WASHINGTON Five Conclusions Righteous Aim Johnson and NRA Tugwell Stops Critics Your correspondent had the privilege a few days ago of talking and listening to the three most im portant men in the Administration on three successive days: Presi dent Roosevelt on Thursday, Gen eral Hugh Johnson on Friday and Professor Rexford Tugwell on Sat urday. All of them talked freely, though much of what they said was not for publication. Nothing that the President said can be quoted, but it is entirely permissible to express an opinion on his state of mind and the direction in which he is heading, deduced from what he said. The talk with him lasted nearly two hours, with General Johnson nearly as long and with Dr. Tugwell about an hour. Certain conclusions are inescap able; they were noticeable in what all three men said. First, a definite sensitiveness to criticism of the "New Deal,” amounting almost to thm-skirned ness. Second, a definite effort to dispel the idea that there is something "radical” about the New Deal. Third, a definite purpose to slow down on Govrnment borrowings and substitute for Government fin ancing of private business new means to stimulate investment of private capital. Fourth, a definite intention to resist any further inflationary mea sures, especially such as contained in the effort to compel the Presi dent to remonetize silver on the 16-to-l or any other basis. Fifth, a definite, deep-rooted conviction that what the Adminis tration is doing is "right.” On that last point, a high Federal official recently compared the writ ten Constitution to the old wooden! man-of-war "Constitution,” so lately rehabilitated and sent on a tour of the nation’s seaports. It was a fine ship in its day and everybody reveres it and respects it I for the service it did in the War of 1812, but nobody would think of sending it to sea to fight again! There is a fine fervor, almost re ligious in its tone, when some of the New Dealers talk about the necessity for social regeneration by Governmental dictum and financial aid. 1 axing up tne points enumerated in their order, the tone, rather than the words of all three of these Ad ministration leaders indicated that, although criticism had been invited it was not relished. Indeed, one of them used the word "wicked” in discussing certain attacks upon Ad ministration policies. Professor Tug well was especially sensitive at the use of the word "regimenta tion” in connection with the or ganization of business, industry and agriculture. He thought it a wrong use of the word: it was a word he would use to describe the conditions under which men em ployed in industry worked. The same day he said that, the President signed the Bankhead cotton re striction bill, o( which Senator Bankhead and his nephew, Repre sentative Bankhead, were the spon sors. It put a heavy penalty on any cotton grower who grows more than his quota of cotton this year. The President took pains to explain that it had been agreed to in ad vance by more than 90 percent of the cotton growers who had ans wered the Government’s question naire. General Johnson was insistent that the Government had no pur pose to impose harmful restrictions upon business and industry; all that NRA was trying to do was to get business interests into cooperation for the common good. He was distressed at the idea that anything like force was being used or con templated, and the notion that small business men were getting the worst of it under NRA was en tirely wrong, he said. He did not think the Government had been moving too fast in imposing the codes, because any of them could be changed over night if it proved oppressive or didn’t work. The purpose of speed had been to try to get men back to work quickly. The next big effort to put men back to work will be in the build ing trade, by means of a plan Continued on page five I I The Carolina Watchman mu FOUNDED 1832—1J01ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1934. ~~ VOL 101 NO. 40. PRICE 2 CENTS. Total For Four Months More Than Doubled Contracts Let To Date Are More Than 131 Per Cent Above Those of Last Year. PRIVATE BUILD’G INCREASE ; Total Contracts For Industrial And Engineering Projects Total $2,838,000. Off to a fast start for 1934, con tracts awarded for construction,, engineering and building projects in southern states during the first four months reached a new thre-e jyear high total. The aggregate awards for 16 | southern states for the period amounted to $186,245,000, says the Manufacturers Record, the con tract total from January to April inclusive, exceeds by 131 per cent the total of $80,33 5,000, rep resenting the valuation of awards in the corresponding period of last year, apd surpasses by 109 per cent the total of the first four months 1 of 1932, amounting to $88,994, 000. i The total for all classes of j building and construction put un- " ier contract last month, was $43,- - 131,000 for the four-week period j is compared with $48,656,000" t representing the five week period , of March. , A marked increase in 'private building was noted in April. Con- ; tracts let for apartment houses and hotels, bank and office build ings, churches, dwellings and stores amounted to $4,517,000 as compared with $2,964,000 in jMarch, $2011,000 in February jand $2,5 5 1,000 in January. In the building awards totaled $12,025, 000 as againsts $6,066,000 for the seme period in 193 3. A new high monthly total of $1,092,000 for bank and office buildings was recorded in April as 'a result of the award of a contract for a 17-story addition * to tlhe Humble Oil and Refining com pany in Houston, Texas, to cost $75 0,000. Repair work,, new el evators, air-conditioning, and oth ;er improvements also helped to run up the total. Awards for industrial and engi neering projects for 1934 totaled $2,838,000. March led with $16 - 675.000. April’s total was $13, 236.000. {Attend Graduation Exercises Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Clark and two sons, Kenneth and Charles, in the company of Mrs. J. B. Blue and children, of Greensboro, mo tored to Barium Springs for gradua tion exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke have two nephews and a nfece in the home, Edward and Ruth Cole. They made the highest averages for the 4th and 6th grades. Cinders to Sales CHICAGO . . . Miss Betty Robin son (above), former Olympic track chainnion, has forsaken the cinder paths and is now a saleslady in a den3rtmnn.t here. NEWS BRIEFS WOMAN POSTMASTER MAMED Paul A. Bennett has been ap pointed postmaster at Winston salem. FATHER AND CHILDREN INJURED S. J. Brawley of Troutman and .hree of his children were serious T injured near Salisbury when the car they were driving collided with another last Friday; Mr. Brawley received a broken arm, the children receiving bad lacera ions. CHILD DIES FROM MATCH IURNS __ The three-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson of the New Hope section died in a R-eidsville hospital where she had been taken for treatment of burns eceived while playing with matches in the home. FIRES AT WAKE FOREST COLLEGE During the past year there have >een a number of suspicious fires mong the several buildings at Wake Forest College, and thous ods of dollars in damage has re ulted. A renewed attempt see mss o have been made Friday night rhen fire was discovered in o on record as the coldest of any iince the establishment of a weath :r bureau at Greensboro. The killing frost of April 24 is said to be the latest on record, and to have ione much damage to early plants. Old winter is accused of staying an the job 10 days later than usual. MR. DANIELS VISITS HOME Ambassador and Mrs. Josephus Daniels are spending five weeks at their home in Raleigh before re turning to his post at Mexico, D. F. Mr. Daniels is quoted as saying that the United States "must either stick by the new deal, go back to the old deal that put us in the de pression, or accept a raw deal from the hands of the opponents of the new deal.” ]OE CANNON WILL FIGHT CASE Formal papers were served on J. F. Cannon at Concord in the ilienation suit brought by the di vorced husband of his daughter, Anne, F. Brandon Smith, Jr., of Charlotte. The amount called for is $250,000. Mr. Cannon, who re turned last weeek from Ffot springs, Ark., improved in health >ays he will contest the case before the courts. Hartsell and Flartsell >nd B. W. Blackwelder of Concord, ind Stewart and Bobbett of Char lotte are said to have been retained is counsel for Mr. Cannon. Doctor Dies At Bedside Of Patient Fayetteville.—Dr. W. A. Kirksey 14, dropped dead while attending i patient at Hope Mills. His leath will attributed to heart dis :ase. Dr. Kirksey had \practice|d in this county since 1921, when he came here aftelj completing! his Internship in St. Louis, Mo. He ivas a graduate of the University sf North Carolina where he was i Phi Beta Kappa student. Dr| Kirksey was the son of Mr. ind Mrs. W. L. Kirksev of Mor janton, who survive. The Model 1934 Bathing Girl SANTA MONICA, Calif. . . . Miss Eve Reynolds (standing center above), 5 ft-, 5 inches tall and weighing 118 pounds was selected as the typical beautiful bathing girl for 1934 by members of the Chouinard School of Art, whose students immediately went to the beach in bathing togs to sketch the model. Code Eagle Symbol Of Unity To Complete Recovery Work Washington.—-Since May 1, the NRA Bine Eaglet individualized. Replacing the familiar legend/'We Do Our Part,” is the single iword ’ Code,” beneath mhich appears the name of the trade or industry to which the employer belongs and his registration number. "Its display by you,” declared National Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson in a letter mailed to every employer in this country, "will inform the public that you are cooperating with the vast ma jority in stamping out unfair trade practices and methods of compe tition, and in giving your employees a square deal by paying code wag es. Last year you were asked to display the Blue Eagle as an evi dence of your promise to do your part and as a symbol of your faith in the ability of American, trade and industry to defeat depression by united effort. This year you are asked to display this distinc tive Blue Eagle as a symbol that you, together with the other mem bers of your particular trade or industry, have united to complete the work of recovery.” For that relatively small per centage of employes sot yet under codes, an executive order permits their continued use of the standard Blue Eagle as a sign of their ac-i ceptance of the president’s offer to extend his reemployment agree ment with them until their codes have been approved. Accompa nying the administrators letter was a simple application card, ad dressed for return, without pay ment of postage,, to state NRA compliance directors and instruc tions outlining procedure for ob taining the individual Eagle. As promptly as applications can be cleared, state directors will dis tribute the emblems to employers in the so-called service groups, includ ing the general retail and retail food and grocery trades, the cleaning rnd dyeing, restaurant, construc tion, and trucking industries. Blue Eagles for other industries and trades will be distributed by the NRA insignia section, to which state directors will forward em ployers’ applications. An individual Blue Eagle con tinues to be the property of the United States government, and use of it is subject to the penalties of section 10 (a) of the National In dustrial Recovery Act and orders and rdgulations - issued under Mt. Its display certifies to the employ er’s strict compliance with his code, and the regulations emphasize that "any person may be publicly deprived of the right to display any Blue Eagle if he violates any provision or the spirit and intent of any cods, (Presidential yagrep* ment, or regulation, duly prescrib ed or approved.” Strike Riots At Gulf Ports Houston, Texas. — Determina tion to stand by their demands for higher wages was shown by strik ing longshoremen as their walk out at gulf ports continued with only onfe disturbance—a shooting at Lake Charles, La. Steamship operators apparently had adopted a policy of "watchful waiting.” Fifteen shots were fired into a meeting of about 300 persons gathered at Lake Charles to discuss the strike. Murphy Humphrey was seriously wounded in the head. Police arrested seven negroes, among them Elisha Catholic, mem ber of the Louisiana Longshore men’s union. Police said the shots were fired from Catholic’s house. Humphrey as a white man. At Galveston, 1,500 members of the International Longshore men’s Association, the organization iw'hich ’called the strike !,mqfr Hn! what was termed a "pep” meeting. GOOD MORNING COCOA COLD A customer in a restaurant called the negro waiter and cotnplained: "Waiter, my cocoa is cold.” Well, sah , replied the son of Ham, "why don’t yo’ put yo’ hat an, sah?” A SICKLY LOT One of the two flappers in the bus was reading a newspaper. "I see”, she remarked to her com panion, "that Mr. So-and-So, the octogenarian is dead. Now, what an earth is an octogenarian?” "I’m sure I haven’t the faintest idea’’, replied the other. "But they re a sickly lot. You never bear of one but he’s dying.. KNEW BEFOREHAND A negro boxer was to fight a heavyweight champion. When he reached the ring it was. noticed that he hung back. It s all right,. Sam’”, said his second. "Just say to yourself, I’m goin gto beat him’, and you’ll win.” - • "That’?, no good'”, replied Sam’. "I know what a liar I am.” Deny Violation Of Steel Code Wilmington; Del.—Denying the federal government’s charge that it violated the collective bargaining section of the NR A steel code, the Wierton Steel company launched its battle in United States district court here against issuance of an injunction/ which would restrain it from interfering with selection by its employes of an organization of their own choice to carry on bargaining negotiations. Earl F. Reed chief counsel for the steel firm, opened the com pany’s case with a vigorous rebut tal of the charges of Special As sistant Attorney General James L. Fly that the company had 'shoved company union down the throats of its workers’’ and co— treed employes into voting for an employe’s representation plan. Greenville Asks Trackless Trolleys The city of Greenville formally petitioned the state railroad com mission for permission to subbsti tute trackless troll4ys 'for street ■ars on certain surburban lines. The petition asks that the South srn Public Utilities company be au thorized to proced immediately with the substitution. The fran :his, it adds, has been amended to conform to the substituton as iet forth in a recent legislative en ibling act. Trackless trolleys would be oper ited, the petition says, from the aotel to Woodside mill; and from fudson mill to the Overbrook sec tion. Party Groups Split By Vote On Measure Measut{? T0 Relieve Debt Bur dened Cities and Towns Now Goes To Conference. PROVIDES TWO YEAR RELIEF Opponents Assert the Bill Will Pave the Way For Debt Repudiation. Washington.—The senate has passed the municipal bankruptcy bill, long sought by debt-burdened cities as a way back to solvency through compromise with their creditors.. Party lines were broken on a 45 to 2.8 vote- Thirty-three Dem ocrats and 12 Republicans ^up ported the bill, while 14 on each ! side of the aisle voted against it. The measure which passed the house in the special sesson now * goes, to conference with the house. > Senate changes were made to 1 tighten the bill to protect minority creditor groups. as it passed tne senate the bill would provide that during an emergency period of two years cit ies and local taxing units might petition federal courts for approv al of debt-composition plans that i have received the indorsement of ' holders of- JO per cent of out- _ tanding obligations. After favorable action by the court, acquiescence of holders of two-thirds of each class of obli gations and of three-fourths of the total in the settlement proposed I would render i t binding ori all - creditors. The bill’s passage followed an appeal by Senator Robinson, Demo crat of Arkansas, majority leader, in which he asserted thousands of persons unable to pay taxes would be driven from their homes unless given relief. The bill was vigorously cham pioned and as bitterly denounced on both sides of the chamber. Proponents pointed to defaults by more than 2,000 taxing units nd said the number threatened to increase rapidly without legislation. Opponents asserted the number of units in default was less than one per cent of the total, and said the measure would open the door to debt repudiation,. Fisher Plumbing Company Moves To New Location - i The C. J. W. Fisher Plumbing Company, for the past year located at 113 East Fisher Street, has moved to larger quarters at 113 East Innes Street. A complete line of modern plumbing fixtures is carried in stock at all times and this in con nection with a force of exjpert mechanics enables them to give service of the highest kind. Two Disaster Institutes Announced By Red Cross Washington,, D. C., May 3.— R.ed Cross chapters all over the state will be represented at dis ister institutes to be held in Win ston-Salem May 7th and New Bern, May 9th. Maurice R. Reddy, as sistant director of disaster relief service, American Red Cross, will make addresses at each of these preparedness schools and will as sist the chapter representatives in perfecting local machinery for cop ing with sudden emergencies. These two schools, like man* jthers conducted this year in the eastern and southern states, are held in anticipation of tornadoes, floods, droughts, ;res and. other* * catastrophes. Members of disaster •ommittees will be shown how dis aster victims may be fed, shelter ed, given medical attention and hospitalization; how supplies hould be handled and records kept. To these institutes have been in vited, in addition to Red Cross chapter workers, city and county authorities, public health experts, police and fire officials, civic lead ers, welfare wo inkers, and others occupying key positions, Do You Know The Answer? Continued on page four 1. Who were the Troubadoa-s? 2. Which state'Of the union has the largest forest area? 3. What is correct, pants leg or pant leg? 4. Where is Cdigate University? 5. What does the name Michi gan mean? 6. Which was the most famous city of Greek legend? 7. Who said "Trust m God and keep your powder dry?” | 8. Is the death of Eve recorded in the Bible? 9. Name the capital of the Mex can state of Colima. I 10. Who were the Midianites?