'ambling 'RPUND NSW YORK wrih 4HJGU KENNY ta —g———■ "Bunk, hooey or baloney” i the way you’d receive it if yoi saw it on the stage on in thi movies. But it actually happenec in a New York suburb. Edwarc Barrett in a house flooded witl deadly fumes from a defectivi furnace dried to telephone fo: help. He fainted immediatel; after he removed the receiver fron the hook. When the telephom operator got no reply to he: "Number please?” she notified : tester who sent a repairman to th house. The repairtnarj and tw< police found Badrett unconscious took him to a hospital. He lives if >r is For fifteen year there has beet a skeleton at the annual feast o: the Elite Headwaiters Association It was prohibition . . . But ir 1934 reception and ball was al smooth sailing. Repeal was here and its spirit was genuine. Ai last the headwaiters, or "Maitri D’s,” as they like to call them selves, find that their hotel dinins rooms are once more well filled The speakeasies no longer com pete! "You see, ovfc customer; have come back, yes,” said the president. "We see our dining rooms full. It is possible now tc eat like a human being insteac of a beast. But how many re member how to do so?" Even now this last week I have seen a party drink that stuff, that gin and orange juice from the soup to the salad and then the ices,” cried an other . . . Two or three years i: the time that they give to the American public to learn once again, to eat pboperly and to take lip. m., as the appropriate time for dining,” said another. "Thei: we can cook with civilization.” »r Sr >'r Hobbies, more hobbies . . . And if you’ve never seen a fencing match, it’s difficult to realize how graceful a hobby fencing can be. And March is the time for the important contests at the exclusive little Fencers Club in East 5 3 rd Street. And such resounding names among the women con testants and directors: Mrs. Stuy vesant Fish, MJrs. Charles H. Voorhees, Mrs. Harold van Bus kirk, Miss Maude Van Courtlandt Oakes, Miss Maria Cerra, Miss Amy von Hansa! "There’s less immorality in' a nudist camp than on Park Ave nue,” says the publisher of four magazines that have just been bapred from New York news stands. And he talks of his maga zine this way: "I truly believe it’s an education. Take a girl of 18 or 20. They get educated in the sex life and are better able to defend themselves.” . . . Ho, hum. Four of his magazines are "La Paree,” "Spicy Stories, "Pep.” and "Gay Parisienne.” 9J- i'e The steel work of the Knicker bocker Village low-cost housing project is up some six stories or moCe, and occupancy is slated for December of this year. Knicker bocker Village replaces the old "Lung Blocks” of the lower East Side, and is planned as a communi ty of medium rental apartments for white-collar workers. If you want to have your home town remain a live place, you must give that town some share of your life by doing some active work in its behalf. Written for his children—now given to the public after being hidden from the wcpld for 8 5 years—Charles Dickens’ master . piece, "THE LIFE OF OUR LORD.” A four-page supple ment, illustrated and illuminated for permanent preservation, with next SUNDAY’S BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Got^Over Weak, ^ Painful Condition By Taking Cardui "I was weak and run-down and suffered quite a bit with pains in my side,” writes Mrs. Nick Bar ranco, of Beaumont, Texas. ‘‘I was nervous. I did not rest well at night, and my appetite was poor. “My mother had used Cardui with beneficial result, so I decided to take it. I surely am glad I did, for it stopped the pain in my side and built up my general health. I took seven bottles in all.” *For over 50 years, Cardui has been helping women just as this Texas lady describes above. • Cardui is sold at all drug stores. Vacancies In The United States Marine Corps _ Savannah, Ga.—Between 3 5 and 50 youths will be accepted for en . listment in the United States Ma L rine Corps from Virginia, North . and South Carolina, Florida and | Eastern Georgia during April ac I cording to an announcement by , Lieut. Col. A. B. Drum, com . manding Marine Corps Recruiting . District with offices i» the Post . Office Building, Savannah, Ga. , Young men who have an educa . tion not less than that provided by . a public high school diploma and , who have attained their 18th , birthday are accepted for general , service. Boys between the ages of 17 and 18 are accepted with an eighth grade education to learn the drum and trumpet. L Men accepted are transferred to ■ Parris Island, S. C., for a few weeks preliminary training before being assigned to isome ship or Ma rine Barracks for duty. Young men who desire service in the Marine Corps will receive application blanks upon request. In the good old days we used to weep svhen they read the senti mental poem "Over the hill to the poorhouse,” but in these times so many eminent citizens have gone there, that it has become one of our most popular resorts. Buying Drugs Blindfolded a Dangerous Thing Doctors throughout the world agree there is no greater folly than to buy and take unknown drugs. Ask your own doctor. So—when you go into a store for real Bayer Aspirin, see that you get it. Remember that doctors en dorse Genuine Bayer Aspirin as SAFE relief for headache, colds, sore throat, pains of rheumatism and neuritis, etc. Just remember this. Demand and get Genuine Bayer Aspirin. Genuine Bayer Aspirin does not harm the heart MEMBER N. R A. NOTICE OF SALE OF PER SONAL PROPERTY PURSUANT to section 243 5 of! the North Carolina Code, 1927 j the undersigned, will, on Satur day, April 21, 1934, expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at Lingle Motor Service, Inc., 904 S. Main Street, Salisbury, N. C., at 12 o’clock noon, the following described personal property, to wit: 1 Pontiac Coach, Serial No. 1709S4. 1 Hudson Coach, Serial No. 29674. These motor vehicles are being sold by the undersigned to satisfy a certain lien for repairs and stor age, operating between the owneis thereof and Lingle Motor Service, Inc. Dated this the 23rd day of March, 1934. LINGLE MOTOR SERVICE. Inc. By J. B Lingle, Manager. Mar. 30—April 20. Traveling Around America i Two attractive v Indian girls of ? G u a tema I a. One of the magnificent views enjoyed on ] a trip through the Yosemite in California. THE LAND-SEA WAY ' ■-ncjoni liiree ruuuieia oi uie 1 Yosemite and the two little sisters of Guatemala are fascinating flashes fronf the passing show enjoyed by travellers taking the land-sea way 'round America. So varied are the at tractions of our own continent that globe trotters who have been sailing the seven seas in search of new travel thrills are turning to the Americas in ever increasing numbers, and are dis covering that they offer mountain scenery as magnificent, peoples as in teresting and ruins as ancient as any the Old World shelters. The superb natural beauties of our National Parks like the Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Zion and others, and the Spanish Americas with their mysterious buried cities and intri&uing native villages, lie on the route of the weekly rail-water cir cle tours between New York and Cali fornia which cover the trip between our two coasts, one by rail and the oppusue, uy sea—mrougn me rauauio Canal and the Central Americas. The Yosemite, one of the most beautiful of our national parks, presents .scen ery as spectacular as can be found anywhere on the globe. There are hoary-headed mountains and sheer cliffs that slit the sky five thousand feet overhead; colorful crags cut into all sorts of grotesque shapes by gla ciers which swept over our continent thousands of years ago; great groves of giant trees so huge that a road way has been tunneled through one of them—so ringed with years thal they are the world's oldest living things. Here also in our so-called New World are Indian tribes of Guatemala and Mexico whose ancestors, the Mayas, dwelt on our continent hun dreds of years before the white man’s arrival; and relics of cities so ancient their origin is still shrouded in mys tery. loo Fast For Conditions A motorist unable to stop when the unexpected happens is driving to fast for conditions. On icy roads in order for a car equipped with four-wheel brakes to stop in 126 feet, speed should not exceed 18 miles per hour. On snow-cov ered roads, to be able' to stop in 126 feet, speed should not exceed 2 5 miles an hour. On wet road surfacs, a peed around 3 5 miles an hour will permit a stop to be made in 126 feet, and on good dry roads, to stop in the same distance, sp :ed must not be over 40 miles per hour. The moral to driving is that speeds must be determined by road conditions and other factors of traffic. Say, "I Saw It in THE WATCHMAN ” D. H. Osborne of Canton was recently elected president of the North Carolina Guernsey Breeders Association. Reid Mendenhall of High Point was elected vice-presi dent and T. H. Antrim of Dur ham was re-elected Secretary and treasurer. The girls are said to be wearing perfectly ripping dresses, and they will be, if the boys aren’t more careful about stepping on their skirts. Charles Dickens’ only unpub lished masterpiece now given to the public—"THE LIFE OF OUR LORD”—written by the literary genius for his children. A four page color supplement, illustrated and illuminated for jaermanent preservation with next Sunday’s BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Make sure of your copy. Your favor ite newsdealer or newsboy will supply you. Says Poultry Code Will Aid Growers The need for high grade eggs by hatchers operating under the code and the market demands for good eggs for human consumption of fers an incentive to poultrymen to improve the quality of their flocks this year, says C. J. Maupin, poul try specialist at State College. Under the commercial breeders and hatchers code, an adequate price must be paid' producers foe their eggs, so they can afford to devote more attention and money to bet tering their flocks. The elimination of disease, par ticularly bacillary white diarrhea, and the lowering of the death rate ' of young chicks can be accom plished by cleaning the houses often, providing wood or concrete floors where dirt floors ^liave been used,j and keeping different flocks segre gated in different yards. Builders lime spread liberally around the premises has been found a big help in stamping out disease. The College plan of blood testing for the diarrhea has shown conclusively that sanitation ?s an important factor in eradicating this disease. Other infections are likewise reduced by cleanliness. Since the hatcherymen must keep an accurate check on the cost ofi production of both custom hatch ing and baby chicks, with egg costs figuring high in the total out lay, they will be especially interest ed in procuring eggs from which healthy, livable chicks will hatch. This, means that flock owners must introduce new blood into their flocks frequently to av >id too close in breeding, and should know enough about the different strains to mate the birds for the best results. New males should be introduced every two or three years. It was pointed out that premiums will be paid for eggs from flocks which have been improved. We need to worry about frost in the ground, but we got to find some way to get it out of people’s feet. UNUSUAL FACTS REVEALED t l„ s COLUMBIA STUDIOS OUTFITTED THE DIR ECTDR/GAMERAMEN and planes with » PORTABLE P-ADlO transmitting sets k WEIGH IN6 FIVE POUNDS EACH WHEN NAK I IN6 AIR SEQUENCES IN *5PEED WIN^g, evalyn knapp \ HAS THE SMALL* } EST WAIST IN HOLLYWOOD., IT MEASURES j TWENTY'ONE' / INCHES/ L f TIM McCOY ;§ f WHO HAILS 1 frROM THE 1 'WEST WAS ll^ l CALLED"THE It BEST-DRESSED m W MAN IN NEW m I YORK" BY ONE - i 1 OP THE SOCIETYij % COLUMNISTS ?:| jf, WHEN THE IW ff COLONEL VIS- f 7 ITED NEW I /, YORK RECENT-?/: uy. I ^ \ 'TUFN'EMOYER'' is the signal from -THE director to start the CAMERA. WHEN HE WANT} TO STOP PHOTOGRAPHING, HE YELLS,"CUT" MUTT AND JEFF—MUTT MUST HAVE THE WRONG ROAD MAP BY BUD FISHER rMUTT, ARE T"AW I SURE?- - ARE You you SURE \ TRyiN' TO | NSINUATB THAT t REACH , HAWAII? 7 HruN A ^ r _____ ! HO,ONLY t WAS \ INSTRUMENTS MEAN HERE,SEE THIS? 20 DEGREES LONGITUDE WONDERING How nothing TO ME! I60 160 latitude , THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS! 1 WITHOUT0ANY [ #A|J1e0oYERYoNCTHE3RS SUNSHINE ANaSWEET ' INSTRUMENTS ^Lowlf ^SUMMERBREE^/ : IN ERONT OF _ POSITION HSo north , ir.so west - LET'S SEE; WHEN WINDS BLOW NORTHWEST TOP MAINSAIL SHOULD BE SHIFTED TO CONTINUED ON PA6E2W - 1 .. i THE FACT FINDERS—AND T HEIR DISCOVERIES • BY ED KRESSY tstTwcit^A FewSoS. FAC15 FOR OUR READERS7 scrap boors boys-are ^btiREADY? y LITTLE DOBOWY MLE<* PHOfeWW, ABOtKA SMS 9ii IS CUPPHfe OUR FACT FINPttteiSJWttWS THEM iu a scrap Book* IOH JAOOAOV IS" lOlfe TUG WOBLD BS6KT6A TtoU SHOWED THAT THEBE WBfcE 25,Q7i<)B8 AUTOMOBILES. ^ l 1 LEJia - ---— THE WOOU0ORTM BUJLOIW6 HASAU ESTIMATE*! >T TOOK SEVENTY YEARS TO COMPLETE THE WEIGHT OF 206,000^00 POUWPS. CAPITOL IN WASHINGTON. iRAHOA WYOMING ABE THE GREATEST CENTERS fOB. RANGE SH6EF; WHILE OH to IS THE GREATEST farm SHEER CEUTER nt THIS COUNTRY. ! -.—■—^ HOW FOO-HOME AMP V WTHEC-SME HAS PBD8-* A81Y WOMDEJ2ED WHAT HAPPENED TO US. A^ WUBtl CBCSSWJ6 THE DESEBT C -EX PKTED TO CARCV THE/C LOAL, t._SSA DAT BpR 3 PANS WITHOUT DftlWiC.. frCHEPMAMT UVB T»*t 5 CttXOClLES L)V& ► TO 86 tOO VGAC6 <XP .. WWW SEALS ABE CAUED PUP5,06$*TCTttWCT 1W THE ADULT MALES AE£ CALLED BlALS AW TOE FEMALES, COtfS. b POXES MEVEfc HUMT tW PACKS.... AUPSO LETS BE OM OUft WAY home Boys. Photo Grace Line

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