bill. The legislation is designed to cut 1 the huge cotton carryover and * boost prices. It would limit this ! season’s crop to 10,000,000 bales and tax cotton in excess of farm- ^ ers’ quotas 50 per cent of the market value. Repetition of the Republican * cry of "unconstitutional” rumbled around the bill as Representative Hope, of Kansas, ranking majority member of the agriculture com mittee, led the attack on it. Representative Ruffin, Demo crat. Missouri, although conceding ‘ he did not know whether the measure was constitutional, said he would vote for the bill in the belief that no one knows "where we are going to come out.” Chairman Jones, Democrat, Texas, of the agriculture com mitte said nobody knew whether the bill would work but that every safeguard had been taken and that it could be suspended "in a min ute” by the President. Another Alabama Democrat, Representative Jeffers, argued the bill was needed to bring cotton farmers a fair market price. "Those who would stand on the sidelines and attack what the AAA is doing,” he asserted, "would ig nore the fact the farmer was head ed for peasantry.” The bill drew Farmer-Laborite support from Representative John son, of Minnesota, who pointed out his party advocated the regulation principle for all crops. A. I. Ferree Announces For G.O.P. Chairman Randolph County Republicans injected a three cornered fight into the state convention to be held in : Charlotte April 4, last week when they put forward A. I. Ferree as a third candidate for Chairman. : James S. Duncan present Chairman and Judge Meekins of Henderson ville having already announced. Ferree, prominent lawyer, pub lisher, active legionnaire and a po litical leader of recognized ability • has a strong fallowing throughout i the state. He is not connected : with any faction, but answers the i call of a new leadership that is • fastly springing up in the ranks of ■ the G. O. P. | - r The government, it is said, has been high handed, but it will need • to be low footed also to get r-'d of some of the grafters. NEWS BRIEFS KIDNAPER-KILLER IN CHAIR Robert M. Wiles, 49-year-old ddnaper and killer, faced the zero iour of his life Monday morning it 6 o’clock, when he was led to :he death chair in Columbia, S. 2., prison. He kidnaped and kill ed H. H. Harris, Jr., last Decem >er. IAIN IN POPULATION Gain in population of the Unit id States in 1933 over that of 1932 s estimated at 797,000 by the icripps foundation for research n population problems. The pop ilation on January 1, 1934, totaled 26,144,000. the report estimated. BIRMINGHAM HAS DF.STRUC riVE FIRE A fire loss of three million dol ars and injury to 38 firemen was eported from Birmingham, Ala., n the heart of the downtown busi less district. Every piece of ighting equipment was brought in o play, it is stated. BUSINESS TREND CON rlNUES UPWARD nerchandise in the past week be ;an to reach proportions reminis :ent of the minor boom in several ines last July. Preparations for he Easter shopping season went orward feverishly, with many vholesalers hard pressed to make leliveries, and merchants in several ocalities planning for the best volume in four years. 3REVARD MEN ENTER PRISON Thomas H. Shipman, J. H. Pick ilsimer, C. R. McNeely, and Ralph Fisher were placed in the state orison at Raleigh Sunday. They were convicted in 19? 1 under :harges of violating banking rules tnd given sentnces of two years. \fter appeals and retrials the men nust serve their sentences, although :hey protest their innocence of any :rime. MELLON WELCOMES PROBE Attorney General Cummings las authorized a grand jury inves tigation of Andrew W. Mellon’s ncome tax affairs. The former secretary of the treasury brands the move as "politics of the cruel ;st sort”, and says he welcomes the thance to clear the matter before a local court. Cummings says there are many indictments rest ing against big and little men oi affairs and Mr. Mellon comes un der the hammer like any other in dividual. FAVORABLE TO SHORTER HOURS An NRA survey was reported to show a commanding congres sional sentiment in favor of short ;r hours in industry. The survey led to speculation that the adminis tration would seek definite legis lation to carry out its program foi a reduction in hours for a ter per cent reduction in hours witf unreduced pay, if industrial resist ance should become too great. ITALY BREAKS WITH POWERS Growing impatient over the turbulent and unsettled condition! in which war-like preparations anc unrest have reached a menancint stage, Mussolini is declared to be at a breaking point with the othei powers and will seek alignment with Hungary and Autria to forn a three-power pact in order tc preserve Austria’s independence from Nazi Grmany’s efforts tc force her into a combine with thi Reich. The situation is intense ir its menace to peace in Central Eu rope. _ Ungrateful Hitch-Hiker, Allegedly Of Charlotte, Robs Woman Driver Of $74.80 : - _ t Hickory—Jabbing a pistol into her side after she had given him a ride in her automobile, a hitch hiker, believed to have been a Charlotte man with a criminal record, robbed Mrs. Florence Bent ley, who resides in Caldwell county, northwest of this city, Wednesday. Mrs. Bentley stated she had been visiting her mother in Morganton and was on heir way home, when she saw the hitchiker near the Highway 10 underpass just east of Morganton. Recognizing the face of the man, the woman motorist told Chief E. W. Lentz she stopped to give him a ride. JUst a few miles further along the j highway, the -r-; man is declared to have stuck a gun into the side of the woman driver with the demand that she give him what money she had on her person. Hurrying on to Hickory, Mrs. Bentley informed Chief Lentz of the alleged robbery and declared that man was known to her and was Jim Puckett, whose home is said to be in Charlotte. Mrs. Bentley is said to have noti fied officer in other places all the way to Charlotte, and is deter mined to have the satisfaction of seeing that the man alleged to have relieved her of her money is at least arrested, even though she may not get her coin back again. 3SMAWT Bstreet Was there ever a boy, tin can hat on his head, Who never has seen floating ’round his bed, Visions of Firemen, fearless and bold, Who, braving danger, fire and cold, Fight the inferno’s raging flame; To reign supreme in their hall of fame. Now dreams have their place In the juvenile heart, But in the adult driver, They’re a thing apart. A So TAKE HEED all Scofflaws, Minute-men and Racers; The LAW deals severely With Fire Truck Chasers. Estimates were rampant, on the street today, as to the amount of filling material necessary to fill the old well in the center of the Square. Interest was keen, and onlookers numerous as the excavators uncov ered the opening only to find it already filled up to the brim. Funny, the tricks our memory plays us. t —o— t Traffic Misfits, . . . whom we could do without, . . . The drivet who picks out Saturday evening, with its congested traffic condi tions, to ease his car up and dowr the street at a pace of about twc miles an hour, with utterly no re gard for the long line of cars behind him, whose occupants may possibly have some business to transact in a hurry. t -o- t Moral for today, . . .A telephone pole never hits a car except ir self-defence. HEAVY MARCH SNOW SATURDAY Snow began falling early Satur day morning, which seemed te center in the Raleigh-Rocky Mount area of the state. At Ral : eigh, the depth gained was five i inches or more, while the largei : part that fell over a period of 1/ or 14 hours dissolved. Tourist' driving east found it hard to keej vision clear. To Try Mae Blalock In Charlotte * Sweetheart of Basil Banghart Placed In Jail 'Pending Return To Charlotte. ■ - ■■ ,-:-t - . Chicago—Mae Blalock, ertswhile sweetheart of Basil Banghart, the Touhy gangster who was given a 99-year sentence upon conviction of participating in the kidnaping of John (Jake the Barber) Factor, was ordered returned to Charlotte, to face trial for a mail robbery there. The woman«was captured -tfith Banghart and Isaac Costner in Baltimore several weeks ago. She was one of nine persons indicted for conspiracy in the Charlotte robbery last November when four men held up a mail truck and tock $105,000. The others indicted were Eang hart, Costner, .Porky Dillon, Charles (Ice) Connors, Ludwig Schmidt, Tommy Touhy, Mrs. Tommy Touhy and Dr. Leo Bran denburg. Connors was found shot to death, presumably in a gangland feud, this week. Schmidt has never been apprehended. The Blalock woman was sent to jail to await transfer to Charlotte. THE BLOWHARD’S JEST “You’re laughing at your hand kerchief.” "Yeh. It’s an old gag of mine.” REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL Mrs. Jones (spitefully): "She’s of the bunglow type. No uppei ._tt oiui y • 24 Hour Bride CHICAGO ... lone Drew, 26, (above) was married Feb. 14th. , That same day hubby “struck” her . . . and again the next day he re peated with a more healthy swat She filed suit for divorce and was 1 freed in 24 hours by Judge LaBuy. lone claimsjs record. GOOD MORNING KEEP IT DARK Chief: "We must dismiss that traveler. He has been telling all our clients that I am an ass!” Partner: "I’ll speak to him and tell him not to discuss business secrets.” nvrr,ruL, The sad-looking man stopped at the lunch-counter and said: "Five ham sandwiches, pleasfe” "Will you eat them here or take them away?” "I hope to do both,” was the re ply PARTNER NEEDED "May I have this dance?” "Certainly—if you can find a partner.” NO HOLDING BACK He: "Experience is our great est teacher, isn’t it?” She: "Yes, there’s no holding back her salary either.” THE TREATMENT NEEDED A woman who had been to a party in one of those new "back less” gowns thought she was catch ing cold and stopped in at her doc tor’s to get his advice. "The best advice I can give you”, he said, bluntly, "is to go home and dress yourself and go to bed.” WOMEN’S PLACE Myrtle: "I think the govern ment is terribly mean. They say they want people to manage the Conservation camps who can best handle men.” Evelyn: "Yes, that sounds O. K. to me.” Myrtle: "Then why don’t they let us women enlist?” A DESPERATE PLIGHT Wedding Guest: "This is your fourth daughter to get married, isn’t it?” .Srntrhman! "Av and rmr rnn fetti’s gettin’ awfu’ gritty.” NOT INTERESTED “Sambo, I’ll give you ten dollars to have your picture made in the cage with that lion.” "No, suh, boss, not me.” "He won’t hurt you; he hasn’t any teeth.” "Mebbe so, but Ah ain’t aimin’ to be gummed to death.” WIDE OPEN SPACES She (reading sign): “O look! It says, 'Entire Balcony 2Sc.’ ” He: "Well, what of k?” She: Let’s get it so we can be all alone.” ON THE BLOCK "I came in here to get something for my wife.” "What are you asking for her?” MORE THAN ONE SYLLABLE First Student: "She uses words I don’t understand.” Second Student: “Polysyllabic.” First Student: "Yeah, and some longer than that.” A PLEA FOR FAIR PLAY Rastus: "Say, niggah, ain’t yo play honest? Them ain’t the cards ah dealt you.” BAKESHOP QUALIFICATIONS Jack: "My idea of a good wife is a woman who can make gooJ bread.” Jill: "My idea of a good husband is a man who can raise enough dough in the hour of knead.” THE YELLOW PERIL Chinese Patient: "Doctor, wha! time you fixes teeth for me?” Doctor: "Two-thirty; all right?” Patient: “Yes, tooth hurty me all light, but wha’ time you fixee?” National Body Backs Increase For Employes Automobile C. of C. Indorses Cuts In Hours and Raises. 230,000 FORD MEN AIDED Average Hour Rate Of Workers This Month Better Than In 1929. Wage increases granted and proposed for the nation’s automo bile workers will cost manufac turers in excess of three quarter million dollars weekly, leaders in the industry estimated. Approximately 230,000 wage earners will be affected by the ac tion taken by the Ford Motor company and the proposed plan of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. The Ford order which went into effect Tuesday restoring a $ 3 min imum for its workers throughout the United States will add appro ximately $300,000 to the com pany’s weekly payroll. Directors of the N. A. C. C. in dorsed a 36-hour week, a reduc tion of four hours each week, and compensating pay increases to ap proximately 183 workmen. 'White the individual worker’s . pay envelope in member plants of jthe N. A. C. C. will not be in creased from the present 40-hour basis, the manufacturer will be paying them the same amount for 36 hours, it was explained. As many plants are working in excess of 40 hours on an emergency basis, the workmen will benefit thereby. The average pay for workers in these plants is 71.8 cents per hour which would increase the manu facturers’ cost 2.87 the workman, the week, or a total to the member plants of more than $500,000. "The average hourly earned rate of workers this month in the mem ber plants,” N. A. C. C. executives pointed out, "will equal or_exceed the average rate in 1929. The members of the National Automo tive Chamber of Commerce have substantially restored the level of employment and wage rates of the year 1929, although production for the year is not expected to be more than 50 per cent of that of 1929.” The action of the motor manu facturers came as the national la bor board in Washington met to hear grievances of union labor on wages, hours and working condi tions in the plants which last week threatened a strike. A sizeable walkout at this time might tie up the entire industry now in the midst of new car model produc tion. Cleveland Rt. 2 Items Mr. Tally Turner was taken to the Long Sanitorium, Statesville, last Saturday night for a ruptured appendix. Mr. Turner is in a seri ous condition. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mesdames Fred Campbell and Rex Fraley spent Tuesday with their mother, Mrs. N. S. Steele. Rev. E. D. Brown, D. D. visited at the home of Mr. R. W. Wilhelm Monday afternoon. Mrs. T. D. Steele and sons Ken neth and Gerald spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Steele. The Cleveland - Scotch Irish «MAl> f-Kai t* iIa** mOAt ing on Tuesday night. The Liter ary program was in charge of Miss Sadie Wilhelm, Lecturer. The Grange is having a special meeting for prospective members on March 22nd. Mrs. Sam Foster and Spencer Foster, Misses Rebecca and Evelyn Campbell and Miss Betty Fink were Tuesday visitors at P. A. Johnson’s.' WASHINGTON Wallace Clear Thinker The Roosevelt Courage Tariff to the Front Washington—Summing up the results of President Roosevelt’, tirst year in office, the get. y* reeling here is that it has b,% about an even break between ti.; dministration and the Depression If the Government hasn’t suc ceeded in licking Hard Times, neither has that Big Bad Wolf got the Administration licked. And that, these observers point out, is all to the good, because the under lying causes of the depression, at home and abroad have pretty nearly caused to function, while the Government still has plenty of weapons left in its arsenal. There are a lot more experiments that can be tried. r t ux me most important ot these, in the view of many, is that of giving the President power to alter the tariff schedules at will. This appeals not only to those who favor tariff reduction but to those who believe that it is a sign that the Administration has come a round definitely to the realization that the Depression is not a local affair but world-wide, and that it has its roots in international con ditions. There has been a good deal of uneasiness over what seemed like moves toward a policy of narrow nationalism in the United States, just at a time when several of the other nations of the world were beginning to abandon their nation alistic policies. Some of the most vocal of the President’s advisers have been outspoken in their advo United States and proceeding to try to straighten our affairs out as if there were no other people in the world but us. It is regarded here as a victory for the sane and well-considered analysis of our situation by Henry W-aHace, Secretary of Agriculture, whose reputation for having the earest, most logical and best in formed mind in the whole Admin istration group is growing. In his widely-circulated article, "America Must Choose,” Mr. Wallace pointed out that Nationalism, pursued to its logical conclusion, could lead only to either Fascism or Communism. He did not think America was ready for either. Internationalism, he agreed, has its dangers, as has any other policy. If America were to continue in its international relations on the principle that other nations must buy our goods but we would not buy any of theirs then we would be laying up plenty trouble for ourselves and destroying all the foreign markets, on which so much of our income from natural pro ducts', farm products and factory products depends. Wallace’s conclusion is that the Nation should follow a middle of-the-road policy neither wholly Nationalistic nor wholly Interna ticualistic. And that, his admir ers say, is what Mr. Roosevelt ha< in mind in asking Congress foi authority to elevate or reduce tar iff schedules by Executive ordei without having to submit them to revision by Congress nor wait upon the slow "studies” by the Tariff Board necessary under ths existing law. Mr. Roosevelt’s friends call this the greatest display of courage he has given yet. For there is nc political topic which carries so much dynamite in itself as the tariff. More than one Adminis tration has been wrecked on the tariff rocks. One promising can didate for the Presidency, Genera Winfield Scott Hancock, who rar on the Democratic ticket againsi General Garfield in 1880, probably would have been elected had h< not incurred the hostility of East ern manufacturers by his perfectly truthful but politically tactles: statment that "the tariff is a loca ,SSjt ;s just because the tariff is ; local issue that it is so dangerous jt can stir up more sectional ani mosity than anything else in poli tics. There is nothing for whicl the average Congressman will figh so bitterly as for tariff protectioi for the industries of his home dis trict, for not only votes but cam paign funds depend upon his recon in that respect more than in air other particular. There is a pretty general agree (Please turn to page two)

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