The Carolina Watchman ^5^ FOUNDED 1832—101ST YEAR ’ SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1934. VOL 101 NO. 51. PRICE 2 CENTS. NEWS BRIEFS TWIN CROONERS? Bing Crosby asd his wife, the former Dixie Lee, screen actress, became the parents of twin boys in Hollywood. While Bing, singer, actor and pretty fair amateur golfer, was passing out the cigars he was told that he and his wife had established some sort of "record” for screen couples. No other couple in the movies has twins. PLANS PROBE Determined to get to the bottom long-standing complaints of mon opoly in the aluminum industry, the department of justice plans to push its investigation of the Aluminum company of America with fresh vigor,, '"Attorney Genearl Homer Cummings has disclosed. The Aluminum company controlled by Former Secretary of Treasury And rew W. Mellon, his family and as sociates. for years has bees accused by independents of exercising mon opolistic, price-fixing control over suppplies of the metal. DROWNS SELF, BABIES Mrs. Robert Glenn Smith. 23, with her only two children. Peggy, three years old, and Ray, 14 months old, stepped into 12 feet of muddy water a few hundred yards above the Freeman mill dam, seven miles east of High Point and all three were drowned. The death of the mother ended two years’ suffering with pellagra, which her neighbors said had partially affected her mind. PRISON HEAD RESIGNS The killing of Helen Spence Eaton, escaped girl convict, by a trusty guard near Little Rock. Ark., which the prosecuting attorney has charged was* "murder.” has been followed by the resignation of Pri son Superintendent A. G. Stedman at the end of an inquiry into the whole affair. He said he resigned to. stop criticism of the penal system and the governor. RESTORES PENSIONS Some 25,000 of the nearly 30,000 i world war veterans cut off the pension rolls because they couldn’t prove they were disabled in service shortly will have compensation rest ored because the government cannot show they were not disabled in war service, according to Washington dispatches. Eighty or 90 per cent of these so-called "presumptive” cases, which have been a sore spot in veterans’ matters for some time, are being put back. Their com pensation was disallowed under the economy act. ELECTION PROBE The State board of elections will pay a special visit to Wilkesboro July 25 to continue its investiga tion or charges of irregular voting in Alexander and Wilkes counties in the June 30 primary. J. Hay den Burke, of Taylorsville, who was defeated by a narrow margin by J. A. Rousseau, of Wilkesboro, charg ed that Republicans voted. NEW NRA BOARD An industrial appeals board to protect small business from mon opolistic influences has been cre ated as part of the widespread re organization of the national re covery administration. TheKboard, which will take over some of the functions of the late Darrow board, consists of three members. Amos J. Peaslae, acting director of NRA compliance, is the chairman. John S. Clement, Philadelphia floor cov ering manufacturer, is the second member while the third has not yet been chosen. FRENCH BIRTHRATE DECLINES _France is disturbed over a de cline in births for 1933 when faced with as increase in death rate, nearly 40,000 fewer babies were bom in 1933 than in 1932. and advocates of large families are re doubling their efforts. DIES AT 107 YEARS Rhoda Tucker, negro woman who died at South Boston, Va., Sunday from the infinities of old age, was said to have been 107 years of age. She was able to see dis tinctly and read without glasses, and until a few days prior to her death did work is a small garden. She lived with her daughter, who is now 80 years of age. lln The WEEK’S NEWSI OIL KING AT 95—John O. Rocke feller celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday at his Lakewood. N. J., home July 8 very quietly because of his recent illness. He is shown In ^^iils latest photograph. WED AT 9 6 \ (FAHRENHEIT) j —Miss Henrietta i M. Pinneke, of : Guttehberg, Iowa, ! and Francis D. | Sauerbry, of Edge wood, Iowa, met ' last year at the l Havollne Ther- | mometer at A ; Century of Prog ress. Exactly a ! year later they were mar ried at the j same place, \ the ther mometer registering 96 degrees ft the time. IMPROVES HIGH | WAYS — Defender | of scenic charm along Quebec's i highways, the Hon. ! J. E. Perrault. Que : bee Minister of I Highways, has won | world • wide atten [ tion for leadership j in regulating bill i boards and preserv • ing beauty on motor ! roads. He has put ; Quebec’s highways i into finest shape for Cartier 400th anni versary fetes this Summer. irir- iiifiYiT—mem i GIANT PLANT —John Ntcolson, General Works Manager of Dis tillers Company, Limited. an nounces plans for erection at Linden, N. J„ of world’s largest gin distillery where famous British brands of gin, including Gordon's and Burnett’s, will be produced. HEY SKINNAYt It's splashing tint* In the pool |tt the base of the Civic Virtue statue, City Hall Park, New York City. And what’s more,on broil ing hot days the cops look the other way as the boys escape the sidewalk heat._ GOEBBELSGABBLES TO HITLER —German Chancellor Adolf Hitler listens intently as Or. Joseph Goeb bpls. Minister of Propaganda., aa 'plains the pubitS reaction to the re cent 'purging" of the Nazi party. General von -Biumberg (center! uvatchee the proceedings., BETTER. THANKS— Ida Lupino. screen ac tress- with beautiful eyes, recovering after light attack ef State Offers Chances For Rural Power Lines - i— ■ ■ Finds State Is Most Suitable Preliminary Survey Con ducted and Possibili ties Discovered. North Carolina now has greater possibilities for rural electrifica tion than any other state, accord ing to national authorities who have been studying the situation here. The demand for current for rural electric lines can be supplied with power tapped from the 49 munici pally-owned plants at low cost or generated in hydro-electric plants on the numerous streams in the Piedmont area, said George W. Kable, national director of rural electrification. Mr. Kable recently conducted a preliminary survey of the state which showed that an extension of rural transmission lines from the municipal systems could furnish current to thousands of farms in the near future. 1 he mumcipally-owned plants are located n cities scattered over the state and each could serve a large numbtr of farms in its gen eral vicinity. The development of the vast po tentialities for hydro-electric pow er would of necessity be slower, Mr. Kable said, since this would in volve the construction of dams and power plants as well as the string ing of transmission lines. WINSTON PHYSICIAN INJURED Dr. Thomas Benbow, widely known Winston-Salem physician, was seriously injured Sunday when his automobile ran over an embank ment near Brevard. He was at tempting to avert a collision at the time the accident occurred, it is stated. i j Sold Her Fortune ST. LOUIS ... . ^dtss Huraldine Shores, 19, (rf>ove), sales girl, held a $1 ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes which proved to be worth $100,000. . . . Failing to realize its value on race day she sold it to a stranger who offered her $750. Now she wonders if the stranger will return to share tb* winnings. Jewelers Honor Norman. Ingle At the annual convention of the North Carolina Jewelers’ Associa tion in session at Durham this week, Frank Selig of Elizabeth City was elected president, and Norman Ingle, popular young jeweler of this city was named one of three dis trict vice presidents. The associa tion also went on record as endors ing the Roosevelt administration. i - Warden Says Get Permits For Seining Assistant State Game and Fish Warden, W. C. Lisk advises all that wish to seine to get permits from him or at the Sheriff’s office. No seining is allowed in the back wa ters. as the waters have been treated for mosquitoes. The power com panies having treated the waters, and the public is asked to cooperate with them by refraining from sein ing in these waters. Judge Defends Modern Wives Husband’s Can’t Expect Mates To Go Into Hiding _ Newton—Social customs should be considered in passing upon legal decisions, and changes in these cus toms should be noted by the law, according to Judge W. F. Harding, Charlotte jurist, holding the July term of superior court in Catawba county. "Changed social. conditions should be noted by judges in mak ing their decisions,” he said in pass lig upon an alimony case here today> 'and what was considered wrong 50 years ago, what would have shocked our parents, no longer shocks us.” Continuing: "If a young man 50 years ago went to a dance' and got drunk, he was escorted from the floor. For a woman to have gotten drunk at a dance would mean she would have been socially ostracized. Whether right or wrong, that is no longer truth. The facts are that today both men and women get drunk at dances, and it is considered all right. "The same thing seems to be true in regard to cigarettes. A young woman who smoked years ago had no social standing, whereas today it is perfectly proper for young (Continued on page eight) Fire Damages Lowery Hospital Damage of approximately $4,000 to building and contents was done by fire at the Lowery hospital here Saturday morning. The flames or iginated between the ceiling and the roof on the second floor from defective wiring, firemen report, and considerable damage was done to the roof and supporting timbers. Patients were moved out and no ‘njuries resulted with the ex ception of a burned hand sustained by Fireman C. R. Adams when a portion of the roof fell in. Parkway Will Get $2,000,000 ^—— I ..H. — . H % 1 GOOD MORNING PARTNERS Scuttle, scuttle, little roach. How you run when I approach Up above the cupboard shelf Hastening to obscure yourself! Most adventurous of all vermin, How I wish I could determine How you spend your hours of ease; Perhaps reclining on the cheese? Or in abandonment most utter. Shake a shimmy on the butter? Do you chant your simple tunes Swimming in a bowl of prunes? Does your long antenna whisk its Gentle tip across the biscuits. Little friend, why be so shy? We are brothers, thou and I— In the midnight, like yourself, I explore the pantry shelf. EXCUSE IT PLEASE A man who believed he knew all about parrots undertook to teach what he thought to be a. young mute bird to say "Hello!” in one lesson. Going up to the cage he repeated that word in a clear voice for several minutes, the parrot pay ing not the slightest attention. At the final "Hello” the bird opened one eye, gazed at the man, and snapped out, "Line’s busy!’’ BOTH ENDS AGAINST THE MIDDLE Two men who had been bachelor cronies met for the first time in five years. "Tell me. Tom,” said one, "did you marry that girl, or do you still I darn your own socks and do your j cooking?” "Yes,” was Tom’s reply. mtflARGED Mrs. Jones—Yes, my new gir formerly worked for Mrs. De Style She says she left there of her owr accord, but I think she was dis charged. Mrs. Williams—What makes you think so? Mrs. Jones—-I judge so from cer tan things she’s let fall since she’s been with me. Mrs. Williams—What were they? MARTIAL RELATIONS Judge: "Now tell us about your martial relations. Were they pleas ant?” Prisoner: ' "Pleasant enough, but they all wanted to come and live on me, Judge.” Mr. Slack—I want you to under stand that I have my own train of thought. Mrs. Slack—Yes I know; a very slow train with an awful poor con ductor, John. She—"Anybody would thnk that I was nothing but a cook in this household.” He—"Not after eating a meal here!” WHAT THEY MISS "The sun never sets on the Brit ish Empire,” said the Englishman proudly. "How unfortunate!” remarked the American girl. "At home we have such lovely sunsets.” NO ADVICE NEEDED Ikey Cohen became wealthy in New York. Having arrived at the place where money was second ary to the satisfaction of parading his ability to purchase anything his fancy dictated, he adopted the policy of buying only the best. At length he became involved in a which required the at tention of an attorney. Through enquiry, he determined New York’s leading attorney and consulted him. The question was trival but the at torney, rendering a written opinion, also submitted a bill for $400. Cohen gasped. But he paid it. The next day, he met the attor ney on the street. Cohen bowed low and greeted him warmly. "Good morning, sir, good morn ing. Lovely day, ain’t it?” And then, suddenly recollecting the pain which followed a former question he had propounded to the same attorney, Cohen said: "But remember I’m tellin’ you, I ain’t asking you.” / / .her Fund; ooes For Read Allocation For Park-to Park Highway Increas ed to $6,000,000. The Public Works administration has made available an additipnal $2,000,000 for the scenic highway to connect the Shenandoah Na tional park in Virginia and the Great Smoky Mountains National park in North Carolina and Ten nessee. The allocation brought to $6, 000,000 the total that has been set aside for the parkway, which will extend 350 miles and cost more than $16,000,000. Although no definite route has ben agreed upon, the road will fol low in general the southern Appa lachian mountain range. It is ex pected both North Carolina and Tennessee will be given entrances to the Great Smoky park. In announcing the additional al lotment, public works officials said the parkway will make easily ac cessible to motorists the Great Smoky park, which contains; some of the most beautiful scenery in eastern America. Original plans called for the road to connect with the skylina drive in the Shenan doah National park. The states of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee have agrieed to co-operate in the con structon of the Parkway by pro viding a 200-foot right-of-way, except where it lies within nation al park areas. Young Democrats To Meet Monday A meeting of the Young Demo crats of Rowan county has been called for Monday night, by John C. Kesler, president. The purpose of the meeting is to elect delegates to the state convention which con venes in Asheville on July 27 and 28. Representatives from all pre cincts are urged to attend this meeting which will be held in the court house, beginning at 8 o’clock. Shannon To Become Spencer Postmaster W. H. Shannon has received from Washington his commission as post master at Spencer, which came from Postmaster General James A. Farley. The appointment is for four years, and is dated from June 13, and was signed by the President before leaving Washington several weeks ago. Mr. Shannon expects to take charge of the Spencer office oh next Monday. \ SAYINGS OF SOLOMON Little James—Papa, was Solo mon the man who had 700 wives? Papa—I believe he was, my son. James—Was he the man who said. "Give me liberty or give me death”? WANTED Correspondents \ _ The Watchman desires ta secure a number of good live wire correspondents in all sec tions of Rowan County, especi ally on each of the R. F. D. routes out of Salisbury, and at the following towns in this im mediate section: China Grove, Landis, Rockwell, Elmwood, Gold Hill, Mt. Ulla, Bear Pop lar, Yadkin, Woodleaf, Franklin. •An attractive offer will be made to those who will send in the news of their respective neigh borhoods weekly. Supplies are furnished by us. A personal interview is desired. Call at The Watchman office, 119 East Fisher Street. WASHINGTON i How Work Drive Started Air-Conditioning : Essential The City Beautiful S When the Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, called his staff of 4,000 employees together the other day and warned them against "soldiering” on the job, it sent a cold chill down the backs of nearly half a million Federal job holders, even though the thermome ter in this hot and humid city stood at 100 degrees in the shade. The idea that the department staffs are expected to do any real work in the Summer is shocking, even to the seasoned civil servants. To the re cent political appointees, who got on the Federal payrolls because they were efficient workers in the cam paign of 1932, it is almost paralyz ing. What sort of a reward is it, anyway, to have to do some work as well as drawing a salary? The idea is gaining strength here that Mr. Ickes is about efficient an administrator within the sphere of his department’s activities, as has been seen in Washington for some time. He intends to get things done if everybody in his department has to sweat to get ’em done. What started him off his disciplinary pro gram war an incident that occured when he went into the office of a minor bureau assistant and saw the occupant of it with his feet on his desk, reading a newspaper and smoking a cigarette. The young man didn’c know Mr. Ickes by sight, so when the Secre tary of the Interior asked, mildly: "Is this the way you usually re ceive visitors?” the nonchalant re ply was: "What’s that to you?” Then tKe Secretary identified himself, and one young man in the Federal Service has been shaking in his boots ever since. That incident started Mr, Ickes on a quiet tour of inspection of the Interior Department. He found,, as he told his assembled staff, many men and women in the cafeteria, after the time they were supposed to be at their desks, eating their breakfasts on Government time. He found many others spending more time in the rest-rooms than in their offices. Some of the feminine em ployees had got the feet-on-the-desk habit. Those things, he told them, must stop. The heads of depart ments and bureau chiefs are work ing overtime, days, night and Sun days, in all of the Federal offces, and least in a full day’s work. The hours are not onerous, seven hours a day for five days a week, and he didn’t see any reason why they couldn’t stand that amount of work. Mr. Ickes, however., reckoned without the Washington climate. Every' new administrator who comes to Washington, especially from the North, always tries to speed up the Federal machinery. Hundred of earnest men have tried it ever since the National capital was established in this swamp on the banks of the Potomac. All that any of them have ever succeeded in doing was to wear themselves out and finally succumb to the climate. Some of the new Federal build ings are air-conditioned, equipped with modern mechanism to keep the temperature and humidity at a com fortable degree all the year around. But none of the old ones and not all of the new ones have yet set up this modern method of enabling people to work in comfort. Both houses of Congress have air-conditiolnlng systems, and so has the President’s private office. Mr. Hoover had that done when the structure was re built, after the fire that destroyed it in 1930. Now President Roosevelt is hav ing his offices enlarged, and the whole wing of the White House will be air-conditioned. Some parts of the new Commerce building, the offices occupied by the Secretary and some of the higher officials, are also so equipped, but Congress has never been willing to appropriate money to extend the system to en tire buildings. Under the present Governmental system, whereby the President is handed a few billions to spend about as he pleases, it is expected that a fair slice of the Public Works Ad ministration funds, which Secretary Ickes manages, will go toward re moving the last excuse of Govern ment clerks for loafing on the job. Continued on page eight