16 PAGES 2 SECTIONS—SECTION ONE The Carolina Watchman |s? ' ' —— ■' f . . ■■■■ ■. ■ I.' !■■■-■ ■■ » ■ ——.— I ■ ■ , ■ — ■ .. ' ' " ■■■ ■ , .. FOUNDED 1832—103RD YEAR SALISBURY, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1934 VOL. 103 NO. 3 PRICE 5 CENTS I WASHINGTON Along Old I. W. W. Lines Labor And Its Vote The Tree-Belt Plan The big worry in Washington while the President was away is the labor situation. The abortive at tempt at a general strike on the Pacific waterfront, the shootings iia the labor war in Minneapolis, the dozens, nearly a hundred, of smaller strikes in other parts of the coun try, are being interpreted here as warnings of more serious labor troubles as soon as the weather gets too cool tq go fishing in comfort. What the Administration is afraid of is that the labor situation will get out of the control of the more intelligent and conservative labor leaders, of it has not already got away from them. With all the grumbling among employers about che American Federation of Labor and its "craft” unions, there are few who do not prefer that method of labor organization to what is often called the "communistic’’ type of organization, in which all of the workers in any given in dustry, regardless of what organ ized in "one big union.” That type of union was the prin ciple of the old Industrial Workers of the World, which was beginning to stir up a lot of labor trouble in the West just before the world war. The war put a quietus on the activities of the I. W. W., but in the threat of a general strike there is seen a revival of that idea of a "vertical” union, and it is frankly nc&t to the liking of the men who are trying to keep the government machine running smoothly. iNor do they like the attitude of the American: Federation of Labor, in leaning toward the vertical union idea, as in its efforts to unionize the automobile industry. There is a lot of discontent among the leaders of organized labor, too, over what they regard ■as betrayal by the Administration. The Federation accepted "clause 7 a" of the National Industrial Re covery Act as giving it a free license to go into any shop or factory and organize the workers into a union under Federation j auspices. They have found that is not the case, and some of them are pretty sore. There is talk about the need of putting restraints upon unreason able labor groups and their de mands, but Government officials hestitate to take any step which might alienate the labor vote. That is a much larger group, na turally, than the employers, and every worker’s vote counts for just as much as that of his boss. But there is a good deal of fear, in spired by floods of letters and per sonal protests that are beginning to reach the ears of those high in Administration circles, that the public will began to regard labor disorders as one of the direct fruits of the New Deal, and one not at all to the public’s liking. I here are revisions- oi tne in iv/v in process of formulation, and it is regarded as certain that there will be much simplification of codes, less one-man arbitrary power to "crack down” on industries which do not give up readily, and the abandonment of hundreds of the minor "service’’ codes like the one under which a New Jersey pants-presser was sent to prison be cause he pressed a suit for only 3 5 cents where the code called for a 40-cent price! The effort of the Government toi reach into every human activity, in short, is grad ually being abandoned. There isn’t enough money to hire the necessary system of close espionage. At the same time, gigantic plans, not yet fully disclosed, are being worked out for submission to the next Congress. They include every thing that can be thought of in the control and development of na tional resources on a scale as wide as the nation itself. Just what is to be done with every acre of land and every drop of water is included in the plan, Part of it is a revision of the underlying scheme of the Agricultural Adjustment Act. Instead of making crop reduc tion its main purpose, the A.A.A. Is wurking - toward • crop adjust ment, trying to find some formula whc-eby ’he majority of the far mers, who receive less than $1,000 a year from the sale of their pro (Continued on page four.) 53 Cents Levy Fourth Lowest In The State Salary Increases Voted To Several County Offiqials COMPLETE BUDGET Rowan county’s tax rate for 1934-3 5 was left unchanged at 5 3 cents per $100 valuation at a final meeting of the board of commis sioners Tuesday night when the new budget was completed. The estimated valuation is $59,000,000. Preliminary figures in the bud get show about $325,000 to be raised by ad valorem taxes, with the exception of $39,000 from mis cellaneous revenue. The sheriff, clerk of the superior court, register of deeds, county auditor, county health officer re ceived salary increases of $100 each per year while the county judge’s salary was boosted $120 and that of the county prosecutor $90 per year. The sheriff, caunty auditor and health officer will receive $3, 800 per annum each, with others graduated downward. Rowan’s tax rate is the fourth lowest in the state. - - County officials are being highly commended for their exeellent, management of the county’s busi ness. GOOD MORNING iri ■ » *1 .1-1 f - I rn%^ SUMMER ODE When the sun goes north in the summer time And the wind blows soft from the west; When the long, long days return again, You will find—you will find it best Not tc worry nor to strug gle any longer, But be guided by a friend’s behest; Wear suspenders if your form de mands it— But for heaven’s sake, don’t wear a vest. CLOSE OBSERVER f Hiram: "I think Peggy will make an ideal wife. Every time I go to her home I find her darning her father’s socks.” Henry: "That caught me too— ■ until I noticed it was always the Jsame sock.” suspicious Mrs. Gadder: "I should have loved to go to Florida last winter and I woluld have gone except for one thing.” Mrs. Wigwag: "Your husband didn’t want you to, I suppose?’’ Mrs. Gadder: "That’s just the trouble. He was so anxious for me to go that I was suspicious.” TO KEEP IT GOING A dark minister noticed one Sunday that Brother Mose Harrison was rocking back and forth in his pew while the sermon was going on, instead of resting quiet as usual. After the service was over the minister asked Mose if he was sick. "No, I ain’t sick,” exclaim led Mose, "but dat good-fer-nuthin’ Jim Botts sold me a watch for a half dollar an’ unlessen I rocks back an’ forth dataway dat watch stops.” EXTREME Joan: "I am going to do my bit, dad, I’m getting a dressmaker to teach me how to cut out dresses.” Dad: "I don’t want you to go so far as that. But I think you might cut out cigarettes and $10 hats. Labor Pledges Support Should He Enter Race R. R. Lawrence Is Re Elected President By State Federation TEETER HONORED Congressman R. L. Doughton of Laurel Springs, chairman of tffe house ways and means committee, was "indorsed” fc 'the governor ship of North CaivJna in a sur prise move at the convention of the North Carolina State Federation of Labor in Asheville this week. Mr. Doughton had just conclud ed an address praising the New Deal and demanding more equit able taxation, when R. R. Law rence of Winston-Salem, federa tion president, suddenly demanded of the 250 delegates and visitors: "Everybody that’s in favor of Mr. Doughton for the next governor of North Carolina stand up.” 1 he ovation was great, practi cally everybody in the room stood, "I feel highly complimented,” Mr. Doughton told reporters later, "but after 22 years in congress I’m not going to say anything about ■wrapping jobs. I’ve got to get re flected this fall.” North Carolina’s union labor forces re-elected R. R. Lawrence, Winston-Salem printer, president of the State Federation. Tuesday they head an, address by Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus. W. B. Plemmons of Asheville was re-elected first vice president and E. L. Sanders, Winston-Salem, secretary-treasurer. A. J. Dumas, Charlotte, was named sergeant-at-arms, and R. W. Teeter, Salisbury, chaplain. Six vice presidents comprising the exe cutive board named after a spirited election race: Claude L. Albea, Charlotte printer; W. E. Shuping, Greensboro machinist; C. Taylor, Durham plumber; C. A. Fink of Spencer; Paul Christopher of Shel by, president of the State Textile council, and C. E. Marion, High Point hosiery worker. Local Mills Get C. C. C Orders Expansion of the Civilian Con servation corps by 50,000 men in drought areas has brought addition al business to North Carolina tex tile plants. ine emergency conservation work department has announced that three North Carolina mills have been awarded contracts for equipment made necessary by the expansion. The Cannon Mills company of Kannapolis, was awarded contracts to supply 5 0,000 huck towels for delivery at Chicago, and 31,250 Turkish towels for delivery at Chicago and 11,875 for delivery at S^p Francisco. The Cannon company’s price on huck towels was .1174 a unit, while for Turkish towels the con cern bid .2824 for the Chicago shipment and 3.098 to deliver them at San Francisco. Through S. B. Marks company of New York, the North Carolina Finishing mills at Yadkin, N. C., obtained a contract for bleaching and sewing 10,000 bleached cotton sheets for delivery at Fort Sam Houston., Texas,, at a rate of .768 cents. ALWAYS IN GEAR My wife is very irritable; the least thing sets her off.’" "You’re lucky at that, mine’s a self-starter.” ! - Heads Department i-- -- ■ . PROF. H. A. FISHER. Native Of Rowan Heads Math. Dept At State College Prof. Hilbert A. Fisher of North Carolina State college has been I named head of the mathematics de partment at that instituton to succeed Col. John W. Harrelson, J now administrative dean of the college. Prof. Fisher is a native of Faith, this county, and is 'a graduate of Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute, the United States Naval Academy, 1 and the submarine school. He is a member of the college athletic council. He resigned as commander iof a submarine in 1923 to become I a member of the college faculty. Victor Yost Heads Legion Victor H. Yost was chosen com mander of the Samuel C. Hart post of the American Legion for the coming year at the annual election of officers Tuesday night. He suc ceeds C. V. Roberts, who was named a member of the executive committee for a three-year term. Other officers elected are: D. C. Dungan and R. N. Wingate, vice commanders; J. Lawrence Haynes, adjutant; F. P. Buck, finance of fier; Fred iH. Young, service offi cer; O. C. Bain, chaplain; Ed Allen, sergeant-at-arms with Gaith er Weaver, assistant; W. H. Hard in, historian. Delegates to the state convention at Greensboro are Victor Yost, J. Lawrence Haynes, S. H. Plexico, D. C. Dungan, Charles L. Coggin; alternates, C. V. Roberts, R. N. Wingate, Frank P. Buck, Donald Clement and W. H. Hardin. The new officers will be install ed in October. KNOWLEDGE Stranger: "Farm products cost more than they did awhile back. Flow do you explain it?” Farmer: "Well, when a farmer is supposed to know the botanical name of what he’s raising and the entomological name of the bugs that eat it and the chemical name of the stuff that will kill the bugs —somebody’s got to pay for all this knowledge, ain’t they?” BOUQUETS TO THE LIVING i Smith: "Why, old man, I . thought you were dead.” Jones: "What lead you to think I had passed away?” Smith: "I overheard some people 1 on _ i .. MAYBE IT WAS WIMPY Landlady: "What portion of the ■chicken would you like?” i "Oh, half of it will do, thank ] you.” Two Youths Held |For Reeves Murder - Roland Earle Allen> 21, is in the Rowan county jail, and Lowell Mas sie is in the hospital at Lynchburg, Va., charged with the murder of Will Reeves, a prosperous farmer of Rowan county, on August 9. Allen and Massie were shot down by Lynchburg officers as they fled a besieged cabin on Piney Creek. Massie was seriously injured. Allen’s injuries are not considered very serious. He was brought here Wed nesday night by Sheriff Krider and Deputy Sheriff Graham. Each ac cused the other of the actual slay ing. Both admitted participating in the crime. Allen and Massie have been sought by officers of this county since the night of August 9, follow ing the killing of Will Reeves, prosperous farmer of Morgan township. Two men who said they were convict guards went to the Reeves home and said they were seeking escaped prisoners. They asked to be allowed to search the house, and covered the first floor. A slight argument ensued, the two men went out the front door, and a few mo ments later, Reeves was killed by a pistol bullet, while he was standing inside the front door. The men fled. The next day officers arrested Elmer Waggoner, of this county, as a material witness, it having been learned that a car answering the description of one owned by him had been seen near the Reeves home the night of the slaying. He said two men, Roland Earl Allen, a brother-in-law^ and another known as "Jack” Massey had taken his car the afternoon before, returned about midnight and left im medately. A widespread search had been conducted for the men since that time. Robbery was believed the motive of the crime, as Reeves was reputed to keep large sums of cash in an iron safe in his home. NEWS BRIEFS ALUMINUM STRIKE The American Federation of La bor is battling the huge aluminum trust dominated by Andrew W. Mellon and his family in what ap pears to be a finish fight. With al most no disorder, the council of aluminum workers has brought to an abrupt standstill all activity at the Aluminum Company of Amer ica’s four largest plants, employ ing 8,500 men. KENTUCKY CLOUDBURST The muddy tide of a cloudburst swept away all the worldly posses sions of hundreds of people, took two lives, and laid waste the fer tile lowlands of two counties near Ashland, Ky., Friday. It was the most devastating flood ever record ed in that section of eastern Ken tucky. Property damage will be counted in hundred of thousands of dollars. GUILFORD COLLEGE PRESIDENT Dr. Clyde A. Miller was for mally installed as president of Guilford college Sunday morning at the annual education session of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends. STATE GETS HUGE SUM Through the Public Works Ad ministration North Carolina has received $9,5 59,900 for non tederal projects. Additional mil lions of dollars have gone into the state in the form of allotments. to the federal government and its de partments. BETTER TIMES AHEAD After his return from a six weeks inspection tour, President Roosevelt was told by Jesse Jones, chairman of the RFC, that "things look pretty good.” The President gave the go-ahead signal to the housing and stock exchange con trol commissions, two of the gov ernment’s newest agencies. TILLEY FAMILY GOES FREE The five members of the Tilley family on trial for the murder of their foster child and sister, Leoda Childress, were found not guilty by a directed verdict from Judge John M. Oglesby on Saturday, Au gust 11th. Luther Tilley who was being held on another murder charge growing out of the alleged killing of Andrew Elledge in 1927 was also acquitted on Monday. N>G. MEN ON COTTON BOARD Two high appointments in the textile industry went to( North Carolinians when Recovery Admin istrator Johnson named Arthur M. Dixon, Gastonia textile manufac turer, and C. M. Fox, of Shelby, to fill vacancies on the Cotton Textile National Industrial Rela tions board. .. FOOD PRICES MAY RISE The food situation next year in view of the droughty is perplex ing government agriculture officials as they admitted that the unparall eled ravages of the sun in the Mid west brought an unexpected situa tion to their attention. Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace predicted that food prices next year would "rise” materially in view of the widespread effect of the- drought on production of principal grain crops. Wallace, however, asserted that in 1935 "there will be plenty of food- to keep everyone in the best of health.” He added, however, that the main problem was that of distribution and that despite pro duction decreases from natural causes control over acreage must be continued. i Rockwell Officials Salisbury Visitors Messrs. R. L. Hblshouser, mayor, and J. L. Stickleather, chief of police, of the hustling little Rowan county town of Rockwell, were business visitors in the city Thurs day, and were pleasant callers at The Watchman office. New Furniture Store Has Formal Opening The Sparks-Lampert Furniture company held their formal opening on Wednesday. Hundreds of peo ple visited this new and attractive store. The owners and operators of this store are all well-known and popular citizens of this city. LONG FELT WANT He: "Have you decided what we’ll give your old aunt for her 91st birthday?” She: "No. But, now I come to think of it, the poor old maid has had very little pleasure all her life. You might just write her an anony mous love letter.” Junior Golf Champ 8UNSET RIDGE, 111_Shirley Ann Johnson (above), is the new , junior U. 8: Women’s Western golf champion for 1934. She defeated Hilda Livergood in a desperately fought final round. | Perfect Pistol Score | ALBANY, N. Y. . . . Extensive checking up discloses that a world’s pistol record was established when S’gt., A. M. Stanwix (above), Of Troop G., N. Y. State Troopers scored 45 bullseyes in 45 shots on the U. S. Army range, using a 38 calibre. To Defend Net Title k NEW YORK . . . Helen Jacobs (above), U. S. Women’s Tennis Champion, though defeated in’ the English championship, is home to defend her national title at Forest Hills, N. Y. late this month. .Dimeless Candidate JWELCH, W. Va. . . . "I haven’t ' 'got a dime 'and will hitch-hike and 1 thumb my way through the district t but I'm out to get that nomina- s then," eays G: A. Bryant (above), £ 'newspaper man and peanut vender, - candidate i for - Congress opposing : John Eos., j ” WHAT SAY? s She (as they motored to the big city church): Aren’t these chimes melodiously beautiful? Such harm ony. So inspiring! They thrill me!” c He: "You’ll have to speak louder, t ITiose confounded bells are making iuch a racket, I can’t hear a word f you say ” c