The Watchman Him I FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1934. ' ~ VOL 101 NO. 47. PRICE 2 CENTS. f WASHINGTON * Recovery Program Continues Admit Some Slips Fair and Reasonable Profits High Spots of New Deal A great deal more Federal money is to be distributed in various ways designed to get ready cash into the hands of the consumers, with in thb next few months. It will begin about the first of July, after the closW of the Government’s fis cal year on June 30. and the pres est program calls for expenditure at the rate/ of about $400,000,000 a month- for an indefinite period. This money will go out through numerous channels. The newest of these pipe-lines from the Treasury to the individual is the drought re lief fund of *$52$,000,000, to be distributed in the ten states where the record-breaking drought has wrough havoc among all classes of farmers. There is still more than a billion and a quarter dollars in the fund for home loans to distressed mort gagors. Some of this is to be put to work to provide employment in the building trades, by the process of making additional loans for re pairs and improvements to pro perty on which homtef loans have beerl made or which are eligible for such loans. Money will go out faster now for public works, under the) P.W. A. More of the money will go out to finance rural schools. Still more will be spent to continue the CCC camps. TW* Federal Emergency Relief Administration will put an- < other billion and a half into direct 1 unemployment and in cooperation < with state and local agencies. J The/a there are the paymeoft un- 1 der the wheat, corn-hog, cotton and 0 tobacco contracts, though much of this does not come directly out * of Government funds but is col- 1 lected through processing taxes and ' distributed by Governmtni, agen- f cies. i The belief in Administration ‘ circles is now that it will takeij about another year of Government : spending at this rate to simulate; business to the point whfe|-e private j capital will find it profitable to! come out of hiding and go to work! in productive industries. It is admited by the Administra tion’s friends that recovery has not come as fast as had Been expected, and that some of the Govarn mentfs projects to stimulae it have ■not worked. There is also a grow ing realization tha«. business men and capitalists are not showing any great amount of confidence in the Goverr^ent. Until that (confi dence relturns, there will naturally be little inclination on the part of private Capital to risk its money. Where investments are most needed right now are ini the build ing industry. More than S,000,000 men, normally, are! employed in the building trades. It has been President Roosevelt’s hope that under the carefully worked out plan for insuring mort gage capital against loss, private funds in enormous amounts would become available for new residen tial constAicftion. ft now begins to look as if, while there is a great naed for mew homes, few people are illing as yet to run into debt to buy or build houses. With Congress out of the way until next January there can be) no new legislation, and the nation can take time to sit back and evaluate; what has been enacted, and find out whether it looks, on the whole benefical or injurious to private capital and enterprise. There! seems to be a feeling that the President will not willingly use the broad powers granted to him in any injurious way, that he is es sentially expounding his plans for the future he took pains to lay stress on the statement that there is to be no interference with fair and reasonable profits. The Administration’s friends be lieve that as things quiet down during the Summer, business mien will begin to realize that a good many of the things that have frightened them' are bogies, with out real power to do theta haam. Also, it loks as though: the whole , (Continued on Page Pour) State’s Share For Next Year Is $4,840,941 Money Not To Be Matched Bj Local Appropriation. TO BE AVAILABLE JULY 1 Allotments of $2,958,000 For Eacf. Of Two Following Years Midst Be Matched. The sum of $4,840,941 will b< available July 1, for the Nortl Carolina highway commission tc spend until the end of the fisca year. July 1, 193$, Representativ< Lindsay, Warren of Washington North Carolina, stated. The North Carolina allotment for the coming year of the $400, 000,000 appropriated does not ha4« to be matched by state funds. Foi the two succeeding fiscal years, however, when the state receives ap proximately $2,938,000 annually is federal aid, these sums must be Hatched by state funds. The state received an allotment >f $9,$22,29$ a year ago from the •ecovery act, thus making a total if $14,393,236 that North Caro ina will have received in govern ment money in two years to spend n highways and roads generally. Representative Warden pointfed m one clause of the new bill as hat which he has been urging for years. This provides a standing und of $10,000,000 for emergency oad work caused by heavy rains ,nd floods, as well as bridge work, vhich he said would serve a good mrpose in many instances similar :o those that have in the past oc :urred in North Carolina. Under the law South Carolina has $2,770,954 available July 1 and $1,700,000 annually there after. Parole Racket Probe Started Raleigh—Governor Ehringhaus support was thrown behind an in vestigation of reports that a "pa role racket” had ben. in operation; by which attorneys and others are alleged to have swindled prisoner; by promises that they would ob tain clemency for them. The governor conferred witl Warden H. H. Honeycutt, ol state’s prison, and with Parole Commissioner Edwin M. Gill. In a statement Gill said: "1 have come across a number oi cases about which I had suspicion: that everything was not as it should be, and all instances I have investigated those circumstances.’ He promised to continue sue! investigations, adding: "If m) investigation of these cases con vinces me that a fraud has beer perpetrated, I shall turn the mat ter over to the proper authoritie: for such action as they may deerr fit.” TOUR PARK Ambassador and Mrs. Josephu Daniels and their guest, Mrs. Har old Iokes, wife of the Secretary cr. the Interior, spent the past week end touring the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, am were entertained by various com munities through which they pass ed. NRA HAS A BIRTHDAY The NRA celebrated its firs birthday Saturday, as did its twin the PWA. Together these tw< great recovery organizations hav spent or allocated $3.300,010,00( and re-employed 5,000,000 person in the past year. The anniversary found NRA fighting conjicts o: labor and capital which constantly threaten to spin the United State into the worst strike epidemic in it history. NEWS BRIEFS DIES IN ELECTRIC CHAIR Ossie Smith, Northampton ne gro. died in the electric'chair at Raleigh for the murder of J. E. Hedgepeth. The negro was the 136th victim who did penance at the chair. WINGATE BUILDINGS BURN Fire destroyed the two buildings at Wingate in which were housed r a pressing club and a barber shop, fire originating in the first. No insurance, and loss amounts to several thousands. NEWTON MAN DROWNS J. Frank Gamble, 3 J, automo bile salesman of Newton, was drowned in a lake in Graham county, near Robbinsville. He was striken with cramps while swimming with friends and drown ed before help could reach him. BURKE COUNTY BOY DROWNS Robert Shuford, 2. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Shuford of Burke county, was drowned when he acci dentally fell from a boat he was Rowing on Droning Creek, back water of the Hickory dam. WARNS AGAINST BAD LIQUOR Competition between the of ficial brands and bootleggers in the Danville, Va., territory has led to several deaths, and the health authorities there are issuing warn ing to liquor drinkers to be on their guard against chemically | reated brands claiming to be Istandard. RIOTING IN CUBA | A guerilla political warfare in Cuba was climaxed Sunday when machine guns were used to spray bullets into the ranks of the ABC society parade, in which 30.000 formed the ranks. Thirteen peo ple were reported killed. A pitch ed battle resulted, and disorder is said to have prevailed in a way resembling warfare. _ ATTEMPTS LIFE OF CUBAN HEAD President Carlos Menjdieta was slightly injured when a bomb ex ploded close to his chair while at an official luncheon. Two naval men were killed, one saving the life of the president. The bomb is supposed to have been concealed in a camera. Ten others were hurt. Suspects are being closely observ ed. THREE BOYS KILLED Allen and Leroy Ferrell of Char lotte and Lee Chandler of Winston Salem, the two last named having taken French leave of the Jackson training school near Concord, were i killed when struck by a train on ; the Seaboard railway tracks near Charlotte or fell from it as they were beating a ride, it is supposed All three of the boys were in their ; late teens. : FESTIVAL ENDS Record-breaking crowds attended the seventh annual Rhododendron l Festival in Asheville last week, with ■ total attendance for the nine major ■ events during the four days ending Friday placed at 241,800 by the festival committee. : HURRICANE > East Louisiana was struck—by a > ZO-mile-an-hodr hurricane Satur : day which swept inland from the 1 Gulf of Mexico wreaking destruc * tion to property. In Morgan City ' practically every building was : damaged, and debris was strewn r over Baton Rouge, while all com i muinications were cut off for sev > era! hours. No fatalities were re ported. *— !' " 1 5 - g - "- „ - . -- —— L__---J--—-1 CHICAGO . . . More than 25.000 beautiful American girls strived for the honors won by these three young ladies. Now the three are coming here to compete for the honor of being the ”Queen of Dental Charm.” They were picked by McClelland Barclay and committee of beauty experts. They are, (left to right) Miss Mary Elizabeth Bort of Dong Beach, Calif., Miss Georgie Berry of Richmond, Va., and Mias Mildred M. Smith of Wilbur, Wash. Average Pay Of Elementary School Teachers In State Is Less Than $600 s 1 . Raleigh — Elementary white school teachers in North Carolina received an average of $595.03 for their service* durinE4*he l?3 3-34 session and high school, teacherss and principals were paid an average of $742.76 each, Leroy Martin, secretary of the state school com mission, announced. The official figures apply to white teacherss. The state has dis charged every obligation to its public school instructors for the past season, ranking with few other states of the nation in this respect, Mr. Martin stated. Teachers represent the state’s largest payroll, being paid almost twice as much as all other em ployes. The total state allotment of funds for payment of teachers and principals was $,2,534,724.73 for the past session, while federal funds of $500,000 brought the total to $13,034,724.73. Mr. Martin said estimates show ed that the 9,618 persons paid with other state funds will receive $7, 640,000 this year. - The 12,532 white clcrneatary teachers and principals allottd the county and city school units by the state school commission receiv ed $7,457,027 for their services. Of this amount, $6,881,453.16 was paid from state funds and $337,580 came from federal funds. The average salary of the ele metary group for the eight-month term was $595.03 or $74.38 per month. The 3.939 white high school teachers and principals received $2,929,738.48, of which only 198, 542 came from federal funds. The average salary in the high school classification was $742.76, or $97.84 per month. The school commission will meet in Raleigh today to set the teachers load for next year and make teach er allotments to the various units. Fruit Stand Operator Kills Himself N. Boger, a native of Assyria, who operated a fruit; stand here, at the corner of Main and Fisher streets, shot himself in the fore head with a pistol here shortly be fore noon Saturday, and died before he could be taken to a hospital. Financial difficulties were assign ed as the cause of the act. He is survived by his widow, three stepchildren and a baby daughter about a week old. Funeral services were held Sun day aftrnoon from the Wright’s funeral parlors, and interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. ALL WHOLE "While a young mother was bathing her baby, a neighbor’s lit tle girl came in and watched the process. The child was holding a doll minus an arm and leg Aid much knocked about generally. "How long ha\»4 you) had a baby,” sha asked the mother. "Three months.” "My, but you’ve kejpt her nic