WASHINGTON The Security Act The Labor Legislation Turn To Economic Stability _ Adjournment of Congress by May 1 ? th is the definite program agreed upon by House leaders and the President. But there is still a fair chance that the Senate may upset this, unless some of the things upon which a number of Senators have set their hearts are agreed on before that date. Most important of the items which the President insisted upon in his conferences with Cotngress sional leaders on his return from his fishing trip is an appropriation of a billion and a half dollars to continue Federal relief work. More unemployed are now on the Gov ernment relief rolls that at any pre vious time; nearly twelve million persons in all. The expcted new' funds will be added to those already available for public works, direct Federal relief and aid to states and municipalities. Next on the President s program of essential legislation is the Stock Exchange regulation bill. This had been amended so that it will not put the stock exchanges out of business, as the original measure was calcu lated to do. The vital importance of maintaining an open market in which anyone who wants to buy or sell stocks and bonds can always do so, at a price, is assured by the bill as it stands, and the drastc provisions which would compel the liquidation of billions in outstanding bank loans halve beeii modified. There are still plenty of teeth in the bill, however, to discourage wild speculation, which is its main pur pose. Congress and the Administr tion still believe that all of our pres ent troubles started in Wall Street. - I The President also is insistent i upon the passage of amendments to the Securities Act of last year. It has been learned, from nearly a year’s experience, that it is impos- ■ sible to get honest men to take the ] risk of offering new securitis for sale, when under that law they mght be sent to jail because some salesman of whom they had never; heard, long after the securities had passed out of their hands, did not : tell the whole truth about them,; and any time within ten years any-; one who bought them and was sick of his bargain could claim his money back from the original issuers. Since there is only one way whereby private capital can invest in business and industry, and that is by the purchase of bonds and shares of a business corporation, and nearly every industry is con stantly in need of fresh capital, par ticularly so at the present time, the idea is to make it safe for the in dustries to float new bond and share issues, and so put private capital at work as well as Government funds The understanding here is that the President would be satisfied to have Congress pass those three ma jor pieces of legislation and then go home. But the indications are that Congress is going to take matters into its own hands and pass another inflation measure. This will be the Dies silver bill, as nidified by amendments drafted by Senator Thomas of Oklahoma, and on which the "farm bloc” and the "silver bloc” are in agreement and are cer tain they can get enough votes to pass the bill. This would raise the price of silver, put $5 0,000,000 a month of new silver certifcates into circulation, and put a premium on silver used by foreign buyers for American agricultural products. There is less likelihood as time goes on of the passage of the Wag ner bill to limit hours of labor to 30 a week. The proposals for un emplofment insurance under Fed eral control will go over to the next session—that is to say, to the next Congress, for this is the final ses sion of the 73 rd Congress. For the first time since the latest amend ment to the Constitution was ad opted, the Congress elected next November will take offce early in January and begin its work—with out any "lame ducks” or members who have been defeated for re election but still hold over, among them. Another major piece of legisla tion, however, which probably will be law by the time this is printed, is the new income tax bill, which takes a good deal of the burden off (Please turn to back page) The Carolina Watchman FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 39. PRICE 2 CENTS. HEIGHT RATES ON COAL REDUp Increase Pay For R. R» Labor Salisbury To Benefit Under New Coal Rate Reduction Of 18 Cents A Ton For City From Southwest Virginia Fields. EFFECTIVE AUGUST FOURTH State Will Sate Million Yearly; Creighton Sees Need For Fur ther Reduction. Reductions in bituminous coal freight rates to North Carolina points, which will become effective ]August 4, will range from six cents a ton at Waynesville and Hazelwood to 3 8 cents a ton at Lenoir, accord ing to William S. Creighton, traf fic secretary-treasurer of the North Carolina Traffic League. A re duction of 18 cents per ton from coal of the Southwest Virginia fields to Salisbury will afford savings of thousands of dollars a year to residents of this section. 1 he reductions were ordered Monday by the Interstatae Com merce commission, and Mr. Creigh on received a full satatement of the findings from the commission showing what the rates will be at the different points. The league ind the North Carolina Corpora tor* commission brought the case >efore the commission that finally ■esulted in the reductions. "While the decision does not go is far as we think it should, and | Joes not completely dispose of I jur complaint, either of unreason ableness or discrimination against North Carolina, in favor of south eastern points, if, nevertheless, goes a long way to improve the present situation,” asserted Mr. Creighton. The Interstate Commerce com mission’s order, received, states in its findings: "In reaching our findings here in we have weighed carefully the interests of both shippers and car riers as the facts with respect there 'are set forth upon this record. Bas ed upon those facts, and measured by the rates on coal more recently prescribed or approved by the com mssion in the eastern section of the country, especially from the Poca hontas district to southern Virginia, we are convinced that, differences in transportation and financial con ditions of the carriers affected con sidered, a number of the rates as signed to destinations in central, north and south central, and west ern North Carolina, and in the ex treme northern portion of South Carolina, arc higher than reasonable, ad must be reduced, and that the assigned rates to other portions of the designated territory involed are not unreasonable. "In determining upon the reas onable maximum rates herein pre scribed we have used, as a general basis of guide, a distance scale of rates commencing at $2.10 per ton net for short tariff route distances of from 140 to 160 miles, and grad ing at 10 cents for each 20 miles beyond the latter distances.” 150 MINERS DIE IN BLAST Subterranean explosions in coal mines in Yougoslavia killed at least 150 miners Saturday, according to reports which evaded censorship, and the disaster threatens to be the worst in the history of south ern European coal mining. NEWS BRIEFS GROWERS RECEIVE CHECKS FROM GOVERNMENT Rental checks totaling more than $2 5 0,000 have been received in North Carolina for approved to bacco adjustment contracts, E. Y. |Floyd, N. C. State College, in [charge of the tobacco campaign- has [announced. Checks have been sent jto county farm agents who in turn [will notify farmers that their pay ments have arrived, Floyd said. \SLASH COAL RATES Reduction in bituminous coal [rates from the Pocahontas, Coal .Creek and Southwest, Virginia, 'mining fields to North Carolina and -a number of South Carolina points jwas ordered by the interstate com merce commission. The reductions irange from 10 to approximately 20 jcents a ton. WHISTLES call miners BACK TO WORK Work whistles summoned almost 50,000 striking coal miners back to he bituminous pits Monday. This harp signal blew because of new wage structure for soft coal indus try and President Roosevelt’s guar antee of protection for the south’s traditional wage differences. Act ing to end three weeks of strikes and violence, Hugh S. Johnson, NRA chief, issued an executive or der modifying the wage scale he had approved on March 3 1 for the bituminous coal industry. CONGRESS PREPARES FOR GRAND FINALE Congress, in a rush of work, be gan putting on its grand finale Monday. Conferees squared off to wrestle with a multitude of differ ences over taxation and sugar leg slation. Silver advocates—called to an all-congress monetary parley— pondered w'hether to bring out a mandatory authority measure in the face of Presidential objections. FATAL CRASFI ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY Two men were fatally injured and another seriously hurt early Monday w'hen their automobile crashed into an embankment and overturned on a highway near Lincolnton. The dead are Cletus Reep, 28, and Marshall Brittain, 20, both of North Brook township, Lincoln county. Zeno Martin, 19, the third occupant of the car, re ceived painful injuries but attaches at a hospital, where he was taken, said he would recover. FARMERS TO RECEIVE A BILLION American farmers have already been enriched through their agree ments to reduce acreage for va rious products by nearly $200, 000,000, and it is estimated that the benefit payments before the end of 1934 will be more than a billion dollars. This large expen diture is a part of the large pro gram for relief being made by the farm administration. WRONG JOSHUA The Judge: "So vour name’s Johui, eh? You’re not the Joshua that made the sun stand still, are you?” Culprit: "Lor’, no Judge. Ah’m de Joshua da made de moonshine.” At The Dinner Party With Dr. Wirt ... -—— a i n - _ rr- u - JWWMMi WASHINGTON . . . Pictured above are the persons named by Dr. Wirt, Gary, Ind., educator, as having attended a dinner at whic the “Brain Trust revolt talk’’ was a subject of discussion. Each of those named, but satellites in government affairs, emphatically denied any such discussion and Dr. Wirt was termed by one “a monologist, who talks all the time’’.. . Upper picture shows David Coyle, Mary Taylor and Alice Barrow. Inserts, left, Laurence Todd and right. Miss Hildegard Kneeland, those who attended the dinner. ■ J( . > Farley To Ask For More Air Mail Bids Washington—The postoffice de partment will ask for bids within a week or 10 days on seven or eight additional air mail routes covering 4,092 miles. Postmaster General Farley an nounced this about the same time as Chairman Black, Democrat of Alabama, of the special investigat ing committee was defending in the senate the cancellation of the old contracts. A week ago bids were opened on 21 mail routes, but Farley said contracts for these would not be awarded until next week. Routes for which new bids will be asked were not made known. Department officials disclosed that bidders whose figures were high last week had challenged the financial and physical responsibility of the low bidders. Among the complaining companies were Penns ylvania Air Line & Transport, American Air Lines, Inc., and Northwest Air Lines. It was said, however, that, be fore the protests were received, the department had asked all low bid ders to show their financial back ing through balance sheets and bank statements. Citing official admnistration acts from the time of Andrew Jackson in defense of the contract cancella tions, Black asserted in the senate that it was not only Farley’s right, but also his duty to take the mail away from former holders, and charged that a deliberate attempt was being made by "certain” groups, including "subsidized edi torial writers” to mislead the pub lic regarding the wholesale cancella tions in February. 8th Check Of Teachers Will Be Delayed F. D. Duncan of the state finance division has advised superintendent of the county schools, S. G. Hasty that the money for the teachers salaries for the eighth month would be delayed until arrangements could be made for disbursing the federal money that the state recently re ceived. Owing to the fact that the city schools were closed during the epi demic of measles the city teachers will not draw their seventh pay check until May 2 and by the time the eighth check is due it is ex pected that satisfactory arrange ments will have been made to take care of the situation. DEATH THREAT Gov. George White, of Ohio, has revealed recent receipt of a death threat which was contained in a letter that said that unless the gov ernor pardons Harry Pierpont and Charles Makley, gangsters, convict ed of murdering Sheriff J. L. Sarber, he would not live until the end of his term in January. New Sales Manager A new comer to Salisbury is Mr. W. T. Wrenn, a Tar Heel, but for the last seven years located in Washington, D. C., most of this time with a large company, as Sales Manager, has recently con nected with Mr. T. M. Casey, local dealer in General Eelectric equip ment as Sales Manager. Mr. Wrenn says that the oppor tunities in the electric field for a young man are greater, perhaps, than in any other one thing. He intends to build a live sales organi zation. YOUTH KILLED AT LEXINGTON Marvin L. Teer, 25, was instant ly killed at Lexington Sunday morning when he dozed at the wheel of a truck he was driving, which plunged down a fill. He was an employe of a Durham con tracting firm. FORCE SHOWDOWN The silver bloc are pressng for ward in an effort to force a show down on new monetary legisla tion, undaunted by their inability to convince President Roosevelt of the desirability of enactment by Congress of the terms of the Dies Thomas bill. GOOD MORNING L. L. D. Tommy: "What does L. L. D. mean after a man’s name. Tim my?” Jimmy: "I think it must mean that he’s a lun^g and liver doctor.’’ CONDENSED REASON Stranger!: "Wh/.t makes your cat so small?” Boy: “I guess it’s because we feed it on condensed milk.” HADN’T FORGOTTEN Bingo: "Have you forgotten that $2 that you owe me?” Stingo: "Certainly not. Didn’t you see me try to dodge into that door-way?” Jack Ragan had a girl named Leila Bush. One Sunday afternoon Father and Mother Ragan were en tertaining a few friends on the front porch of their home. Little Jasper Ragan, a bright eyed boy of twelve sat on the steps as Jack came walking down the front walk and up the steps. Little Jasper, innocently, yelled, "Hello! Jack I you been to the Bushes”? HOGS FIRST A visiting nurse was examining some children in a Forsyth county school. One youngster, aged six, was sadly underweight. The nlurse made inquiries as to his diet and the following dialogue took place: "You don’t drink milk?’’ "Nope.” "Live on a farm and don’t drink milk at all?” "Nope, we ain’t got hardly enough milk for the hogs.” _ SAFE He held her in his arms and gazed into her sweet blue eyes. "What would you do if I tried to kiss you?” he asked heavily. "Yell for father”, she quickly re torted. He sprang away from her and gulped nervously. "Great Scott!” he cried. "I thought he was in India!” "That’s right, he is,” she sweetly replied. HOW TIME FLIES1. . Diner: "Are you the waitress < who took my order?” ■ Waitress: "Yes, sir.” Diner: "You’re still looking , well—how are your grandchild ren?” THE MAIN QUESTION Professor (after lengthy expla nation of philosophical theory): "And now, are there any ques- : tions?” Voice in Rear: "What time is it?” Two And Half Per Cent Raise Will Be Given ':ull 10 Per Cent Will Be Returned To Workers By April 1, 193 5. R. R. LABOR BACKS F. D. R. Railway Labor FI as Been Operating Under 10 Per Cent Cut For The Past Two Years. Railroad labor, which has been working under a ten per cent cut :or the past two years, will have a •estoration of two and one half )er cent on July 1. A. F. Whitney, chairman of the -aiiway executive labor association, s quoted as saying that this agree nent was intered into to "comply ivith the wish of the president of the United States in the interest of lational recovery.” On January 1, 193 5 an additional five per cent raise will be given railroad workers and on April 1, the remaining five per cent will be added the basic rate of pay, bring ing the wage scale back to the point where it was before the 10 per cent cut went into effect. The following statement was is sued by W. F. Thiehoff, chairman of the conference committee of managers: "We faced the choice of reaching a settlement with employees or of carrying the wage controversy to a conclusion under the law with its attendant uncertainty and disturb ing effects. in tne interest or sraDiiizing me railroad situation now, so as to promote the national recovery pro gram, we chose the former choice. In so doing we have been mindful of the consideration of national wel fare pressed upon us by the Presi dent, of the untiring efforts of the federal coordinator of transporta tion to compose the situation and if the foreberance the employees.” PRESIDENT MOVES AGAINST LABOR TROUBLES President Roosevelt has moved :o strike a death blow at labor :ontroversies troubling the govern nent nerve centers. Forced to ;ake over personally another indus rial dispute, the ralroad wage con :roversy, he feels that the time has :ome for estblishment of a per nanent court to settle the many abor disputes. Acting in advance )f most capital expectatons, Mr. Roosevelt was disclosed to havfe i committee already quietly at work >n revision of the Wagner labor >oard bill. "I suppose your idea of a rich nan is one who has everything he vants?” "No it’s one who has everythnig ’ want.” New Blue Eagle Is Being Issued First Of The Month Washington—NRA’s new blue eagle will make its long delayed debut on May 1. Arrangements to begin its dis tribution were announced here with a letter from Administrator Hugh S. Johnson which is being delivered by the Post Office Department to every business man in the country. The new eagle, with the legend 'We Do Our Part’’ replaced by the single word "Code” will identify employers who are operating under an approved code and “have united to complete the work of recovery,” Johnson said. Under the word "Code” will ap pear the name of the industry and an individual registration number For industries for which codes have not yet been completed John son issued an executive order per mitting continued use of the old blue eagle. Johnson’s letter to business men explaining the new eagle said: "Its display by you will inform the public that you are co-operat ing with the vast majority in stamping out unfair practices and methods of competition and that you are giving your employees a square deal by paying code wages and adhering to code hours. "Last year you were asked to display the blue eagle as evidence of your faith in the ability of Am erican trade and industry to defeat depression by united effort. "This year you are asked to dis play this distinctive blue eagle as a symbol that you, together with the other members of your particular trade or industry, have united to complete the work of recovery.’’ Do You Know The Answer? Continued on page eight 1. What is a trawler) 2. What is a codicil? 3. How long is a furling? 4. Name the first president of the Reconstruction Finance Cor poration. 5. When did President Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclama tion? 6. Through which three coun tries does the Meuse River flow? 7. During what war did the Trent Affair occur? 8. What metal is used as an alloy in sterling silver 9. Name the tallest building in the world. 10. Of what word is co-ed an abbreviation?

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