The Carolina Watchman d§p] FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 6, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 49. PRICE 2 CENTS. 1 ' .I —.1 ' ■■ ■ — ■■ _y. ' . - - - . ' - - Huge Crowd Attends Local Auto Races; Chick Young Wins Trophy Mr. Doughton Speaks At Grangers' Meet In Thomasville One hundred and severity-five persons died as the nation celebrat ed its 15 8th anniversary of Inde pendence July 4th. This death figure is considerably less than that of other recent years. Only one person was reported to have died from injuries received from fireworks. Automobiles and drownings took the heaviest tolls. More than 5,000 persons at tended the automobile races at the Rowan county fair grounds, the only major Fourth of July cele bration of this section, and saw Chick Young of Charlotte, win the Carolinas championship trophy ini a spectacular race with Ernie Larue, of Maryland. His time was 8 minutes 21 sec onds. The distance was seven and one-half miles, or 15 laps on the dirt track here. The race between the two driv ers was the most spectacular of the afternoon, they taking he lead in a- field of seven racers, and de* veloping the event into a personal battle. Toung came in about half a lap ahead of his rival. In other heats, Young won onie; Ernie Brown, of Greensboro, and Ernie LaRue,, were other winners Two drivers crashed the fence. G. H. Hill, of Greensboro, went through the railing, his car upset on him, and he received painful shoulder bruises, but he was re leased from a local hospital soon afterwards. Johnny White, of Greensboro, went into the fence also, but escaped injury. Hundreds of local residents took advantage of the national holiday and journeyed to the mountains and the sea. Local pools and resorts were well patronized, one popular lake and resort, being unable to keep a sup ply of clean towels on hand, and were forced to send out an SOS call to a local wholesale dealer for a supply of new towels. There were no general patriotic local celebrations. In) Thomas ville, at the Mills Home, several thousand Grangers from Davidson and adjoining counties assembled for speechmaking aryl a picnic dinner. Hon. R. L. Doughton, representative in Congress from this district, and chairman, of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives, was the keynote speaker of the occa sion. Time For Tagging Cotton Extended Raleigh—Charles H. Robertson, collector of internal revenue for the North Carolina district, has been advised by the internal revenue division in Washington that the time for tagging bales of cotton of the 193 3 crop, ginned before June 1. The result of the order, in de cision of the treasury department, is that cotton bales ginned prior to June 1, 1934, will not have to' be tagged after July 1, but the time for such tagging requirement has been extended to August 1. Cupid Busy In Rowan Forty-four marriage licenses were issued by the Rowan county register of deeds, W. D. Kizziah, during Junfe. Of this number, 35 were white and nine negro. Maxie Greets .Ma NEW YORK . , . Max Baer, new heavyweight champion of the world, greets his mother when she arrives from the West to help him, celebrate his victory over Primo Camera., Relief Grant In State Is Larger If the North Carolina Emer gency Relief Administration re ceives an additional grant of $100, 000 for material to complete eight airports, it# July grant of funds will exceed the June amount by more than $200,000. Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, state re lief administrator, was notified by Harry L. Hopkins, federal adminis trator, that the state’s grant for July would be $1,465,850, as com pared to approximately $1,300,000 for June. The airport fund would be added to this figure. E. Ray Keys, assistant to the chief engineer in the Relief Ad ministration offices in Washing ton, has conferred with Mrs. O’Berry on amounts that would be required to complete work on the eight airports. The unfinished ports are in Ral eigh, Rocky Mount, Lumberton, Tarboro, Salisbury, Winston-Salem and Wilmington. Ehringhaus Defends Term As Governor Burlington—Governor Ehfing haus defended his administration in a July Fourth speech here and declared North Carolina to be "in the front ranks of states in the union whose credit has been main tained through the national emer gency.” _ Tho governor spoke at an Am erican Legion celebration dedicat ing a "park playground to the child ren of Alamance county. Without mentioning the sales tax by name, he said that "we had to do things we disliked to do and were compelled to call for sacrifices to maintain the credit of North Carolina and its institu tions.” Expect 70 Per Cent Crop Cut Wheat growers of this county will harvest a 70 per cent crop this year with the grain showing only about a 75 per cent condition, re ports County Agent W. G. Yeag er. A heavy infestation of the Hessian fly and the cold weather this spring were the principal fac tors in reducing the yield SUBURBAN SILHOUETTE “I’m so terribly worried about my husband.” "You always were one to worry over nothing dear.” I GOOD MORNING WHY A WOMAN BUYS— . There is usually only one reason why a man buys, but with a wom an it might be any one of 10 (so they say) — 1. Because her husband says she can’t have it. 2. Because it will make her look thin. 3. Because it’s on sale. 4. Because it comes from Paris. 5. Because her neighbors can’t afford it. 6 Because she can’t afford it. 7. Because nobody has one. 8. Because everybody has one. 9. Because it’s different. 10. Because. SLOW POSTAL SERVICE A new post office was recently established in a hill town which had never boasted an office before. It was located in the genral store and the storekeeper was the postmaster. The new post office was liberally patronized, owing to its being such a novelty, and nearly in town wrote a number of letters, to friends in other places. It was not long before com plaints began to be sent in to the postal authorities saying that the mail service was a failure. Finally the Post Office Department sent an inspector around to make inquiries. He asked the postmaster: "What become of all the mail that was posted here? People say it has never got there.” "Of course not,” answered the postmaster as he pointed to a big mail sack in the corner. "I ain’t sent it nowheres yet because it ain’t anywheres near full yet.” — PERFECT MATCH Pa—"The man who marries my daughter will need a lot of money.” Him—"Then I’m just the man.” AND THEN! Basil—I am a special investiga tor. Basil—What are you investigat ing? Basil—The theory that kissing is dangerous. SAFETY FIRST Man at Door: "Madam will you buy some bedbug extermina tor?” Landlady: "I have no use for it.” Man: "Good! Then I’ll take the room you have to let.” WELL WORTH PATH "And just before they werie to start marching down the aisle, the lights went out.”, "Did they have the; wedding anyway?” "Oh, yes. They just walked down in the dark. That widow knows her way to the altar blind folded by now.” HARD TACK A little boy did errands for a woman, who, baking oatcakes, thought she would give him one as a treat. She spread one thickly with jam and gave it to him. A little while after, the boy returned. "Thanks for the jam, missus,” he said. "There’s your board back again.” William: "How did you break your leg?” "Bill: "I threw a cigarette in a manhole and stepped on it.” 1 LUCK GAVE OUT Wife-You needn’t be so hot- 1 sy-totsy. I wasn’t anxious to marry ydu. You know you asked me six times. Husband—Yes—and then my luck gave out. "I went down to the sea and it recognized me.” "How come?’* "Well, it waved at me.” msmmm Johnson Under Discussion Housing Act Moving Threatened Strikes Hurt The Debt Tax Load It is President Roosevelt’s hope and expectation that in the course >t the next six months—that is, be fore the new Congress meets in January—he will have got the whole cf the complic4rted machin ery of Government working in uni son to a single end, and will have found able men to replace several who are definitely on the way out because they have not made good in their jobs. » How he is going to do this without disturbing the morale of the Administration is his worry. And Mr. Roosevelt doesn’t worry much about anything. He comes pretty close to obeying the Biblical injunction about letting tomorrow take care of itself. However, a lot of other folks are doings con siderable worrying. Perhaps the biggest source of worry in the Administration is General Hugh Johnson. Person ally everybody likes General John son. In starting the Blue Eagle and the NRA off on a wave of popular enthusiasm he did a magni ficent job of propoganda. He is still the gtteat propagandist, but as an administrator, it is beginning to be realized in Administration cir cles as it has long been realized by the business men with whom he has had to deal, he is decidedly not a success. How to ease General Johnson out without stirring up too much trouble is one of the President’s chief difficulties. He must have the right man i“eady to slip into his place before he acts. Business in terests are beginning to talk of Clay Williams, head of the Rey nolds Tobacco Company, as the ideal man for the job. There has been no intimation from the White House as to who may be the next head of NRA, but a change is re garded as certain. Harry Hopkins head of the Emergency Relief, and not John Fahey, head of the Home Loan Board, will be made the adminis trator of the new Housing Act. A campaign of propaganda to "fix up the old house” is to be begun soon. The hope is to get activity in the building trades started off this year and a big building boom in 1935. What is still lacking is -confi dence on the part of private busi ness and industry. It is realized that something must be done to assure business that if it puts its money to work now there will be ■ no further radical legislation or ad ministrative actions to impair the stability of investments. No word has been forthcoming oh what the President will do under the powers granted too him under the Silver Act. Secretary Morgen thau declares that he will admin ister it "enthusiastically,” but that does not satisfy conservatives. There is a strong belief here, back ed up by statements from finan ciers who usually know what they are talking about, that the amend ments to the Securities Act now make it reasonably possible for the flotation of new stock and bond issues to provide working capital, which is badly needed, for many large industries. Business commence is not Deing helped any by the continuous threats of strikes in major indus tries. The American Federation of Labor has declared its intention to devote the summer to the com plete organization of the whole au tomobile industry, preparatory to making demands next Fall which it will back up by a general strike in the automobile factories if they are not granted. The outlook as seen by impartial observers here is for a slight falling off of business during the Sum mer, which does not look as prom ising as 1933. with increased gov ernment spending to take up the slack while business men and fin anciers are studying and analyzing the probable effects and benefits, or otherwise, of the things which have been undertaken by the Gov commitments. One of the things which will come in for a great deal of hard study will be the National Debt. It is now 27 billion dollars—twenty seven thousand millions. That is (Continued on Page Four) I I [ PR ESI DENT’S YACHT—The cruiser Houston, President Roose velt’s “yacht” on which he is cruis ing to Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands. The New York sky-line is in the background. .... • • ••■•••vvww*wrtKv>»y',.f CHAMPION HILL CLIMBER—“Windy" Llndstrom, nervy Los Angeles motor-j cycle rider, shown winning the feature' event of the national championship hill climb at Calabasas, when he surmounted, the stiff 78 per cent grade in 10 seconds flat, a new world’s record. ■■ NO JINX FOR HIM— Bill Darcy, veteran New York bartender, isn’t superstitious, but the thirteenth customer at his hotel bar every day gets a special treat. Here Mar jorie Barbour is getting some of Bill’s rare ~~ 16-year-old Old Grand ———* Dad bourbon, because she happened to be the lucky thirteenth. r ■, ■■■-.I .II ■ BLUE EAGLE BABY — The blue eagle of the NBA will never leave Rose Carmen, Pitt ston. Pa., baby of five montha. The eagle, with a wlngspread Of two inches, is a birthmark on *“*»r forehead. WINS FAIR TRIP—It doesn’t take a fortune teller to see travel ahead for Madeline Naujo kaftfs, for here R. C. Gilmer, Boston automo bile executive, Is awarding her the all-expense World’s Fair Trip offered by Fisher Body Coi* poration, at the recent Boston General Motors show. EPAULET PAJAMAS| —The newest in tounfl>1 ing attire, as modeled * by Dolores Del Rio,! colorful screen star, j They are of coral satin. 1817 Transients Aided By Local FERA Bureau NEWS BRIEFS FORD SIGNS CODE Henry Ford, noted automobile magnate, put an end to the uncer tainty of his compliance with cod<? regulations on Saturday by for warding his signed certificate of compliance to the NRA officials. This act will remove the Ford plant front any unfavorable restrictions in the award of government con tacts fo Ford products. FLIERS FORCED DOWN Benjamin and Joseph Adamo wicz, Brooklyn soda-pop manufac turers, were forced down Satur day in France by lack of fuel in their flight from New York to Warsaw, Poland, which began Fri day. Last year* the two Polish residents of New. York were de clared inexpert at flying and had to abandon plans for a tranS-At lantic flight then. NEAL HEADS BOARD With the early retirement of "lafence Darrow as chairman of the national recovery /review Doard, W. W. Neal of Marion! has :aken over the post and will con :inue the functions of the body, ivhich came into being after sen itorial critics had charged that in :he NRA, under the direction of general Johnson, the tendency vas in the direction of monopoly ind trusts. ON ARBITRATION BOARD Chief Justice Walter P. Stacy )f the Supreme Court of North Carolina has been! named by President Roosevelt to an impar :ial board of three to bring peace :o the steel industry through irbitratoin with labor leaders and :mployers. Other members are: leaf Admiral Hentfy E. Wiley, re :ired, and Judge James Mullen >ack, of Chicago. The board met For the first time Friday in Wash ngton. KILLED IN FIGHT Louis M. Gainey, 60, was killed on the streets of Goldsboro early Sunday morning when he was struck over the head with an auto mobile crank, allegedly wielded By L. B. Warren, who has been cleared of any charges in connection with the death. Gainey was a filling station Operator near Goldsbono, and it is mot known what led ts the tragedy. DILLINGER BACK AGAIN? John Dillinger is believed to have led the raiding party that stormed the Merchants Natomal Bank at South Bend. Ind., Saturday, getting $28,000 in money after slaying a policeman and wounding four offirers. HITLER KILLS OBJECTORS Hitler purges the Nazi by death to those who dare ta stand in his way as opposed to his policies. As rrtany as 18 have been executed within the past few days. Several suicides in addition bring the num ber to a larger portion, and "a few more” executions are to be announced soon, it is stated. Those who prefer the suicide route are gently reminded that they may exercise that option, and many prefer that course. HINDENBURG IS VERY ILL President Paul Von Hindenburg of Germany is reported as serious ly ill, and that a "major medical council” of leading physicianjs has been called at his summer home to deal with his conditiqn. Govern mental affairs in Germany seem somewhat muddy at this time, con necting with the president’s illness that his closest friend, Vice Chan cellor Von Papen, is practically under arrest in his own private residence, which he has been foil bidden to leave. A total of 1817 transients have registered and received relief here since the establishment of the Sal isbury Transient bureau February 12. 1934, according to V. B. Sharp, supervisor. This work is a part of the transient division activities of the FERA. The Salisbury Transient Center comprises one large three story building at 118 East Fisher Street for men ortly, one two story home at 119 North Long Street for women only, one colored shelter at 322 East Liberty Street for negro men only, a Recreation hall upstairs and across the street from the main building at 118 East Fisher and one 120 acre farm three-quarters of a mile beyond the city limits On the old Lincolnton road. The main buildimg is occupied as follows: One half of the first floor is devoted to all administra tive and case work activities, where the tranisient is first interviewed and the purpose of tsansiertt relief presented to him and his problems in turn considered The remaind er or me nrst rioor includes tne Infirmary and barber shop. All incoming men receive a thorough medical examination prior to ad mittance, and the infectious ones are isolated and treated. Oni the second floor is an im maculate kitchen, diniilg room, commissary, adequate to care for a thousand men. The food is wholesome and without exception the men gain weight rapidly. The third floor is given over to sleeping quarters, shower baths, and lavatory facilities. A sprink ler system guarantees security against fir*. The woman’s home, although very necessary, has not yet reached capacity. An effort is being made, through the matron in charge, to teach the inmates sew ing, personal cleanliness, and other worthwhile training. The negro shelter has been kept almost to capacity. Some twenty Continued on page eight

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