i f p: i i WASHINGTON The Darrow Report Code Changes Certain Reforms Were Needed Distribution of Wealth With the adjournment of Cong ress apparently set for the middle of June, the outlook is that Presi dent Roosevelt will get about all of the legislation which he really wants—and some that he doesn’t care about—by that time. Major measures which seem cer tain to be passed include the silver bill, which extends the President’s power to remonetize silver but does not compel him to do anything about it; the bill authorizing the President to revise tariffs; the mea sure providing for industrial loans by R.F.C. and the Federal Reserve; the bill for Government regulation of wire and radio communica tions; the extension of the present bank deposit insurance plan; and, last but not least, the President’s pet plan to stimulate home-build ing and employment in the build ing trades by providing a Govern ment controlled guarantee fund to insure lenders on first mortgages from loss, and a similar guarantee against loss on loans made for home repairs and improvements un der Government restrictions and approval. The most exciting things in Washington, however, is not that Congress is going back home to run for re-election, though that is something which always ,’evokjes sighs of relief here. It is the con troversy that has lyeen started by the Darrow report on the workings of NR A. The committee appointed at the insistence of Senator Nye of North Dakota to investigate and report on the question whether the code system set up under General John son was beneficial or otherwise to small businesses, was dreaded by Clarence Darrow, famous radical attorney. Mr. Darrow has always been tllC outspoken champion of the "little man” and if not himself an avowed Socialist is looked upon as their hero by many of that group. It teas hardly to be expected that a commission with him at its head would have any kind words to say for "big business,” but the harsh words he said about the NRA and its codes set the whole Administra tion by the ears. The Darrow re port was withheld from publication for three weeks while General Johnson and Donald Richberg, counsel for the NRA, had time to write scathing replies, which are in the main denials of the Darrow charges that the codes favor mono polies. The two NRA officials be came very personal in their re marks.. They are peculiarly sensi tive to criticism, and, like too many minor officials in Washington, too ready to call names if anyone says anything they don’t like about the way they are doing their job. There is a good deal of signifi cance attached here, however, to the fact that after the Darrow re port had been submitted and before it was published, General Johnson announced that there would be a broad change in the system under which the NRA operates. Many of the smaller lines of business will be exempted from the codes, and only the large concerns doing an interstate business will be continu ed under Government regulation. There is still a good deal of shak ing dosvn and shaking out to be done before the Administration machine gets into smooth working or’der. Too many minor function aries and a few of the minor im portant officials have not yet sob ered up from their early intoxica tion with newly-acquired power. There is still a great deal of of ficial arrogance and insistence that nobody is honest except these few Administration officials. Giving them all credit for good intentions, there has been extreme carelessness and lack of a sense of responsibility in the methods which many of the newly-created bureaus have adopted. Those faults are recognized and will be cured, by the dismissal of the worst offenders and the dis cipline of the others. But there is no indication so far that par tisanship will not control new ap pointments, rather than ability. On the other hand, a great deal of good work has been done by the Administration and the outlook is (Please turn to page two) The Carolina Watchman gSgg FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 44. PRICE 2 CENTS. Feasibility Of Smelter Plant To Be Studied PWA May Approve Project If Sur rey Shows Vfilue REYNOLDS GETS ACTION Whiting Certain Government Agency Will Find Abundance Of Metal In N. C. The movement started in Char lotte by A. B. Whitinig and others to establish a gold recovery plant has resulted in a decision by the United States Geological survey to conduct a complete and minute survey of the Southern Appalachi ans to determine the extent of gold deposits and the feasibility of such plants. When application was made by the Charlotte backers of the Iplan to the Public Works adminis jtration for government aid, Sena tor Robert R. Reynolds of Ashe ville upon communicating with Mr. Whiting, became deeply interest ed, and urged that government aid !be extenned in establishing a gold recovery plant. He laid the matter before W. C. jMendenhall, director of the Geo logical Survey, personally, who promised to take action that would approach governmental co-opera tion. In a communication to the sen ator, Director Mendenhall says that PWA has a small sum that may be used for gold recovery plants, but that before the geological agency can give its approval to any plan, that it has been decided to make a survey to learn the extent of gold deposits, and how far the govern ment can go in co-operation. To this end, a survey has started and if government aid is justified by findings, the geological agency will be glad to make any recommenda tion that will promote the indus try. It is also revealed by the di rector to Senator Reynolds that strong capitalists are also making surveys, which may result in de cided developments of the gold in dustry in the Southern Appalach ians. I I Big Bass Is Taken At Ritchie’s Lake A Piscatorial prize that would challenge the admiration of even such ardent anglers as Rich Hill or W., J. Rowland was captured late Saturday afternoon by a Mr. Mc Quirt, of Kannapolis. Fishing in the waters of Ritchie’s lake, Mr. McQuirt snared a black bass which tipped the scales at seven and three-fourths pounds. This is said to be the largest bass caught in this county in recent years.—Stanly News-Press. Claimed Sunday is no longer a day of worship, but anyway a good many people in North Carolina are down on their knees changing their punctured tires. “Bob” Doughton Leads Fight For Silver Bill Washington—In a common sense and masterly speech in the house Representative Robert L. Doughton of Laurel Springs chair man of the ways and means com mittee, closed the debate in sup port of the administration on the silver bill. Mr. Doughton answered criti cism of the bill that it led the ^country to a silver basis by say ing "the enactment of this meas ure will constitute another step in the recovery program by provid ing an improved monetary system for this country. Its enactment will likewise open world markets for the products of American agri culture, industry, and labor. It will raise commodity prices and accelerate business. It will enable the debtors to meet their obliga tions. "It has been the consistent pol icy of this administration to fur-; ther recovery through an expan sion of our foreign markets, and the enactment of this measure is but another step to that end. • "The enactment of this measure will also pave the way for inter national cooperation in aid of gen eral world recovery and the pro motion of better means of exchange among the nations of the world, and will rebound to the benefit! of this country, both in increased foreign trade and in the stabiliza tion of the dollar in our country.” Explaining the measure Mr. Doughton declared “that it shall be the policy of this country to increase the proportion of silver to gold in its monetary stocks so that it will constitute 25 per cent which is much lower than in for mer years. "We are told by those opposing this measure that we are provid ing an unsound mtoney, fiat or printing press money. If this be true, what kind of money did we have in 1900 under President Mc Kinley when silver constituted 41.9 per cent our monetary stocks of gold and silver; and in 1905 under President Roosevelt when silver represented 33.6 per cent; and in 1910 under President Taft when it was 30.9 per cent. If our money was sound then, when the per centage of silver to gold was much greater than this measure proposes, how can it be termed unsound now?” Educational Head DES MOINES, la.".'. . John W. Studebaker, superintendent of schools here, has been appointed U. S. Commissioner of Education for one year to succeed Dr; George. F; Zook. — Blue Eagle Wins Over Henry Ford i — The blue eagle emerged with strengthened wings last week from a courtroom clash with an agent of the Ford Motor company. Justice Daniel W. O’Donoghue,■ of the District of Columbia Su preme court, held Ford was thwart ing the recovery act and that the I government did not have to buy his products. "It would seem unreasonable 'that the president should be com 'pelled to contract with any com pany, no matter how wealthy or powerful, if that company is thwarting the recovery act and de fying the- government to enforce it,” the court declared. "It is not reasonable that the government should be required to deal with any company blocking this great act of national recov ery.” They tell us not to blame the jinx for our misfortunes, but we all have to find someone or something to blame beside ourselves. Bank Resources In N. C. Show Increase Assets Jump From $175,655,727 to $204,677,559 Between June 1933, and March 5, 1934 Raleigh—Resources in North Carolina banks had increased $29, 021,932.46, or from $ 175,65 5, 727.35 to $204,677,659.81 in the eight months from June 30, 1933, to March 5, 1934, date of the last call of statement of conldition, dur ing which time all kinds of deposits increased from $ 147.138,498.62 to $ 174,270,8 5 9.71, Commissioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood reports. Resources showed a slight in crease, about $1,500,000, in the two months from December 3 0 to March 5, in which regular deposits increased about $2,225,000. At the time of call June 30, 1933, there were 204 banks and 76 branches, at December 30, there were 196 banks, including two cash depositories, and 42 branches, inculding one cash depository, and at March 5, 1934, there were 181 banks and 57 branches. At the March 5 call, the state banks had increased the cash in vault and amount due from banks to $13,485,830.84 from $45,491, 068.45 eight months before, had increased their stocks and bonds, largely U. S. and state bonds, to $69,570,043.73 from $41,483,848, 52, while loans and discounts had decreased to $68,565,991.89 from ($76,013,926.69 eight months be fore, while banking house and (sight items decreased about $1, (500,000, to $5,840, 97.55, and 'other real estate decreased slightly, (to $3,155,450.44. j Total liabilities of the banks increased to $176,25 8,184.48 from the $148,938,022.50 of eight 'months before, while the capital stock increased to $28,419,4eak—11.775,000 were without vork in January; "With the spring busy season, dightly more than a million of the winter unemployed have gone jack to work, but at the season’s peak in April, unemployment was Istill above the September level, with over 10,600,000 out of work. | "We have not yet regained the jwinter losses and have made no : progress since September in reduc ing the level of unemployed.” j The federation estimated an in crease of $3 8,000 in the April pay roll total. The percentage of union workers unemployed fell from 20.7 per cent to 19.9. Four Hurt In Accident Four young people were slightly jhurt Wednesday shortly before 4 j o’clock in an' automobile accident |at the intersection of North Main i and Flehderson streets. Hugh ISpencer Young was the driver of the car that contained as passen gers Misses Margie Fraley, Ruth Eagle and Lucie Young. The four were taken to the Rowan general hospital, but none was seriously hurt. i Scotland has a quiet Sunday campaign. ^ Olympic Champ Coming MILAN, Italy . . . Luigi Beccali (above), Olympic 1,500 Meter Cham pion, will go to the U. S. in June to con^ete in the Princeton University meet. Salisbury High Graduates 198 Boys Outnumber Girls in Largest Class in History; Honors Awarded. Commencement exercises for Sal isbury high school were held Tues day night with a packed house greeting the 198 graduates, largest class in history. Four student speakers addressee the audience on aspects of com munity hVe, these gpehkejrs and their topics being. Clarenci jKluttz, cultural life; Willian Coughenour, recreation and health Pharis Broadway, religion; Rebecc; jWeant, education; James Dorset! president of the student body summarized the topics. Stahle Linn, chairman of the school board, presented the diplo mas to the graduating class, com posed of 111 boys and 87 girls. | Winners of honor were an nounced by Principal J. PL Knox as follows: William Franklin Cro Iwell, science medal; Rena Elizabeth jMorgan, mathematics medal; Wal jter Wagoner, Rotary essay medal; James Dorsett, Rotary cup for most unselfish service. Carl Flartman was recognized as having a perfect attendance record for his 11 years in school. Teachers Get Relief Checks Raleigh—Salaries of 1,531 teach ers in 13 counties and three towns, amounting to $100,015.50, had been sent out by the state relief of fic up to Saturday night and the balance of these salaries, for the eight month of the school term, will go to the teachers this week Dr. A. T. Allen, state superintend ent of public instruction announces. This is the first dispensing of vouchers for the eighth month sal ary out of the $500,000 granted this state from the emergency re lief funds for education, and the checks should be going out all this week from the relief offices here. As soon as the record is made as to the teachers receiving these checks, then the State School com mission will send those to other teachers who have not been paid for the last month of the term. NEW DEFINITION OF CWA APPLIES TO COW Portersville, Calif.—In an effort to thwart the decline in his busi ness which forced him to sell his automobile, Henry Rose, truck farmer, has instituted a "CWA” of his own. In his case, CWA stsands for "Cow Works All-time.” Minus any other means of bring ing his produce to market, Rose built a light two-wheel cart and trained one of his Holstein cows to draw it. County, District State Candidates Will Be Selected Only Three Congressmen In State Arc Without Opposition DOUGHTON IS UNOPPOSED Warm Fights In Offing For The Different County Offices. The stage is all set for the pri maries in the county district and state to be held Saturday. A complete list of the various state, county and district candi dates was carried in The Watch man last week. Prediction of a large vote in North Carolina’s primary Sat urday despite the fact that there is only one state-wide office at stake came from the State Board of Elec tions as candidates in the district and local fights entered the last laps of their campaigns. Because of the urfctsual interest in the district and local battles, the board estimated Saturday’s vote would equal if not surpass the num ber of ballots cast in each of the two 1932 primaries when senatorial 'and gubernatorial nominations [brought out 3 80,000 and 3 50,000 votes, respectively. Warm fights for Democratic congressional nominations in eight ; of the state’s 11 districts, judicial . contests jn five districts and six solicitors. Conflicts in addition to close battles in many of the state’s 100 counties for legislative and local offices are expected to draw voters to the polls by the thousands if fair weather prevails. The only state-wide office being contested is that of utilities com missioner. with Stanley Winborne, [the incumbent, being opposed by E. C. Macon of Asheville, in the Dem ocratic primary. Only one Republican nomination [will be at stake, the solicitorship of the seventeenth judicial district, jjohn R. Jones, the state’s only Re publican solicitor, is being opposed jfor renomination by F. J. McDuf fie. All other Republican candi j dates who were named in conven [tions and are without opposition, will be automatically nominated under the state’s primary law. Each of the state’s 10 present congressmen is seeking renomina tion, and Lindsay Warren of the first district, Walter Lambeth of the eighth, and R. L. Doughton of tl_e ninth, will be named without opposition. A five-cornered battle is being waged for the Democratic nomi nation in) the fourth district, where a vacancy exists because of the recent death of Representative Ed ward W. Pou. His son, George Ross Pou, former Stae’s prison su perintendent, is one of the quintet of candidates. Local Man Badly Injured In Ac cident U. S. Jordan, carpenter was cri tically injured Wednesday after noon when the automobile in which he and his daughter, Grace were riding collided with another car occupied by a group of negroes here for the May 30 celebration. Jordan was unconscious at Row an, general hospital with serious head injuries. The negroes fled, but one was arrested later. Grace Jordan received wounds about the head and a fractured rib, and is also in the hospital. Europe is said to resound with the tramp of armed men, but in this country they holler so loud on the baseball stands that we can’t hear the armed men tramp. • $50.00 In Prizes Will Be Awarded Watchman Readers With the cooperation of several public spirited merchants, the Carolina Watchman will award its readers $50.00 in splendid prizes. With very little effort you can win one of these. All yoy have to do is to write a leter of not more than 100 words telling why you trade with firms on the contest pages. Write your letter today—there is nothing to lose and everyone in Rowan county and surrounding territory has a chance to win. There are any ndmber of reasons! why these merchants deserve your patronage, so tell what you like best about them, whether ic is the product they sell, the personality of their salesmen, or the service they' give, write a letter and tell i' what you like best and you may1 win a peautiful prize. A full list of prizes and the ad- i vertisements appear on inside pages, j Turn to them and write on one or ’ more of them now. These ads will appear again next week and the : following week the best letter on each firm will be printed.