HfHINtiflOH Usual Labor Reaction Capital For Industry Cabinet Changes Rumored j “Flash” Campaign On Washington—The labor ques tion is at the top in Washington’s official problems as this is written. V great deal hinges on the outcome of the union situation in the au tomobile industry. It is not yet clear whether the Administration intends to back up the American federation of Labor, which has shrewdly taken the best possible advantage of the provision for col lective bargaining in the National Recovery Act, or whether it will content itself merely with seeing ro it that organizations of em ployees are not dominated by their employers. The Federation is engaged in a vigorous attempt to establish the principle that no union is a good union unless it is an A.F.L union. Employees in many industries have organized their own union. In every case the Federation has set up the claim that these "company” unions do not give the employees the right to choose their own spokesmen for bargaining purposes with theit employers. In some instances they are doubtless right. In other instances they have been able to get a few hotheads, discon tented and dismissed employees to set up the claim that tjhey have been dicriminated against. General Johnson, ^administrator of N.R.A., has accepted the com pany union in one of the most im portant cases, in which he is satis fied the employers kept their hands off and still the workers voted to organize inside the com pany. That doesn’t please the Federation, which wants its own men to act as employees’ spokes men. One result of this situation is a larger number of strikes, and larger strikes, than have been known for many years. Some of the cooler heads in Washington regard this strike situation calmly. They point out that every period of recovery from past depressions has been marked by labor strikes and disturbances. Any revival in business looks like a good time for worker to de mand a bigger slice of the pre sumptive profits. So, these ex perienced oldsters say, the recovery must be under way, else these la bor leaders would not be making such a disturbance. It seems'pretty clear from the point of view of Washington that recovery is progressing, not steadi ly but by fits and (starts. March has been a better month than Feb ruary was, so far. The outlook for April is even better. But there is nothing clear yet as to how things will be going in May and June, and some new doses of in flationary stimulant, in one form or another, may be necessary be fore Summer is well under way, The Administration has still a good many medicines in its saddle bags that haven’t been tried on tht patient yet. There seems little doubt that some form of legislation permit ting "capital loans” to industry from R.F.C. funds in part and ir part by authority to* Federal Re serve Banks to rediscount long time paper, running three to five years, will be enacted before Con gress adjourns. What is holding back indus try is shortage of capital funds These are usually raised, in norma times, by new stock and bond is sues. Under the Securities Act private capital is afraid to invest and corporations are afraid to of fer new securities. Commercial banks cannot and should not make long-term loans. So the Government must come to the rescue in a new direction and in addition to providing fot these long-term loans the expecta tion is that there will be some changes in the Securities Act tc enable the obtaining of capita funds from the huge reserves oi private capital which is anxioui to find investment in industry bui has been hampered in doing so. Washington gossip has it that a least three members of the Gabine may be replaced before long. Thi feeling that Secretary Dern of thi {Continued on Page Four) The Carolina Watchman FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1934^ VOL 101 NO. 3 5 PRICE 2 CENTS ItSUE CALL FOR AIR MAIL BIDS - o . . . . .. - — - - - - __ V-. AIWS BRIEFS DUKE EXECUTIVE DIES W. S. Lee, noted electrical en gineer and Duke Power company executive, died at his home near Charlotte, Saturday of a cerebal hemorrhage. He was 62 years old. FRAZIER IS SELECTED AS KEYNOTE SPEAKER Selection of Clifford Frazier as the keynote speaker at the Re publican state convention in Char lotte, Wednesday, April 4, is an nounced by State Chairman James S. Duncan. In addition to deliv ering the keynote address Mr. Frazier will -.serve as temporary chairman of the convention. 132nd CHAIR VICTIM North Carolina’s electric cha' took its 132nd victim last week. He was Walter Thaxton, 30-year old Person county negro who died for the murder of Butler Gentry, Person prison camp steward. Gentry was murdered and robbed on the night of November 24, 1933. Thaxton, who did not ap peal to the'Supreme court, was ex ecuted just four months, lacking one day, from the day he murder ed Gentry. He was convicted January 30, his 30th birthday. FIND LONG-WRECKED PLANE Heavy summer thaws enabled two mountaineers on muleback to find the wreckage of a Pan-Am erican-Grace airliner and the bodies of nine men who started from Santiago. Chile, 20 months ago for a flight across the world’s highest air route. The mystery of its dis appearance, which led scores of searching expeditions by plane and mule into the Andean mountain fastness, previously when the men sighted the plane, ins untrod and unmapped, was solved nose buried in the slaggy slope of Cerro Del Plomo, almost due east of Santi ago. FAKE OIL KING TAKES POISON C. C. Julian, one-time million aire oil operator of Oklahoma and California, fugitive from justice in the United States, took poison iu a fashionable Shanghai, China, hotel Sunday. His body was buried by his friends. FOURTEEN MEET DEATH IN FIRE Flames swept the building of the federal transient relief lureau in Lynchburg Saturday when the old building caught fire and 14 wanderers taking housing there lost their lives. James Alexander Green of Charlotte was among the number. GET 150 GALLONS OF CORN JUICE Officers raided the home of O. H. Phifer on the Plaza road ex tension between Charlotte and Hickory Grove Saturday, and dis covered a cleverly concealed stock of whiskey, 25 cases. The hiding place was discovered after much digging with picks and probing around the barn. Phifer arrang ed bond for $300. NEGRO CONFESSES MURDER On Friday night near Lancas ter, S. C., Bernard McCullen, em ployee of a filling station, was clubbed to death, his clothing sat urated with gasoline and his body burned. Suspicion pointed to Cudjoe Jines. a negro, who was later arrested and confessed to the slaying and robbery. Young Mc Cullen’s remains were sent to Washington, D. C., his former home. WAR IN FRANCE Sharp fighting flared in pro vincial France Sunday when poli tical extremists battled each other on the streets of Toulon, ignoring the plea for peace of Premier Gaston Doumergue. Foreign in visions is feared as a result of cur rent internal unrest, but 3 million veterans stand behind the premiei to save France from civil war and foreign invasion. Sponsors of Jackson Day Dinner I Pictured above are eight of the chief sponsors of the Jackson Day Dinner to be held in Memorial Auditorium Raleigh Saturday night. March 31 under auspices of the North Carolina Young Demo cratic Clubs. Top, left to right: Mrs. May Thompson Evans, High Point, president of the State Young Democratic Clubs; Thomas A. Banks and Miss Mable Penny, both of Raleigh, president and vice president, respectively, of the Wake County Young Democratic Club, host club for the dinner. Center, left to right: Doyle D. Alley, Waynesville, vice-president State Democratic Clubs; D. Ed. Hudgins, of Greensboro, speaker for the Young Democrats at the dinner; T. Kern Carlton, of Salis bury, treasurer of State Young Democrats. Bottom, left, John C. Rodman, Jr., Washington, N. C., secretary State organization, and Mayne Albright of Chapel Hill, students, representative of the State organization. Johnson Advised Against Blanket Cut In Hours Spokesmen for a major division of coded business advised Hugh S. Johnson, the recovery administra tor, against a blanket reduction of working hours and corresponding wage increases. Retailers, wholesaler's and con umers’ service representatives told the NRA chieftain that increased employment could be expected from further trial and "proper enforcement” of present codes. Any "arbitrary edict” imposing shorter hours and higher wages, they ^aid, "wcfild be violative of the spirit of the partnership ar rangement in which business and government have engaged.” If the recovery administration is not willing to give present codes further trial the committee sug gested that division NRA admin istrators and code authorities should begin studies of individual indus tries to determine whether they could increase employment. In such studies it was urged that consideration be given to wages and hours prevailing in other similar industries to the amount of re-employment already attained by the industry ufcder study, its finan cial ability to* assume additional burdens and the availability of ad ditional workers. Takes a lot of argument ;c loosen up money, but morals seem to do so witRbut any particulai effort. Purchase New Forest Areas Government Acquires 154.420 Acres as National Forests in 23 States. The national forest reservation commission has -approved purchase of 154,420 acres of land as addi tions to national forests in 23 states. The tracts lie within national forests in the Great Plains area, Appalachian region, Ozark moun tains and the Southern Pine re gion. The average price per acre was $2.97. Purchases were made from the fund of $20,000,000 allocat ed from Civilian Conservation corps funds and brought to 3, 233,862 acres the total bought since last spring. States in which land was nur chased included New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Miss issippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. You may not be able to tell the difference between the mush rooms and the toadstools which you pick up in the fields, but any way the undertaker will be able to tell which it was. Many Tickets Sold i For Jackson Dinner Big Democratic Wow-Wow Will Be Held In Raleigh On March 31. Fourteen hundred tickets to the Jackson day dinner to be held at Raleigh Memorial auditorium on March 31 have been sent to the counties and many of them are calling for additional tickets, Mrs. May Evans, head of the Young Democrats of the state, announces. Attendance is expected to be 1,500 or more. A full afternoon and evening is planned. The executive com mittee meets in the afternoon, a rally will be held from 6 to 7 o’clock in the evening, the dinner proper from 7 to 10 and dancing from 10 to 12 o’clock. Senator Bennett Champ Clark, of Missouri, son of the former speaker of the' house of represen tatives, will be the principal speaker* Others will be former Governor O. Max Gardner, Sena tor J. W. Bailey, Governor Ehring haus, and others. The occasion, as formerly, is to be a notable gathering of Demo crats of the state, young and old, men and women. MONEY WAR World governments were warn ed Sunday by 16 internationally famous industrialists, bankers, and economists that further delay in monetary stabilization might lead to a "new wave of currency insta bility.’’ The experts are members of the International Chamber of Commerce, and called upon, all governments to utilize the present propitious opportunity to stabilize their currencies. .GOOD MORNING "My wife is always asking for money.” "What does she do with it?” "I don’t know. I never vive her any.” MODERN FARMING Tory (seeing his first windmill) —"Say, Uncle Herman, that’s some electric fan you have out there cooling the cows.” FROM WRITER TO MERCHANT "Did you know that I have taken up story writing as a ca reer?” "No; sold anything yet?” "Yes; my watch, my saxophone and my overcoat.” KITCHEN COIFFURE She (making talk): "I hope you like marcelled hair.” Young Rural (staying for din ner) : "I don’t think mother ever fixed rabbit that way.” PLAIN INDICATION ' Nurse: "I think he’s regaining consciousness, doctor. He tried to blow the foam off his medicine.” THE QUADRUPED "Can you crawl on your hands and knees?” "Sure I can.” "Well, don’t do it. It’s baby ish.” . ARGUMENT FOR SOFT MUSIC She (with newspaper): "Here's an English writer advocating merry chimes at funeral.,.” He: "It would never do in this country.” She: "Why not?” He: "We’d feel we verr.’t do ng right by our knell.” UNDRESS TO PLAY Sandy: "Pat, is it the thing to be takin’ off your coat to play the big drum in public?’' Pht: "Sure, it’ts not half so bad as takin’ off yer pants to play the bagpipes.” THEN AND NOW Grace: "To think you used to catch me in your arms every night.” Jack: "Yds, dear, and now to think I catch you in my pockets every morning.” LOST NERVES Police Officer (to man sitting on doorstep at 3 a. m.): "What’s the matter sir? Lost vour key?” "No, sir, lost my ne ve!” FAIR WARNING "Is there any"danger!” a^led the old bachelor "in dying whiskers black?” "Well,” replied the barber "Jake Smith did it and married a widow with six kids.” THROUGH "What’s happened to old Jones? I have not seen him for some time.” "Oh. He went on a govern ment mission to get inside infor mation of cannibal life in the Pa cific, and I think he must have got it.” MEANING ONE THING "Do you really think times have changed, my dear?’’ said a young woman to her grandmother. "I think they have”, said the old lady. "When a husband returns home from office on the V: 1 % now and discovers his wife sewing on a tiny garment, it means only one thitig—she’s making a new even ing dress.” SHALL HAVE THE BEST A lady walked u» to a flower seller in London and asked for a shilling’s worth of blossoms. Af ter the purchae the lady inquired: "Will you be here next Wednes day, as I shall want some flower' for my daughter. She’s coming or that day.” "She shall have the best in th< market, ma’am”, the woman ans wered. "What is she in for?” Air Lines Will Get Contracts In Two Months Old Companies Must Reorganize To Be Eligible. TEMPORARY CONTRACTS Congress to Have Ample Time to Pass New Air Mail Legis lation. Postmaster General Farley has announced plans for returning the air mail to private hands, and in effect ordered to complete reor ganization of every major aviation transportation company. He imposed a blacklist, requir ing that any company which wants to bid for mail contracts must discharge any responsible of ficial guilty of collusion or fraud in connection with the so-called "spoils confe^jnce” of 1930. But he softened this by saying that representatives of aviation com panies who -were summoned to the conference could not be held blameworthy, and made provisions for the submission of briefs by re organized companies to prove their eligibility to bid on new contracts. The administration hopes to end army transportation of air mail within two months, granting tem porary contracts to be superceded by longer agreements when a per manent air mail bill is passed by congress. There was no suggestion that the old companies with the old offir cials could do business privately if they desired. Rut it is gener ally recognized that mail contracts are a necessity for most air lines if they are to maintain profitable passenger service. Most observers felt that Farley’s order amounted by inference to a command to the airlines to meet the administra tion’s requirements or go out of business. Advertisements for bids on the temporary contracts will be ready this week and will call for bids within 15 days. Successful bid ders must start operations within 30 days after acceptance. The temporary air mail plan is designed to end the army air mail (experiment as soon as possible, without requiring congress to rush through a permanent air mail bill which might have serious defects. Ample time for consideration of provisions of a permanent bill is now assured the congressional committees, which already hdfve heard much conflicting testimony on ways and means of handling mail contracts. I _ President Ends The Auto Strike Threat President Roosevelt and Recov ery Administrator Hugh S. John son brought peace to the automo bile industry with a compromise settlement under which a board representing the president vwil! pass on all questions of employe representation, discharge and discri mination. The employer, under the agree ment, affirm their obligation to bargain collectively with "freely chosen representatives of groups, and not to discriminate in ary way against an employee on grounds of his union labor affliations.” The troublesome question of whether union members, in order to be entitled to representation by a union officer, must make known their identity to the employer is taken care of by a roundabout compromise. The workers lost their plea for a new election under national la bor board auspices to determine who properly is entitled to repre sent them. AUTO TAGS REDUCED A 25 per cent reduction in the price of auto tags will become ef fective Saturday, March 31, R. E. Ramsey, manager of the local branch of the Carolina Motor club, announces.